#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: set noai ts=4 sw=4 expandtab # Stable Gimpfusion # v1.0.14 # Thin API client for Automatic1111's StableDiffusion API # https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui import base64 import json import os import random import tempfile import logging import urllib import urllib2 import gimp import gimpenums import gimpfu VERSION = 15 PLUGIN_NAME = "StableGimpfusion" PLUGIN_VERSION_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ArtBIT/stable-gimpfusion/main/version.json" MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 20 # Initialize debugging if os.environ.get('DEBUG'): DEBUG = True logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: DEBUG = False logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.info("StableGimfusion version %d" % VERSION) # GLOBALS layer_counter = 1 settings = None api = None models = None sd_model_checkpoint = None is_server_running = False STABLE_GIMPFUSION_DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { "sampler_name": "Euler a", "denoising_strength": 0.8, "cfg_scale": 7.5, "steps": 50, "width": 512, "height": 512, "prompt": "", "negative_prompt": "", "batch_size": 1, "mask_blur": 4, "seed": -1, "api_base": "", "model": "", "models": [], "cn_models": [], "sd_model_checkpoint": None, "is_server_running": False } RESIZE_MODES = { "Just Resize": 0, "Crop And Resize": 1, "Resize And Fill": 2, "Just Resize (Latent Upscale)": 3 } CONTROL_MODES = { "Balanced": 0, "My prompt is more important": 1, "ControlNet is more important": 2, } SAMPLERS = [ "Euler a", "Euler", "LMS", "Heun", "DPM2", "DPM2 a", "DPM++ 2S a", "DPM++ 2M", "DPM++ SDE", "DPM fast", "DPM adaptive", "LMS Karras", "DPM2 Karras", "DPM2 a Karras", "DPM++ 2S a Karras", "DPM++ 2M Karras", "DPM++ SDE Karras", "DDIM" ] CONTROLNET_RESIZE_MODES = [ "Just Resize", "Scale to Fit (Inner Fit)", "Envelope (Outer Fit)", ] CONTROLNET_MODULES = [ "none", "canny", "depth", "depth_leres", "hed", "mlsd", "normal_map", "openpose", "openpose_hand", "clip_vision", "color", "pidinet", "scribble", "fake_scribble", "segmentation", "binary" ] CONTROLNET_DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { "input_image": "", "mask": "", "module": "none", "model": "none", "weight": 1.0, "resize_mode": "Scale to Fit (Inner Fit)", "lowvram": False, "processor_res": 64, "threshold_a": 64, "threshold_b": 64, "guidance": 1.0, "guidance_start": 0.0, "guidance_end": 1.0, "control_mode": 0, } GENERATION_MESSAGES = [ "Making happy little pixels...", "Fetching pixels from a digital art museum...", "Waiting for bot-painters to finish...", "Waiting for the prompt to bake...", "Fetching random pixels from the internet", "Taking a random screenshot from an AI dream", "Throwing pixels at screen and seeing what sticks", "Converting random internet comment to RGB values", "Computer make pretty picture, you happy.", "Computer is hand-painting pixels...", "Turning the Gimp knob up to 11...", "Pixelated dreams come true, thanks to AI.", "AI is doing its magic...", "Pocket Picasso is speed-painting...", "Instant Rembrandt! Well, relatively instant...", "Doodle buddy is doing its thing...", "Waiting for the digital paint to dry..." ] def roundToMultiple(value, multiple): return multiple * round(float(value)/multiple) def deunicodeDict(data): """Recursively converts dictionary keys to strings.""" if isinstance(data, unicode): return str(data) if not isinstance(data, dict): return data return dict((str(k), deunicodeDict(v)) for k, v in data.items()) class ApiClient(): """ Simple API client used to interface with StableDiffusion JSON endpoints """ def __init__(self, base_url): self.setBaseUrl(base_url) def setBaseUrl(self, base_url): self.base_url = base_url def post(self, endpoint, data={}, params={}, headers=None): try: url = self.base_url + endpoint + "?" + urllib.urlencode(params) logging.debug("POST %s" % url) data = json.dumps(data) logging.debug('post data %s', data) headers = headers or {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json"} request = urllib2.Request(url=url, data=data, headers=headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) data = response.read() data = json.loads(data) logging.debug('response: %s', data) return data except Exception as ex: logging.exception("ERROR: ApiClient.post") def get(self, endpoint, params={}, headers=None): try: url = self.base_url + endpoint + "?" + urllib.urlencode(params) logging.debug("POST %s" % url) headers = headers or {"Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json"} request = urllib2.Request(url=url, headers=headers) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) data = response.read() data = json.loads(data) return data except Exception as ex: logging.exception("ERROR: ApiClient.get") """ Get the StableDiffusion data needed for dynamic gimpfu.PF_OPTION lists """ def fetch_stablediffusion_options(): global api, settings try: options = deunicodeDict(api.get("/sdapi/v1/options") or {}) sd_model_checkpoint = options.get("sd_model_checkpoint", None) models = map(lambda data: data["title"], api.get("/sdapi/v1/sd-models") or []) cn_models = (api.get("/controlnet/model_list") or {}).get("model_list", []) cn_models = ["None"] + cn_models settings.save({"models": models, "cn_models": cn_models, "sd_model_checkpoint": sd_model_checkpoint, "is_server_running": True}) except Exception as ex: logging.exception("ERROR: DynamicDropdownData.fetch") settings.save({"is_server_running", False}) # We need persistent data before the gimp system has initialized so we cannot use parasites nor gimpshelf class MyShelf(): """ GimpShelf is not available at init time, so we keep our persistent data in a json file """ def __init__(self, default_shelf = {}): self.file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'stable_gimpfusion.json') self.load(default_shelf) def load(self, default_shelf = {}): self.data = default_shelf try: if os.path.isfile(self.file_path): logging.info("Loading shelf from %s" % self.file_path) with open(self.file_path, "r") as f: self.data = json.load(f) logging.info("Successfully loaded shelf") except Exception as e: logging.debug(e) def save(self, data = {}): try: self.data.update(data) logging.info("Saving shelf to %s" % self.file_path) with open(self.file_path, "w") as f: json.dump(self.data, f) logging.info("Successfully saved shelf") except Exception as e: logging.debug(e) def get(self, name, default_value=None): if name in self.data: return self.data[name] return default_value def set(self, name, default_value=None): self.data[name] = default_value self.save() class StableGimpfusionPlugin(): def __init__(self, image): global settings,api self.name = "stable_gimpfusion" self.image = image global is_server_running if not is_server_running: gimp.pdb.gimp_message("It seems that StableDiffusion is not runing on "+settings.get("api_base")) try: self.api = api self.files = TempFiles() except Exception as e: logging.exception("ERROR: StableGimpfusionPlugin.__init__") def showMessage(self, text): gimp.pdb.gimp_message(text) def checkUpdate(self): try: gimp.get_data("update_checked") updateChecked = True except Exception as ex: updateChecked = False if updateChecked is False: try: response = urllib2.urlopen(PLUGIN_VERSION_URL) data = response.read() data = json.loads(data) gimp.set_data("update_checked", "1") if VERSION < int(data["version"]): gimp.pdb.gimp_message(data["message"]) except Exception as ex: ex = ex def getLayerAsBase64(self, layer): # store active_layer active_layer = layer.image.active_layer copy = Layer(layer).copy().insert() result = copy.toBase64() copy.remove() # restore active_layer gimp.pdb.gimp_image_set_active_layer(active_layer.image, active_layer) return result def getActiveLayerAsBase64(self): return self.getLayerAsBase64(self.image.active_layer) def getLayerMaskAsBase64(self, layer): non_empty, x1, y1, x2, y2 = gimp.pdb.gimp_selection_bounds(layer.image) if non_empty: # selection to base64 # store active_layer active_layer = layer.image.active_layer # selection to file #disable=pdb.gimp_image_undo_disable(layer.image) tmp_layer = Layer.create(layer.image, "mask", layer.image.width, layer.image.height, gimpenums.RGBA_IMAGE, 100, gimpenums.NORMAL_MODE) tmp_layer.addSelectionAsMask().insert() result = tmp_layer.maskToBase64() tmp_layer.remove() #enable = pdb.gimp_image_undo_enable(layer.image) # restore active_layer gimp.pdb.gimp_image_set_active_layer(active_layer.image, active_layer) return result elif layer.mask: # mask to file tmp_layer = Layer(layer) return tmp_layer.maskToBase64() else: return "" def getActiveMaskAsBase64(self): return self.getLayerMaskAsBase64(self.image.active_layer) def getSelectionBounds(self): non_empty, x1, y1, x2, y2 = gimp.pdb.gimp_selection_bounds(self.image) if non_empty: return x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1 return 0, 0, self.image.width, self.image.height def cleanup(self): self.files.removeAll() self.checkUpdate() def getControlNetParams(self, cn_layer): if cn_layer: layer = Layer(cn_layer) data = layer.loadData(CONTROLNET_DEFAULT_SETTINGS) # ControlNet image size need to be in multiples of 64 layer64 = layer.copy().insert().resizeToMultipleOf(64) data.update({"input_image": layer64.toBase64()}) if cn_layer.mask: data.update({"mask": layer64.maskToBase64()}) layer64.remove() return data return None def imageToImage(self, *args): global settings resize_mode, prompt, negative_prompt, seed, batch_size, steps, mask_blur, width, height, cfg_scale, denoising_strength, sampler_index, cn1_enabled, cn1_layer, cn2_enabled, cn2_layer, cn_skip_annotator_layers = args image = self.image x, y, origWidth, origHeight = self.getSelectionBounds() data = { "resize_mode": resize_mode, "init_images": [self.getActiveLayerAsBase64()], "prompt": (prompt + " " + settings.get("prompt")).strip(), "negative_prompt": (negative_prompt + " " + settings.get("negative_prompt")).strip(), "denoising_strength": float(denoising_strength), "steps": int(steps), "cfg_scale": float(cfg_scale), "width": roundToMultiple(width, 8), "height": roundToMultiple(height, 8), "sampler_index": SAMPLERS[sampler_index], "batch_size": min(MAX_BATCH_SIZE, max(1, batch_size)), "seed": seed or -1 } try: gimp.pdb.gimp_progress_init("", None) gimp.pdb.gimp_progress_set_text(random.choice(GENERATION_MESSAGES)) controlnet_units = [] if cn1_enabled: controlnet_units.append(self.getControlNetParams(cn1_layer)) if cn2_enabled: controlnet_units.append(self.getControlNetParams(cn2_layer)) if len(controlnet_units) > 0: alwayson_scripts = { "controlnet": { "args": controlnet_units } } data.update({"alwayson_scripts": alwayson_scripts}) response = self.api.post("/sdapi/v1/img2img", data) ResponseLayers(image, response, {"skip_annotator_layers": cn_skip_annotator_layers}).resize(origWidth, origHeight) except Exception as ex: logging.exception("ERROR: StableGimpfusionPlugin.imageToImage") self.showMessage(repr(ex)) finally: gimp.pdb.gimp_progress_end() self.cleanup() def inpainting(self, *args): global settings resize_mode, prompt, negative_prompt, seed, batch_size, steps, mask_blur, width, height, cfg_scale, denoising_strength, sampler_index, cn1_enabled, cn1_layer, cn2_enabled, cn2_layer, cn_skip_annotator_layers, invert_mask, inpaint_full_res = args image = self.image x, y, origWidth, origHeight = self.getSelectionBounds() init_images = [self.getActiveLayerAsBase64()] mask = self.getActiveMaskAsBase64() if