>1 month has passed since the incident at the heat party
>you and your boyfriend still haven't had that long talk you promised him
>instead you've just been fucking the shit out of him non-stop since then
>you've been going at it so much he's been joking that he had an easier time at the party
>of course all this has done nothing to convince him that you didn't like it
>in fact it's done the exact opposite
>now he cheats on you wantonly with any anthro women who shows interest in him
>he even sends you sexy pictures over the phone to let you know when it happens
>really it should be no wonder your libido is through the roof
>even though you had largely accepted your role as a pathetic cuckquean you were not prepared for the visit lucy made to your home on mothers day
>you don't get many visitors to your home (at least when your around) so you're quite surprised to hear the doorbell ring
>shouting out to your boyfriend that you'll get it you walk over to the door and peek through the peephole
>you see the face of a rather happy looking lucy
>you hadn't seen her since you abandoned her at the club
>she hadn't made any attempt to contact you until now
>you figured she had gotten the message
>but now with the one who introduced you to this part of yourself that you despise standing right outside your door you're filled with indignant rage  
>throwing the door open fully prepared to scream at her, any words you were about to say were choked off at the sight of lucy
>the white, tall eared bunny is standing before you wearing a plain white sun dress and holding a handbag
>her breasts seem to have grown a cup size or 2 since you last seen her but thats not what has you so shocked
>you tell yourself that what you're seeing can't be possible as your gaze is stuck on her massive pregnant belly
>you were certain that when you last saw her, her belly was completely flat absolutely no indication of pregnancy whatsoever
>now she looked to be 9 months pregnant, just about to pop out a load of kids at any second
>the bulge of her belly pushed out the hem of her dress quite a ways
>she had a kind smile and a cute blush on her face as she held out her arms and let out a big "Surprise!"
>surprise didn't even begin to describe what you were feeling right now
>all you were capable of was gawking awkwardly at her midriff with your jaw on the floor 
>eventually the silence got to even the cheerful bunny as she looked around nervously

"So, uh, can I come in?"

>totally ignoring what she asked you held up your finger, pointed it at her stomach and asked rather dumbly "His?"
>lucy rolled her eyes as she squeezed around you to get in

"Of course it's his, I'm not a slut."

>hundreds of questions flooded your mind as your brain slowed to a crawl to deal with the overload
>how could it be his? that was only a month ago
>maybe this was going on far longer than you had been led to believe?
>but you were assured by your boyfriend that he had never cheated on you before that night
>besides lucy's belly was completely flat and unimpregnated back then, you were sure of it
>feeling like you had gone insane it took a moment to realize you had been staring out the open door for the passed 5 minutes
>closing it and heading back inside to get some answers you beeline for the living room where your boyfriend was last
>he's not there when you enter though
>suddenly filled with dread theres only one other place you expect him to be
>in no hurry, out of fear of what you might find there, you make your way to the bedroom
>you don't make it far before your fears are confirmed 
>the 2 lovers have left the door wide open so you'd be able to see what was going on in there from a distance
>your boyfriend was already complete naked, sitting on the bed with his clothes in a pile in front of the door, lucy idly stroking his hard cock
>lucy was still wearing her dress but had pushed it up to rest on her belly, with her legs spread you could see she came here without any panties on, your boyfriend was slowly fingering her pussy and groping her breast through the thin fabric of her dress
>they were passionately making out, loud smacks and wet squishing could be heard as their tongues battled for dominance, both moaning into each others lips at the tender touches they were subjecting themselves to
>you let out a pathetic whimper as a familiar cocktail of emotions washed over you
>a sharp sting of betrayal stung at your heart, a pain that never hurt any less no matter how many times you felt it
>contrasting to the warmth and wetness that flooded your groin, a fire inside you that only seemed to rise higher and grow hotter the more it was fed
>you hated your stupid pussy for nearly juicing itself in joy out of what was happening in front of you
>this was going to be the first time since at the club that you will see your boyfriend fucking another women live
>the fact that it was going to happen on your bed sent another stab at your heart and a new wave of arousal through your body
>closing the rest of the distance to your bedroom you quickly close the door and turn to face them
>the sound of the closing door alerted them to your presence and they stopped their make out session to turn their attention to you
>they didn't stop touching each other though
>lucy gave a friendly smile as she asked

"Femanon, do humans really take 9 months!?"

>you guessed she was talking about humans gestation period
>you nodded your head at her, which sent her into a giggle fit

"Hahaha, no way thats so long, how would you manage? These little guys are due the day after tomorrow."

>not really being in the mood to doubt that bunnies start spewing out kids only 1 month after conception you accept it and ask her how many she's got in there

"Oh it's only 6, I was from a litter of 14."

>your mind is totally broken at this point so you congratulate your boyfriend on becoming a father of 6
>he chuckles at you and points toward lucy's bag

"Thats not all, look in there."

