PRIVACY NOTICE & TERMS AND CONDITIONS Last updated Aug 21, 2023 0: General This workout checklist app (The App) is not meant to be a diagnostic tool of any kind and is meant only to keep track of tasks completed. It is not intended to be a health or wellness aid. Please exersice all appropriate caution while participating in physical activity. 1: Google Collected Data a: Playstore disclamer The App does not directly collect any information about its usage or users. Google Play Store does report downloads and some usage data (number of times downloaded, devices it has been downloaded to, et cetera, please see the playstore's privacy policy for details). Additionally if a user has personalized google ads enabled on their device Google may collect ad interaction data during use of this mobile app. For details on the collection and usage of such data please refer to their privacy policy. b: Advertisements The creators of this app do not monitor or control any aspect of the selection of advertizements that are served to users. If inapporopriate ads are served to a user of this app please contact Google or Google-admob as they handle selection and delivary of ads. By using this app the end user is agreeing to Google-admob's terms of service, including any arbitration clause that may be found therein. 2: Arbitration The creators of The App are not respoinsible for any harm that comes to the end user as a result of injeries sustained durring use of The App. In the event that the end user or their representitive wishes to take legal action against the creators of The App they agree for such proceedings to be ajudicated via arbitration in Marquette County, MI. and that the end user or their representitve shal be held finantially liable for all legal fees of all involved parties; to inclulde but not be limited to: cost of the creator's legal counsle, fee of the arbitor, victory bonus (if any) of creator's counsle but not to to include any reward granted to the user by the outcome of such arbitration.