mask == "": logging.exception("ERROR: StableGimpfusionPlugin.inpainting") raise Exception("Inpainting must use either a selection or layer mask") data = { "mask": mask, "inpaint_full_res": inpaint_full_res, "inpaint_full_res_padding": 10, "inpainting_mask_invert": 1 if invert_mask else 0, "resize_mode": resize_mode, "init_images": init_images, "prompt": (prompt + " " + settings.get("prompt")).strip(), "negative_prompt": (negative_prompt + " " + settings.get("negative_prompt")).strip(), "denoising_strength": float(denoising_strength), "steps": int(steps), "cfg_scale": float(cfg_scale), "width": roundToMultiple(width, 8), "height": roundToMultiple(height, 8), "sampler_index": SAMPLERS[sampler_index], "batch_size": min(MAX_BATCH_SIZE, max(1, batch_size)), "seed": seed or -1 } try: gimp.pdb.gimp_progress_init("", None) gimp.pdb.gimp_progress_set_text(random.choice(GENERATION_MESSAGES)) controlnet_units = [] if cn1_enabled: controlnet_units.append(self.getControlNetParams(cn1_layer)) if cn2_enabled: controlnet_units.append(self.getControlNetParams(cn2_layer)) if len(controlnet_units) > 0: alwayson_scripts = { "controlnet": { "args": controlnet_units } } data.update({"alwayson_scripts": alwayson_scripts}) response = self.api.post("/sdapi/v1/img2img", data) ResponseLayers(image, response, {"skip_annotator_layers": cn_skip_annotator_layers}).resize(self.image.width, self.image.height) except Exception as ex: logging.exception("ERROR: StableGimpfusionPlugin.inpainting") self.showMessage(repr(ex)) finally: gimp.pdb.gimp_progress_end() self.cleanup() def textToImage(self, *args): global settings prompt, negative_prompt, seed, batch_size, steps, mask_blur, width, height, cfg_scale, denoising_strength, sampler_index, cn1_enabled, cn1_layer, cn2_enabled, cn2_layer, cn_skip_annotator_layers = args image = self.image x, y, origWidth, origHeight = self.getSelectionBounds() data = { "prompt": (prompt + " " + settings.get("prompt")).strip(), "negative_prompt": (negative_prompt + " " + settings.get("negative_prompt")).strip(), "cfg_scale": float(cfg_scale), "denoising_strength": float(denoising_strength), "steps": int(steps), "width": roundToMultiple(width, 8), "height": roundToMultiple(height, 8), "sampler_index": SAMPLERS[sampler_index], "batch_size": min(MAX_BATCH_SIZE, max(1, batch_size)), "seed": seed or -1 } try: gimp.pdb.gimp_progress_init("", None) gimp.pdb.gimp_progress_set_text(random.choice(GENERATION_MESSAGES)) controlnet_units = [] if cn1_enabled: controlnet_units.append(self.getControlNetParams(cn1_layer)) if cn2_enabled: controlnet_units.append(self.getControlNetParams(cn2_layer)) if len(controlnet_units) > 0: alwayson_scripts = { "controlnet": { "args": controlnet_units } } data.update({"alwayson_scripts": alwayson_scripts}) response = self.api.post("/sdapi/v1/txt2img", data) ResponseLayers(image, response, {"skip_annotator_layers": cn_skip_annotator_layers}).resize(origWidth, origHeight).translate((x, y)).addSelectionAsMask() except Exception as ex: logging.exception("ERROR: StableGimpfusionPlugin.textToImage") self.showMessage(repr(ex)) finally: gimp.pdb.gimp_progress_end() self.cleanup() def showLayerInfo(self, *args): """ Show any layer info associated with the active layer """ data = LayerData(self.image.active_layer).data gimp.pdb.gimp_message("This layer has the following data associated with it\n" + json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) def saveControlLayer(self, module, model, weight, resize_mode, lowvram, control_mode, guidance_start, guidance_end, guidance, processor_res, threshold_a, threshold_b): """ Take the form params and save them to the layer as gimp.Parasite """ global settings cn_models = settings.get("cn_models", []) cn_settings = { "module": CONTROLNET_MODULES[module], "model": cn_models[model], "weight": weight, "resize_mode": CONTROLNET_RESIZE_MODES[resize_mode], "lowvram": lowvram, "control_mode": control_mode, "guidance_start": guidance_start, "guidance_end": guidance_end, "guidance": guidance, "processor_res": processor_res, "threshold_a": threshold_a, "threshold_b": threshold_b, } active_layer = self.image.active_layer cnlayer = Layer(active_layer) cnlayer.saveData(cn_settings) cnlayer.rename("ControlNet"+str(cnlayer.id)) def config(self, prompt, negative_prompt, url): global settings settings.save({ "prompt": prompt, "negative_prompt": negative_prompt, "api_base": url, }) def changeModel(self, model): global settings if settings.get("model") != model: gimp.pdb.gimp_progress_init("", None) gimp.pdb.gimp_progress_set_text("Changing model...") try: self.api.post("/sdapi/v1/options", { "sd_model_checkpoint": models[model] } ) settings.set("sd_model_checkpoint", model) except Exception as e: logging.error(e) gimp.pdb.gimp_progress_end() class TempFiles(object): def __new__(cls): if not hasattr(cls, 'instance'): cls.instance = super(TempFiles, cls).__new__(cls) return cls.instance def __init__(self): self.files = [] def get(self, filename): self.files.append(filename) return r"{}".format(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), filename)) def removeAll(self): try: unique_list = (list(set(self.files))) for tmpfile in unique_list: if os.path.exists(tmpfile): os.remove(tmpfile) except Exception as ex: ex = ex class LayerData(): def __init__(self, layer, defaults = {}): self.name = 'gimpfusion' self.layer = layer self.image = layer.image self.defaults = defaults self.had_parasite = False self.load() def load(self): parasite = self.layer.parasite_find(self.name) if not parasite: self.data = self.defaults.copy() else: self.had_parasite = True self.data = json.loads(parasite.data) self.data = deunicodeDict(self.data) return self.data def save(self, data): parasite = gimp.Parasite(self.name, gimpenums.PARASITE_PERSISTENT, deunicodeDict(json.dumps(data))) self.layer.parasite_attach(parasite) class Layer(): def __init__(self, layer = None): global layer_counter self.id = layer_counter layer_counter = layer_counter + 1 if layer is not None: self.layer = layer self.image = layer.image @staticmethod def create(image, name, width, height, image_type, opacity, mode): layer = gimp.Layer(image, name, width, height, image_type, opacity, mode) return Layer(layer) @staticmethod def fromBase64(img, base64Data): filepath = TempFiles().get("generated.png") imageFile = open(filepath, "wb+") imageFile.write(base64.b64decode(base64Data)) imageFile.close() layer = gimp.pdb.gimp_file_load_layer(img, filepath) return Layer(layer) def rename(self, name): gimp.pdb.gimp_layer_set_name(self.layer, name) return self def saveData(self, data): LayerData(self.layer).save(data) return self def loadData(self, default_data): return LayerData(self.layer, default_data).data.copy() def copy(self): copy = gimp.pdb.gimp_layer_copy(self.layer, True) return Layer(copy) def scale(self, new_scale=1.0): if new_scale != 1.0: gimp.pdb.gimp_layer_scale(self.layer, int(new_scale * self.layer.width), int(new_scale * self.layer.height), False) return self def resize(self, width, height): logging.info("Resizing to %dx%d", width, height) gimp.pdb.gimp_layer_scale(self.layer, width, height, False) def resizeToMultipleOf(self, multiple): gimp.pdb.gimp_layer_scale(self.layer, roundToMultiple(self.layer.width, multiple), roundToMultiple(self.layer.height, multiple), False) return self def translate(self, offset=None): if offset is not None: gimp.pdb.gimp_layer_set_offsets(self.layer, offset[0], offset[1]) return self def insert(self): gimp.pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(self.image, self.layer, None, -1) return self def insertTo(self, image=None): image = image