--- openapi: 3.0.0 info: description: >- This is the interface for handling requests for [app components](https://developers.asana.com/docs/overview-of-app-components). This reference is generated from an [OpenAPI spec] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Asana/openapi/master/defs/app_components_oas.yaml). title: App Components termsOfService: https://asana.com/terms contact: name: Asana Support url: https://asana.com/support license: name: Apache 2.0 url: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 version: '0.1' x-docs-schema-whitelist: - AttachedResourceResponse - FormField-Checkbox - FormField-Date - FormField-Datetime - FormField-Dropdown - FormField-MultiLineText - FormField-RadioButton - FormField-RichText - FormField-SingleLineText - FormField-StaticText - FormField-Typeahead - FormMetadataResponse - RanActionResponse - WidgetFooter-CustomText - WidgetFooter-Created - WidgetFooter-Updated - WidgetMetadataResponse - WidgetField-DatetimeWithIcon - WidgetField-Pill - WidgetField-TextWithIcon - TypeaheadListResponse - TypeaheadItem - FormValues - BadRequestResponse - UnauthorizedResponse - ForbiddenResponse - NotFoundResponse - InternalServerErrorResponse x-readme: explorer-enabled: false servers: - url: "{siteUrl}" description: Main endpoint. tags: - name: Modal forms description: >- The modal form is displayed when the user starts the flow to create a resource. Asana will make a signed request to the specified `form_metadata_url` in the configuration, and expect a response with the metadata needed to create the form. This process is also used for forms within rule actions. - name: Rule actions description: >- When a rule containing a rule action is triggered, the [rules](https://asana.com/guide/help/premium/rules) engine will make a request to the app to inform the app to run the configured rule action. The resulting status code will indicate to the rules engine whether the action was successfully completed and, if not, specify a cause for the error. _Note: An app server must be hosted in order for rule actions to function. For a brief list of popular hosting options, see [hosting](/docs/hosting)._ - name: Lookups description: >- If the app defined a resource attach URL, tasks without a widget offer the lookup functionality. This appears as a text input to the user. When the user submits the text, the app responds with either a resource attachment or with an error. - name: Widgets description: >- The widget is displayed when the user views a task with an attachment with a resource URL matching your capability’s `match_resource_url_pattern`. When this happens, Asana will make a signed request to your `widget_metadata_url`, and expect a response with information to render in the widget. components: parameters: action: name: action in: query schema: type: string description: >- The ID of an existing rule action that is being edited. Should be omitted when configuring a new rule action. action_type: name: action_type required: true in: query schema: type: string description: >- The ID of the configuration used to create the rule action. attachment: name: attachment required: true in: query schema: type: string description: >- The attachment ID of the URL attachment. expires_at: name: expires_at required: true in: query schema: type: string description: >- The time (in ISO 8601 date format) when the request should expire. fragment: name: fragment required: true in: query schema: type: string description: >- The text entered into the typeahead input. project: name: project required: true in: query schema: type: string description: >- The project GID this hook is coming from. user: name: user required: true in: query schema: type: string description: >- The user GID this hook is coming from. resource_url: name: resource_url required: true in: query schema: type: string description: >- The URL of the URL attachment on the task (i.e., Jira issue, GitHub pull request) task: name: task required: true in: query schema: type: string description: >- The task GID this hook is coming from. workspace: name: workspace required: true in: query schema: type: string description: >- The workspace GID this hook is coming from. responses: BadRequest: description: >- Bad request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BadRequestResponse' Unauthorized: description: >- Unauthorized content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UnauthorizedResponse' Forbidden: description: >- Forbidden content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ForbiddenResponse' NotFound: description: >- Not found content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/NotFoundResponse' TooManyRequests: description: >- Too Many Requests Gone: description: >- Gone InternalServerError: description: >- Server error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/InternalServerErrorResponse' ImATeapot: description: >- I'm A Teapot schemas: RootUIComponentRequest: description: >- The building block of all app component requests. type: object properties: expires_at: type: string description: >- The time (in ISO 8601 date format) when the request should expire. example: '2019-04-15T01:01:46.055Z' user: type: string description: >- The user GID this hook is coming from. example: '54321' workspace: type: string description: >- The workspace GID this hook is coming from. example: '12345' AttachResourceRequest: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/RootUIComponentRequest' - type: object description: >- The body of an attach request. properties: task: type: string description: >- The task GID this hook is coming from. attachment: type: string description: >- The attachment ID of the URL attachment query: type: string description: >- The user’s input in the lookup text input. This is often a resource URL or resource key, such as `"CP-1"` or `"https://abcde.atlassian.net/browse/CP-1"` AttachedResourceResponse: description: >- The response to a successful lookup request. type: object required: - resource_name - resource_url properties: resource_name: description: >- The name of the attached resource type: string example: 'Build the Thing' resource_url: description: >- The URL of the attached resource type: string example: 'https://example.atlassian.net/browse/CP-1' error: description: >- The error that should be displayed to the user type: string example: 'No resource matched that input' BadRequestResponse: description: >- An error response object indicating a bad request (i.e., a status code of `400`). type: object properties: data: description: >- An object containing an `error` string to display to the user. type: object properties: error: description: >- The error to display. type: string example: "Illegal or malformed request." CheckboxOption: description: >- An option for