/unifi_sh_api * * @package UniFi_Controller_API_Client_Class * @author Art of WiFi * @version Release: 1.1.90 * @license This class is subject to the MIT license that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.md * @example This directory in the package repository contains a collection of examples: * https://github.com/Art-of-WiFi/UniFi-API-client/tree/master/examples */ class Client { /** * protected properties * * NOTE: do **not** modify the values below, instead use the constructor or the getter and setter functions/methods */ const CLASS_VERSION = '1.1.90'; protected string $baseurl = ''; protected string $user = ''; protected string $password = ''; protected string $site = 'default'; protected string $version = '8.0.28'; protected bool $debug = false; protected bool $is_logged_in = false; protected bool $is_unifi_os = false; protected int $exec_retries = 0; protected string $cookies = ''; protected $last_results_raw = null; protected string $last_error_message = ''; protected bool $curl_ssl_verify_peer = false; protected int $curl_ssl_verify_host = 0; protected int $curl_http_version = CURL_HTTP_VERSION_NONE; protected string $curl_method = 'GET'; protected array $curl_methods_allowed = ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH']; protected int $curl_request_timeout = 30; protected int $curl_connect_timeout = 10; protected string $unificookie_name = 'unificookie'; protected array $curl_headers = [ 'accept: application/json', 'content-type: application/json', 'Expect:', ]; /** * Construct an instance of the UniFi API client class * * @param string $user username to use when connecting to the UniFi controller * @param string $password password to use when connecting to the UniFi controller * @param string $baseurl optional, base URL of the UniFi controller which *must* include an 'https://' prefix, * a port suffix (e.g. :8443) is required for non-UniFi OS controllers, * do not add trailing slashes, default value is '' * @param string|null $site optional, short site name to access, defaults to 'default' * @param string|null $version optional, the version number of the controller * @param bool $ssl_verify optional, whether to validate the controller's SSL certificate or not, a value of true * is recommended for production environments to prevent potential MitM attacks, default * value (false) disables validation of the controller's SSL certificate * @param string $unificookie_name optional, name of the cookie to use, default value is 'unificookie'. * This is only needed when you have multiple apps using the API on the same web * server. */ public function __construct( string $user, string $password, string $baseurl = '', string $site = null, string $version = null, bool $ssl_verify = false, string $unificookie_name = 'unificookie' ) { if (!extension_loaded('curl')) { trigger_error('The PHP curl extension is not loaded. Please correct this before proceeding!'); } $this->unificookie_name = trim($unificookie_name); $this->user = trim($user); $this->password = trim($password); if (!empty($baseurl)) { $this->check_base_url($baseurl); $this->baseurl = trim($baseurl); } if (!empty($site)) { $this->check_site($site); $this->site = trim($site); } if (!empty($version)) { $this->version = trim($version); } if ($ssl_verify === true) { $this->curl_ssl_verify_peer = true; $this->curl_ssl_verify_host = 2; } } /** * This method is called as soon as there are no other references to the class instance * https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.decon.php * * NOTE: to force the class instance to log out when you're done, simply call logout() */ public function __destruct() { /** * if $_SESSION[$this->unificookie_name] is set, do not log out here */ if (isset($_SESSION[$this->unificookie_name])) { return; } /** * log out, if needed */ if ($this->is_logged_in) { $this->logout(); } } /** * Login to the UniFi controller * * @return bool|int returns true upon success, false or the HTTP response code (typically 400, 401, or 403) upon * error * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status#client_error_responses */ public function login() { /** * skip the login process if already logged in */ if ($this->update_unificookie()) { $this->is_logged_in = true; } if ($this->is_logged_in === true) { return true; } /** * prepare cURL and options to check whether this is a "regular" controller or one based on UniFi OS */ $ch = $this->get_curl_handle(); $curl_options = [ CURLOPT_URL => $this->baseurl . '/', ]; curl_setopt_array($ch, $curl_options); /** * execute the cURL request and get the HTTP response code */ curl_exec($ch); $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if (curl_errno($ch)) { trigger_error('cURL error: ' . curl_error($ch)); } /** * prepare the actual login */ $curl_options = [ CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode(['username' => $this->user, 'password' => $this->password]), CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $this->curl_headers, CURLOPT_REFERER => $this->baseurl . '/login', CURLOPT_URL => $this->baseurl . '/api/login', ]; /** * specific to UniFi OS-based controllers */ if ($http_code === 200) { $this->is_unifi_os = true; $curl_options[CURLOPT_URL] = $this->baseurl . '/api/auth/login'; } curl_setopt_array($ch, $curl_options); /** * execute the cURL request and get the HTTP response code */ $response = curl_exec($ch); $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); if (curl_errno($ch)) { trigger_error('cURL error: ' . curl_error($ch)); } if ($this->debug) { print PHP_EOL . '
            print PHP_EOL . '-----------LOGIN-------------' . PHP_EOL;
            print PHP_EOL . '----------RESPONSE-----------' . PHP_EOL;
            print $response;
            print PHP_EOL . '-----------------------------' . PHP_EOL;
            print '
' . PHP_EOL; } /** * based on the HTTP response code trigger an error */ if ($http_code >= 400) { trigger_error("HTTP response status received: $http_code. Probably a controller login failure"); return $http_code; } curl_close($ch); /** * check the HTTP response code */ if ($http_code >= 200) { $this->is_logged_in = true; return $this->is_logged_in; } return false; } /** * Logout from the UniFi controller * * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function logout(): bool { /** * prepare cURL and options */ $ch = $this->get_curl_handle(); $curl_options = [ CURLOPT_HEADER => true, CURLOPT_POST => true, ]; $logout_path = '/logout'; if ($this->is_unifi_os) { $logout_path = '/api/auth/logout'; $curl_options[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = 'POST'; $this->create_x_csrf_token_header(); } $curl_options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = $this->curl_headers; $curl_options[CURLOPT_URL] = $this->baseurl . $logout_path; curl_setopt_array($ch, $curl_options); /** * execute the cURL request to logout */ curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { trigger_error('cURL error: ' . curl_error($ch)); return false; } curl_close($ch); $this->is_logged_in = false; $this->cookies = ''; return true; } /**************************************************************** * Functions to access UniFi controller API routes from here: ****************************************************************/ /** * Authorize a client device * * @param string $mac client MAC address * @param int $minutes minutes (from now) until authorization expires * @param int|null $up optional, upload speed limit in kbps * @param int|null $down optional, download speed limit in kbps * @param int|null $megabytes optional, data transfer limit in MB * @param string|null $ap_mac optional, AP MAC address to which client is connected, should result in faster * authorization * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function authorize_guest(string $mac, int $minutes, int $up = null, int $down = null, int $megabytes = null, string $ap_mac = null): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'authorize-guest', 'mac' => strtolower($mac), 'minutes' => $minutes]; /** * append received values for up/down/megabytes/ap_mac to the payload array to be submitted */ if (!empty($up)) { $payload['up'] = $up; } if (!empty($down)) { $payload['down'] = $down; } if (!empty($megabytes)) { $payload['bytes'] = $megabytes; } if (!empty($ap_mac) && filter_var($ap_mac, FILTER_VALIDATE_MAC)) { $payload['ap_mac'] = strtolower($ap_mac); } return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', $payload); } /** * Unauthorize a client device * * @param string $mac client MAC address * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function unauthorize_guest(string $mac): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'unauthorize-guest', 'mac' => strtolower($mac)]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', $payload); } /** * Reconnect a client device * * @param string $mac client MAC address * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function reconnect_sta(string $mac): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'kick-sta', 'mac' => strtolower($mac)]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', $payload); } /** * Block a client device * * @param string $mac client MAC address * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function block_sta(string $mac): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'block-sta', 'mac' => strtolower($mac)]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', $payload); } /** * Unblock a client device * * @param string $mac client MAC address * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function unblock_sta(string $mac): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'unblock-sta', 'mac' => strtolower($mac)]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', $payload); } /** * Forget one or more client devices * * NOTE: * only supported with controller versions 5.9.X and higher, can be * slow (up to 5 minutes) on larger controllers * * @param array $macs array of client MAC addresses (strings) * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function forget_sta(array $macs): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'forget-sta', 'macs' => array_map('strtolower', $macs)]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stamgr', $payload); } /** * Create a new user/client-device * * @param string $mac client MAC address * @param string $user_group_id _id value for the user group the new user/client-device should belong to which * can be obtained from the output of list_usergroups() * @param string|null $name optional, name to be given to the new user/client-device * @param string|null $note optional, note to be applied to the new user/client-device * @param bool|null $is_guest optional, defines whether the new user/client-device is a guest or not * @param bool|null $is_wired optional, defines whether the new user/client-device is wired or not * @return array|bool returns an array with a single object containing details of the new user/client-device on * success, else returns false */ public function create_user( string $mac, string $user_group_id, string $name = null, string $note = null, bool $is_guest = null, bool $is_wired = null ) { $new_user = ['mac' => strtolower($mac), 'usergroup_id' => $user_group_id]; if (!empty($name)) { $new_user['name'] = $name; } if (!empty($note)) { $new_user['note'] = $note; } if (!empty($is_guest)) { $new_user['is_guest'] = $is_guest; } if (!empty($is_wired)) { $new_user['is_wired'] = $is_wired; } $payload = ['objects' => [['data' => $new_user]]]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/group/user', $payload); } /** * Add/modify/remove a client-device note * * @param string $user_id id of the client-device to be modified * @param string $note optional, note to be applied to the client-device * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function set_sta_note(string $user_id, string $note = ''): bool { $payload = ['note' => $note]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/user/' . trim($user_id), $payload); } /** * Add/modify/remove a client device name * * @param string $user_id id of the client-device to be modified * @param string $name optional, name to be applied to the client device, when empty or not set, * the existing name for the client device is removed * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function set_sta_name(string $user_id, string $name = ''): bool { $payload = ['name' => $name]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/user/' . trim($user_id), $payload); } /** * Fetch 5-minute site stats * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 12 hours * - this function/method is only supported on controller versions 5.5.* and later * - make sure that the retention policy for 5 minutes stats is set to the correct value in * the controller settings * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @return array|bool returns an array of 5-minute stats objects for the current site */ public function stat_5minutes_site(int $start = null, int $end = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (12 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = [ 'bytes', 'wan-tx_bytes', 'wan-rx_bytes', 'wlan_bytes', 'num_sta', 'lan-num_sta', 'wlan-num_sta', 'time', ]; $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/5minutes.site', $payload); } /** * Fetch hourly site stats * * TODO: add support for optional attrib parameter * airtime_avg * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours * - "bytes" are no longer returned with controller version 4.9.1 and later * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @return array|bool returns an array of hourly stats objects for the current site */ public function stat_hourly_site(int $start = null, int $end = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = [ 'bytes', 'wan-tx_bytes', 'wan-rx_bytes', 'wlan_bytes', 'num_sta', 'lan-num_sta', 'wlan-num_sta', 'time', ]; $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/hourly.site', $payload); } /** * Fetch daily site stats * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 52*7*24 hours * - "bytes" are no longer returned with controller version 4.9.1 and later * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @return array|bool returns an array of daily stats objects for the current site */ public function stat_daily_site(int $start = null, int $end = null) { $end = empty($end) ? (time() - (time() % 3600)) * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (52 * 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = [ 'bytes', 'wan-tx_bytes', 'wan-rx_bytes', 'wlan_bytes', 'num_sta', 'lan-num_sta', 'wlan-num_sta', 'time', ]; $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/daily.site', $payload); } /** * Fetch monthly site stats * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 52 weeks (52*7*24 hours) * - "bytes" are no longer returned with controller version 4.9.1 and later * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @return array|bool returns an array of monthly stats objects for the current site */ public function stat_monthly_site(int $start = null, int $end = null) { $end = empty($end) ? (time() - (time() % 3600)) * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (52 * 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = [ 'bytes', 'wan-tx_bytes', 'wan-rx_bytes', 'wlan_bytes', 'num_sta', 'lan-num_sta', 'wlan-num_sta', 'time', ]; $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/monthly.site', $payload); } /** * Fetch 5-minutes stats for a single access point or all access points * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 12 hours * - this function/method is only supported on controller versions 5.5.