>you are femanon and you're wondering how the hell you got yourself into this situation
>the person you thought was your best friend was currently getting railed hard by your boyfriend right in front of you all due to a misunderstanding
>you should never have come to this stupid "heat party"
>based on the name you figured it was a place for anthros to bring their boyfriends to have a little bit of exhibitionist fun along with maybe some swinging if you were into that
>at least thats what your "bestie", lucy the hyperactive little bunny girl, led you to believe
>well more like she didn't dispel this delusion
>her exact words were "Oh it's just a party for girls in heat, to help them get through it among friends" 
>she could've let you know that this place was going to be a goddamn taco party, with a grand total of 3 guys including your boyfriend to tend to the needs of what must be at least 50 horny anthros
>turns out the entire idea behind a heat party is that a few girls will "donate" their boyfriends to have sex with girls who have none while they're in heat
>only catch is that for a guy to get in they have to be in a relationship with a girl who's already a member or have the couple be guest invited by a member
>oh and if you're a member then you're required to bring your boyfriend, if you get one, to fuck other girls
>you knew you should've at least googled this stuff before you came here
>you only realized your grave mistake once you were already through the door
>even with the flashing strobe lights and general darkness of the venue, the inhabitants total nudity would make the great gender disparity clear to anyone
>the deafening music made it difficult to hear or speak to anyone either
>with the booze flowing like water anyone was willing to do anything in that club
>well everyone except you and, you hoped, your boyfriend
>unfortunately for you lucy already had your boyfriends ear, yelling as loud as she could so he could hear it over the music but not loud enough for you to hear
>dragging him into the crowd before you could even get a word in, not that he would hear you with your meek and quiet voice, you quickly followed hoping to prevent your fears from becoming reality
>but with the bunny being so small and energetic compared to you, you managed to lose them in the crowd
>cursing yourself for getting lost in a situation like this you're suddenly struck by your own lack of nudity
>with every direction you turn you're face with a different species of anthro girl naked as the day they were born
>you're suddenly overcome with a feeling of alienness, of being out of place  
>somehow you're in no mood to correct this as you push through the crowd
>you're looking for some sort of landmark to give you an idea of where they went off too
>you don't find anything of the sort but you do find the other 2 men in this place
>the first was a zebra, you were drawn to him by the cries of his mate, another zebra, that could be heard even over the booming music
>the 2 lovers both had quite an athletic build, the male taking the very willing female from behind, her muscled butt jiggling from the impact of his hips as you could clearly see his massive length sawing in and out of her
>the confirmation of what happens here sending a cold chill down your spine and also, you're ashamed to admit, a warm throb in your crotch
>the second male was a large somewhat tubby lion with a big red mane
>unfortunately for him you couldn't suppress a giggle when you saw how small he was down there
>between that zebra who's dick would rip you in half and the lion who's dick you doubt you'd even be able to feel you're pretty glad you're dating a human
>though with how much attention the lion is getting, entirely from other big cats though, you doubt he'd think much of your condescension
>but theres no time to be laughing at small dicks, you gotta find your boyfriend before he does something you'll both regret
>it didn't take much longer to find out where he was, the loud sound of whistles, catcalls and whoops drawing you to where the patrons were making a clearing on the dance floor, focusing on something of interest
>breaking into the clearing you discover that the thing of interest was your boyfriend, with no shirt and his pants around his ankles, facing a very naked lucy
>your jaw nearly hit the floor when you saw that, even though he was naked in a club full of strangers, even though he was looking at your bestie, even though he was about to cheat on his goddamn girlfriend, he was at full mast, hard dick pointing towards the traitor that was about to defile him
>even though your boyfriend was about to cheat on you, looking at his studly cock brought back the memories of all the times you were in lucy's position
>you quickly shook away those thoughts, even as you felt your crotch begin to tingle once more
>you were about to charge in there and give lucy a piece of your mind when she noticed you in the crowd and did something that truly shocked you, stopping you in your tracks
>she gave a genuinely friendly smile and wave and pointed you out to your boyfriend
>your boyfriend looked over and did the same as she did and then shouting at the top of his lungs so you could hear it said


>his words immediately caused a wave of relief to wash over you
>lucy had just lied to him, saying this was all your idea, all you had to do was tell him the truth and this would all be over
>it wasn't until much later that you realized what your look of relief must have looked like to your boyfriend
>just as you took your first step into the circle you felt a big pair of furred hands grab you by the shoulders, causing a yelp of fright from you
>feeling a furred muzzle tickle your ears, purring out in a warm, matronly but commanding voice

"Mmmm, What do we have here? New girl? A human one at that. I think you're the first one we've had here."

>as you saw lucy turn and slide your boyfriends cock between her tight buttocks, grinding up and down, hotdogging him before the main event, you tried to weakly break the grasp of the mystery anthro holding onto you
>pleading for escape you said

"Please, let go, my boyfriend...."

>she didn't let go, in fact she hooked her arms around your waist and held you tighter

"Oh is that your man out there? Sorry sweetie, we don't have many rules here but one of them is you gotta wait your turn, even if it's with your guy."