a checkbox field (i.e., an object in the field's `options` array). type: object required: - id - label properties: id: description: >- The ID of the option. type: string example: 'opt-in' label: description: >- The label of the option. Limit 80 characters. type: string example: 'Opt in' DropdownOption: description: >- An option for a dropdown field (i.e., an object in the field's `options` array). type: object required: - id - label properties: id: description: >- The ID of the option. type: string example: 'red' label: description: >- The label of the option. Limit 80 characters. type: string example: 'Red' icon_url: description: >- *Optional*. The URL for the icon beside the label. If not present, no icon will be displayed. type: string example: 'https://example.com/red.png' ForbiddenResponse: description: >- An error response object indicating a forbidden request (i.e., a status code of `403`). type: object properties: data: description: >- An object containing an `error` string to display to the user. type: object properties: error: description: >- The error to display. type: string example: "Access forbidden." InternalServerErrorResponse: description: >- An error response object indicating a request that could not be found (i.e., a status code of `500`). type: object properties: data: description: >- An object containing an `error` string to display to the user. type: object properties: error: description: >- The error to display. type: string example: "Internal server error." FormField-StaticText: description: >- A modal form "field" that displays static text. Fields of this type do not collect user input. type: object required: - id - type - name properties: type: description: >- The type of modal form field. type: string enum: - static_text example: 'static_text' id: description: >- The ID of the field, which is used to reference the field. These should be unique across the entire form. type: string example: 'static_text_field_1' name: description: >- The text (i.e., label) for the field. Limit 50 characters. type: string example: 'Please enter the following details:' style: description: >- *Optional*. The style of the field. If not provided, the default value will be `"default"`. type: string enum: - default - header example: 'default' FormField-SingleLineText: description: >- A modal form field that accepts single-line text input. type: object required: - id - type properties: type: description: >- The type of modal form field. type: string enum: - single_line_text example: 'single_line_text' id: description: >- The ID of the field, which is used to reference the field. These should be unique across the entire form. type: string example: 'single_line_text_field_1' name: description: >- The text (i.e., label) to show in the title of the field. Limit 50 characters. type: string example: 'Resource name' is_required: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field is required to submit the form. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true is_watched: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field should be watched. Fields that are watched send requests to the `on_change` URL specified in the form metadata to get updated form information. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true error: description: >- *Optional*. The developer-specified error message displayed to the user if there is an error with the chosen value. type: string example: 'Please review and change your input' placeholder: description: >- The placeholder for the input, which is shown if the field has no value. If not provided, there will be no placeholder. type: string example: 'Enter the full title of the resource here' width: description: >- *Optional*. The width of the form field. If not provided, the default value will be `"full"`. type: string enum: - full - half example: 'full' value: description: >- The value of the field. If not provided, the field will be empty and the form cannot be submitted if it is required. Limit 200 characters. type: string example: "Annual Kick-Off Meeting" FormField-MultiLineText: description: >- A modal form field that accepts multi-line text input. type: object required: - id - type properties: type: description: >- The type of modal form field. type: string enum: - multi_line_text example: 'multi_line_text' id: description: >- The ID of the field, which is used to reference the field. These should be unique across the entire form. type: string example: 'multi_line_text_field_1' name: description: >- The text (i.e., label) to show in the title of the field. Limit 50 characters. type: string example: 'Resource name' is_required: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field is required to submit the form. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true is_watched: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field should be watched. Fields that are watched send requests to the `on_change` URL specified in the form metadata to get updated form information. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true error: description: >- *Optional*. The developer-specified error message displayed to the user if there is an error with the chosen value. type: string example: 'Please review and change your input' placeholder: description: >- The placeholder for the input, which is shown if the field has no value. If not provided, there will be no placeholder. type: string example: 'Enter the full title of the resource here' value: description: >- The value of the field. If not provided, the field will be empty and the form cannot be submitted if it is required. Limit 3000 characters. type: string example: "Annual Kick-Off Meeting" FormField-RichText: description: >- A modal form field that accepts rich text input. type: object required: - id - type properties: type: description: >- The type of modal form field. type: string enum: - rich_text example: 'rich_text' id: description: >- The ID of the field, which is used to reference the field. These should be unique across the entire form. type: string example: 'rich_text_field_1' name: description: >- The text (i.e., label) to show in the title of the field. Limit 50 characters. type: string example: 'Resource name' is_required: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field is required to submit the form. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true is_watched: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field should be watched. Fields that are watched send requests to the `on_change` URL specified in the form metadata to get updated form information. