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    "# Generalized Constrained Spherical Deconvolution"
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    "Dmipy's Constrained Spherical Deconvolution (CSD) implementation completely generalizes the Multi-Shell-Multi-Tissue (MSMT) CSD implementation of *(Jeurissen et al. 2014)* to\n",
    "- Any number of compartments,\n",
    "- Any acquisition scheme parameters,\n",
    "- Being able to use voxel-varying convolution kernels (e.g. as estimated by spherical mean models).\n",
    "## Short Summary of CSD:\n",
    "Constrained Spherical Deconvolution (CSD) *(Tournier et al. 2007)* is one of the most well-known ways to estimate Fiber Orientation Distributions (FODs) that describe the orientation of the white matter tissue. In short, CSD's formulation states that any composition of oriented white matter (dispersion/crossings) can be described as the spherical convolution of a *positive* probability density on the sphere and a convolution kernel $K$ that describes one parallel axon bundle. With some abuse of notation:\n",
    " E_{\\textrm{CSD}}= \\overbrace{\\operatorname{FOD}(\\textbf{c})}^{\\textrm{Fiber Distribution}}\\,*_{\\mathbb{S}^2}\\,\\overbrace{K(\\cdot)}^{\\textrm{Convolution Kernel}}\\quad\\textrm{subject to}\\quad \\operatorname{FOD}(\\textbf{c}) > 0.\n",
    "Here, the FOD is described in terms of a truncated even spherical harmonics series $FOD=\\sum_{l=0}^{lmax}\\sum_{m=-l}^l\\textbf{c}_{lm}Y_{lm}$, with $l$ and $m$ describing the order and moment of the spherical harmonic *(Descoteaux et al. 2006)*. Furthermore, $*_{\\mathbb{S}^2}$ describes a spherical convolution on the $\\mathbb{S}^2$ sphere, and $K$ describes the *rotational* harmonics describing a single axon bundle. The kernel $K$ is typically estimated from the data *(Tournier et al. 2007, Tax et al. 2014)*, and CSD is therefore considered a *model-free* approach."
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    "## Multi-Shell Single-Compartment CSD\n",
    "When using a single convolution kernel (voxel-varying or not), Dmipy's uses the classical (faster) optimizer proposed by *(Tournier et al. 2007)* to estimate the spherical harmonics of the FOD. The single- and multi-shell implementations of CSD estimate a positive and smooth FOD as follows:"
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    "\\textbf{f}^* = argmin_f \\overbrace{\\|\\textbf{Af} - \\textbf{b}\\|^2}^{\\textrm{Data Term}} + \\lambda_{\\textrm{pos}}\\overbrace{\\|\\textbf{Lf}\\|^2}^{\\textrm{Positivity}} + \\lambda_{\\textrm{lb}}\\overbrace{\\|\\textbf{Rf}\\|^2}^{\\textrm{smoothness}},\n",
    "where $\\textbf{f}$ is SH coefficients of length $N_c$. $\\textbf{A}$ of size $N_{data}\\times N_c$ is observation matrix that maps spherical harmonics coefficients to signal values, $\\textbf{b}$ is array of measured DWIs, and $\\textrm{L}$ maps $\\textbf{f}$ on the sphere and penalizes negative values, and $\\textbf{R}$ is the Laplace-Beltrami operator following *(Descoteaux et al. 2006)*.\n",
    "The observation matrix $\\textbf{A}$ is - *for each shell separately* - formed by the product of a spherical-harmonics transform (SHT) matrix with a diagonal matrix with prepared rotational harmonics of the convolution kernel, meaning they are multiplied by $\\sqrt{(4 * \\pi) / (2 * l + 1)}$.\n",
    "The positivity matrix $\\textbf{L}$ is a spherical harmonics transform (SHT) matrix that maps spherical harmonics coefficients to real values on the sphere, for which rows mapping to positive FOD values are zeroed out.\n",
    "The smoothness Laplace-Beltrami matrix $\\textbf{R}$ is a diagonal matrix with values $l(l+1)$.\n",
    "The minimum of this equation is found by taking the derivative w.r.t. $\\textbf{f}$ and setting is to zero\n",
    "0 = 2\\textbf{A}^T(\\textbf{Af}^* - \\textbf{b}) + 2\\lambda_{\\textrm{pos}} \\textbf{L}^T\\textbf{L}\\textbf{f}^* + 2\\lambda_{\\textrm{lb}} \\textbf{R}^T\\textbf{R}\\textbf{f}^*\n",
    "\\textbf{A}^T\\textbf{b} = (\\textbf{A}^T\\textbf{A} + \\lambda_{\\textrm{pos}} \\textbf{L}^T\\textbf{L} + \\lambda_{\\textrm{lb}} \\textbf{R}^T\\textbf{R})\\textbf{f}^*\n",
    "\\textbf{f}^* = (\\textbf{A}^T\\textbf{A} + \\lambda_{\\textrm{pos}} \\textbf{L}^T\\textbf{L} + \\lambda_{\\textrm{lb}} \\textbf{R}^T\\textbf{R})^{-1}\\textbf{A}^T\\textbf{b}\n",
    "In the CSD optimization following *(Tournier et al. 2007)*, this equation is solved iteratively by starting with a lower spherical harmonics order FOD (typically 4), and and updating the positivity constraint matrix until convergence."
