### 2.5.1a - Release 2.5.2 - Update fortress world ground defense mult to 50% from 100% - Update supply bonus for tme conditions to 1 from 3 - Add aquaculture to paradise world industries with supply bonus ### 2.5.0a - Release 2.5.0a - Fix crash issue when canceling projects in construction grid - Fix issue where constructed gates can't be selected as a jump location ### 2.5.0 - Release 2.5.0 - Add unification center AI core reduced demand of 1 effect - Update industries tooltip descriptions - Add unification center stability bonues, marine and supplies demand - Add unification center income value of 6 - Update unification center build time to 180 from 360 ### 2.4.7a - Release 2.4.7a - Fix megastructure ui showing the same text field titles ### 2.4.7 - Release 2.4.7 - Update GitHub action script - Add death world condition to unification center - Add death world condition ### 2.4.5 - Release 2.4.5 - Add planetary hologram sprite - Update planetary hologram tooltip ui - Update planetary hologram cost multiplier to 20 from 100 - Update planetary hologram build time to 60 from 360 - Update planetary hologram upkeep to 2 from 15 - Update planetary hologram to be enabled - Update grammar of industry descriptions ### 2.4.1 - Release 2.4.1 - Update reduce cost and build time for all terraforming & megatsructure options by 30%-50% - Fix bug where AI core effects would instantly finish the structure/project - Add unification center sprite - Add planetary hologram industry (disabled) ### 2.4.0 - Release 2.4.0 - Add megastructure project section for tooltip when hovering industry ### 2.3.9 - Release 2.3.9 - Fix bug where days left in terraforming project section tooltip is not reflected properly ### 2.3.8 - Release 2.3.8 - Add terraforming project section for tooltip when hovering industry ### 2.3.6 - Release 2.3.6 - Update directDownloadURL link in version file ### 2.3.5 - Release 2.3.5 - Fix issue filtering of unknown industries specs not working - Fix bug terraforming options list not getting sorted - Update terraforming options ui - Update megastructure options ui - Update LICENSE to CC-BY-NC-SA - Update disabled samples in terraforming options csv - Add planet type override option after a terraforming project ### 2.3.2 - Release 2.3.2 - Update jar file - Fix crash when building stations in a system without a constellation ### 2.3.1 - Release 2.3.1 - Update jar file ### 2.3.0 - Release 2.3.0 - Update construction grid can now construct entities from other mods - Update terraforming structures can now add conditions from other mods - Fix issue where habitable is not removed when terraforming negative atmospheric conditions - Fix issue where water-surface can't turn into frozen worlds - Fix bug where terraforming options that require one liked condition is not working and not displayed properly - Fix bug where scrolling is not working when selecting terraforming or megastructure options - Update fetching of megastructure options for construction grid - Update fetching of terraforming options for tme structures - Add csv file for megastructure options - Add csv file for terraforming options ### 2.1.1 - Release 2.1.1 - Update orbital station build time to 720 from 5 ### 2.1.0 - Release 2.1.0 - Fix bug that instantly increases recently finished stations colony size to 5-6 - Add ability to build stations for construction grid - Move hidden conditions to unification center - Add unification center structure ### 2.0.0 - Release 2.0.0 - Update code structure and format for dialogs - Update construction grid implementation - Add construction grid industry and its implementations ### 1.1.1 - Release 1.1.1 - Update mod game version to latest ### 1.1.0 - Release 1.1.0 - Update terraform options tooltip text - Update farming industry when terraforming to a water or non water world - Add dicivilized subpop to geomorphology station terraform options - Add volturnian lobster pens to geomorphology station terraform options - Update geomorphology station terraform options requirements and restrictions - Update modifiable conditions data ### 1.0.2 - Release 1.0.2 - Update files to match latest version - Update CHANGELOG.txt ### 1.0.1 - Release 1.0.1 - Update CHANGELOG.txt ### 1.0.0 - Release 1.0.0 - Update fix ui text name for condition not showing up - Update removed unused java classes - Update removed java classes TME prefix - Update renamed TMEIndustryOptionProvider to TerraformOptionProvider - Update renamed TMEIndustryDialogueDelegate to TerraformDialogueDelegate - Update renamed TMEBaseIndustry to BaseIndustry - Update renamed TMEModPlugin to ModPlugin - Update mod_info.json ### 0.9.3 - Release 0.9.3 - Add temporary planet type conditions - Add solar array modifiable condition to stellar manufactory - Update some text to be more understandable - Update new industries descriptions and can terraform condition checks - Update can terraform conditions checks - Update requirements for modifiable conditions of new industries - Add graphics icon for newly added industries - Update terraforming UI to have headers for modifiable conditions list - Fix bug where organics are reduced instead of removed for some planet types - Add new terraforming industry called element synthesizer - Add new terraforming industry called mineral replicator - Update move organics modifiable condition to new mineral replicator industry - Fix bug terraforming option not showing up ### 0.7.5 - Release 0.7.5 - Update jar file - Update mod version to latest ### 0.7.4 - Release 0.7.4 - Update rename some of the industries - Add full implementation of tme conditions - Add tme planet condition forge world implementation - Add initial implementation of custom planets - Update improve overall code format - Update improve UI for selectable conditions - Update modifiable conditions requirements - Update industry names to be singular instead of plural - Add tme agricultural laboratories industry - Add images for tme industries - Add AI core bonuses for TME industries - Add unable to build tme industries on gas giants and stations - Add other planet types when changing planet class - Add planet visual and class change when certain conditions are met - Update modifiable conditions restrictions and requirements ### 0.5.3 - Release 0.5.3 - Add GitHub action script - Add version check files - Update CHANGELOG, CREDITS & mod_info ### 0.5.0 - Add README.md - Update modifiable conditions cost and build time - Update UI implementation - Update TMEConfirmDialogueDelegate full implementation - Add sound cues when pressing confirm buttons - Add scientific military bases industry - Add terrestrial core engines industry - Add stellar factory relays - Add initial mod implementations - Add kotlin library ### 0.0.1 - Add initial mod files