# cf-chocolatey A chocolatey package to install official command line client for Cloud Foundry. ##Installation 1. Install chocolatey (follow instructions chocolatey: `https://chocolatey.org/` 2. Run in your prefered cli `$ choco install cf` 3. You've done. ##Rebuild To maintain always up-to-date this choco package with [https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cli](https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cli) I've made a php script which can be run everyday. To try it run with php in cli command `$ php rebuild.php`. It will: 1. Check if version between this github and the [https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cli](https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cli) are the same 2. Recreate `tools\chocolateyinstall.ps1` and `cf.nuspec` with this new version. 3. Repack the nugget package with the `cpack` command. 4. Push to `https://chocolatey.org` this new package.