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true error: description: >- *Optional*. The developer-specified error message displayed to the user if there is an error with the chosen value. type: string example: 'Please review and change your input' placeholder: description: >- The placeholder for the input, which is shown if the field has no value. If not provided, there will be no placeholder. type: string example: 'Enter the full title of the resource here' value: description: >- The value of the field. If not provided, the field will be empty and the form cannot be submitted if it is required. Limit 3000 characters. type: string example: "Annual Kick-Off Meeting" FormField-Dropdown: description: >- A modal form field that accepts input via a dropdown list. Limit 50 options. type: object required: - id - type - options properties: type: description: >- The type of modal form field. type: string enum: - dropdown example: 'dropdown' id: description: >- The ID of the field, which is used to reference the field. These should be unique across the entire form. type: string example: 'dropdown_field_1' name: description: >- The text (i.e., label) to show in the title of the field. Limit 50 characters. type: string example: 'Resource name' is_required: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field is required to submit the form. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true is_watched: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field should be watched. Fields that are watched send requests to the `on_change` URL specified in the form metadata to get updated form information. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true error: description: >- *Optional*. The developer-specified error message displayed to the user if there is an error with the chosen value. type: string example: 'Please review and change your input' width: description: >- *Optional*. The width of the form field. If not provided, the default value will be `"full"`. type: string enum: - full - half example: 'full' value: description: >- *Optional*. The value for the form field, which is the ID of the chosen DropdownOption object. type: string example: 'dropdown_option_1' options: description: >- An array (minimum length: 1) of DropdownOption objects. type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DropdownOption' FormField-RadioButton: description: >- A modal form field that accepts radio button input. Limit 5 options. type: object required: - id - type - options properties: type: description: >- The type of modal form field. type: string enum: - radio_button example: 'radio_button' id: description: >- The ID of the field, which is used to reference the field. These should be unique across the entire form. type: string example: 'radio_button_field_1' name: description: >- The text (i.e., label) to show in the title of the field. Limit 50 characters. type: string example: 'Resource name' is_required: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field is required to submit the form. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true is_watched: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field should be watched. Fields that are watched send requests to the `on_change` URL specified in the form metadata to get updated form information. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true error: description: >- *Optional*. The developer-specified error message displayed to the user if there is an error with the chosen value. type: string example: 'Please review and change your input' value: description: >- *Optional*. The value for the form field, which is the ID of the chosen RadioOption object. type: string example: 'radio_option_1' options: description: >- An array (minimum length: 1) of RadioOption objects. type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RadioOption' FormField-Checkbox: description: >- A modal form field that accepts checkbox input. Limit 10 options. type: object required: - id - type - options properties: type: description: >- The type of modal form field. type: string enum: - checkbox example: 'checkbox' id: description: >- The ID of the field, which is used to reference the field. These should be unique across the entire form. type: string example: 'checkbox_field_1' name: description: >- The text (i.e., label) to show in the title of the field. Limit 50 characters. type: string example: 'Resource name' is_required: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field is required to submit the form. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true is_watched: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field should be watched. Fields that are watched send requests to the `on_change` URL specified in the form metadata to get updated form information. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true error: description: >- *Optional*. The developer-specified error message displayed to the user if there is an error with the chosen value. type: string example: 'Please review and change your input' value: description: >- *Optional*. The values for the form field, which are the IDs of the chosen CheckboxOption objects. type: array items: type: string example: - 'opt-in' options: description: >- An array (minimum length: 1) of CheckboxOption objects. type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CheckboxOption' FormField-Date: description: >- A modal form field that accepts date input. type: object required: - id - type properties: type: description: >- The type of modal form field. type: string enum: - date example: 'date' id: description: >- The ID of the field, which is used to reference the field. These should be unique across the entire form. type: string example: 'date_field_1' name: description: >- The text (i.e., label) to show in the title of the field. Limit 50 characters. type: string example: 'Date' is_required: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field is required to submit the form. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true is_watched: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field should be watched. Fields that are watched send requests to the `on_change` URL specified in the form metadata to get updated form information. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true error: description: >- *Optional*. The developer-specified error message displayed to the user if there is an error with the chosen value. type: string example: 'Please review and change your input' placeholder: description: >- The placeholder for the input, which is shown if the field has no value. If not provided, there will be no placeholder. type: string example: '2022-02-01' value: description: >- The value of the field. This takes a date with format YYYY-MM-DD or ISO 8601 date string in UTC. type: string format: date example: '2022-02-01' nullable: true FormField-Datetime: description: >- A modal form field that accepts datetime input. type: object required: - id - type properties: type: description: >- The type of modal form field. type: string enum: - datetime example: 'datetime' id: description: >- The ID of the field, which is used to reference the field. These should be unique across the entire form. type: string example: 'datetime_field_1' name: description: >- The text (i.e., label) to show in the title of the field. Limit 50 characters. type: string example: 'Datetime' is_required: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field is required to submit the form. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true is_watched: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field should be watched. Fields that are watched send requests to the `on_change` URL specified in the form metadata to get updated form information. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true error: description: >- *Optional*. The developer-specified error message displayed to the user if there is an error with the chosen value. type: string example: 'Please review and change your input' placeholder: description: >- The placeholder for the input, which is shown if the field has no value. If not provided, there will be no placeholder. type: string example: '2022-02-01T14:48:00.000Z' value: description: >- The value of the field. This value takes the form of an ISO 8601 date string in UTC. type: string format: date-time example: '2022-02-01T14:48:00.000Z' nullable: true FormField-Typeahead: description: >- A modal form field that accepts typeahead input. type: object required: - id - type - typeahead_url properties: type: description: >- The type of modal form field. type: string enum: - typeahead example: 'typeahead' id: description: >- The ID of the field, which is used to reference the field. These should be unique across the entire form. type: string example: 'typeahead_field_1' name: description: >- The text (i.e., label) to show in the title of the field. Limit 50 characters. type: string example: 'Statuses' is_required: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field is required to submit the form. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true is_watched: description: >- *Optional*. Indicates whether the field should be watched. Fields that are watched send requests to the `on_change` URL specified in the form metadata to get updated form information. If this property is not specified, the value is assumed `false`. type: boolean example: true error: description: >- *Optional*. The developer-specified error message displayed to the user if there is an error with the chosen value. type: string example: 'Please review and change your input' width: description: >- *Optional*. The width of the form field. If not provided, the default value will be `"full"`. type: string enum: - full - half example: 'full' typeahead_url: description: >- The URL that Asana uses to request typehead results from the application server. type: string example: 'https://www.app-server.com/app/typeahead' value: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/TypeaheadItem' - type: object description: >- *Optional*. The value for the form field, which is the chosen [TypeaheadItem](/reference/lookups#typeaheaditem) object. FormMetadataResponse: description: >- Contains the metadata that describes how to display and manage a form. type: object required: - metadata - template properties: template: description: >- The interface name and version of a distinct form UI layout. A `template` is directly associated with a particular `metadata` schema. type: string enum: - form_metadata_v0 example: 'form_metadata_v0' metadata: description: >- The metadata (i.e., underlying definition) of a form. `metadata` must exist alongside a `template`, and its schema must be specific to the value of that `template`. type: object required: - fields - title properties: title: description: >- The title of the form, which is displayed at the top of the creation form type: string example: 'Create New Issue' fields: description: >- An array of form field objects that are rendered in the order they are in the array. Limit of 30 fields. Valid object schemas: [FormField-Checkbox](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-checkbox), [FormField-Date](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-date), [FormField-Datetime](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-datetime), [FormField-Dropdown](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-dropdown), [FormField-MultiLineText](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-multilinetext), [FormField-RadioButton](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-radiobutton), [FormField-RichText](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-richtext), [FormField-SingleLineText](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-singlelinetext), [FormField-StaticText](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-statictext), [FormField-Typeahead](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-typeahead) type: array submit_button_text: description: >- The text to display on the form’s submit button. If not provided, the default text “Submit” will be displayed on the button. type: string example: 'Create New Issue' on_submit_callback: description: >- The URL to `POST` the form to when the user clicks the submit button. If this is field is omitted then the submission button will be disabled. This is useful if the user must enter information in a watched field first, such as to show additional fields. type: string example: 'https://www.example.com/on_submit' on_change_callback: description: >- The URL to `POST` the form to whenever watched field values are changed. type: string example: 'https://www.example.com/on_change' FormOnChangeFormSubmissionRequest: description: >- Common properties between app component on change and on submit requests. properties: values: type: object description: >- An object that maps each FormField’s GID to its value. Refer to the `value` property on the FormField schema: [FormField-Checkbox](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-checkbox), [FormField-Date](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-date), [FormField-Datetime](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-datetime), [FormField-Dropdown](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-dropdown), [FormField-MultiLineText](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-multilinetext), [FormField-RadioButton](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-radiobutton), [FormField-RichText](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-richtext), [FormField-SingleLineText](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-singlelinetext), [FormField-StaticText](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-statictext), [FormField-Typeahead](/reference/modal-forms#formfield-typeahead) example: checkbox_field_1: ["opt-in"] date_field_1: "2021-12-31T08:00:00.000Z" datetime_field_1: "2023-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" dropdown_field_1: "red" multi_line_text_field_1: "Multiline Text" radio_button_field_1: "blue" rich_text_field_1: "Rich Text" single_line_text_field_1: "Single Line Text" static_text_field_1: "Static Text" typeahead_field_1: icon_url: "https://example.com/icon.png" subtitle: "Subtitle" title: "Title" value: "Typeahead" FormSubmissionRequest: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/RootUIComponentRequest' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormOnChangeFormSubmissionRequest' - type: object description: >- The body of a form submission. properties: task: type: string description: >- The task GID this hook is coming from. example: '67890' ActionFormSubmissionRequest: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormSubmissionRequest' - type: object description: >- The body of a form submission. properties: rule_name: type: string description: >- The name of the rule being created example: 'rule name' action: type: string description: >- The ID of an existing rule action that is being edited example: '12345' action_type: type: string description: >- The ID of the configuration used to create the rule action. example: '45678' project: type: string description: >- The project GID this hook is coming from. example: '12345' WidgetFooter-Created: description: >- A widget footer that displays the timestamp of the resource's creation time. type: object required: - created_at - footer_type properties: footer_type: description: >- The type of widget footer. type: string enum: - created example: 'created' created_at: description: >- The time (in ISO 8601 date format) to show in the footer. type: string example: '2012-02-22T02:06:58.147Z' WidgetFooter-CustomText: type: object required: - footer_type - text description: >- A widget footer that displays custom text and an optional icon. properties: footer_type: description: >- The text to show in the footer. type: string enum: - custom_text example: 'custom_text' text: description: >- The text to show in the footer. type: string example: 'This is a custom footer message' icon_url: description: >- *Optional*. The icon to show in the footer next to the text. If not provided, no icon will be shown. type: string example: 'https://example-icon.png' FormOnChangeBaseRequest: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/RootUIComponentRequest' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormOnChangeFormSubmissionRequest' - type: object description: >- The body of an onchange event. properties: changed_field: type: string description: >- The name of the changed FormField. example: 'checkbox_field_1' FormOnChangeRequest: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormOnChangeBaseRequest' - type: object description: >- The body of an onchange event. properties: task: type: string description: >- The task GID this hook is coming from. example: '67890' ActionFormOnChangeRequest: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormOnChangeBaseRequest' - type: object description: >- The body of an action onchange event. properties: action: type: string description: >- The ID of an existing rule action that is being edited. example: '12345' action_type: type: string description: >- The ID of the configuration used to create the rule action. example: '45678' project: type: string description: >- The project GID this hook is coming from. example: '12345' NotFoundResponse: description: >- An error response object indicating a request that could not be found (i.e., a status code of `404`). type: object properties: data: description: >- An object containing an `error` string to display to the user. type: object properties: error: description: >- The error to display. type: string example: "Not found." RunActionRequest: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/RootUIComponentRequest' - type: object description: >- The body of an action request. required: - idempotency_key properties: project: type: string description: >- The project GID this hook is coming from. example: '12345' target_object: type: string description: >- The ID of the target object that the rule action is acting on. Currently, this value is always a task GID. action: type: string description: >- The action ID generated from rule creation. action_type: type: string description: >- The ID from the configuration used to create the rule action. idempotency_key: type: string description: >- A unique key associated with the "run action" request. App servers should use this key to implement idempotency. RanActionResponse: type: object description: >- The response to an action request. required: - action_result properties: error: description: >- The error that should be displayed to the user. type: string example: 'That resource no longer exists' action_result: type: string enum: - resources_created - ok description: >- Specifies any additional information that the app wants to send to Asana on completion of the action. Can only be `resources_created` or `ok`. example: 'ok' resources_created: type: array description: >- A field with the data corresponding to the action_result value. Each `action_result` has its own data field shape that Asana expects. `resources_created` expects the name and URL of the resources that the action created. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttachedResourceResponse' RadioOption: description: >- An option for a radio button field (i.e., an object in the field's `options` array). type: object required: - id - label properties: id: description: >- The ID of the option. type: string example: 'radio_option_1' label: description: >- The label of the option. Limit 80 characters. type: string example: 'Radio Option 1' sub_label: description: >- *Optional*. The label to display as subtext for the `label`. type: string example: '#0000FF' TypeaheadItem: description: >- An object describing a typeahead result. type: object required: - title - value properties: title: description: >- The title of the typeahead item. type: string example: 'OTP Team PF' subtitle: description: >- The subtitle of the typeahead item. type: string example: 'OTP' value: description: >- The value of the typeahead item. type: string example: 'OTP' icon_url: description: >- The URL of the icon to display next to the title. type: string example: 'https://example-icon.png' TypeaheadListRequest: allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/RootUIComponentRequest' - type: object description: >- The body of a typeahead request. properties: workspace: type: string description: >- The workspace GID this hook is