* and later * - make sure that the retention policy for 5 minutes stats is set to the correct value in * the controller settings * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param string|null $mac optional, AP MAC address to return stats for, when empty, * stats for all APs are returned * @return array|bool returns an array of 5-minute stats objects */ public function stat_5minutes_aps(int $start = null, int $end = null, string $mac = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (12 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = ['bytes', 'num_sta', 'time']; $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; if (!empty($mac)) { $payload['mac'] = strtolower($mac); } return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/5minutes.ap', $payload); } /** * Fetch hourly stats for a single access point or all access points * * TODO: optionally add ["top_filter_by" => "tx_retries"] to payload * add optional parameter for attribs to support: * wifi_tx_attempts * tx_retries * wifi_tx_dropped * sta_assoc_failures * sta_wpa_auth_failures * mac_filter_rejections * sta_dhcp_failures * sta_assoc_min * sta_assoc_max * sta_connect_time_min * sta_connect_time_max * sta_connect_time_total * user-wlan-num_sta_connected * user-wlan-num_sta_disconnected * user-wlan-sta_assoc_samples * user-wlan-sta_track_samples * wlan-num_sta * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours * - make sure that the retention policy for hourly stats is set to the correct value in * the controller settings * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param string|null $mac optional, AP MAC address to return stats for, when empty, * stats for all APs are returned * @return array|bool returns an array of hourly stats objects */ public function stat_hourly_aps(int $start = null, int $end = null, string $mac = null) { $end = empty($end) ? (time() * 1000) : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = ['bytes', 'num_sta', 'time']; $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; if (!empty($mac)) { $payload['mac'] = strtolower($mac); } return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/hourly.ap', $payload); } /** * Fetch daily stats for a single access point or all access points * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours * - make sure that the retention policy for hourly stats is set to the correct value in * the controller settings * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param string|null $mac optional, AP MAC address to return stats for, when empty, * stats for all APs are returned * @return array|bool returns an array of daily stats objects */ public function stat_daily_aps(int $start = null, int $end = null, string $mac = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = ['bytes', 'num_sta', 'time']; $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; if (!empty($mac)) { $payload['mac'] = strtolower($mac); } return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/daily.ap', $payload); } /** * Fetch monthly stats for a single access point or all access points * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 52 weeks (52*7*24 hours) * - make sure that the retention policy for hourly stats is set to the correct value in * the controller settings * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param string|null $mac optional, AP MAC address to return stats for, when empty, * stats for all APs are returned * @return array|bool returns an array of monthly stats objects */ public function stat_monthly_aps(int $start = null, int $end = null, string $mac = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (52 * 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = ['bytes', 'num_sta', 'time']; $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; if (!empty($mac)) { $payload['mac'] = strtolower($mac); } return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/monthly.ap', $payload); } /** * Fetch 5-minutes stats for a single user/client device * * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 12 hours * - only supported with UniFi controller versions 5.8.X and higher * - make sure that the retention policy for 5 minutes stats is set to the correct value in * the controller settings * - make sure that "Clients Historical Data" has been enabled in the UniFi controller settings in the Maintenance * section * * @param string $mac MAC address of user/client device to return stats for * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param array|null $attribs array containing attributes (strings) to be returned, valid values are: * rx_bytes, tx_bytes, signal, rx_rate, tx_rate, rx_retries, tx_retries, rx_packets, * tx_packets, satisfaction, wifi_tx_attempts * default value is ['rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes'] * @return array|bool returns an array of 5-minute stats objects */ public function stat_5minutes_user(string $mac, int $start = null, int $end = null, array $attribs = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (12 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = empty($attribs) ? ['time', 'rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes'] : array_merge(['time'], $attribs); $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'mac' => strtolower($mac)]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/5minutes.user', $payload); } /** * Fetch hourly stats for a single user/client device * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours * - only supported with UniFi controller versions 5.8.X and higher * - make sure that the retention policy for hourly stats is set to the correct value in * the controller settings * - make sure that "Clients Historical Data" has been enabled in the UniFi controller settings in the Maintenance * section * * @param string $mac MAC address of user/client device to return stats fo * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param array|null $attribs array containing attributes (strings) to be returned, valid values are: * rx_bytes, tx_bytes, signal, rx_rate, tx_rate, rx_retries, tx_retries, rx_packets, * tx_packets, satisfaction, wifi_tx_attempts * default value is ['rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes'] * @return array|bool returns an array of hourly stats objects */ public function stat_hourly_user(string $mac, int $start = null, int $end = null, array $attribs = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = empty($attribs) ? ['time', 'rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes'] : array_merge(['time'], $attribs); $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'mac' => strtolower($mac)]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/hourly.user', $payload); } /** * Fetch daily stats for a single user/client device * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours * - only supported with UniFi controller versions 5.8.X and higher * - make sure that the retention policy for daily stats is set to the correct value in * the controller settings * - make sure that "Clients Historical Data" has been enabled in the UniFi controller settings in the Maintenance * section * * @param string $mac MAC address of user/client device to return stats for * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param array|null $attribs array containing attributes (strings) to be returned, valid values are: * rx_bytes, tx_bytes, signal, rx_rate, tx_rate, rx_retries, tx_retries, rx_packets, * tx_packets, satisfaction, wifi_tx_attempts * default value is ['rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes'] * @return array|bool returns an array of daily stats objects */ public function stat_daily_user(string $mac, int $start = null, int $end = null, array $attribs = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = empty($attribs) ? ['time', 'rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes'] : array_merge(['time'], $attribs); $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'mac' => strtolower($mac)]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/daily.user', $payload); } /** * Fetch monthly stats for a single user/client device * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 13 weeks (52*7*24 hours) * - only supported with UniFi controller versions 5.8.X and higher * - make sure that the retention policy for monthly stats is set to the correct value in * the controller settings * - make sure that "Clients Historical Data" has been enabled in the UniFi controller settings in the Maintenance * section * * @param string $mac MAC address of user/client device to return stats for * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param array|null $attribs array containing attributes (strings) to be returned, valid values are: * rx_bytes, tx_bytes, signal, rx_rate, tx_rate, rx_retries, tx_retries, rx_packets, * tx_packets, satisfaction, wifi_tx_attempts * default value is ['rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes'] * @return array|bool returns an array of monthly stats objects */ public function stat_monthly_user(string $mac, int $start = null, int $end = null, array $attribs = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (13 * 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = empty($attribs) ? ['time', 'rx_bytes', 'tx_bytes'] : array_merge(['time'], $attribs); $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end, 'mac' => strtolower($mac)]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/monthly.user', $payload); } /** * Fetch 5-minute gateway stats * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 12 hours * - this function/method is only supported on controller versions 5.5.* and later * - make sure that the retention policy for 5 minutes stats is set to the correct value in * the controller settings * - requires a UniFi gateway * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param array|null $attribs array containing attributes (strings) to be returned, valid values are: * mem, cpu, loadavg_5, lan-rx_errors, lan-tx_errors, lan-rx_bytes, * lan-tx_bytes, lan-rx_packets, lan-tx_packets, lan-rx_dropped, lan-tx_dropped * default is ['time', 'mem', 'cpu', 'loadavg_5'] * @return array|bool returns an array of 5-minute stats objects for the gateway belonging to the current site */ public function stat_5minutes_gateway(int $start = null, int $end = null, array $attribs = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (12 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = empty($attribs) ? ['time', 'mem', 'cpu', 'loadavg_5'] : array_merge(['time'], $attribs); $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/5minutes.gw', $payload); } /** * Fetch hourly gateway stats * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours * - requires a UniFi gateway * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param array|null $attribs array containing attributes (strings) to be returned, valid values are: * mem, cpu, loadavg_5, lan-rx_errors, lan-tx_errors, lan-rx_bytes, * lan-tx_bytes, lan-rx_packets, lan-tx_packets, lan-rx_dropped, lan-tx_dropped * default is ['time', 'mem', 'cpu', 'loadavg_5'] * @return array|bool returns an array of hourly stats objects for the gateway belonging to the current site */ public function stat_hourly_gateway(int $start = null, int $end = null, array $attribs = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = empty($attribs) ? ['time', 'mem', 'cpu', 'loadavg_5'] : array_merge(['time'], $attribs); $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/hourly.gw', $payload); } /** * Fetch daily gateway stats * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 52 weeks (52*7*24 hours) * - requires a UniFi gateway * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param array|null $attribs array containing attributes (strings) to be returned, valid values are: * mem, cpu, loadavg_5, lan-rx_errors, lan-tx_errors, lan-rx_bytes, * lan-tx_bytes, lan-rx_packets, lan-tx_packets, lan-rx_dropped, lan-tx_dropped * default is ['time', 'mem', 'cpu', 'loadavg_5'] * @return array|bool returns an array of hourly stats objects for the gateway belonging to the current site */ public function stat_daily_gateway(int $start = null, int $end = null, array $attribs = null) { $end = empty($end) ? (time() - (time() % 3600)) * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (52 * 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = empty($attribs) ? ['time', 'mem', 'cpu', 'loadavg_5'] : array_merge(['time'], $attribs); $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/daily.gw', $payload); } /** * Fetch monthly gateway stats * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 52 weeks (52*7*24 hours) * - requires a UniFi gateway * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param array|null $attribs array containing attributes (strings) to be returned, valid values are: * mem, cpu, loadavg_5, lan-rx_errors, lan-tx_errors, lan-rx_bytes, * lan-tx_bytes, lan-rx_packets, lan-tx_packets, lan-rx_dropped, lan-tx_dropped * default is ['time', 'mem', 'cpu', 'loadavg_5'] * @return array|bool returns an array of monthly stats objects for the gateway belonging to the current site */ public function stat_monthly_gateway(int $start = null, int $end = null, array $attribs = null) { $end = empty($end) ? (time() - (time() % 3600)) * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (52 * 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $attribs = empty($attribs) ? ['time', 'mem', 'cpu', 'loadavg_5'] : array_merge(['time'], $attribs); $payload = ['attrs' => $attribs, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/monthly.gw', $payload); } /** * Fetch speed test results * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 24 hours * - requires a UniFi gateway * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @return array|bool returns an array of speed test result objects */ public function stat_speedtest_results(int $start = null, int $end = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $payload = ['attrs' => ['xput_download', 'xput_upload', 'latency', 'time'], 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/report/archive.speedtest', $payload); } /** * Fetch IPS/IDS events * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 24 hours * - requires a UniFi gateway * - supported in UniFi controller versions 5.9.X and higher * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $limit optional, maximum number of events to return, defaults to 10000 * @return array|bool returns an array of IPS/IDS event objects */ public function stat_ips_events(int $start = null, int $end = null, int $limit = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() * 1000 : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (24 * 3600 * 1000) : $start; $limit = empty($limit) ? 