Table join ========== Table joins are again something that you need to really frequently when doing GIS analyses. Combining data from different tables based on common ``key`` attribute can be done easily in Pandas/Geopandas using `.merge() `__ -function. - Let's continue with our `geocoding task `_ and join the ``data`` and ``geo`` DataFrames together based on common column ``address``. Parameter ``on`` is used to determine the common key in the tables. If your key in the first table would be named differently than in the other one, you can also specify them separately for each table by using ``left_on`` and ``right_on`` -parameters. .. ipython:: python :suppress: # THIS CODE WILL BE RUNNING IN BACKGROUND # --------------------------------------- import gdal import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from shapely.geometry import Point from import geocode import os fp = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('data'), "addresses.txt") data = pd.read_csv(fp, sep=';') key = 'AIzaSyAwNVHAtkbKlPs-EEs3OYqbnxzaYfDF2_8' geo = geocode(data['address'], api_key=key) .. ipython:: python # Join tables by using a key column 'address' join = geo.merge(data, on='address') # Let's see what we have join.head() - Let's also check the data type of our new ``join`` table .. ipython:: python type(join) As a result we have a new GeoDataFrame called ``join`` where we now have all original columns plus a new column for ``geometry``. - Now it is easy to save our address points into a Shapefile .. code:: python # Output file path outfp = r"/home/geo/addresses.shp" # Save to Shapefile join.to_file(outfp) That's it. Now we have successfully geocoded those addresses into Points and made a Shapefile out of them. .. todo:: **Task**: Make a map out of the points. What do you think that the addresses are representing?