>filled with even more dread you go over and open up the bag to see that it's filled with.... positive pregnancy tests? 
>you were about to ask why lucy has all these but you notice next to them are a stack of pictures
>taking out a picture you're greeted by the smiling face of that giraffe girl from the club holding up the pregnancy test to the camera
>your mouth goes dry as you take out the entire stack and begin to flip through them
>every single one has the same formula as the first but with a different girl
>a hippo, a bat, a doe, a wolf, a princess (now surely queen) ant, a panther, a cow, a parakeet, a crocodile, a koi fish, a lemur, a horse, a sheep, a goat, a fox and a dolphin
>17 happily impregnated girls in total
the revelation is too much for you to handle
>you legs tremble as you sink to your knees
>waterfalls of tears stream from your eyes as you struggle to contain whimpers and sobs
>it doesn't stop the rooms other 2 inhabitants from noticing your distressed state
>your boyfriend immediately gets up and rushes over to

"Babe whats the matter? Are you okay?"

>he places his hand on your shoulder
>with you on your knees and his dick still being hard it's pointing right at your face
>even through your tears you lean forward and wrap your lips around his cock and begin to desperately nurse his length 
>grunting at the unexpected pleasure your boyfriends takes the waterworks as tears of happiness and lets you suckle him
>they're not tears of happiness, though they're not tears of sadness either
>you're really not sure what emotion you're feeling right now but it's overwhelming in it's intensity
>lucy comes over and kneels beside you, place her arms around you in a soft hug
>your boyfriend pulls his dick from your lips, kneels down and hugs you as well
>for the next several minutes the anthro and the human give you a shoulder to cry on
>they hug you tight, rub your back, shush you, tell you it's going to be okay and even plant tender kisses on your face
>the tender care does the trick as your tears slow to a trickle
>you tell lucy and your boyfriend that you love them both
>they both reciprocate, each one planted a loving kiss on your lips
>the tears begin to flow again but the smile on your face show genuine happiness
>lucy rubs your leg as she pose a question to you

"Do you want to watch us fuck?"

>you can't stop yourself from giving an enthusiastic nod 
>both lucy and your boyfriend disengage from you, your boyfriend going over and sitting on the edge of the bed
>lucy raises the sundress over her head and lets it fall to the floor, showing off her naked pregnant body
>she walks over to your boyfriend, turns around and uses him like a seat with his dick poking out from between her thighs, both of them facing you
>while lucy strokes him back to full hardness you also take the opportunity to shed your clothes as well, falling into a pile next to your boyfriends clothes
>watching from a distance you see lucy take his now hard dick in hand and rub it against her pussy lips
>you wait for the moment of penetration but it never comes
>lucy leaves his dick pressed against her cunt as she makes a come hither motion with her fingers

"What are you doing over there? Come closer, theres a front row seat free for the taking!"

>with lucy's encouragement you crawl over and sit yourself between both their legs, face mere inches from where they're about to be connected
>all shame having left your body you give completely into your lust, letting one hand fall between your thighs to rub your clit and using the other to pinch a nipple 
>satisfied with your compliance lucy lets herself sink down on your boyfriends cock
>unlike last time you eagerly watch every moment of that tight anthro pussy swallowing up your boyfriends dick
>your hands speed up as your lucy completely envelopes him, only his balls can seen as he bottoms out inside her

"Enjoying the view?"

>you nod your head as you take your hand off your breast and bring it down to slip a finger into your pussy
>grabbing lucy's hips your boyfriend slides himself out of her until only his tips remains inside before pushing back in
>they both let out moans and gasps as their hips connect once again
>not wanting to disappoint their audience they quickly work up to decent pace
>your entire world has focused down to that pistoning length, watching it pound in and out of her
>it's clear they're only getting started as you feel your first orgasm approaching
>letting your hands speed up you bring yourself to a deliciously sweet orgasm, waves of pleasure flowing through you body as you cry out
>the 2 lovers above you never noticed, too lost in their own pleasure to care about you
>removing your now slick hands from your sensitive pussy you take a moment to rest as you watch them go at it
>they're getting quite into it, the pace has picked and you can see a slick sheen on his penis when he pulls out, rivulets of feminine arousal running down his cock and balls
>with your boyfriend holding lucy pretty much still as he thrusts into her and you suddenly feeling parched you lean forward and make contact with lucy's mound   


>evidently not expecting any participation from you lucy trembles in surprised pleasure
>at first any pleasure you gave lucy was purely incidental, you were more trying to lick at your boyfriends slick penis while he was thrusting
>this proved difficult with his speed so instead you made do with what leaked out from around their coupling
>you quickly discovered that the more you pleasured lucy the more sweet honey she leaked
>thus you began focus on licking, sucking and nibbling on her cute little clit
>only a few minutes of this treatment proved too much for the fecund bunny
>her body became feverish as her panting and moaning reached a crescendo


>neither of you stopped, if anything you pushed on harder eager to taste her feminine nectar
>suddenly forcing herself down onto him, putting an end to his thrusts but still giving you plenty of space to tend to her clit, she nearly screams, her entire body quakes and trembles in ecstasy, a rush of sweet girl cum washes over both your tongue and your boyfriends cock
>your view of her face is obscured by her pregnant belly but judging by the sounds she's making lucy is experiencing one of the most powerful orgasms of her life
>coming down from her high lucy leans back, forcing your boyfriend to lay flat on the bed as she lies on his chest
>he begins thrusting again but lucy whines in discomfort

"Please slow down, I'm still sensitive."