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    "## Multi-Shell Multi-Compartment CSD"
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    "The multi-compartment implementation of CSD (MC-CSD) follows the work of *(Jeurissen et al. 2014)* and is exactly the same as the single-compartment one, but has some constraints:\n",
    "- When estimating volume fractions, MC-CSD can only estimate the FODs for one anisotropic kernel and one or more isotropic kernels.\n",
    "- An additional constraint must be added that the volume fractions add up to one and are positive.\n",
    "For every isotropic compartment, one extra line on $\\textbf{A}$ is added that maps the isotropic signal attenuation to the data positions. Similarly, one extra coefficient is added at the end of $\\textbf{f}$, which represents the isotropic compartment's only $l=0, m=0$ coefficient. The volume fractions of each compartment are defined by their respects $l=0, m=0$ coefficients, multiplied by the sphere's jacobian $2 * \\sqrt{\\pi}$. Using cvxpy, the optimization is cast as\n",
    "\\textbf{f}^* = argmin_f \\overbrace{\\|\\textbf{Af} - \\textbf{b}\\|^2}^{\\textrm{Data Term}} + \\lambda_{\\textrm{lb}}\\overbrace{\\|\\textbf{Rf}\\|^2}^{\\textrm{smoothness}},\\quad\\textrm{subject to}\\quad \\sum vf=1, vf>0, FOD>0\n",
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    "## Voxel-Varying Convolution Kernels\n",
    "Just like in previous models, it is possible to set voxel-varying initial conditions when fitting models. This can be done by hand, or particularly, a fitted `MultiCompartmentSphericalMeanModel` can call the `MultiCompartmentSphericalHarmonicsModel` with all its parameters fixed voxel-wise to the spherical mean fitted parameters. See e.g. the [Spherical Mean Technique](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/AthenaEPI/dmipy/blob/master/examples/example_spherical_mean_technique.ipynb) or [Multi-Compartment Microscopic Diffusion Imaging examples](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/AthenaEPI/mipy/blob/master/examples/example_multi_compartment_spherical_mean_technique.ipynb) examples."
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    "## References\n",
    "- Tournier, J-Donald, Fernando Calamante, and Alan Connelly. \"Robust determination of the fibre orientation distribution in diffusion MRI: non-negativity constrained super-resolved spherical deconvolution.\" Neuroimage 35.4 (2007): 1459-1472.\n",
    "- Descoteaux, Maxime, et al. \"Regularized, fast, and robust analytical Q‐ball imaging.\" Magnetic resonance in medicine 58.3 (2007): 497-510.\n",
    "- Tax, Chantal MW, et al. \"Recursive calibration of the fiber response function for spherical deconvolution of diffusion MRI data.\" Neuroimage 86 (2014): 67-80.\n",
    "- Jeurissen, Ben, et al. \"Multi-tissue constrained spherical deconvolution for improved analysis of multi-shell diffusion MRI data.\" NeuroImage 103 (2014): 411-426."
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