#################### Version # The version of meelo to use (edge, latest, vX.X.X) # See available tags here: https://hub.docker.com/r/arthichaud/meelo-front/tags # The default value is 'latest' # Please read the changelog before changing this value # https://github.com/Arthi-chaud/Meelo/releases TAG= #################### Database # The port on the host where meelo will be accessible PORT= # Username to access database POSTGRES_USER= # Password to access database POSTGRES_PASSWORD= # Name of Meelo's database POSTGRES_DB= # Username of Meelo's Message Queue RABBITMQ_USER= # Password of Meelo's Message Queue RABBITMQ_PASSWORD= #################### Config # The directory that contains the `settings.json` file (and where the illustrations will be stored) (on the host machine) CONFIG_DIR= # The root path of your libraries (on the host machine) DATA_DIR= #################### Anonymous Access # Set to 1 if you want to allow anonymous request # This will not affect front-end behaviour ALLOW_ANONYMOUS= #################### Web app # Public URL to access Meelo, without trailing slash # Example: http://localhost:5000 PUBLIC_URL= #################### Security # Random String used to sign JWT Tokens JWT_SIGNATURE= # Key used to authenticate the Meilisearch Instance # Should be a random string, must be at least 16 bytes MEILI_MASTER_KEY= # A coma-separated list of random strings used for internal authentication # Example: API_KEYS=azertyuip,qwertyuiop API_KEYS= #################### Internal # Do not change this INTERNAL_DATA_DIR=/data INTERNAL_CONFIG_DIR=/config