10000 : $limit; $payload = ['start' => $start, 'end' => $end, '_limit' => $limit]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/ips/event', $payload); } /** * Fetch login sessions * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param string|null $mac optional, client MAC address to return sessions for (can only be used when start and end * are also provided) * @param string $type optional, client type to return sessions for, can be 'all', 'guest' or 'user'; default * value is 'all' * @return array|bool returns an array of login session objects for all devices or a single device */ public function stat_sessions(int $start = null, int $end = null, string $mac = null, string $type = 'all') { if (!in_array($type, ['all', 'guest', 'user'])) { return false; } $end = empty($end) ? time() : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600) : $start; $payload = ['type' => $type, 'start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; if (!empty($mac)) { $payload['mac'] = strtolower($mac); } return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/session', $payload); } /** * Fetch latest 'n' login sessions for a single client device * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours * * @param string $mac client MAC address * @param int|null $limit optional, maximum number of sessions to get (default value is 5) * @return array|bool returns an array of login session objects for all devices or a single device */ public function stat_sta_sessions_latest(string $mac, int $limit = null) { $limit = empty($limit) ? 5 : $limit; $payload = ['mac' => strtolower($mac), '_limit' => $limit, '_sort' => '-assoc_time']; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/session', $payload); } /** * Fetch authorizations * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours * * @param int|null $start optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param int|null $end optional, Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @return array|bool returns an array of authorization objects */ public function stat_auths(int $start = null, int $end = null) { $end = empty($end) ? time() : $end; $start = empty($start) ? $end - (7 * 24 * 3600) : $start; $payload = ['start' => $start, 'end' => $end]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/authorization', $payload); } /** * Fetch client devices that connected to the site within given timeframe * * NOTES: * - is only used to select clients that were online within that period, * the returned stats per client are all-time totals, irrespective of the value of * * @param int $historyhours optional, hours to go back (default is 8760 hours or 1 year) * @return array|bool returns an array of client device objects */ public function stat_allusers(int $historyhours = 8760) { $payload = ['type' => 'all', 'conn' => 'all', 'within' => $historyhours]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/alluser', $payload); } /** * Fetch guest devices * * NOTES: * - defaults to the past 7*24 hours * * @param int $within optional, time frame in hours to go back to list guests with valid access (default = 24*365 * hours) * @return array|bool returns an array of guest device objects with valid access */ public function list_guests(int $within = 8760) { $payload = ['within' => $within]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/guest', $payload); } /** * Fetch online client device(s) * * @param string|null $client_mac optional, the MAC address of a single online client device for which the call must be * made * @return array|bool returns an array of online client device objects, or in case of a single device request, returns a * single client device object, false upon error */ public function list_clients(string $client_mac = null) { if (is_string($client_mac)) { $client_mac = strtolower(trim($client_mac)); } return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/sta/' . $client_mac); } /** * Fetch details for a single client device * * @param string $client_mac client device MAC address * @return array|bool returns an object with the client device information */ public function stat_client(string $client_mac) { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/user/' . strtolower(trim($client_mac))); } /** * Fetch fingerprints for client devices * * @param int $fingerprint_source the id of the client fingerprint_source, starts from 0, this matches the * fingerprint_source in the client device objects, the default value is 0 * @return array|bool an array of fingerprints, contain dev_ids, dev_type_ids, family_ids, os_name_ids, os_class_ids * and vendor_ids, false upon error */ public function list_fingerprint_devices(int $fingerprint_source = 0) { return $this->fetch_results('/v2/api/fingerprint_devices/' . $fingerprint_source); } /** * Assign client device to another group * * @param string $client_id _id value of the client device to be modified * @param string $group_id _id value of the user group to assign client device to * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function set_usergroup(string $client_id, string $group_id): bool { $payload = ['usergroup_id' => $group_id]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/user/' . trim($client_id), $payload); } /** * Update client device fixed IP address (using REST) * * @param string $client_id _id value for the client device * @param bool $use_fixedip determines whether to enable the fixed IP address or not * @param string|null $network_id optional, _id value for the network where the ip belongs to * @param string|null $fixed_ip optional, IP address, value of client device's fixed_ip field * @return array|bool returns an array containing a single object with attributes of the updated client on success */ public function edit_client_fixedip(string $client_id, bool $use_fixedip, string $network_id = null, string $fixed_ip = null) { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; $payload = [ '_id' => $client_id, 'use_fixedip' => $use_fixedip, ]; if ($use_fixedip) { if ($network_id) { $payload['network_id'] = $network_id; } if ($fixed_ip) { $payload['fixed_ip'] = $fixed_ip; } } return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/user/' . trim($client_id), $payload); } /** * Update client device name (using REST) * * @param string $client_id _id value for the client device * @param string $name name of the client * @return array|bool returns an array containing a single object with attributes of the updated client on success */ public function edit_client_name(string $client_id, string $name) { if (empty($name)) { return false; } $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; $payload = [ '_id' => $client_id, 'name' => $name, ]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/user/' . trim($client_id), $payload); } /** * Fetch user groups * * @return array|bool returns an array of user group objects */ public function list_usergroups() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/usergroup'); } /** * Create a user group (using REST) * * @param string $group_name name of the user group * @param int $group_dn limit download bandwidth in Kbps (default = -1, which sets bandwidth to unlimited) * @param int $group_up limit upload bandwidth in Kbps (default = -1, which sets bandwidth to unlimited) * @return array|bool containing a single object with attributes of the new usergroup ("_id", "name", * "qos_rate_max_down", "qos_rate_max_up", "site_id") on success */ public function create_usergroup(string $group_name, int $group_dn = -1, int $group_up = -1) { $payload = [ 'name' => $group_name, 'qos_rate_max_down' => $group_dn, 'qos_rate_max_up' => $group_up, ]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/usergroup', $payload); } /** * Modify user group (using REST) * * @param string $group_id _id value of the user group * @param string $site_id _id value of the site * @param string $group_name name of the user group * @param int $group_dn limit download bandwidth in Kbps (default = -1, which sets bandwidth to unlimited) * @param int $group_up limit upload bandwidth in Kbps (default = -1, which sets bandwidth to unlimited) * @return array|bool returns an array containing a single object with attributes of the updated usergroup on success */ public function edit_usergroup(string $group_id, string $site_id, string $group_name, int $group_dn = -1, int $group_up = -1) { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; $payload = [ '_id' => $group_id, 'name' => $group_name, 'qos_rate_max_down' => $group_dn, 'qos_rate_max_up' => $group_up, 'site_id' => $site_id, ]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/usergroup/' . trim($group_id), $payload); } /** * Delete user group (using REST) * * @param string $group_id _id value of the user group to delete * @return bool returns true on success */ public function delete_usergroup(string $group_id): bool { $this->curl_method = 'DELETE'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/usergroup/' . trim($group_id)); } /** * Fetch AP groups * * @return array|bool containing the current AP groups on success */ public function list_apgroups() { return $this->fetch_results('/v2/api/site/' . $this->site . '/apgroups'); } /** * Create AP group * * @param string $group_name name to assign to the AP group * @param array $device_macs optional, array containing the MAC addresses (strings) of the APs to add to the new * group * @return array|bool containing a single object with attributes of the new AP group on success */ public function create_apgroup(string $group_name, array $device_macs = []) { $payload = ['device_macs' => $device_macs, 'name' => $group_name]; return $this->fetch_results('/v2/api/site/' . $this->site . '/apgroups', $payload); } /** * Modify AP group * * @param string $group_id _id value of the AP group to modify * @param string $group_name name to assign to the AP group * @param array $device_macs array containing the members of the AP group which overwrites the existing * group_members (passing an empty array clears the AP member list) * @return array|bool containing a single object with attributes of the updated AP group on success */ public function edit_apgroup(string $group_id, string $group_name, array $device_macs) { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; $payload = [ '_id' => $group_id, 'attr_no_delete' => false, 'name' => $group_name, 'device_macs' => $device_macs, ]; return $this->fetch_results('/v2/api/site/' . $this->site . '/apgroups/' . trim($group_id), $payload); } /** * Delete AP group * * @param string $group_id _id value of the AP group to delete * @return bool returns true on success */ public function delete_apgroup(string $group_id): bool { $this->curl_method = 'DELETE'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/v2/api/site/' . $this->site . '/apgroups/' . trim($group_id)); } /** * Fetch firewall groups (using REST) * * @param string $group_id optional, _id value of the single firewall group to list * @return array|bool containing the current firewall groups or the selected firewall group on success */ public function list_firewallgroups(string $group_id = '') { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/firewallgroup/' . trim($group_id)); } /** * Create a firewall group (using REST) * * @param string $group_name name to assign to the firewall group * @param string $group_type firewall group type; valid values are address-group, ipv6-address-group, port-group * @param array $group_members array containing the members of the new group (IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses or * port numbers) * (default is an empty array) * @return array|bool containing a single object with attributes of the new firewall group on success */ public function create_firewallgroup(string $group_name, string $group_type, array $group_members = []) { if (!in_array($group_type, ['address-group', 'ipv6-address-group', 'port-group'])) { return false; } $payload = ['name' => $group_name, 'group_type' => $group_type, 'group_members' => $group_members]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/firewallgroup', $payload); } /** * Modify a firewall group (using REST) * * @param string $group_id _id value of the firewall group to modify * @param string $site_id site_id value of the firewall group to modify * @param string $group_name name of the firewall group * @param string $group_type firewall group type; valid values are address-group, ipv6-address-group, * port-group, * group_type cannot be changed for an existing firewall group! * @param array $group_members array containing the members of the group (IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses or port * numbers) which overwrites the existing group_members (default is an empty array) * @return array|bool containing a single object with attributes of the updated firewall group on success */ public function edit_firewallgroup(string $group_id, string $site_id, string $group_name, string $group_type, array $group_members = []) { if (!in_array($group_type, ['address-group', 'ipv6-address-group', 'port-group'])) { return false; } $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; $payload = [ '_id' => $group_id, 'name' => $group_name, 'group_type' => $group_type, 'group_members' => $group_members, 'site_id' => $site_id, ]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/firewallgroup/' . trim($group_id), $payload); } /** * Delete firewall group (using REST) * * @param string $group_id _id value of the firewall group to delete * @return bool returns true on success */ public function delete_firewallgroup(string $group_id): bool { $this->curl_method = 'DELETE'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/firewallgroup/' . trim($group_id)); } /** * Fetch firewall rules (using REST) * * @return array|bool containing the current firewall rules on success */ public function list_firewallrules() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/firewallrule'); } /** * Fetch static routing settings (using REST) * * @param string $route_id _id value of the static route to get settings for * @return array|bool containing the static routes and their settings */ public function list_routing(string $route_id = '') { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/routing/' . trim($route_id)); } /** * Fetch health metrics * * @return array|bool containing health metric objects */ public function list_health() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/health'); } /** * Fetch dashboard metrics * * @param boolean $five_minutes when true, return stats based on 5 minute intervals, * returns hourly stats by default (supported on controller versions 5.5.