cf-zsh-autocompletion ======================= Oh My Zsh (or probably any zsh but YMMV) plugin for cf (Cloud Foundry) autocompletion. See the know issues below for what doesn't work. #Future Now that the CLI supports plugins, I'm considering abandoning this project in favor of a true CLI plugin. #Installation Drop the ```cf``` directory into your ```$ZSH/custom/plugins/``` (usually ```~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins```) directory. Then add cf to the plugins line of your ```.zshrc``` file. For example here's my ```.zshrc``` plugin lines # Which plugins would you like to load? (plugins can be found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/plugins/*) # Custom plugins may be added to ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/ # Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse) # Add wisely, as too many plugins slow down shell startup. plugins=(git docker jsontools tmux vagrant bosh cf) #Runtime Options Personally I think the short hand options to many CF commands clutter up the tab view, so I don't include them in the default output. If you want them included in the output ```export CF_ZSH_INCLUDE_SHORT=true```. The plugin will look for this variable every time so if you want to play with it you an set it on the command line. Otherwise, stick it in your ```.zshrc``` had have at it. #Example Type ```cf ``` and watch the magic happen ➜ ~ cf zsh: do you wish to see all 120 possibilities (60 lines)? y api passwd app plugins apps purge-service-offering auth push bind-running-security-group quota ... and on and on ➜ ~ cf create- create-buildpack create-security-group create-space create-domain create-service create-space-quota create-org create-service-auth-token create-user create-quota create-service-broker create-user-provided-service create-route create-shared-domain #Known Issues It doesn't provide extended help for commands, which would be nice. For instance when you type ```cf push ``` you don't get the usage. It doesn't know about parameters for every command yet. It will prompt with spaces, orgs and apps for some commands. #El Problemo? Open an issue or submit a PR please! #Tracker [Is avaliable here](