# :arrows_clockwise: AsBuiltReport.Core Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [1.4.0] - 2024-03-29 ### Added - Add AsBuiltReport default style script to resolve [#44](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.Core/issues/44) - Add Core module version check and verbose reporting ### Changed - Improve bug and feature request templates - Increase actions/checkout to v4 - Update MIT License copyright year - Code cleanup to remove outdated code and comments - Update heading styles in sample style scripts ### Fixed - Fix ReadMe AsBuiltReport logo URL - Fix [#45](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.Core/issues/45) ## [1.3.0] - 2022-10-22 ### Added - Added two sample style scripts ### Changed - Updated `RequiredModules` for PScribo 0.10.0 - Updated installation instructions in `README.md` - Updated contributing guide in `CONTRIBUTING.md` - Updated PSScriptAnalyzer settings - Updated GitHub issue templates - Updated comment based help for AsBuiltReport cmdlets - Improved command functionality for macOS and Linux users ## [1.2.0] - 2022-02-11 ### Added * Added new `Token` and `MFA` parameters and subsequent parameter sets to `New-AsBuiltReport` cmdlet to allow alternative authentication methods ### Changed * Updated GitHub Action release workflow to send automated tweets on each release ## [1.1.0] - 2020-08-16 ### Changed - Updated `New-AsBuiltReport` parameter names to provide clarity of input requirements. Aliases used to prevent breaking changes. - `OutputPath` now an alias for `OutputFolderPath` - `StylePath` now an alias for `StyleFilePath` - `ReportConfigPath` now an alias for `ReportConfigFilePath` - `AsBuiltConfigPath` now an alias for `AsBuiltConfigFilePath` - Updated `New-AsBuiltReportConfig` parameter names to provide clarity of input requirements. Aliases used to prevent breaking changes. - `Path` now an alias for `FolderPath` - `Name` now an alias for `Filename` - `Overwrite` now an alias for `Force` - Updated `RequiredModules` for PScribo 0.9.1 - Custom style scripts are now executed from `New-AsBuiltReport` to allow use of new PScribo features ### Added - Added `Filename` parameter to `New-AsBuiltReport` - Added error check for incorrect `AsBuiltConfigFilePath` - Improvements to verbose logging ## [1.0.5] - 2020-07-16 ### Changed - Updated `RequiredModules` for PScribo 0.9.0 ### Removed - Removed XML format option as it is scheduled to be deprecated from PScribo ## [1.0.4] - 2020-04-01 ### Added - Added support for using the `-Verbose` switch with `New-AsBuiltReport` as per (Fix #28) ### Changed - Updated RequiredModules for PScribo 0.8.0 ### Fixed - Fixed "Unable to determine the identity of the domain" issue. Resolved in PScribo 0.8.0 (Fix #17) ## [1.0.3] - 2020-02-27 ### Changed - Updated RequiredModules to use PScribo 0.7.26 ### Fixed - Fixed truncated tables when using text output (Fix #26) ## [1.0.2] - 2019-06-21 ### Changed - Updated module manifest icon and release notes URI ## [1.0.1] - 2019-05-17 ### Added - Added DefaultParameterSetName to `New-AsBuiltReport` so a user can run the cmdlet without any parameters - Check if `OutputPath` parameter for `New-AsBuiltReport` exists before running the report script and error if it doesn't exist ### Fixed - Fixed issues when multiple versions of the same AsBuiltReport report module is installed (Fix #21) ## [1.0.0] - 2019-03-26 ### Added - `AsBuiltReport.Core` module created to provide core as built report functionality ### Changed - `AsBuiltReport` module simply becomes a manifest to install required core and report modules - Made `-OutputPath` parameter mandatory on `New-AsBuiltReport`, update help comments accordingly - Resolve issue with `New-AsBuiltReportConfig` cmdlet generating custom report configuration files - Update version to `1.0.0` for the module to signify a major release milestone ## [0.4.1] - 2019-03-16 ### Changed - Implemented `-ListAvailable` parameter on `Get-Module` validation in `New-AsBuiltReport` and `New-AsbuiltReportConfig` ## [0.4.0] - 2019-03-16 ### Added - `New-AsbuiltConfig` cmdlet to generate a base As Built Report JSON configuration file - `New-AsBuiltReport` cmdlet to generate a report JSON configuration file - Username and Password parameters on `New-AsBuiltReport` - Support for setting the document orientation for the output report - ReportConfigPath parameter to `New-AsBuiltReport` ### Changed - Full refactor of the project to support modules - Rewrote the menu prompting process and system to analyse read-host responses - Renamed several parameters on `New-AsBuiltReport` to be consistent and provide more meaning ## 0.3.0 ### Changed - This minor version contains a complete refactor of the project so that it is now an official PowerShell module. - We will now aim to host this module on PSGallery in the near future to allow for easier installation and usage. ## 0.2.0 ### Added - New As-Built JSON configuration structure - new `AsBuiltConfigPath` parameter - allows unique configuration files to be created and saved - if `AsBuiltConfigPath` parameter is not specified, user is prompted for As Built report configuration information - `New-AsBuiltConfig.ps1` & `Config.json` files are no longer required