--DROP USER NVCL CASCADE; --DROP TABLESPACE "NVCLINDTS" INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES; --DROP TABLESPACE "NVCLTBLSPC" INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES; --DROP TABLESPACE "NVCLLOBTS" INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES; --DROP ROLE NVCLAnalyst; --DROP ROLE NVCLViewer; --DROP ROLE WEBSERVICE; -- above commands will remove any existing NVCL database. WARNING: this will delete ALL data in the existing NVCL schema -- ensure you enter filenames and paths for the tablespaces before running this script -- eg. f:\oracle\data\NVCLINDTS CREATE SMALLFILE TABLESPACE "NVCLINDTS" DATAFILE '' SIZE 1024M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 1024M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO; CREATE SMALLFILE TABLESPACE "NVCLTBLSPC" DATAFILE '' SIZE 2048M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 2048M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO BLOCKSIZE 8k; CREATE SMALLFILE TABLESPACE "NVCLLOBTS" DATAFILE '' SIZE 8192M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 8192M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO BLOCKSIZE 8k; CREATE USER NVCL identified by passw0rd DEFAULT TABLESPACE NVCLTBLSPC; grant resource to NVCL; grant create view to NVCL; GRANT CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW to NVCL; GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO NVCL; --grant connect to NVCL; --WARNING: only do this if you intend to run the createnvcldb scripts as the NVCL user and remember to either revoke this privilege afterwards and set a secure password for nvcl CREATE ROLE NVCLAnalyst; CREATE ROLE NVCLViewer; CREATE ROLE WEBSERVICE;