# :arrows_clockwise: Rubrik CDM As Built Report Changelog ## [1.0.3] - 2022-10-28 ### Fixed * Fixes [#23](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.Rubrik.CDM/issues/23) ## [1.0.2] - 2022-10-19 ### Changed * Added new `Token` parameter to support the ability to connect with an API Token * Changed Required Modules to AsBuiltReport.Core v1.2.0 * Removed `StylePath` parameter from `Invoke-AsBuiltReport.Rubrik.CDM.ps1` ### Added * Added GitHub workflow for release actions ### Fixed * Fixes [#21](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.Rubrik.CDM/issues/21) ## [1.0.1] ### Added * Added null check on SMB Domain information * Added null check on Syslog Information * Added null check on Guest OS Credentials Information ### Modified * Modified null check on VMware VMs protected objects section as it was trying to index a null array ## [1.0.0] - 2021-01-29 ### Added * Added report style options to report configuration JSON ### Modified * Modified default style to include headers, footers, table captions and cover page logo * Removed and replaced references of `Write-Verbose` with `Write-PScriboMessage` * Increased version in changelog and manifest ## [0.0.9] - 2020-09-04 ### Modified * Added null checks to replication source and targets before outputing as per [Issue 10](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.Rubrik.CDM/issues/10) * Added S3Compatible as archive type as per [Issue 11](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.Rubrik.CDM/issues/11) * Increases version in changelog and manifest. ## [0.0.8] - 2020-07-30 ### Modified * Added count check on Snapshot retention * Removed duplicate Object cmd on vCloud Director section * Count checks now occur on both Filesets and NAS Shares before issuing -DetailedObject queries. Fixes [Issue 6](https://github.com/AsBuiltReport/AsBuiltReport.Rubrik.CDM/issues/6) * Added more verbose logging around what versions of modules are installed ## [0.0.7] - 2020-04-17 ### Modified * Null checks on backup sources * Increased and made version consistent across files ## [0.0.6] - 2020-03-28 ### Modified * Added SLA Backup Windows and fixed SLA Frequency detection of advancedUiConfig * Added more null checks around level 3 and 5 protected objects * Updated readme to reflect verbose logging * Fixed version numbering to reflect more dev * Fixed changelog formatting * Increase version ## [0.0.5] 2020-03-05 ### Added * Null/Count/Total checks to many outputs * Verbose logging capabilities ## [0.0.2] 2020-01-16 ### Modified * replaced a number of incorrect references to point to the Rubrik CDM repository * modified all colors to fall in line with Rubrik branding ## [0.0.1] 2019-12-09 ### Added * initial codebase for Rubrik As Built Report