coming from. example: '12345' query: type: string description: >- The user's input in the typeahead text input. example: 'Messages' task: type: string description: >- *Conditional*. The task GID this hook is coming from. `task` is only present in the [modal form](/docs/modal-form) (as there is a "context task"), but not in the [rule action](/docs/rule-action) (as rules are associated with a _project_). example: '67890' user: type: string description: >- The user GID this hook is coming from. example: '54321' expires_at: type: string description: >- The time (in ISO 8601 format) when the request should expire. example: '2019-04-15T01:01:46.055Z' TypeaheadListResponse: description: >- The response to a successful typeahead request. type: object required: - items properties: header: description: >- *Optional*. Header text to display above the list of typeahead results. If no `header` is passed in or the value is an empty string, only the typeahead results with be rendered. type: string example: 'List of messages' items: description: >- Array of [TypeaheadItem](/reference/lookups#typeaheaditem) objects that indicate typeahead results. type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TypeaheadItem' UnauthorizedResponse: description: >- An error response object indicating a unauthorized request (i.e., a status code of `401`). type: object properties: data: description: >- An object containing an `error` string to display to the user. type: object properties: error: description: >- The error to display. type: string example: "Authorization required." WidgetFooter-Updated: description: >- A widget footer that displays the timestamp of the resource's last updated time. type: object required: - footer_type - last_updated_at properties: footer_type: description: >- The type of widget footer. type: string enum: - updated example: 'updated' last_updated_at: description: >- The time (in ISO 8601 date format) to show in the footer. type: string example: '2012-02-22T02:06:58.147Z' WidgetField-DatetimeWithIcon: description: >- A widget field that displays a timestamp and an optional icon. type: object required: - name - type properties: type: description: >- The type of widget field. type: string enum: - datetime_with_icon example: 'datetime_with_icon' name: description: >- The text (i.e., label) to show in the title of the field. Limit 40 characters. type: string example: 'Status' datetime: description: >- The time (in ISO 8601 date format) to display next to the icon. type: string example: '2012-02-22T02:06:58.147Z' icon_url: description: >- *Optional*. The URL of the icon to display next to the time. type: string example: 'https://example-icon.png' WidgetField-Pill: description: >- A widget field that displays custom text in a colored "pill" format. type: object required: - color - name - text - type properties: type: description: >- The type of widget field. type: string enum: - pill example: 'pill' name: description: >- The text (i.e., label) to show in the title of the field. Limit 40 characters. type: string example: 'Status' text: description: >- The text to show in the field. Limit 40 characters. type: string example: 'In Progress' color: description: >- The color of the pill. type: string enum: - none - red - orange - yellow-orange - yellow - yellow-green - green - blue-green - aqua - blue - indigo - purple - magenta - hot-pink - pink - cool-gray example: 'cool-gray' WidgetField-TextWithIcon: description: >- A widget field that displays custom text with an optional icon. type: object required: - name - text - type properties: type: description: >- The type of widget field. type: string enum: - text_with_icon example: 'text_with_icon' name: description: >- The text (i.e., label) to show in the title of the field. Limit 40 characters. type: string example: 'Status' text: description: >- The text to show in the field. Limit 40 characters. type: string example: 'In Progress' icon_url: description: >- *Optional*. The URL of the icon to display next to the text. type: string example: 'https://example-icon.png' WidgetMetadataResponse: description: >- An object containing information about the widget. type: object required: - metadata - template properties: template: description: >- The interface name and version of a distinct widget UI layout. A `template` is directly associated with a particular `metadata` schema. type: string enum: - summary_with_details_v0 example: 'summary_with_details_v0' metadata: description: >- The metadata (i.e., underlying definition) of a widget. `metadata` must exist alongside a `template`, and its schema must be specific to the value of that `template`. type: object required: - fields - footer - title properties: title: description: >- The text to show in the title of the widget. Max length of 200 characters. type: string example: 'Status' fields: description: >- A list of fields showing data from external resources (i.e., an array of WidgetField objects). A widget must contain at least 1 field and no more than 5 fields. Valid object schemas: [WidgetField-DatetimeWithIcon](/reference/widgets#widgetfield-datetimewithicon), [WidgetField-Pill](/reference/widgets#widgetfield-pill), [WidgetField-TextWithIcon](/reference/widgets#widgetfield-textwithicon). type: array subtitle: description: >- The text to show under the title of the widget, next to "Open in {App Name}". If not provided, the `resource_name` from the app definition will be used as default. type: string example: 'Custom App Story · Open in Custom App' subicon_url: description: >- The URL of the subicon next to the subtitle . If not provided, no icon will be shown. type: string example: 'https://example-icon.png' footer: type: object description: >- Contains the information to display a footer on the widget. Valid schemas: [WidgetFooter-Created](/reference/widgets#widgetfooter-created), [WidgetFooter-CustomText](/reference/widgets#widgetfooter-customtext), [WidgetFooter-Updated](/reference/widgets#widgetfooter-updated). num_comments: description: >- The number of comments to display on the lower right corner of the widget. If not provided, no comment count will be shown type: integer example: 2 paths: /widget_metadata_url_path_placeholder: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/resource_url' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/workspace' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/task' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/user' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/attachment' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/expires_at' get: summary: Get widget metadata description: >- _Note: The path is a placeholder. The actual path is determined by the configuration of the app component._ Get the metadata from the app server to render a widget.

