# :arrows_counterclockwise: NetApp ONTAP Storage As Built Report Changelog ## [0.6.6] - 2023-08-07 ### Changed - Improved bug and feature request templates - Changed default logo from NetApp to the AsBuiltReport logo due to licensing requirements - Changed default report style font to 'Segoe Ui' - Changed Required Modules to AsBuiltReport.Core v1.3.0 ### Fixed - Fix [#35](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.NetApp.ONTAP/issues/35) ## [0.6.5] - 2022-11-06 ### Added - Added aggregate spare reporting [#26](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.NetApp.ONTAP/issues/26) - Added Ontap Multi Admin Approval [#29](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.NetApp.ONTAP/issues/29) - Added Consistency Group Support [#28](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.NetApp.ONTAP/issues/28) - Added Audit Logs Support [#31](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.NetApp.ONTAP/issues/31) - Added Audit log destination [#30](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.NetApp.ONTAP/issues/30) ### Fixed - Fix #22 - Fix #23 - Fix #24 - Close #29 - Close #26 - Close #28 - Close #30 - Close #31 - Fixed SNMP section not shown in report. ## [0.6.4] - 2022-05-14 ### Added - Added Option to allow Vserver (SVM) filtering. ### Changed - Migrated Sample Report URL to htmlpreview.github.io - The minimum requirement for the AsBuiltReport.Core module has been increased to version 1.2.0. - The minimum requirement for the NetApp.ONTAP module has been increased to version ## [0.6.3] - 2022-01-31 ### Changed - Implemented better error handling. ## [0.6.2] - 2022-01-12 ### Added - Added more health check discovery. ### Changed - Removes unneeded paragraph section. ### Fixed - Fix for table caption error message "List table captions are only supported on tables with a single row" ## [0.6.1] - 2021-12-02 ### Added - None ### Changed - Updated Changelog to reflect v0.6.0 changes ### Fixed - None ## [0.6.0] - 2021-12-02 ### Added - Added Vserver CIFS Client Session information. - Added Storage Aggregate Option Information. ### Changed - The network section has been changed to show the content per node. - Updated HTML Sample Report. - Implemented the ability to specify the InfoLevel option. ### Fixed - Fix Volume SnapShot Section logic to display content only when there are snapshots data available. ## [0.5.0] - 2021-10-11 ### Added - Added function to convert from empty content to "-". ### Changed - Changed main report to use per Node/Vserver filtering. - Changed Get-NetAppOntapAPI function to allow per Vserver Filtering. ### Fixed - Fix to better detect unhealthy node. - Fix for ASUP Health Check. ## [0.4.0] - 2021-09-22 - Add additional health check section support - Added function to convert from True/False to Yes/No - Implement a function to convert from T/F to Y/N - Use HTTPS to connect to the Array (by Default) - Add default option to the Switch cases. ### Changed - Update Document Style colors ### Fixed - Fix code to better support Powershell v5.X ([Fix #3](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.NetApp.ONTAP/issues/3)) ## [0.3.0] - 2021-09-01 ### Changed in [0.3.0] - Add aditional halthCheck section support - Added aditional node section items: - Added node vol0 information and healthcheck - Added aditional storage section items: - Added failed disk healthCheck - Added shelf inventory - Added cloud tier (Fabric Pool) - Added fabriPool object store configuration information - Added aditional network section items: - Added IPSpace, Ifgrp, Vlan, Broadcast Domain, Subnet and Routes section support - Added per network interface routes information - Added network interfaces (Cluster, Management, Intercluster & Data) information and healthcheck - Added network section: - Added SVM Status, Storage Volumes, Volumes QoS Policy, FlexGroup Volumes, Flexclone, Flexcache, Volumes Snapshot, Qtree & Quota - Added vserver protocol support (Cifs, NFs, FCP, ISCSI & S3) - Added protocol healthcheck support - Added replication section: - Added cluster peer information - Added vserver peer information - Added SnapMirror/SnapVault information and healthcheck - Added ontap mediators information and healthcheck - Added efficiency section: - Added aggregate efficiency information and healthcheck - Added volume efficiency information and healthcheck - Added security section: - Added local user information and healthcheck - Added vserver ssl certificate information - Added Key Management Service (KMS) information and healthcheck - Added aggregate encryption (NAE) information - Added volume encryption (NVE) - Added snaplock information - Added system configuration section: - Added system image configuration information - Added system web service information - Added dns configuration information - Added snmp configuration information - Added configuration backup information and healthcheck - Added ems configuration information - Added ntp and timezone configuration information - Fix code logic to better detect of un-configured features - Add fix for powershell v6+ support - Add GitHub release workflow - Update NetApp style script to align with NetApp branding colours & guidelines - Update README & CHANGELOG - Correct module version in module manifest ## [0.2.0] - 2021-06-26 ### Changed in [0.2.0] - Add HealthCheck Support - Add Report Info for Disk,License,Shelf,Service-Processor & AutoSupport - Fix Code Indentation - Add Report Sample Images and HTML file ## [0.1.0] - 2021-06-14 ### Changed in [0.1.0] - Initial Report structure creation