* and higher) * @return array|bool containing dashboard metric objects (available since controller version 4.9.1.alpha) */ public function list_dashboard(bool $five_minutes = false) { $path_suffix = $five_minutes ? '?scale=5minutes' : null; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/dashboard' . $path_suffix); } /** * Fetch client devices * * @return array|bool containing known client device objects */ public function list_users() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/user'); } /** * List of UniFi devices with a basic subset of properties (e.g., mac, state, adopted, disabled, type, model, name) * * @return array|bool an array containing known UniFi device objects, false upon error */ public function list_devices_basic() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/device-basic'); } /** * Fetch UniFi devices * * @param array|string $device_macs optional, array containing the MAC addresses (lowercase strings) of the devices * to filter by, may also be a (lowercase) string containing a single MAC address * @return array|bool an array containing known UniFi device objects (optionally filtered by the * parameter), false upon error */ public function list_devices($device_macs = []) { $payload = ['macs' => (array) $device_macs]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/device', $payload); } /** * Fetch (device) tags (using REST) * * NOTES: this endpoint was introduced with controller versions 5.5.X * * @return array|bool containing known device tag objects */ public function list_tags() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/tag'); } /** * Create (device) tag (using REST) * * NOTES: this endpoint was introduced with controller versions 5.5.X * * @param string $name required, the tag name to add * @param array|null $devices_macs optional, array of the MAC address(es) of the device(s) to tag with the new tag * @return bool return true on success */ public function create_tag(string $name, array $devices_macs = null): bool { $payload = ['name' => $name]; if (is_array($devices_macs)) { $payload['member_table'] = $devices_macs; } return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/tag', $payload); } /** * Set tagged devices (using REST) * * NOTES: this endpoint was introduced with controller versions 5.5.X * * @param array $devices_macs required, array of the MAC address(es) of the device(s) to tag * @param string $tag_id required, the _id value of the tag to set * @return bool return true on success */ public function set_tagged_devices(array $devices_macs, string $tag_id): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; $payload = ['member_table' => $devices_macs]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/tag/' . $tag_id, $payload); } /** * Get (device) tag (using REST) * * NOTES: this endpoint was introduced with controller versions 5.5.X * * @param string $tag_id required, the _id value of the tag to retrieve * @return array|bool containing matching tag objects */ public function get_tag(string $tag_id) { $this->curl_method = 'GET'; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/tag/' . $tag_id); } /** * Delete (device) tag (using REST) * * NOTES: this endpoint was introduced with controller versions 5.5.X * * @param string $tag_id required, the _id value of the tag to set * @return bool return true on success */ public function delete_tag(string $tag_id): bool { $this->curl_method = 'DELETE'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/tag/' . $tag_id); } /** * Fetch rogue/neighboring access points * * @param int $within optional, hours to go back to list discovered "rogue" access points (default = 24 hours) * @return array|bool containing rogue/neighboring access point objects */ public function list_rogueaps(int $within = 24) { $payload = ['within' => $within]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/rogueap', $payload); } /** * Fetch known rogue access points * * @return array|bool containing known rogue access point objects */ public function list_known_rogueaps() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/rogueknown'); } /** * Generate a backup * * NOTES: this is an experimental function, please do not use unless you know exactly what you're doing * * @return array|bool URL from where the backup file can be downloaded once generated, false upon failure */ public function generate_backup() { $payload = ['cmd' => 'backup']; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/backup', $payload); } /** * Fetch auto backups * * @return array|bool containing objects with backup details on success */ public function list_backups() { $payload = ['cmd' => 'list-backups']; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/backup', $payload); } /** * Generate a backup/export of the current site * * NOTES: this is an experimental function, please do not use unless you know exactly what you're doing * * @return array|bool URL from where the backup/export file can be downloaded once generated, false upon failure */ public function generate_backup_site() { $payload = ['cmd' => 'export-site']; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/backup', $payload); } /** * Fetch sites * * @return array|bool containing a list of sites hosted on this controller with some details */ public function list_sites() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/self/sites'); } /** * Fetch sites stats * * NOTES: this endpoint was introduced with controller version 5.2.9 * * @return array|bool containing statistics for all sites hosted on this controller */ public function stat_sites() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/stat/sites'); } /** * Create a site * * @param string $description the long name for the new site * @return array|bool containing a single object with attributes of the new site ("_id", "desc", "name") on success */ public function create_site(string $description) { $payload = ['desc' => $description, 'cmd' => 'add-site']; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', $payload); } /** * Delete a site * * @param string $site_id _id value of the site to delete * @return bool true on success */ public function delete_site(string $site_id): bool { $payload = ['site' => $site_id, 'cmd' => 'delete-site']; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', $payload); } /** * Change the current site's name * * NOTES: immediately after being changed, the site is available in the output of the list_sites() function * * @param string $site_name the new long name for the current site * @return bool true on success */ public function set_site_name(string $site_name): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'update-site', 'desc' => $site_name]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', $payload); } /** * Update site country * * @param string $country_id _id value of the country key * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply to * the site, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is * returned by list_settings() for the section with the "country" key. Valid * country codes can be obtained using the list_country_codes() function/method. Do * not include the _id property, it is assigned by the controller and returned upon * success. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_site_country(string $country_id, $payload): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/setting/country/' . trim($country_id), $payload); } /** * Update site locale * * @param string $locale_id _id value of the locale section * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply to the * site, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is * returned by list_settings() for section with the "locale" key. Valid * timezones can be obtained in Javascript as explained here: * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38399465/how-to-get-list-of-all-timezones-in-javascript * or in PHP using timezone_identifiers_list(). Do not include the _id property, it * is assigned by the controller and returned upon success. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_site_locale(string $locale_id, $payload): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/setting/locale/' . trim($locale_id), $payload); } /** * Update site snmp * * @param string $snmp_id _id value of the snmp section * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply to the * site, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is returned * by list_settings() for the section with the "snmp" key. Do not include the _id * property, it is assigned by the controller and returned upon success. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_site_snmp(string $snmp_id, $payload): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/setting/snmp/' . trim($snmp_id), $payload); } /** * Update site mgmt * * @param string $mgmt_id _id value of the mgmt section * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply to the * site, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is returned * by list_settings() for the section with the "mgmt" key. Do not include the _id * property, it is assigned by the controller and returned upon success. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_site_mgmt(string $mgmt_id, $payload): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/setting/mgmt/' . trim($mgmt_id), $payload); } /** * Update site guest access * * @param string $guest_access_id _id value of the guest_access section * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply * to the site, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner * as is returned by list_settings() for the section with the "guest_access" * key. Do not include the _id property, it is assigned by the controller and * returned upon success. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_site_guest_access(string $guest_access_id, $payload): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/setting/guest_access/' . trim($guest_access_id), $payload); } /** * Update site ntp * * @param string $ntp_id _id value of the ntp section * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply to the * site, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is returned * by list_settings() for the section with the "ntp" key. Do not include the _id * property, it is assigned by the controller and returned upon success. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_site_ntp(string $ntp_id, $payload): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/setting/ntp/' . trim($ntp_id), $payload); } /** * Update site connectivity * * @param string $connectivity_id _id value of the connectivity section * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply * to the site, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner * as is returned by list_settings() for the section with the "connectivity" * key. Do not include the _id property, it is assigned by the controller and * returned upon success. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_site_connectivity(string $connectivity_id, $payload): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/setting/connectivity/' . trim($connectivity_id), $payload); } /** * Fetch admins * * @return array|bool containing administrator objects for selected site */ public function list_admins() { $payload = ['cmd' => 'get-admins']; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', $payload); } /** * Fetch all admins * * @return array|bool containing administrator objects for all sites */ public function list_all_admins() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/stat/admin'); } /** * Invite a new admin for access to the current site * * NOTES: * - after issuing a valid request, an invite is sent to the email address provided * - issuing this command against an existing admin triggers a "re-invite" * * @param string $name name to assign to the new admin user * @param string $email email address to assign to the new admin user * @param bool $enable_sso optional, whether SSO is allowed for the new admin * default value is true which enables the SSO capability * @param bool $readonly optional, whether the new admin has readonly * permissions, default value is false which gives the new admin * Administrator permissions * @param bool $device_adopt optional, whether the new admin has permissions to * adopt devices, default value is false. With versions < 5.9.X this only applies * when readonly is true. * @param bool $device_restart optional, whether the new admin has permissions to * restart devices, default value is false. With versions < 5.9.X this only applies * when readonly is true. * @return bool true on success */ public function invite_admin( string $name, string $email, bool $enable_sso = true, bool $readonly = false, bool $device_adopt = false, bool $device_restart = false ): bool { $email = trim($email); $email_valid = filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); if (!$email_valid) { trigger_error('The email address provided is invalid!'); return false; } $payload = [ 'name' => trim($name), 'email' => $email, 'for_sso' => $enable_sso, 'cmd' => 'invite-admin', 'role' => 'admin', 'permissions' => [], ]; if ($readonly) { $payload['role'] = 'readonly'; } if ($device_adopt) { $payload['permissions'][] = 'API_DEVICE_ADOPT'; } if ($device_restart) { $payload['permissions'][] = 'API_DEVICE_RESTART'; } return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', $payload); } /** * Assign an existing admin to the current site * * @param string $admin_id _id value of the admin user to assign, can be obtained using the * list_all_admins() method/function * @param bool $readonly optional, whether the new admin has readonly * permissions, default value is false which gives the new admin * Administrator permissions * @param bool $device_adopt optional, whether the new admin has permissions to * adopt devices, default value is false. With versions < 5.9.X this only applies * when readonly is true. * @param bool $device_restart optional, whether the new admin has permissions to * restart devices, default value is false. With versions < 5.9.X this only applies * when readonly is true. * @return bool true on success */ public function assign_existing_admin( string $admin_id, bool $readonly = false, bool $device_adopt = false, bool $device_restart = false ): bool { $payload = [ 'cmd' => 'grant-admin', 'admin' => trim($admin_id), 'role' => 'admin', 'permissions' => [], ]; if ($readonly) { $payload['role'] = 'readonly'; } if ($device_adopt) { $payload['permissions'][] = 'API_DEVICE_ADOPT'; } if ($device_restart) { $payload['permissions'][] = 'API_DEVICE_RESTART'; } return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', $payload); } /** * Revoke an admin from the current site * * NOTES: * only non-superadmin accounts can be revoked * * @param string $admin_id _id value of the admin to revoke, can be obtained using the * list_all_admins() method/function * @return bool true on success */ public function revoke_admin(string $admin_id): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'revoke-admin', 'admin' => $admin_id]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', $payload); } /** * Fetch WLAN groups * * @return array|bool containing known wlan_groups */ public function list_wlan_groups() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/wlangroup'); } /** * Fetch sysinfo * * @return array|bool containing known sysinfo data */ public function stat_sysinfo() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/sysinfo'); } /** * Fetch controller status * * NOTES: * login not required * * @return bool true upon success (controller is online) */ public function stat_status(): bool { return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/status', null, false); } /** * Fetch full controller status * * NOTES: * login not required * * @return bool|array status array upon success, false upon failure */ public function stat_full_status() { $this->fetch_results_boolean('/status', null, false); return json_decode($this->get_last_results_raw()); } /** * Fetch device name mappings * * NOTES: * login not required * * @return bool|array mappings array upon success, false upon failure */ public function list_device_name_mappings() { $this->fetch_results_boolean('/dl/firmware/bundles.json', null, false); return json_decode($this->get_last_results_raw()); } /** * Fetch self * * @return array|bool containing information about the logged-in user */ public function list_self() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/self'); } /** * Fetch vouchers * * @param int|null $create_time optional, create time of the vouchers to fetch in Unix timestamp in seconds * @return array|bool containing hotspot voucher objects */ public function stat_voucher(int $create_time = null) { $payload = isset($create_time) ? ['create_time' => $create_time] : []; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/voucher', $payload); } /** * Fetch payments * * @param int|null $within optional, number of hours to go back to fetch payments * @return array|bool containing hotspot payments */ public function stat_payment(int $within = null) { $path_suffix = isset($within) ? '?within=' . $within : ''; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/payment' . $path_suffix); } /** * Create hotspot operator (using REST) * * @param string $name