App components widget metadata request flow tags: - Widgets operationId: getWidgetMetadata responses: 200: description: Successfully retrieved the metadata for a single widget. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WidgetMetadataResponse' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' 418: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/InternalServerError' /resource_attach_url_path_placeholder: post: summary: Attach resource description: >- _Note: The path is a placeholder. The actual path is determined by the configuration of the app component._ When the user attaches a resource URL to a task, Asana will make a signed request to the specified `resource_attach_url` in the app configuration. Information about the attached resource should be included in the response. tags: - Lookups operationId: attachResource requestBody: description: >- Request to attach a resource. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttachResourceRequest' responses: 200: description: Successfully attached the resource to the given object. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttachedResourceResponse' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/InternalServerError' /resource_typeahead_url_path_placeholder: get: summary: Get lookup typeahead results description: >- _Note: The path is a placeholder. The actual path is determined by the configuration of the app component._ Gets typeahead results to render as a dropdown list in the resource lookup input field. When the user types into the lookup input field, Asana will send a request containing the entered string to the application's `typeahead_url`. The list of [TypeaheadItem](/reference/lookups#typeaheaditem)s in the response will then be rendered in a dropdown list. When the user selects an item from the list, Asana will send a [resource attach](/reference/attachresource) request to the app server, then process the response and render the attached resource in the widget. tags: - Lookups operationId: getTypeaheadResults requestBody: description: >- Request to retrieve typeahead results for a resource lookup query. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TypeaheadListRequest' responses: 200: description: Successfully retrieved typeahead results. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TypeaheadListResponse' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/InternalServerError' /form_metadata_url_path_placeholder: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/workspace' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/task' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/user' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/expires_at' get: summary: Get form metadata description: >- _Note: The path is a placeholder. The actual path is determined by the configuration of the app component._ Get the metadata from the app server to render a form.

App components form metadata request flow tags: - Modal forms operationId: getFormMetadata responses: 200: description: Successfully retrieved the metadata for a single form. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormMetadataResponse' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/InternalServerError' /modal_form_typeahead_url_path_placeholder: get: summary: Get modal form typeahead results description: >- _Note: The path is a placeholder. The actual path is determined by the configuration of the app component._ If a modal form field is of type `typehead`, this operation gets typeahead results to render as a dropdown list. When the user types into a modal form form field, Asana will send a request containing the entered string to the application's `typeahead_url`. The list of [TypeaheadItem](/reference/lookups#typeaheaditem)s in the response will then be rendered in a dropdown list.

App components form typeahead request flow tags: - Modal forms operationId: getModalFormTypeaheadResults requestBody: description: >- Request to retrieve typeahead results in a modal form typeahead form field. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TypeaheadListRequest' responses: 200: description: Successfully retrieved typeahead results. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TypeaheadListResponse' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/InternalServerError' /rule_action_typeahead_url_path_placeholder: get: summary: Get rule action typeahead results description: >- _Note: The path is a placeholder. The actual path is determined by the configuration of the app component._ In a rule action typeahead form field, this operation gets typeahead results to render as a dropdown list. Typeahead results are limited to 50 items. When the user types into a rule action form field, Asana will send a request containing the entered string to the application's `typeahead_url`. The list of [TypeaheadItem](/reference/lookups#typeaheaditem)s in the response will then be rendered in a dropdown list.

