Allows to set any template to item. It can be some link, some text, another item and etc. Template is specified by the parameter format where you define the appropriate template handler.
className - (string) the user-defined css class for item
info - (
boolean) adds the

icon after the input label (related event -
format - (function) defines template handler. This function should return value (formatted by user) which will be inserted instead of input. Gets parameters - name, value
hidden - (boolean) hides/shows the item. The default value - false (the item is shown)
inputHeight - (integer or auto) the height of input. The default value is auto
inputLeft - (integer) sets the left absolute offset of input.Just position:“absolute” makes sense of the attribute
inputTop - (integer) sets the top absolute offset of input. Just position:“absolute” makes sense of the attribute
inputWidth - (integer or auto) the width of input. The default value is auto
label - (string) the text label of item
labelAlign - (left, right or center) the alignment of label within the defined width
labelHeight - (integer or auto) the height of label. The default value is auto
labelLeft - (integer) sets the left absolute offset of label. Just position:“absolute” makes sense of the attribute
labelTop - (integer) sets the top absolute offset of label. Just position:“absolute” makes sense of the attribute
labelWidth - (integer or auto) the width of label. The default value is auto
name - (string) the identification name. Used for referring to item
note - (object) creates the details block which is placed under the input
offsetLeft - (integer) sets the left relative offset of item (both input and label)
offsetTop - (integer) sets the top relative offset of item (both input and label)
position - (label-left, label-right, label-top or absolute) defines the position of label relative to input
required - (
boolean) adds the

icon after the label marking the input as mandatory. Also, setting the attribute to
true automatically assignes the 'NotEmpty' validation rule to the input
style - (string) specifies css style of item
tooltip - (string) creates the tooltip for the input label
value - (string) the initial value of item
userdata - (object) sets some user data for the input (key:value pairs)
function doLink(name, value) {
var f = this.getForm();
return '<a href="script/do_edit.php?id='+value+'&t=abc">hello</a>';
var formData = [
{type: "checkbox", label: "Accept cookies from sites", checked: true, list:[
{type: "checkbox", label: "Accept third-party cookies", checked: true},
{type: "select", label: "Keep until", inputWidth: "auto", position: "label-left", options:[
{value: "1", text: "they expire", selected: true},
{value: "2", text: "I close Firefox"},
{value: "3", text: "ask me every time"}
{type: "template", name: "a", label: "Today:", value: "Hello", position: "label-left", format: "doLink"}