or self.image gimp.pdb.gimp_image_insert_layer(image, self.layer, None, -1) return self def addSelectionAsMask(self): mask = self.layer.create_mask(gimpenums.ADD_SELECTION_MASK) self.layer.add_mask(mask) return self def saveMaskAs(self, filepath): gimp.pdb.file_png_save(self.image, self.layer.mask, filepath, filepath, False, 9, True, True, True, True, True) return self def saveAs(self, filepath): gimp.pdb.file_png_save(self.image, self.layer, filepath, filepath, False, 9, True, True, True, True, True) return self def maskToBase64(self): filepath = TempFiles().get("mask"+str(self.id)+".png") self.saveMaskAs(filepath) file = open(filepath, "rb") return base64.b64encode(file.read()) def toBase64(self): filepath = TempFiles().get("layer"+str(self.id)+".png") self.saveAs(filepath) file = open(filepath, "rb") return base64.b64encode(file.read()) def remove(self): gimp.pdb.gimp_image_remove_layer(self.layer.image, self.layer) return self class ResponseLayers(): def __init__(self, img, response, options = {}): self.image = img color = gimp.pdb.gimp_context_get_foreground() gimp.pdb.gimp_context_set_foreground((0, 0, 0)) layers = [] try: info = json.loads(response["info"]) infotexts = info["infotexts"] seeds = info["all_seeds"] index = 0 logging.debug(infotexts) logging.debug(seeds) total_images = len(seeds) for image in response["images"]: if index < total_images: layer_data = {"info": infotexts[index], "seed": seeds[index]} layer = Layer.fromBase64(img, image).rename("Generated Layer "+str(seeds[index])).saveData(layer_data).insertTo(img) else: # annotator layers if "skip_annotator_layers" in options and not options["skip_annotator_layers"]: layer = Layer.fromBase64(img, image).rename("Annotator Layer").insertTo(img) layers.append(layer.layer) index += 1 except Exception as e: logging.exception("ResponseLayers") gimp.pdb.gimp_context_set_foreground(color) self.layers = layers def scale(self, new_scale=1.0): if new_scale != 1.0: for layer in self.layers: Layer(layer).scale(new_scale) return self def resize(self, width, height): for layer in self.layers: Layer(layer).resize(width, height) return self def translate(self, offset=None): if offset is not None: for layer in self.layers: Layer(layer).translate(offset) return self def insertTo(self, image=None): image = image or self.image for layer in self.layers: Layer(layer).insertTo(image) return self def addSelectionAsMask(self): non_empty, x1, y1, x2, y2 = gimp.pdb.gimp_selection_bounds(self.image) if not non_empty: return if (x1 == 0) and (y1 == 0) and (x2 - x1 == self.image.width) and (y2 - y1 == self.image.height): return for layer in self.layers: Layer(layer).addSelectionAsMask() return self def handleConfig(image, drawable, *args): print((image, drawable, args)) StableGimpfusionPlugin(image).config(*args) def handleChangeModel(image, drawable, *args): logging.info(image, drawable, *args) StableGimpfusionPlugin(image).changeModel(*args) def handleImageToImage(image, drawable, *args): StableGimpfusionPlugin(image).imageToImage(*args) def handleInpainting(image, drawable, *args): StableGimpfusionPlugin(image).inpainting(*args) def handleTextToImage(image, drawable, *args): StableGimpfusionPlugin(image).textToImage(*args) def handleControlNetLayerConfig(image, drawable, *args): StableGimpfusionPlugin(image).saveControlLayer(*args) def handleShowLayerInfo(image, drawable, *args): StableGimpfusionPlugin(image).showLayerInfo(*args) def handleImageToImageFromLayersContext(image, drawable, *args): StableGimpfusionPlugin(image).imageToImage(*args) def handleInpaintingFromLayersContext(image, drawable, *args): StableGimpfusionPlugin(image).inpainting(*args) def handleTextToImageFromLayersContext(image, drawable, *args): StableGimpfusionPlugin(image).textToImage(*args) def