App components rule typeahead request flow tags: - Rule actions operationId: getRuleActionTypeaheadResults requestBody: description: >- Request to retrieve typeahead results in a rule action typeahead form field. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TypeaheadListRequest' responses: 200: description: Successfully retrieved typeahead results. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TypeaheadListResponse' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/InternalServerError' /on_change_callback_path_placeholder: post: summary: On change callback description: >- _Note: The path is a placeholder. The actual path is determined by the configuration of the app component._ The callback request made to an app server when a watched field's value changes within a form. The request is subject to a 10-second timeout if no response is received from the app server.

App components form on change request flow tags: - Modal forms operationId: onFormChange requestBody: description: >- Request to notify of an on change event. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormOnChangeRequest' responses: 200: description: Successfully returned the new state of the form. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormMetadataResponse' 400: description: Something was wrong with the form data. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormMetadataResponse' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/InternalServerError' /on_submit_callback_path_placeholder: post: summary: On submit callback description: >- _Note: The path is a placeholder. The actual path is determined by the configuration of the app component._ The callback request made to an app server when a form is submitted. The request is subject to a 10-second timeout if no response is received from the app server.

App components form on submit request flow tags: - Modal forms operationId: onFormSubmit requestBody: description: >- Request to notify of a form submission. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormSubmissionRequest' responses: 200: description: Successfully attached the resource created by the form. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AttachedResourceResponse' 400: description: Something was wrong with the form data. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormMetadataResponse' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/InternalServerError' /run_action_url_path_placeholder: post: summary: Run action description: >- _Note: The path is a placeholder. The actual path is determined by the configuration of the app component._ The request made when an action is triggered. Rule actions in rules containing a "Task added to this project" trigger have a 2 minute delay for newly created tasks in that project. This is to provide time for the creating user to fill out task details (name, description, etc.) before the rule action is triggered. An app server must be hosted in order for rule actions to function. For a brief list of popular hosting options, see [hosting](/docs/hosting).

App components rule run action request flow tags: - Rule actions operationId: runAction requestBody: description: >- Request to notify of an action running. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RunActionRequest' responses: 200: description: Successfully attached the resource created by the form. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RanActionResponse' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' 410: $ref: '#/components/responses/Gone' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/InternalServerError' /action.metadata_url_path_placeholder: parameters: - $ref: '#/components/parameters/action' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/action_type' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/project' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/workspace' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/user' - $ref: '#/components/parameters/expires_at' get: summary: Get action metadata description: >- _Note: The path is a placeholder. The actual path is determined by the configuration of the app component._ When a user has navigated to the [custom rule builder](https://asana.com/guide/help/premium/rules#gl-create-rule) UI and selected a rule action (either through the sidebar or via a rule preset), Asana will make a request to the app to get the configuration form definition for the chosen rule action. This will initiate the flow to configure a new rule action or edit the configuration of an existing rule action. This is the endpoint and schema for updating rule actions; app triggers (V2) will be analogous.

App components rule metadata request flow tags: - Rule actions operationId: getActionMetadata responses: 200: description: Successfully retrieved the metadata for a single action. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormMetadataResponse' 400: $ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/InternalServerError' /action.on_change_callback_path_placeholder: post: summary: On action change callback description: >- _Note: The path is a placeholder. The actual path is determined by the configuration of the app component._ The callback request made to an app server when a watched field's value changes within an action form. The request is subject to a 10-second timeout if no response is received from the app server.

App components rule on change request flow tags: - Rule actions operationId: onActionFormChange requestBody: description: >- Request to notify of an on change event. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ActionFormOnChangeRequest' responses: 200: description: Successfully returned the new state of the form. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormMetadataResponse' 400: description: Something was wrong with the form data. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormMetadataResponse' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/InternalServerError' /action.on_submit_callback_path_placeholder: post: summary: On action submit callback description: >- _Note: The path is a placeholder. The actual path is determined by the configuration of the app component._ The form is submitted when the user chooses to create their rule. Asana will create the rule action data model object and make a signed request to the `on_submit_callback` specified in the form metadata returned from the fetch/update rule action form endpoints. Information about the created rule action should be included in the response if it was successfully created. This is the endpoint and schema for updating rule actions; app triggers (V2) will be analogous. The request is subject to a 10-second timeout if no response is received from the app server.

App components rule on submit request flow tags: - Rule actions operationId: onActionFormSubmit requestBody: description: >- Request to submit an action form. required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ActionFormSubmissionRequest' responses: 200: description: Successfully handled form submission. 400: description: Something was wrong with the form data. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FormMetadataResponse' 401: $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' 403: $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' 404: $ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound' 500: $ref: '#/components/responses/InternalServerError'