# generate-sql-data Generate sql data for a given size ## Installation ### On *nix system You can install this via the command-line with either `curl` or `wget`. #### via curl ```bash $ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/ArthurHlt/generate-sql-data/master/bin/install.sh)" ``` #### via wget ```bash $ sh -c "$(wget https://raw.github.com/ArthurHlt/generate-sql-data/master/bin/install.sh -O -)" ``` ### On windows You can install it by downloading the `.exe` corresponding to your cpu from releases page: https://github.com/ArthurHlt/generate-sql-data/releases . Alternatively, if you have terminal interpreting shell you can also use command line script above, it will download file in your current working dir. ### From go command line Simply run in terminal: ```bash $ go get github.com/ArthurHlt/generate-sql-data ``` ## Usage ``` Usage: generate-sql-data [file size] [file name] (e.g.: generate-sql-data 1mb fakedata.sql) ```