handleControlNetLayerConfigFromLayersContext(image, drawable, *args): StableGimpfusionPlugin(image).saveControlLayer(*args) def handleShowLayerInfoContext(image, drawable, *args): StableGimpfusionPlugin(image).showLayerInfo(*args) def init_plugin(): global settings, api, sd_model, models, is_server_running settings = MyShelf(STABLE_GIMPFUSION_DEFAULT_SETTINGS) api = ApiClient(settings.get("api_base")) fetch_stablediffusion_options() models = settings.get("models", []) sd_model_checkpoint = settings.get("sd_model_checkpoint") is_server_running = settings.get("is_server_running") logging.info(settings) PLUGIN_FIELDS_IMAGE = [ (gimpfu.PF_IMAGE, "image", "Image", None), (gimpfu.PF_DRAWABLE, "drawable", "Drawable", None), ] PLUGIN_FIELDS_LAYERS = [ (gimpfu.PF_IMAGE, "image", "Image", None), (gimpfu.PF_LAYER, "layer", "Layer", None), ] PLUGIN_FIELDS_COMMON = [ (gimpfu.PF_TEXT, "prompt", "Prompt", settings.get("prompt")), (gimpfu.PF_TEXT, "negative_prompt", "Negative Prompt", settings.get("negative_prompt")), (gimpfu.PF_INT32, "seed", "Seed", settings.get("seed")), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "batch_size", "Batch count", settings.get("batch_size"), (1, 20, 1.0)), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "steps", "Steps", settings.get("steps"), (10, 150, 1.0)), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "mask_blur", "Mask Blur", settings.get("mask_blur"), (1, 10, 1.0)), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "width", "Width", settings.get("width"), (64, 2048, 8)), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "height", "Height", settings.get("height"), (64, 2048, 8)), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "cfg_scale", "CFG Scale", settings.get("cfg_scale"), (0, 20, 0.5)), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "denoising_strength", "Denoising Strength", settings.get("denoising_strength"), (0.0, 1.0, 0.01)), (gimpfu.PF_OPTION, "sampler_index", "Sampler", SAMPLERS.index(settings.get("sampler_name")), SAMPLERS), ] PLUGIN_FIELDS_CONTROLNET_OPTIONS = [ (gimpfu.PF_TOGGLE, "cn1_enabled", "Enable ControlNet 1", False), (gimpfu.PF_LAYER, "cn1_layer", "ControlNet 1 Layer", None), (gimpfu.PF_TOGGLE, "cn2_enabled", "Enable ControlNet 2", False), (gimpfu.PF_LAYER, "cn2_layer", "ControlNet 2 Layer", None), (gimpfu.PF_TOGGLE, "cn_skip_annotator_layers", "Skip annotator layers", True), ] PLUGIN_FIELDS_CONFIG = [ (gimpfu.PF_STRING, "prompt", "Prompt Suffix", settings.get("prompt")), (gimpfu.PF_STRING, "negative_prompt", "Negative Prompt Suffix", settings.get("negative_prompt")), (gimpfu.PF_STRING, "api_base", "Backend API URL base", settings.get("api_base")), ] logging.info(models) if sd_model_checkpoint is not None: PLUGIN_FIELDS_CHECKPOINT = [ (gimpfu.PF_OPTION, "model", "Model", models.index(sd_model_checkpoint), models) ] else: PLUGIN_FIELDS_CHECKPOINT = [] PLUGIN_FIELDS_RESIZE_MODE = [(gimpfu.PF_OPTION, "resize_mode", "Resize Mode", 0, tuple(RESIZE_MODES.keys()))] PLUGIN_FIELDS_TXT2IMG = [] + PLUGIN_FIELDS_COMMON + PLUGIN_FIELDS_CONTROLNET_OPTIONS PLUGIN_FIELDS_IMG2IMG = [] + PLUGIN_FIELDS_RESIZE_MODE + PLUGIN_FIELDS_TXT2IMG PLUGIN_FIELDS_INPAINTING = [ (gimpfu.PF_TOGGLE, "invert_mask", "Invert Mask", False), (gimpfu.PF_TOGGLE, "inpaint_full_res", "Inpaint Whole Picture", True), ] PLUGIN_FIELDS_CONTROLNET = [] + [ (gimpfu.PF_OPTION, "module", "Module", 0, CONTROLNET_MODULES), (gimpfu.PF_OPTION, "model", "Model", 0, settings.get("cn_models", ["none"])), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "weight", "Weight", 1, (0, 2, 0.05)), (gimpfu.PF_OPTION, "resize_mode", "Resize Mode", 1, CONTROLNET_RESIZE_MODES), (gimpfu.PF_BOOL, "lowvram", "Low VRAM", False), (gimpfu.PF_OPTION, "control_mode", "Control Mode", 0, tuple(CONTROL_MODES.keys())), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "guidance_start", "Guidance