state("PITFALL The Lost Expedition") { // 0x5170CC follows the current zone, but not always exactly at the same time. 0 on first Jaguar. Might be related to save. uint zone: 0x517088; bool isLoading: 0x523735; // Items bool hasSling: 0x4EEBA4; bool hasTorch: 0x4EEBC0; bool hasPickaxes: 0x4EEBDC; bool hasTNT: 0x4EEBF8; bool hasShield: 0x4EEC14; bool hasRaft: 0x4EEC30; bool hasGasMask: 0x4EEC4C; bool hasCanteen: 0x4EEC68; // This seems to be related to the "forced to walk" state that happens before and after loading zones // bool isForcedWalk: 0x517084; // Current idols. Has some issues: // - The number vary wildly during the plane cinematic and when spit out of a hole/croc // - Gets zero'd and added back upon load // - Buying a Shaman item and dying adds back the idol count (expected behaviour, but still an issue for us) // There is a value in memory that doesn't have the first two issues, however, it will change place in memory upon death. // For that reason, I haven't been able to produce a pointermap for it yet. // However, watching for address changes works great. byte idolsCount: 0x5170A0, 0x5C, 0x0, 0x18, 0x39C; uint idolsCountPtr: 0x5170A0, 0x5C, 0x0, 0x18; // Current health. Has some quirks: // - Gets zero'd and added back upon load and when going back to menu byte harryHealth: 0x5170A0, 0x638; // Alternative: byte puscaHealth: 0x51A940, 0x0, 0x2A0, 0x30, 0x63C; byte puscaHealth: 0x51A940, 0x0, 0x3D4, 0x38, 0x63C; } startup { // When the script loads print("============================= SCRIPT STARTUP ============================="); settings.Add("Reminder", false, "Reminders (these options do nothing)"); settings.Add("Reminder1", false, "Remember to set your \"Start Time at:\" to 1.35 !", "Reminder"); settings.Add("Reminder2", false, "Automatic Reset is experimental", "Reminder"); settings.Add("DebugLogs", false, "Print debug logs in DbgView", "Reminder"); settings.Add("SplitOnLoad", true, "Split on Loading Screen (except the first one)"); settings.Add("DontSplitOnCutsceneLoad", false, "Except for loads that only contains a cutscene or running forward", "SplitOnLoad"); settings.Add("SplitOnPusca", true, "Split on Defeating Pusca"); settings.Add("SplitOnShaman", false, "Split on buying from Shaman (except Mystery Item)"); settings.Add("NativeGamesStart", true, "Split on starting Native Games for the first time"); settings.Add("NativeGamesIdol", true, "Split on collecting Native Games idols"); settings.Add("SplitOnIdol", false, "Split on Idol collection"); settings.Add("SplitOnExplorer", true, "Only on Explorer Idols", "SplitOnIdol"); settings.Add("UnsplitOnDeath", false, "Automatically undo Idol and Shaman split on death (experimental)"); settings.Add("SplitOnItems", false, "Split on item collection"); settings.Add("SplitOnCanteen", true, "Split on Canteen", "SplitOnItems"); settings.Add("SplitOnSling", true, "Split on Sling", "SplitOnItems"); settings.Add("SplitOnTorch", true, "Split on Torch", "SplitOnItems"); settings.Add("SplitOnShield", true, "Split on Shield", "SplitOnItems"); settings.Add("SplitOnGasMask", true, "Split on Gas Mask", "SplitOnItems"); settings.Add("SplitOnRaft", true, "Split on Raft", "SplitOnItems"); settings.Add("SplitOnPickaxes", true, "Split on Pickaxes", "SplitOnItems"); settings.Add("SplitOnTNT", true, "Split on TNT", "SplitOnItems"); settings.Add("IncludeStClaire", true, "Include St. Claire's Excavation Camp item collection", "SplitOnItems"); /* 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, // Extra Health 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, // Canteen Max Increase 10, // Smash Strike 10, // Super Sling 10, // Breakdance 9, // Jungle Notes 7, // Native Notes 7, // Cavern Notes 8, // Mountain Notes */ var shamanInventory = new [] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 32 }; vars.isValidShamanPrice = (Func)((int idolsPaid) => { if (idolsPaid <= 0) return false; var index = Array.IndexOf(shamanInventory, idolsPaid); if (index == -1) return false; return true; }); vars.isCustsceneLoad = (Func)((uint zoneId) => vars.custsceneLoadZoneIDs.Remove(zoneId)); var nativeGamesZoneIDs = new uint[] { 0xE411440A, // KaBOOM! 0x0D72E13F, // Tuco Shoot 0x0A1F2526, // Whack-a-Tuco 0x9316749C, // Raft Bowling 0x7A75D1A9, // Pickaxe Race }; vars.isNativeGame = (Func)((uint zoneId) => Array.Exists(nativeGamesZoneIDs, zone => zone == zoneId)); Action reset = () => { vars.firstLoadingSkipped = false; vars.nativeGamesStarted = false; vars.ignoreResetForCredits = false; vars.unsplitOnDeathCount = 0; vars.custsceneLoadZoneIDs = new HashSet { 0xEE8F6900, // Plane Crash 0xABD7CCD8, // Altar of Ages 0x6F498BBD, // Viracocha Monoliths 0x02C7B675, // Monkey Temple (Monkey) 0x1F237F32, // Penguin Temple (Penguin) 0x0305DC42, // Scorpion Temple (Scorpion) 0x72AD42FA, // Escavation Camp Night 0x99885996, // Ruins of El Dorado (Supai) }; print("Ran Reset method"); }; reset(); vars.OnReset = (LiveSplit.Model.Input.EventHandlerT)((s, e) => reset()); timer.OnReset += vars.OnReset; vars.timerModel = new TimerModel{CurrentState = timer}; } init { // When the game is found // print("============================= INITIALISATION ============================="); } shutdown { // When the script unloads timer.OnReset -= vars.OnReset; } /* Main methods */ update { // Returning false blocks everything but split // Some debugging logs if (settings["DebugLogs"]) { var idolsGained = current.idolsCount - old.idolsCount; var debugString = ""; if (current.puscaHealth != old.puscaHealth) debugString += "Pusca health: " + current.puscaHealth + Environment.NewLine; if (current.harryHealth != old.harryHealth) debugString += "Health: " + current.harryHealth + Environment.NewLine; // if (current.isForcedWalk && !old.isForcedWalk) debugString += "Forced walk start" + Environment.NewLine; // if (!current.isForcedWalk && old.isForcedWalk) debugString += "Forced walk stop" + Environment.NewLine; if ( != debugString += "Zone change: 0x" +"X").PadLeft(8, '0') + Environment.NewLine; if (current.isLoading && !old.isLoading) debugString += "Load start" + Environment.NewLine; if (!current.isLoading && old.isLoading) debugString += "Load End" + Environment.NewLine; if (current.idolsCountPtr != old.idolsCountPtr) { debugString += "Idol count Pointer: 0x" + current.idolsCountPtr.ToString("X").PadLeft(8, '0') + Environment.NewLine; } if (idolsGained != 0) debugString += "Idols gained: " + idolsGained + Environment.NewLine; if (debugString != "") print(debugString); } } /* Only runs when the timer is stopped */ start { // Starts the timer upon returning true if (current.isLoading && !old.isLoading && == 0x99885996) { return vars.firstLoadingSkipped = true; } } /* Only runs when the timer is running */ reset { // Resets the timer upon returning true // Resets on going back to menu. Credits also sets the zone to 0 if ( == 0 && != 0 // Menu && != 0x62548B77 // White Valley && != 0x0305DC42 // Scorpion Fight ) { if (vars.ignoreResetForCredits) { return vars.ignoreResetForCredits = false; } return true; } } split { // Splits upon returning true if reset isn't explicitly returning true if (current.isLoading && !old.isLoading) { vars.unsplitOnDeathCount = 0; if (!vars.firstLoadingSkipped) { vars.firstLoadingSkipped = true; return false; } if (settings["DontSplitOnCutsceneLoad"] && vars.isCustsceneLoad( { return false; } return settings["SplitOnLoad"]; }; // Don't run anything else if the pointer to current idol just changed or is null if (current.idolsCountPtr == 0 || current.idolsCountPtr != old.idolsCountPtr) return; if (current.harryHealth == 0 && old.harryHealth != 0) { for (; vars.unsplitOnDeathCount > 0; vars.unsplitOnDeathCount--) { vars.timerModel.UndoSplit(); } return false; } if (settings["NativeGamesStart"] && !vars.nativeGamesStarted && vars.isNativeGame( ) { if (settings["DebugLogs"]) print("Native Games started"); return vars.nativeGamesStarted = true; } if (current.puscaHealth == 0 && old.puscaHealth == 1) { vars.ignoreResetForCredits = true; if (settings["SplitOnPusca"]) return true; }; var idolsGained = current.idolsCount - old.idolsCount; if (settings["SplitOnIdol"] && idolsGained == 5) { vars.unsplitOnDeathCount++; if (settings["DebugLogs"]) print("Split on Explorer"); return true; } if (idolsGained == 1 && (settings["SplitOnIdol"] && !settings["SplitOnExplorer"] || settings["NativeGamesIdol"] && vars.isNativeGame( ) { vars.unsplitOnDeathCount++; if (settings["DebugLogs"]) print("Split on Idol"); return true; } if (settings["SplitOnShaman"] && vars.isValidShamanPrice(-idolsGained)) { vars.unsplitOnDeathCount++; if (settings["DebugLogs"]) print("Split on Shaman"); return true; }; if (settings["IncludeStClaire"] || // Daytime && Nighttime ( != 0xBA9370DF && != 0x72AD42FA) ) { if (settings["SplitOnCanteen"] && current.hasCanteen && !old.hasCanteen) { if (settings["DebugLogs"]) print("Split on Canteen"); return true; } if (settings["SplitOnSling"] && current.hasSling && !old.hasSling) { if (settings["DebugLogs"]) print("Split on Sling"); return true; } if (settings["SplitOnTorch"] && current.hasTorch && !old.hasTorch) { if (settings["DebugLogs"]) print("Split on Torch"); return true; } if (settings["SplitOnShield"] && current.hasShield && !old.hasShield) { if (settings["DebugLogs"]) print("Split on Shield"); return true; } if (settings["SplitOnGasMask"] && current.hasGasMask && !old.hasGasMask) { if (settings["DebugLogs"]) print("Split on Gas Mask"); return true; } if (settings["SplitOnRaft"] && current.hasRaft && !old.hasRaft) { if (settings["DebugLogs"]) print("Split on Raft"); return true; } if (settings["SplitOnPickaxes"] && current.hasPickaxes && !old.hasPickaxes) { if (settings["DebugLogs"]) print("Split on Pickaxes"); return true; } if (settings["SplitOnTNT"] && current.hasTNT && !old.hasTNT) { if (settings["DebugLogs"]) print("Split on TNT"); return true; } } } isLoading { // Pauses the Game Timer upon returning true return current.isLoading; }