name for the hotspot operator * @param string $x_password clear text password for the hotspot operator * @param string $note optional, note to attach to the hotspot operator * @return bool true upon success */ public function create_hotspotop(string $name, string $x_password, string $note = ''): bool { $payload = ['name' => $name, 'x_password' => $x_password]; if (!empty($note)) { $payload['note'] = trim($note); } return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/hotspotop', $payload); } /** * Fetch hotspot operators (using REST) * * @return array|bool containing hotspot operators */ public function list_hotspotop() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/hotspotop'); } /** * Create voucher(s) * * NOTES: please use the stat_voucher() method/function to retrieve the newly created voucher(s) by create_time * * @param int $minutes minutes the voucher is valid after activation (expiration time) * @param int $count number of vouchers to create, default value is 1 * @param int $quota single-use or multi-use vouchers, value '0' is for multi-use, '1' is for single-use, * 'n' is for multi-use n times * @param string $note note text to add to voucher when printing * @param int|null $up upload speed limit in kbps * @param int|null $down download speed limit in kbps * @param int|null $megabytes data transfer limit in MB * @return array containing a single object which contains the create_time(stamp) of the voucher(s) created */ public function create_voucher( int $minutes, int $count = 1, int $quota = 0, string $note = '', int $up = null, int $down = null, int $megabytes = null ): array { $payload = [ 'cmd' => 'create-voucher', 'expire' => $minutes, 'n' => $count, 'quota' => $quota, ]; if (!empty($note)) { $payload['note'] = trim($note); } if (!is_null($up)) { $payload['up'] = $up; } if (!is_null($down)) { $payload['down'] = $down; } if (!is_null($megabytes)) { $payload['bytes'] = $megabytes; } return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/hotspot', $payload); } /** * Revoke voucher * * @param string $voucher_id _id value of the voucher to revoke * @return bool true on success */ public function revoke_voucher(string $voucher_id): bool { $payload = ['_id' => $voucher_id, 'cmd' => 'delete-voucher']; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/hotspot', $payload); } /** * Extend guest authorization * * @param string $guest_id _id value of the guest to extend the authorization for * @return bool true on success */ public function extend_guest_validity(string $guest_id): bool { $payload = ['_id' => $guest_id, 'cmd' => 'extend']; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/hotspot', $payload); } /** * Fetch port forwarding stats * * @return array|bool containing port forwarding stats */ public function list_portforward_stats() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/portforward'); } /** * Fetch DPI stats * * @return array|bool containing DPI stats */ public function list_dpi_stats() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/dpi'); } /** * Fetch filtered DPI stats * * @param string $type optional, whether to returns stats by app or by category, valid values: * 'by_cat' or 'by_app' * @param array|null $cat_filter optional, array containing numeric category ids to filter by, * only to be combined with a "by_app" value for $type * @return array|bool containing filtered DPI stats */ public function list_dpi_stats_filtered(string $type = 'by_cat', array $cat_filter = null) { if (!in_array($type, ['by_cat', 'by_app'])) { return false; } $payload = ['type' => $type]; if (is_array($cat_filter) && $type === 'by_app') { $payload['cats'] = $cat_filter; } return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/sitedpi', $payload); } /** * Fetch current channels * * @return array|bool containing currently allowed channels */ public function list_current_channels() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/current-channel'); } /** * Fetch country codes * * NOTES: * these codes following the ISO standard: * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_numeric * * @return array|bool containing available country codes */ public function list_country_codes() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/ccode'); } /** * Fetch port forwarding settings * * @return array|bool containing port forwarding settings */ public function list_portforwarding() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/portforward'); } /** * Fetch port configurations * * @return array|bool containing port configurations */ public function list_portconf() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/portconf'); } /** * Fetch VoIP extensions * * @return array|bool containing VoIP extensions */ public function list_extension() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/extension'); } /** * Fetch site settings * * @return array|bool containing site configuration settings */ public function list_settings() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/get/setting'); } /** * Adopt a device to the selected site * * @param string $mac device MAC address * @return bool true on success */ public function adopt_device(string $mac): bool { $payload = ['mac' => strtolower($mac), 'cmd' => 'adopt']; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', $payload); } /** * Adopt a device using custom SSH credentials * * @param string $mac device MAC address * @param string $ip IP to use for SSH connection * @param string $username SSH username * @param string $password SSH password * @param string $url inform URL to point the device to * @param int $port optional, SSH port * @param bool $ssh_key_verify optional, whether to verify device SSH key * @return bool true on success */ public function advanced_adopt_device( string $mac, string $ip, string $username, string $password, string $url, int $port = 22, bool $ssh_key_verify = true ): bool { $payload = [ 'cmd' => 'adv-adopt', 'mac' => strtolower($mac), 'ip' => $ip, 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'url' => $url, 'port' => $port, 'sshKeyVerify' => $ssh_key_verify, ]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', $payload); } /** * Reboot a device * * @param string $mac device MAC address * @param string $reboot_type optional, two options: 'soft' or 'hard', defaults to soft * soft can be used for all devices, requests a plain restart of that device * hard is special for PoE switches and besides the restart also requests a * power cycle on all PoE capable ports. Keep in mind that a 'hard' reboot * does *NOT* trigger a factory-reset. * @return bool true on success */ public function restart_device(string $mac, string $reboot_type = 'soft'): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'restart', 'mac' => strtolower($mac)]; if (!empty($reboot_type) && in_array($reboot_type, ['soft', 'hard'])) { $payload['reboot_type'] = strtolower($reboot_type); } return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', $payload); } /** * Force the provision of a device * * @param string $mac device MAC address * @return bool true on success */ public function force_provision(string $mac): bool { $payload = ['mac' => strtolower($mac), 'cmd' => 'force-provision']; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', $payload); } /** * Reboot a UniFi CloudKey * * NOTE: * This API call has no effect on UniFi controllers *not* running on a UniFi CloudKey device * * @return bool true on success */ public function reboot_cloudkey(): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'reboot']; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/system', $payload); } /** * Disable/enable an access point (using REST) * * NOTES: * - a disabled device is excluded from the dashboard status and device count and its LED and WLAN are turned off * - appears to only be supported for access points * - available since controller versions 5.2.X * * @param string $ap_id value of _id for the access point which can be obtained from the device list * @param bool $disable true disables the device, false enables the device * @return bool true on success */ public function disable_ap(string $ap_id, bool $disable): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; $payload = ['disabled' => $disable]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/device/' . trim($ap_id), $payload); } /** * Override LED mode for a device (using REST) * * NOTES: * - available since controller versions 5.2.X * * @param string $device_id value of _id for the device which can be obtained from the device list * @param string $override_mode off/on/default; "off" disables the LED of the device, * "on" enables the LED of the device, * "default" applies the site-wide setting for device LEDs * @return bool true on success */ public function led_override(string $device_id, string $override_mode): bool { if (!in_array($override_mode, ['off', 'on', 'default'])) { return false; } $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; $payload = ['led_override' => $override_mode]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/device/' . trim($device_id), $payload); } /** * Toggle flashing LED of an access point for locating purposes * * NOTES: * replaces the old set_locate_ap() and unset_locate_ap() methods/functions * * @param string $mac device MAC address * @param bool $enable true enables flashing LED, false disables flashing LED * @return bool true on success */ public function locate_ap(string $mac, bool $enable): bool { $cmd = $enable ? 'set-locate' : 'unset-locate'; $payload = ['cmd' => $cmd, 'mac' => strtolower($mac)]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', $payload); } /** * Toggle LEDs of all the access points ON or OFF * * @param bool $enable true switches LEDs of all the access points ON, false switches them OFF * @return bool true on success */ public function site_leds(bool $enable): bool { $payload = ['led_enabled' => $enable]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/set/setting/mgmt', $payload); } /** * Update access point radio settings * * NOTES: * - only supported on pre-5.X.X controller versions * * @param string $ap_id the "_id" value for the access point you wish to update * @param string $radio radio to update, default=ng * @param int $channel channel to apply * @param int $ht channel width, default=20 * @param string $tx_power_mode power level, "low", "medium", or "high" * @param int $tx_power transmit power level, default=0 * @return bool true on success */ public function set_ap_radiosettings(string $ap_id, string $radio, int $channel, int $ht, string $tx_power_mode, int $tx_power): bool { $payload = [ 'radio_table' => [ 'radio' => $radio, 'channel' => $channel, 'ht' => $ht, 'tx_power_mode' => $tx_power_mode, 'tx_power' => $tx_power, ], ]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/device/' . trim($ap_id), $payload); } /** * Assign access point to another WLAN group * * @param string $type_id WLAN type, can be either 'ng' (for WLANs 2G (11n/b/g)) or 'na' (WLANs 5G (11n/a/ac)) * @param string $device_id _id value of the access point to be modified * @param string $group_id _id value of the WLAN group to assign device to * @return bool true on success */ public function set_ap_wlangroup(string $type_id, string $device_id, string $group_id): bool { if (!in_array($type_id, ['ng', 'na'])) { return false; } $payload = [ 'wlan_overrides' => [], 'wlangroup_id_' . $type_id => $group_id, ]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/device/' . trim($device_id), $payload); } /** * Update guest login settings * * NOTES: * - both portal parameters are set to the same value! * * @param bool $portal_enabled enable/disable the captive portal * @param bool $portal_customized enable/disable captive portal customizations * @param bool $redirect_enabled enable/disable captive portal redirect * @param string $redirect_url url to redirect to, must include the http/https prefix, no trailing slashes * @param string $x_password the captive portal (simple) password * @param int $expire_number number of units for the authorization expiry * @param int $expire_unit number of minutes within a unit (a value 60 is required for hours) * @param string $section_id value of _id for the site settings section where key = "guest_access", settings * can be obtained using the list_settings() function * @return bool true on success */ public function set_guestlogin_settings( bool $portal_enabled, bool $portal_customized, bool $redirect_enabled, string $redirect_url, string $x_password, int $expire_number, int $expire_unit, string $section_id ): bool { $payload = [ 'portal_enabled' => $portal_enabled, 'portal_customized' => $portal_customized, 'redirect_enabled' => $redirect_enabled, 'redirect_url' => $redirect_url, 'x_password' => $x_password, 'expire_number' => $expire_number, 'expire_unit' => $expire_unit, '_id' => $section_id, ]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/set/setting/guest_access/' . $section_id, $payload); } /** * Update guest login settings, base * * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply to the * guest logins, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is * returned by list_settings() for the "guest_access" section. * @param string $section_id * @return bool true on success */ public function set_guestlogin_settings_base($payload, string $section_id = ''): bool { if (!empty($section_id)) { $section_id = '/' . $section_id; } return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/set/setting/guest_access' . $section_id, $payload); } /** * Update IPS/IDS settings, base * * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the IPS/IDS settings to apply, must * be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is returned by * list_settings() for the "ips" section. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_ips_settings_base($payload): bool { return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/set/setting/ips', $payload); } /** * Update "Super Management" settings, base * * @param string $settings_id value of _id for the site settings section where key = "super_mgmt", settings * can be obtained using the list_settings() function * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the "Super Management" settings * to apply, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is * returned by list_settings() for the "super_mgmt" section. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_super_mgmt_settings_base(string $settings_id, $payload): bool { return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/set/setting/super_mgmt/' . trim($settings_id), $payload); } /** * Update "Super SMTP" settings, base * * @param string $settings_id value of _id for the site settings section where key = "super_smtp", settings * can be obtained using the list_settings() function * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the "Super SMTP" settings to * apply, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is * returned by list_settings() for the "super_smtp" section. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_super_smtp_settings_base(string $settings_id, $payload): bool { return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/set/setting/super_smtp/' . trim($settings_id), $payload); } /** * Update "Super Controller Identity" settings, base * * @param string $settings_id value of _id for the site settings section where key = "super_identity", * settings can be obtained using the list_settings() function * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the "Super Controller Identity" * settings to apply, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same * manner as is returned by list_settings() for the "super_identity" section. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_super_identity_settings_base(string $settings_id, $payload): bool { return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/set/setting/super_identity/' . trim($settings_id), $payload); } /** * Rename access point * * @param string $ap_id _id of the access point to rename * @param string $ap_name new name to assign to the access point * @return bool true on success */ public function rename_ap(string $ap_id, string $ap_name): bool { $payload = ['name' => $ap_name]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/upd/device/' . trim($ap_id), $payload); } /** * Move a device to another site * * @param string $mac MAC address of the device to move * @param string $site_id _id (24 char string) of the site to move the device to * @return bool true on success */ public function move_device(string $mac, string $site_id): bool { $payload = ['site' => $site_id, 'mac' => strtolower($mac), 'cmd' => 'move-device']; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', $payload); } /** * Delete a device from the current site * * @param string $mac MAC address of the device to delete * @return bool true on success */ public function delete_device(string $mac): bool { $payload = ['mac' => strtolower($mac), 'cmd' => 'delete-device']; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/sitemgr', $payload); } /** * Fetch dynamic DNS settings (using REST) * * @return array|bool containing dynamic DNS settings */ public function list_dynamicdns() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/dynamicdns'); } /** * Create dynamic DNS settings, base (using REST) * * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply to the * site, must be a * (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is returned by * list_dynamicdns() for the site. * @return bool true on success */ public function create_dynamicdns($payload): bool { return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/dynamicdns', $payload); } /** * Update site dynamic DNS, base (using REST) * * @param string $dynamicdns_id _id of the settings which can be found with the list_dynamicdns() function * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply to * the site, must be a * (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is returned by * list_dynamicdns() for the site. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_dynamicdns(string $dynamicdns_id, $payload): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/dynamicdns/' . trim($dynamicdns_id), $payload); } /** * Fetch network settings (using REST) * * @param string $network_id optional, _id value of the network to get settings for * @return array|bool containing (non-wireless) networks and their settings */ public function list_networkconf(string $network_id = '') { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/networkconf/' . trim($network_id)); } /** * Create a network (using REST) * * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply to the * network, must be a (partial) object structured in the same manner as is returned by * list_networkconf() for the specific network type. Do not include the _id property, * it is assigned by the controller and returned upon success. * @return array|bool containing a single object with details of the new network on success, else returns false */ public function create_network($payload) { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/networkconf', $payload); } /** * Update network settings, base (using REST) * * @param string $network_id the "_id" value for the network you wish to update * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply to * the network, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as * is returned by list_networkconf() for the network. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_networksettings_base(string $network_id, $payload): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/networkconf/' . trim($network_id), $payload); } /** * Delete a network (using REST) * * @param string $network_id _id value of the network which can be found with the list_networkconf() function * @return bool true on success */ public function delete_network(string $network_id): bool { $this->curl_method = 'DELETE'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/networkconf/' . trim($network_id)); } /** * Fetch wlan settings (using REST) * * @param string $wlan_id optional, _id value of the wlan to fetch the settings for * @return array|bool containing wireless networks and their settings, or an array containing a single wireless network * when using the parameter */ public function list_wlanconf(string $wlan_id = '') { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/wlanconf/' . trim($wlan_id)); } /** * Create a WLAN * * @param string $name SSID * @param string $x_passphrase new pre-shared key, minimal length is 8 characters, maximum length is 63, * assign a value of null when security = 'open' * @param string $usergroup_id user group id that can be found using the list_usergroups() function * @param string $wlangroup_id wlan group id that can be found using the list_wlan_groups() function * @param boolean $enabled optional, enable/disable wlan * @param boolean $hide_ssid optional, hide/unhide wlan SSID * @param boolean $is_guest optional, apply guest policies or not * @param string $security optional, security type (open, wep, wpapsk, wpaeap) * @param string $wpa_mode optional, wpa mode (wpa, wpa2, ..) * @param string $wpa_enc optional, encryption (auto, ccmp) * @param boolean $vlan_enabled optional, enable/disable VLAN for this wlan (is ignored as of 1.1.73) * @param string|null $vlan_id optional, "_id" value of the VLAN to assign to this WLAN, can be found using * list_networkconf() * @param boolean $uapsd_enabled optional, enable/disable Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery * @param boolean $schedule_enabled optional, enable/disable wlan schedule * @param array $schedule optional, schedule rules * @param array|null $ap_group_ids optional, array of ap group ids, required for UniFi controller versions 6.0.X * and higher * @param array $payload optional, array of additional parameters (wlan_bands, wpa3_support, etc.) * @return bool true on success */ public function create_wlan( string $name, string $x_passphrase, string $usergroup_id, string $wlangroup_id, bool $enabled = true, bool $hide_ssid = false, bool $is_guest = false, string $security = 'open', string $wpa_mode = 'wpa2', string $wpa_enc = 'ccmp', bool $vlan_enabled = null, string $vlan_id = null, bool $uapsd_enabled = false, bool $schedule_enabled = false, array $schedule = [], array $ap_group_ids = null, array $payload = [] ): bool { $payload = array_merge($payload, [ 'name' => trim($name), 'usergroup_id' => trim($usergroup_id), 'wlangroup_id' => trim($wlangroup_id), 'enabled' => $enabled, 'hide_ssid' => $hide_ssid, 'is_guest' => $is_guest, 'security' => trim($security), 'wpa_mode' => trim($wpa_mode), 'wpa_enc' => trim($wpa_enc), 'uapsd_enabled' => $uapsd_enabled, 'schedule_enabled' => $schedule_enabled, 'schedule' => $schedule, ]); if (!empty($vlan_id)) { $payload['networkconf_id'] = $vlan_id; } if (!empty($x_passphrase) && $security !== 'open') { $payload['x_passphrase'] = trim($x_passphrase); } if (!empty($ap_group_ids)) { $payload['ap_group_ids'] = $ap_group_ids; } return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/add/wlanconf', $payload); } /** * Update wlan settings, base (using REST) * * @param string $wlan_id the "_id" value for the WLAN which can be found with the list_wlanconf() function * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply to the * wlan, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is returned * by list_wlanconf() for the wlan. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_wlansettings_base(string $wlan_id, $payload): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/wlanconf/' . trim($wlan_id), $payload); } /** * Update basic wlan settings * * @param string $wlan_id the "_id" value for the WLAN which can be found with the list_wlanconf() function * @param string $x_passphrase new pre-shared key, minimal length is 8 characters, maximum length is 63, * is ignored if set to null * @param string $name optional, SSID * @return bool true on success */ public function set_wlansettings(string $wlan_id, string $x_passphrase, string $name = ''): bool { $payload = []; $payload['x_passphrase'] = trim($x_passphrase); if (!empty($name)) { $payload['name'] = trim($name); } return $this->set_wlansettings_base($wlan_id, $payload); } /** * Disable/Enable wlan * * @param string $wlan_id the "_id" value for the WLAN which can be found with the list_wlanconf() function * @param bool $disable true disables the wlan, false enables it * @return bool true on success */ public function disable_wlan(string $wlan_id, bool $disable): bool { $action = !$disable; $payload = ['enabled' => $action]; return $this->set_wlansettings_base($wlan_id, $payload); } /** * Delete a wlan (using REST) * * @param string $wlan_id the "_id" value for the WLAN which can be found with the list_wlanconf() function * @return bool true on success */ public function delete_wlan(string $wlan_id): bool { $this->curl_method = 'DELETE'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/wlanconf/' . trim($wlan_id)); } /** * Update MAC filter for a wlan * * @param string $wlan_id the "_id" value for the WLAN which can be found with the list_wlanconf() * function * @param string $mac_filter_policy string, "allow" or "deny"; default MAC policy to apply * @param bool $mac_filter_enabled true enables the policy, false disables it * @param array $macs must contain valid MAC strings to be placed in the MAC filter list, * replacing existing values. Existing MAC filter list can be obtained * through list_wlanconf(). * @return bool true on success */ public function set_wlan_mac_filter(string $wlan_id, string $mac_filter_policy, bool $mac_filter_enabled, array $macs): bool { if (!in_array($mac_filter_policy, ['allow', 'deny'])) { return false; } $macs = array_map('strtolower', $macs); $payload = [ 'mac_filter_enabled' => $mac_filter_enabled, 'mac_filter_policy' => $mac_filter_policy, 'mac_filter_list' => $macs, ]; return $this->set_wlansettings_base($wlan_id, $payload); } /** * Fetch events * * @param integer $historyhours optional, hours to go back, default value is 720 hours * @param integer $start optional, which event number to start with (useful for paging of results), default * value is 0 * @param integer $limit optional, number of events to return, default value is 3000 * @return array|bool containing known events */ public function list_events(int $historyhours = 720, int $start = 0, int $limit = 3000) { $payload = [ '_sort' => '-time', 'within' => $historyhours, 'type' => null, '_start' => $start, '_limit' => $limit, ]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/event', $payload); } /** * Fetch alarms * * @param array $payload optional, array of flags to filter by * Example: ["archived" => false, "key" => "EVT_GW_WANTransition"] * return only unarchived for a specific key * @return array|bool containing known alarms */ public function list_alarms(array $payload = []) { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/list/alarm', $payload); } /** * Count alarms * * @param bool|null $archived optional, if true all alarms are counted, if false only non-archived (active) alarms are * counted, by default all alarms are counted * @return array|bool containing the alarm count */ public function count_alarms(bool $archived = null) { $path_suffix = $archived === false ? '?archived=false' : null; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cnt/alarm' . $path_suffix); } /** * Archive alarms(s) * * @param string $alarm_id optional, _id of the alarm to archive which can be found with the list_alarms() function, * by default all alarms are archived * @return bool true on success */ public function archive_alarm(string $alarm_id = ''): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'archive-all-alarms']; if (!empty($alarm_id)) { $payload = ['_id' => $alarm_id, 'cmd' => 'archive-alarm']; } return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/evtmgr', $payload); } /** * Check controller update * * NOTE: * triggers an update of the controller cached known latest version. * * @return array|bool returns an array with a single object containing details of the current known latest * controller version info on success, else returns false */ public function check_controller_update() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/fwupdate/latest-version'); } /** * Check firmware update * * NOTE: * triggers a Device Firmware Update in Classic Settings > System settings > Maintenance * * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function check_firmware_update(): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'check-firmware-update']; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/productinfo', $payload); } /** * Upgrade a device to the latest firmware * * NOTES: * - updates the device to the latest STABLE firmware known to the controller * * @param string $device_mac MAC address of the device to upgrade * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function upgrade_device(string $device_mac): bool { $payload = ['mac' => strtolower($device_mac)]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr/upgrade', $payload); } /** * Upgrade a device to a specific firmware file * * NOTES: * - updates the device to the firmware file at the given URL * - please take great care to select a valid firmware file for the device! * * @param string $firmware_url URL for the firmware file to upgrade the device to * @param string $device_mac MAC address of the device to upgrade * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function upgrade_device_external(string $firmware_url, string $device_mac): bool { $payload = ['url' => filter_var($firmware_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL), 'mac' => strtolower($device_mac)]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr/upgrade-external', $payload); } /** * Start rolling upgrade * * NOTES: * - updates all access points to the latest firmware known to the controller in a * staggered/rolling fashion * * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function start_rolling_upgrade(): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'set-rollupgrade']; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', $payload); } /** * Cancel rolling upgrade * * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function cancel_rolling_upgrade(): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'unset-rollupgrade']; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', $payload); } /** * Fetch firmware versions * * @param string $type optional, "available" or "cached", determines which firmware types to return, * default value is "available" * @return array|bool containing firmware versions */ public function list_firmware(string $type = 'available') { if (!in_array($type, ['available', 'cached'])) { return false; } $payload = ['cmd' => 'list-' . $type]; return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/firmware', $payload); } /** * Power-cycle the PoE output of a switch port * * NOTES: * - only applies to switches and their PoE ports... * - port must be actually providing power * * @param string $switch_mac main MAC address of the switch * @param int $port_idx port number/index of the port to be affected * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function power_cycle_switch_port(string $switch_mac, int $port_idx): bool { $payload = ['mac' => strtolower($switch_mac), 'port_idx' => $port_idx, 'cmd' => 'power-cycle']; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', $payload); } /** * Trigger an RF scan by an AP * * @param string $ap_mac MAC address of the AP * @return bool returns true upon success */ public function spectrum_scan(string $ap_mac): bool { $payload = ['cmd' => 'spectrum-scan', 'mac' => strtolower($ap_mac)]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/devmgr', $payload); } /** * Check the RF scanning state of an AP * * @param string $ap_mac MAC address of the AP * @return array|bool containing relevant information (results if available) regarding the RF scanning state of the * AP */ public function spectrum_scan_state(string $ap_mac) { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/stat/spectrum-scan/' . strtolower(trim($ap_mac))); } /** * Update device settings, base (using REST) * * @param string $device_id _id of the device which can be found with the list_devices() function * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the configuration to apply to the * device, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is returned * by list_devices() for the device. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_device_settings_base(string $device_id, $payload): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/device/' . trim($device_id), $payload); } /** * Fetch Radius profiles (using REST) * * NOTES: * - this function/method is only supported on controller versions 5.5.19 and later * * @return array|bool objects containing all Radius profiles for the current site */ public function list_radius_profiles() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/radiusprofile'); } /** * Fetch Radius user accounts (using REST) * * NOTES: * - this function/method is only supported on controller versions 5.5.19 and later * * @return array|bool objects containing all Radius accounts for the current site */ public function list_radius_accounts() { return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/account'); } /** * Create a Radius user account (using REST) * * NOTES: * - this function/method is only supported on controller versions 5.5.19 and later * * @param string $name name for the new account * @param string $x_password password for the new account * @param int|null $tunnel_type optional, must be one of the following values: * 1 Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) * 2 Layer Two Forwarding (L2F) * 3 Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) * 4 Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol (ATMP) * 5 Virtual Tunneling Protocol (VTP) * 6 IP Authentication Header in the Tunnel-mode (AH) * 7 IP-in-IP Encapsulation (IP-IP) * 8 Minimal IP-in-IP Encapsulation (MIN-IP-IP) * 9 IP Encapsulating Security Payload in the Tunnel-mode (ESP) * 10 Generic Route Encapsulation (GRE) * 11 Bay Dial Virtual Services (DVS) * 12 IP-in-IP Tunneling * 13 Virtual LANs (VLAN) * @param int|null $tunnel_medium_type optional, must be one of the following values: * 1 IPv4 (IP version 4) * 2 IPv6 (IP version 6) * 3 NSAP * 4 HDLC (8-bit multidrop) * 5 BBN 1822 * 6 802 (includes all 802 media plus Ethernet "canonical format") * 7 E.163 (POTS) * 8 E.164 (SMDS, Frame Relay, ATM) * 9 F.69 (Telex) * 10 X.121 (X.25, Frame Relay) * 11 IPX * 12 Appletalk * 13 Decnet IV * 14 Banyan Vines * 15 E.164 with NSAP format subaddress * @param string|null $vlan optional, VLAN to assign to the account * @return bool|array containing a single object for the newly created account upon success, else returns false */ public function create_radius_account( string $name, string $x_password, int $tunnel_type = null, int $tunnel_medium_type = null, string $vlan = null ) { $tunnel_type_values = [null, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]; $tunnel_medium_type_values = [null, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]; if ( !in_array($tunnel_type, $tunnel_type_values) || !in_array($tunnel_medium_type, $tunnel_medium_type_values) || ($tunnel_type xor $tunnel_medium_type) ) { return false; } $payload = [ 'name' => $name, 'x_password' => $x_password, ]; if (!is_null($tunnel_type)) { $payload['tunnel_type'] = $tunnel_type; } if (!is_null($tunnel_medium_type)) { $payload['tunnel_medium_type'] = $tunnel_medium_type; } if (!is_null($vlan)) { $payload['vlan'] = $vlan; } return $this->fetch_results('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/account', $payload); } /** * Update a Radius account, base (using REST) * * NOTES: * - this function/method is only supported on controller versions 5.5.19 and later * * @param string $account_id _id of the account which can be found with the list_radius_accounts() function * @param object|array $payload stdClass object or associative array containing the new profile to apply to the * account, must be a (partial) object/array structured in the same manner as is * returned by list_radius_accounts() for the account. * @return bool true on success */ public function set_radius_account_base(string $account_id, $payload): bool { $this->curl_method = 'PUT'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/account/' . trim($account_id), $payload); } /** * Delete a Radius account (using REST) * * NOTES: * - this function/method is only supported on controller versions 5.5.19 and later * * @param string $account_id _id of the account which can be found with the list_radius_accounts() function * @return bool true on success */ public function delete_radius_account(string $account_id): bool { $this->curl_method = 'DELETE'; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/rest/account/' . trim($account_id)); } /** * Execute specific stats command * * @param string $command command to execute, known valid values: * 'reset-dpi', resets all DPI counters for the current site, * to be extended in the future * @return bool true on success */ public function cmd_stat(string $command): bool { if ($command != 'reset-dpi') { return false; } $payload = ['cmd' => trim($command)]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/cmd/stat', $payload); } /** * Toggle Element Adoption ON or OFF * * @param bool $enable true enables Element Adoption, false disables Element Adoption * @return bool true on success */ public function set_element_adoption(bool $enable): bool { $payload = ['enabled' => $enable]; return $this->fetch_results_boolean('/api/s/' . $this->site . '/set/setting/element_adopt', $payload); } /** * List device states * * NOTE: * this function returns a partial implementation of the codes listed here * https://help.ui.com/hc/en-us/articles/205231710-UniFi-UAP-Status-Meaning-Definitions * * @return array containing translations of UniFi device "state" values to humanized form */ public function list_device_states(): array { return [ 0 => 'offline', 1 => 'connected', 2 => 'pending adoption', 4 => 'updating', 5 => 'provisioning', 6 => 'unreachable', 7 => 'adopting', 9 => 'adoption error', 10 => 'adoption failed', 11 => 'isolated', ]; } /** * Custom API request * * NOTE: * Only use this method when you fully understand the behavior of the UniFi controller API. No input validation is * performed, to be used with care! * * @param string $path suffix of the URL (following the port number) to pass request to, *must* start with * a "/" character * @param string $method optional, HTTP request type, can be GET (default), POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE * @param object|array|null $payload optional, stdClass object or associative array containing the payload to pass * @param string $return optional, string; determines how to return results, when "boolean" the method must * return a boolean result (true/false) or "array" when the method must return an * array * @return bool|array returns results as requested, returns false on incorrect parameters */ public function custom_api_request(string $path, string $method = 'GET', $payload = null, string $return = 'array') { if (!in_array($method, $this->curl_methods_allowed)) { return false; } if (strpos($path, '/') !== 0) { return false; } $this->curl_method = $method; if ($return === 'array') { return $this->fetch_results($path, $payload); } elseif ($return === 'boolean') { return $this->fetch_results_boolean($path, $payload); } return false; } /**************************************************************** * "Aliases" for deprecated functions from here, used to support * backward compatibility: ****************************************************************/ /** * Fetch access points and other devices under management of the controller (USW, USG, and/or UnIfi OS consoles) * * NOTE: * changed function/method name to fit its purpose * * @param string|null $device_mac optional, the MAC address of a single device for which the call must be made * @return array containing known device objects (or a single device when using the parameter) */ public function list_aps(string $device_mac = null): array { trigger_error( 'Function list_aps() has been deprecated, use list_devices() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return $this->list_devices($device_mac); } /** * Start flashing LED of an access point for locating purposes * * @param string $mac device MAC address * @return bool true on success */ public function set_locate_ap(string $mac): bool { trigger_error( 'Function set_locate_ap() has been deprecated, use locate_ap() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return $this->locate_ap($mac, true); } /** * Stop flashing LED of an access point for locating purposes * * @param string $mac device MAC address * @return bool true on success */ public function unset_locate_ap(string $mac): bool { trigger_error( 'Function unset_locate_ap() has been deprecated, use locate_ap() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return $this->locate_ap($mac, false); } /** * Switch LEDs of all the access points ON * * @return bool true on success */ public function site_ledson(): bool { trigger_error( 'Function site_ledson() has been deprecated, use site_leds() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return $this->site_leds(true); } /** * Switch LEDs of all the access points OFF * * @return bool true on success */ public function site_ledsoff(): bool { trigger_error( 'Function site_ledsoff() has been deprecated, use site_leds() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return $this->site_leds(false); } /** * Reboot an access point * * @param string $mac device MAC address * @return bool true on success */ public function restart_ap(string $mac): bool { trigger_error( 'Function restart_ap() has been deprecated, use restart_device() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); return $this->restart_device($mac); } /**************************************************************** * setter/getter functions from here: ****************************************************************/ /** * Modify the private property $site * * NOTE: * this method is useful to switch between sites * * @param string $site must be the short site name of a site to which the * provided credentials have access * @return string the new (short) site name */ public function set_site(string $site): string { $this->check_site($site); $this->site = trim($site); return $this->site; } /** * Get the private property $site * * @return string the current (short) site name */ public function get_site(): string { return $this->site; } /** * Set debug mode * * @param bool $enable true enables debug mode, false disables debug mode * @return bool false when a non-boolean parameter was passed */ public function set_debug(bool $enable): bool { $this->debug = $enable; return true; } /** * Get the private property $debug * * @return bool the current boolean value for $debug */ public function get_debug(): bool { return $this->debug; } /** * Get last raw results * * @param boolean $return_json true returns the results in "pretty printed" json format, * false returns PHP stdClass Object format (default) * @return false|string|object|null the raw results as returned by the controller API */ public function get_last_results_raw(bool $return_json = false) { if (!is_null($this->last_results_raw)) { if ($return_json) { return json_encode($this->last_results_raw, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } return $this->last_results_raw; } return false; } /** * Get the last error message * * @return string the error message of the last method called in PHP stdClass Object format, an empty string when * none available */ public function get_last_error_message(): string { return $this->last_error_message; } /** * Get Cookie from UniFi controller (singular and plural) * * NOTES: * - when the results from this method are stored in $_SESSION[$this->unificookie_name], the Class initially does not * log in to the controller when a subsequent request is made using a new instance. This speeds up the * overall request considerably. Only when a subsequent request fails (e.g. cookies have expired) is a new login * executed and the value of $_SESSION[$this->unificookie_name] updated. * - to force the Class instance to log out automatically upon destruct, simply call logout() or unset * $_SESSION[$this->unificookie_name] at the end of your code * * @return string the UniFi controller cookie */ public function get_cookie(): string { return $this->cookies; } public function get_cookies(): string { return $this->cookies; } /** * Get the version of the Class * * @return string semver compatible version of this class * https://semver.org/ */ public function get_class_version(): string { return self::CLASS_VERSION; } /** * Set value for the private property $cookies * * @param string $cookies_value new value for $cookies */ public function set_cookies(string $cookies_value) { $this->cookies = $cookies_value; } /** * Get the current value of the private property $unificookie_name * * @return string current value of $unificookie_name */ public function get_unificookie_name(): string { return $this->unificookie_name; } /** * Get current request method * * @return string request type */ public function get_curl_method(): string { return $this->curl_method; } /** * Set request method * * @param string $curl_method a valid HTTP request method * @return bool whether the request was successful or not */ public function set_curl_method(string $curl_method): bool { if (!in_array($curl_method, $this->curl_methods_allowed)) { return false; } $this->curl_method = $curl_method; return true; } /** * Get value for cURL option CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER * * https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER.html * * @return bool value of private property $ssl_verify_peer (cURL option CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER) */ public function get_curl_ssl_verify_peer(): bool { return $this->curl_ssl_verify_peer; } /** * Set value for cURL option CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER * * https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER.html * * @param bool $curl_ssl_verify_peer should be 0/false or 1/true * @return bool whether the request was successful or not */ public function set_curl_ssl_verify_peer(bool $curl_ssl_verify_peer): bool { $this->curl_ssl_verify_peer = $curl_ssl_verify_peer; return true; } /** * Get value for cURL option CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST * * https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST.html * * @return int value of private property $ssl_verify_peer (cURL option CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST) */ public function get_curl_ssl_verify_host(): int { return $this->curl_ssl_verify_host; } /** * Set value for cURL option CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST * * https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST.html * * @param int $curl_ssl_verify_host should be 0, 1 or 2 * @return bool whether the request was successful or not */ public function set_curl_ssl_verify_host(int $curl_ssl_verify_host): bool { if (!in_array($curl_ssl_verify_host, [0, 1, 2])) { return false; } $this->curl_ssl_verify_host = $curl_ssl_verify_host; return true; } /** * Is current controller UniFi OS-based * * @return bool whether the current controller is UniFi OS-based or not */ public function get_is_unifi_os(): bool { return $this->is_unifi_os; } /** * Set value for private property $is_unifi_os * * @param bool $is_unifi_os the new value * @return bool whether the request was successful or not */ public function set_is_unifi_os(bool $is_unifi_os): bool { $this->is_unifi_os = $is_unifi_os; return true; } /** * Set value for the private property $connect_timeout * * @param int $timeout new value for $connect_timeout in seconds * @return bool whether the request was successful or not */ public function set_connection_timeout(int $timeout): bool { $this->curl_connect_timeout = $timeout; return true; } /** * Get the current value of the private property $connect_timeout * * @return int current value of $connect_timeout */ public function get_connection_timeout(): int { return $this->curl_connect_timeout; } /** * Set value for the private property $request_timeout * * @param int $timeout new value for $request_timeout in seconds * @return bool whether the request was successful or not */ public function set_curl_request_timeout(int $timeout): bool { $this->curl_request_timeout = $timeout; return true; } /** * Get the current value of the private property $request_timeout * * @return int current value of $request_timeout */ public function get_curl_request_timeout(): int { return $this->curl_request_timeout; } /** * Set value for the private property $curl_http_version * * NOTES: * - as of cURL version 7.62.0 the default value is CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2TLS which may cause issues, * this method allows to set the value to CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1 when needed * * @param int $http_version new value for $curl_http_version, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1 int(2) or * CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2TLS int(4) are recommended * @return bool whether the request was successful or not * @see https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION.html */ public function set_curl_http_version(int $http_version): bool { $this->curl_http_version = $http_version; return true; } /** * Get current value of the private property $curl_http_version * * @return int the current value of $request_timeout, can be CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1 int(2) or * CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2TLS int(4) * @see https://curl.se/libcurl/c/CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION.html */ public function get_curl_http_version(): int { return $this->curl_http_version; } /**************************************************************** * private and protected functions from here: ****************************************************************/ /** * Fetch results * * Execute the cURL request and return results * * @param string $path request path * @param object|array|null $payload optional, PHP associative array or stdClass Object, payload to pass with the * request * @param boolean $boolean optional, whether the method should return a boolean result, else return * the "data" array * @param boolean $login_required optional, whether the method requires to be logged in or not * @return bool|array returns an array with the "data" array on success, else returns false */ protected function fetch_results( string $path, $payload = null, bool $boolean = false, bool $login_required = true ) { /** * guard clause to check if logged in when needed */ if ($login_required && !$this->is_logged_in) { return false; } $this->last_results_raw = $this->exec_curl($path, $payload); if (is_string($this->last_results_raw)) { $response = json_decode($this->last_results_raw); $this->catch_json_last_error(); if (isset($response->meta->rc)) { if ($response->meta->rc === 'ok') { $this->last_error_message = ''; if (isset($response->data) && is_array($response->data) && !$boolean) { return $response->data; } return true; } if ($response->meta->rc === 'error') { /** * an error occurred: * set $this->set last_error_message if the returned error message is available */ if (isset($response->meta->msg)) { $this->last_error_message = $response->meta->msg; if ($this->debug) { trigger_error('Debug: Last error message: ' . $this->last_error_message); } } } } /** * to deal with a response coming from the new v2 API */ if (strpos($path, '/v2/api/') === 0) { if (isset($response->errorCode)) { if (isset($response->message)) { $this->last_error_message = $response->message; if ($this->debug) { trigger_error('Debug: Last error message: ' . $this->last_error_message); } } return false; } return $response; } } return false; } /** * Fetch results where output should be boolean (true/false) * * execute the cURL request and return a boolean value * * @param string $path request path * @param object|array|null $payload optional, PHP associative array or stdClass Object, payload to pass with the * request * @param bool $login_required optional, whether the method requires to be logged in or not * @return bool [description] */ protected function fetch_results_boolean(string $path, $payload = null, bool $login_required = true): bool { return $this->fetch_results($path, $payload, true, $login_required); } /** * Capture the latest JSON error when $this->debug is true * * @return bool returns true upon success, false upon failure */ protected function catch_json_last_error(): bool { if ($this->debug) { $error = 'Unknown JSON error occurred'; switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_NONE: // JSON is valid, no error has occurred and return true early return true; case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: $error = 'The maximum stack depth has been exceeded'; break; case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: $error = 'Invalid or malformed JSON'; break; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: $error = 'Control character error, possibly incorrectly encoded'; break; case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: $error = 'Syntax error, malformed JSON'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: // PHP >= 5.3.3 $error = 'Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded'; break; case JSON_ERROR_RECURSION: // PHP >= 5.5.0 $error = 'One or more recursive references in the value to be encoded'; break; case JSON_ERROR_INF_OR_NAN: // PHP >= 5.5.0 $error = 'One or more NAN or INF values in the value to be encoded'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE: $error = 'A value of a type that cannot be encoded was given'; break; } /** * check whether we have PHP >= 7.0.0 */ if (defined('JSON_ERROR_INVALID_PROPERTY_NAME') && defined('JSON_ERROR_UTF16')) { switch (json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_INVALID_PROPERTY_NAME: $error = 'A property name that cannot be encoded was given'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UTF16: $error = 'Malformed UTF-16 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded'; break; } } trigger_error('JSON decode error: ' . $error); return false; } return true; } /** * Validate the submitted base URL * * @param string $baseurl the base URL to validate * @return bool true if base URL is a valid URL, else returns false */ protected function check_base_url(string $baseurl): bool { if (!filter_var($baseurl, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) || substr($baseurl, -1) === '/') { trigger_error('The URL provided is incomplete, invalid or ends with a / character!'); return false; } return true; } /** * Check the (short) site name * * @param string $site the (short) site name to check * @return bool true if (short) site name is valid, else returns false */ protected function check_site(string $site): bool { if ($this->debug && preg_match('/\s/', $site)) { trigger_error('The provided (short) site name may not contain any spaces'); return false; } return true; } /** * Update the unificookie if sessions are enabled * * @return bool returns true when unificookie was updated, else returns false */ protected function update_unificookie(): bool { if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE && isset($_SESSION[$this->unificookie_name]) && !empty($_SESSION[$this->unificookie_name])) { $this->cookies = $_SESSION[$this->unificookie_name]; /** * if the cookie contains a JWT this is a UniFi OS controller */ if (strpos($this->cookies, 'TOKEN') !== false) { $this->is_unifi_os = true; } return true; } return false; } /** * Add a cURL header containing the CSRF token from the TOKEN in our Cookie string * * @return void */ protected function create_x_csrf_token_header() { if (!empty($this->cookies) && strpos($this->cookies, 'TOKEN') !== false) { $cookie_bits = explode('=', $this->cookies); if (!array_key_exists(1, $cookie_bits)) { return; } $jwt_components = explode('.', $cookie_bits[1]); if (!array_key_exists(1, $jwt_components)) { return; } /** * remove any existing x-csrf-token headers first */ foreach ($this->curl_headers as $index => $header) { if (strpos(strtolower($header), strtolower('x-csrf-token:')) !== false) { unset($this->curl_headers[$index]); } } $this->curl_headers[] = 'x-csrf-token: ' . json_decode(base64_decode($jwt_components[1]))->csrfToken; } } /** * Callback function for cURL to extract and store cookies as needed * * @param object|resource $ch the cURL instance (type hinting is unavailable for cURL resources) * @param string $header_line the response header line number * @return int length of the header line */ protected function response_header_callback($ch, string $header_line): int { if (strpos($header_line, 'unifises') !== false || strpos($header_line, 'TOKEN') !== false) { $cookie = trim(str_replace(['set-cookie: ', 'Set-Cookie: '], '', $header_line)); if (!empty($cookie)) { $cookie_crumbs = explode(';', $cookie); foreach ($cookie_crumbs as $cookie_crumb) { if (strpos($cookie_crumb, 'unifises') !== false) { $this->cookies = $cookie_crumb; $this->is_logged_in = true; $this->is_unifi_os = false; break; } if (strpos($cookie_crumb, 'TOKEN') !== false) { $this->cookies = $cookie_crumb; $this->is_logged_in = true; $this->is_unifi_os = true; break; } } } } return strlen($header_line); } /** * Execute the cURL request * * @param string $path path for the request * @param object|array|null $payload optional, payload to pass with the request * @return bool|string response returned by the controller API, false upon error */ protected function exec_curl(string $path, $payload = null) { if (!in_array($this->curl_method, $this->curl_methods_allowed)) { trigger_error('an invalid HTTP request type was used: ' . $this->curl_method); return false; } $url = $this->baseurl . $path; if ($this->is_unifi_os) { $url = $this->baseurl . '/proxy/network' . $path; } $ch = $this->get_curl_handle(); $curl_options = [ CURLOPT_URL => $url, ]; /** * when a payload is passed */ $json_payload = ''; if (!empty($payload)) { $json_payload = json_encode($payload, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); $curl_options[CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS] = $json_payload; /** * should not use GET (the default request type) or DELETE when passing a payload, * switch to POST instead */ if ($this->curl_method === 'GET' || $this->curl_method === 'DELETE') { $this->curl_method = 'POST'; } } switch ($this->curl_method) { case 'POST': $curl_options[CURLOPT_POST] = true; break; case 'DELETE': $curl_options[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = 'DELETE'; break; case 'PUT': $curl_options[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = 'PUT'; break; case 'PATCH': $curl_options[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = 'PATCH'; break; } if ($this->is_unifi_os && $this->curl_method !== 'GET') { $this->create_x_csrf_token_header(); } $curl_options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = $this->curl_headers; curl_setopt_array($ch, $curl_options); /** * execute the cURL request */ $response = curl_exec($ch); if (curl_errno($ch)) { trigger_error('cURL error: ' . curl_error($ch)); } /** * get the HTTP response code */ $http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); /** * an HTTP response code 401 (Unauthorized) indicates the Cookie/Token has expired in which case * re-login is required */ if ($http_code === 401) { if ($this->debug) { error_log(__FUNCTION__ . ': needed to reconnect to UniFi controller'); } if ($this->exec_retries === 0) { /** * explicitly clear the expired Cookie/Token, update other properties and log out before logging in again */ if (isset($_SESSION[$this->unificookie_name])) { $_SESSION[$this->unificookie_name] = ''; } $this->is_logged_in = false; $this->cookies = ''; $this->exec_retries++; curl_close($ch); /** * then login again */ $this->login(); /** * when re-login was successful, execute the same cURL request again */ if ($this->is_logged_in) { if ($this->debug) { error_log(__FUNCTION__ . ': re-logged in, calling exec_curl again'); } return $this->exec_curl($path, $payload); } if ($this->debug) { error_log(__FUNCTION__ . ': re-login failed'); } } return false; } if ($this->debug) { print PHP_EOL . '
            print PHP_EOL . '---------cURL INFO-----------' . PHP_EOL;
            print PHP_EOL . '-------URL & PAYLOAD---------' . PHP_EOL;
            print $url . PHP_EOL;

            if (empty($json_payload)) {
                print 'empty payload';

            print $json_payload;
            print PHP_EOL . '----------RESPONSE-----------' . PHP_EOL;
            print $response;
            print PHP_EOL . '-----------------------------' . PHP_EOL;
            print '
' . PHP_EOL; } curl_close($ch); /** * set method back to default value, just in case */ $this->curl_method = 'GET'; return $response; } /** * Create and return a new cURL handle * * @return object|resource CurlHandle object with PHP 8, or a resource for lower PHP versions */ protected function get_curl_handle() { $ch = curl_init(); $curl_options = [ CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS => CURLPROTO_HTTPS, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => $this->curl_http_version, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => $this->curl_ssl_verify_peer, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => $this->curl_ssl_verify_host, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => $this->curl_connect_timeout, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => $this->curl_request_timeout, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION => [$this, 'response_header_callback'], ]; if ($this->debug) { $curl_options[CURLOPT_VERBOSE] = true; } if (!empty($this->cookies)) { $curl_options[CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION] = true; $curl_options[CURLOPT_COOKIE] = $this->cookies; } curl_setopt_array($ch, $curl_options); return $ch; } }