Start (T)", 0, (0, 1, 0.01)), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "guidance_end", "Guidance End (T)", 1, (0, 1, 0.01)), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "guidance", "Guidance", 1, (0, 1, 0.01)), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "processor_res", "Processor Resolution", 512, (64, 2048, 1)), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "threshold_a", "Threshold A", 64, (100, 2048, 1)), (gimpfu.PF_SLIDER, "threshold_b", "Threshold B", 64, (200, 2048, 1)), ] gimpfu.register( "stable-gimpfusion-config", "This is where you configure params that are shared between all API requests", "Gimp Client for the StableDiffusion Automatic1111 API", "ArtBIT", "ArtBIT", "2023", "Global", "*", # Alternately use RGB, RGB*, GRAY*, INDEXED etc. [] + PLUGIN_FIELDS_IMAGE + PLUGIN_FIELDS_CONFIG, [], handleConfig, menu="/GimpFusion/Config", ) gimpfu.register( "stable-gimpfusion-config-model", "Change the Checkpoint Model", "Change the Checkpoint Model", "ArtBIT", "ArtBIT", "2023", "Change Model", "*", [] + PLUGIN_FIELDS_IMAGE + PLUGIN_FIELDS_CHECKPOINT, [], handleChangeModel, menu="/GimpFusion/Config" ) gimpfu.register( "stable-gimpfusion-txt2img", "Text to image", "Text to image", "ArtBIT", "ArtBIT", "2023", "Text to image", "*", []+ PLUGIN_FIELDS_IMAGE + PLUGIN_FIELDS_TXT2IMG, [], handleTextToImage, menu="/GimpFusion" ) gimpfu.register( "stable-gimpfusion-txt2img-context", "Text to image", "Text to image", "ArtBIT", "ArtBIT", "2023", "Text to image", "*", [] + PLUGIN_FIELDS_LAYERS + PLUGIN_FIELDS_TXT2IMG, [], handleTextToImageFromLayersContext, menu="/GimpFusion" ) gimpfu.register( "stable-gimpfusion-img2img", "Image to image", "Image to image", "ArtBIT", "ArtBIT", "2023", "Image to image", "*", []+ PLUGIN_FIELDS_IMAGE + PLUGIN_FIELDS_IMG2IMG, [], handleImageToImage, menu="/GimpFusion" ) gimpfu.register( "stable-gimpfusion-img2img-context", "Image to image", "Image to image", "ArtBIT", "ArtBIT", "2023", "Image to image", "*", [] + PLUGIN_FIELDS_LAYERS + PLUGIN_FIELDS_IMG2IMG, [], handleImageToImageFromLayersContext, menu="/GimpFusion" ) gimpfu.register( "stable-gimpfusion-inpainting", "Inpainting", "Inpainting", "ArtBIT", "ArtBIT", "2023", "Inpainting", "*", []+ PLUGIN_FIELDS_IMAGE + PLUGIN_FIELDS_IMG2IMG + PLUGIN_FIELDS_INPAINTING, [], handleInpainting, menu="/GimpFusion" ) gimpfu.register( "stable-gimpfusion-inpainting-context", "Inpainting", "Inpainting", "ArtBIT", "ArtBIT", "2023", "Inpainting", "*", [] + PLUGIN_FIELDS_LAYERS + PLUGIN_FIELDS_IMG2IMG, [], handleInpaintingFromLayersContext, menu="/GimpFusion" ) gimpfu.register( "stable-gimpfusion-config-controlnet-layer", "Convert current layer to ControlNet layer or edit ControlNet Layer's options", "ControlNet Layer", "ArtBIT", "ArtBIT", "2023", "Active layer as ControlNet", "*", []+ PLUGIN_FIELDS_IMAGE + PLUGIN_FIELDS_CONTROLNET, [], handleControlNetLayerConfig, menu="/GimpFusion" ) gimpfu.register( "stable-gimpfusion-config-controlnet-layer-context", "Convert current layer to ControlNet layer or edit ControlNet Layer's options", "ControlNet Layer", "ArtBIT", "ArtBIT", "2023", "Use as ControlNet", "*", [] + PLUGIN_FIELDS_LAYERS + PLUGIN_FIELDS_CONTROLNET, [], handleControlNetLayerConfigFromLayersContext, menu="/GimpFusion" ) gimpfu.register( "stable-gimpfusion-layer-info", "Show stable gimpfusion info associated with this layer", "Layer Info", "ArtBIT", "ArtBIT", "2023", "Layer Info", "*", [] + PLUGIN_FIELDS_IMAGE, [], handleShowLayerInfo, menu="/GimpFusion/Config" ) gimpfu.register( "stable-gimpfusion-layer-info-context", "Show stable gimpfusion info associated with this layer", "Layer Info", "ArtBIT", "ArtBIT", "2023", "Layer Info", "*", [] + PLUGIN_FIELDS_LAYERS, [], handleShowLayerInfoContext, menu="/GimpFusion" ) init_plugin() gimpfu.main()