>taking her plea to heart he slows down to a snails pace, slowing sawing his way in and out as she recovers from her orgasm
>this new pace gives you the opportunity to do what you originally intended
>dragging your tongue up his length as he pulls out and down his length as he goes back in you easily gather up plenty of lucy's juices
>with your thirst quenched and your boyfriends thrusts beginning to speed up you decide to go a bit lower
>taking his balls into your mouth you gently suck and lick the life giving orbs
>you reach down to your nethers once again as the thought that the babies currently in lucy's womb have the organs in your mouth to thank for their conception crosses your mind
>as your fingers start to give you pleasure your tongue starts to become more adventurous
>licking along the back of his balls you begin to go even lower, tongue caressing his soft taint

"Femanon, you don't have to do that y'know?"

>he's right, you don't have to, but you've never wanted anything more in your life
>throwing caution to the wind you drive straight down and place your lips right on his asshole
>your boyfriend grunts as you dart out your tongue taking a long lick over that puckered ring of muscle
>with his balls resting on the bridge of your nose you place many kisses and laps on his asshole while he starts to thrust into lucy even faster
>wanting to taste even more of him you push your tongue past the tight ring of his anus into his rectum
>swirling your tongue around inside him your tongue accidentally presses against his prostate on every pass
>unaccustomed to any anal stimulation your boyfriends rhythm breaks down as he begins to pant and moan in pleasure


>you can feel a deep throb through his entire body as his balls jump in his sack
>his sphincter tightens around your tongue as he fires his load into lucy
>the humiliation of sitting on the ground between your boyfriends while kissing his ass as he cums inside another women has you cumming on the spot
>you stain the carpet below you with your juices as you keep licking his asshole through the entire length of his orgasm
>after finally firing his final volley into her your boyfriend goes slack as he pants in exhaustion 
>you still don't stop lapping at his asshole until his softening cock flops out of lucy's creampied pussy
>unfazed by the splash of seed that hits you right between the eyes you quickly take your lips off his ass and wrap them around his cock
>taking the entire length down to the base you swirl your tongue around him, cleaning off any leftover cum and pussy juice
>popping him out of your mouth and licking any excess fluids off your lips you look up to your real prize
>nothing quite sets you off like the sight of a freshly creamed cunt anymore
>getting straight to work you lick up all the cum that has leaked out her and then worm your tongue into her cunny to get at the cocktail deeper inside
>in that moment the mix of lucy's and your boyfriends fluids is the most delicious thing you ever tasted
>digging in deep you scoop out tongue fulls of the salty sweet mixture and swallow it down  
>apparently lucy was very close to her second orgasm when your boyfriend came as your tongue brings her to orgasm before you're finished cleaning her
>she pushes your head away from her pussy as she closes her legs and shivers in euphoria

"Stop I'm sensitive there right now."  

>with your meal being prematurely taken from you, you swirl what you have left in your mouth to savor it's taste
>lucy rolls off your boyfriends and lays next to him as she recovers
>when she does she notices you still playing with your food
>getting up and kneeling besides you she captures your lips in a big smooch
>not expecting any lesbianism from lucy you open your mouth in shock letting her into your mouth as you share the salty mixture of his cum between you
>recovering quickly your tongues battle it out, fighting over who will get to swallow the delicious treat
>it ends up in a stalemate, you both decide to just split the spoils
>now both turning to face your boyfriend, who is back to full mast from the sexy display and giving you a thumbs up, you both open up your mouths to show off the frothy cum inside before both swallowing it down 
>lucy turns to face you and plants another kiss on your lips before getting up and crawling over to your boyfriend, cuddling next to him
>they trade a few kisses before they notice you aren't joining them

"Whats the matter femanon? Come and cuddle with us~"

>you muddle over it in your mind for a minute you tell them to wait a minute, that theres something you need to do first
>you don't wait for a response as you walk out the bedroom door still completely naked and make your way to the bathroom
>fishing through the drug cabinet you take out your birth control pills
>you know that if you go back into the bedroom you're going to end up getting fucked
>but even if you did stop taking the pills right now you're not very likely to get pregnant today 
>even if it's only a symbolic gesture you remove all the pills from the packet and flush them down the toilet
>now having fully committed yourself to this path you leave the bathroom to return to the bedroom
>as soon as you enter the hallway you're greeted by the sounds of lucy's moans and the distinct slapping of fur on flesh
>looking down the hallway towards the open door you see lucy's tight little bunny butt bouncing atop your boyfriends cock
>it seems they got impatient and started without you
>it's really is like she said back then
>if you're not quick someone will take your turn
>smiling to yourself you stride into the bedroom and close the door behind you
>kneeling down at the edge of the bed you realize the painful sting of seeing the love of your life cheating on you is totally gone
>you hands reach down to your neglected pussy as you thank whatever higher power is watching for taking this terrible weight off your shoulders