>she grabbed your hand and dragged you over to a small 2 seater next to the wall where you could still get a clear view of the action along with your mystery assailant
>turned out to be a milfy lioness, naked as anyone else here, showing off her delicious curves and sizable breasts
>sitting you both down, the lioness turned to view the main attraction along with you
>lucy was now bent over, your boyfriend having grabbed her by the hips and pressed his hard cock right up against her pussy lips
>the moment of truth at hand he pressed forward fearlessly, his length slowly sliding into her to the tune of loud claps, cheers and whistles from the many onlookers
>but this display got nothing besides a quiet whimper from you, the sting of betrayal stabbing at your heart even as you felt the fire in your loins grow hotter by the second
>from your vantage point you could clearly see how your boyfriends dick stretched out the too small bunny cunny, sliding in deeper as he reshaped that tight pussy for his own pleasure
>your view was only cut off by the first impact of your boyfriends hips against lucy's butt
>holding that position for a moment as he felt himself bottom out inside her as she shivered and moaned in delight, he then began to pull out and just as his head was about to leave her tight confines he slide himself back into her for a second time
>he repeated the motion for a third thrust, and then a fourth, fifth, sixth, quickly establishing a brisk and steady rhythm as he pounded into her
>each thrust was like a tiny dagger sent straight to your heart
>you could only watch the treachery unfold before you

"You wish you were in her place, don't you?"

>you had nearly forgotten the lioness was sitting right next to you
>she had turned to face you, giving a warm understanding smile
>before you even thought of a reply you nodded your head, then realizing what you just did quickly shook your head
>the lioness chuckle at your contradictory answers, putting her arm around your back as you held your head in shame

"It's okay to be nervous, it's your first time doing this, no one is going to think less of you."

>of course not, you thought, they'd be quite thankful for letting them fuck YOUR boyfriend
>the lioness rubbed your back for a little bit before raising your head with her other hand

"Y'know, honey, we don't have any private rooms here. If you want to take your mans next turn you're going to have to take those things off."

>it took you a second to realize she was talking about your clothes
>you supposed the only way to get close to your boyfriend at this point was to take his "next turn" 
>but the thought of getting naked in this sort of place made your blood run cold
>even so the lioness reached over and hooked her hands underneath the hem of your tank top

"Now I'm not going to make you strip, but if you don't try to get used to the feeling now then it's going to be a lot harder when the time comes."

>you knew she was right so you raised your arms and let her lift your top off
>considering what you thought this place was going to be like you didn't bother to put on a bra so your fat heavy tits flopped out for all to see
>among humans you considered your assets well above average, also putting you well above most of the anthros here including lucy and the lioness, but even so some of the girls here still put you to shame
>suddenly self-conscious of your breasts, face turning red as an apple, you hid them behind your arms
>the lion matron gave you a look of genuine concern

"It's okay sweetie, everyone else is already showing off, no ones going to make fun of you."

>the lion gave you a quick peck on the cheek and you couldn't help but smile at the genuine show of motherly affection
>you dropped your arms resting your hands on your knees, though your blush did not fade

"There you go, you can drop the shorts whenever you feel comfortable, you're going to do fine."

>you doubted that but you still gave a shy nod

"Now if you have any problems whatsoever you just ask for martha okay?"

>you gave another nod, martha waving goodbye, off to tend to other business, leaving you alone on the couch
>and thats how you got to the present situation
>with nothing else to do while you wait your turn you watch the 2 most important people in your life make love to each other
>lucy's cries of pleasure and the loud slapping when their bodies connect has drawn quite the crowd
>while everyone seems to be either making lewd chatter or openly masturbating to the show, you sit in utter silence
>the 2 lovers have picked up quite the frantic pace, hips wildly slamming into each other in passionate fury
>you feel as though there was a stone sitting in the pit of your stomach, even as you felt your lower lips moistening at the sight
>you shamefully reach a hand under the waistband of your short shorts and slip a finger inside your honeypot
>you have to jerk your hand away to suppress a moan of pleasure
>you look at your hand and see that it's absolutely soaking wet
>why does your body feel so hot?
>you shouldn't be getting aroused at the sight of your boyfriend cheating on you
>you stew in self hatred as you consign yourself to watching until they're done
>it doesn't look like it'll take much longer
>their lovemaking has reach a fevered pace, the only thing on either of their minds is reaching that sweet release
>everyone had their eyes on the pair as their rhythm broke down
>with 3 final powerful thrusts your boyfriend hilted himself inside the bunny and started firing his load
>you whimpered when it became obvious that he wasn't going to pull out, making sure every ounce of his seed was deposited inside 
>lucy for her part was also making sure he didn't spill a drop, pushing her hips into his even as her pussy spasmed and milked his length for all it had
>you were suddenly reminded that this was a heat party
>as in all the girls here are fertile and ready to be impregnated
>you wonder if your boyfriend just made himself a father
>the 2 cheaters hold themselves together for a little while each shivering and bucking their hips in ecstasy
>to add insult to injury your boyfriend leans over and presses his lips against the bunnies, passionately making out with her while they're locked together
>eventually they come down from their high and as their lips separate so do their hips
>you have a clear view of his dick exiting her pussy, a flood of thick semen following him out to splatter on the floor beneath them
>a few cheers and claps went up from the crowd as they pulled away from each other
>your boyfriend quickly turned to face you
>a fatal smile broke out on your face as your eyes met his, only happy that he still cared about you
>he began walking towards you with his arms outstretched, going in for a hug
>you got up and made your way towards him as well
>when you were just in arms reach he puckered his lips going in for a kiss as well
>the thought of kissing him after what just happened made you sick to your stomach but you really needed to know he still loved you right now
>unfortunately it seemed as if heaven itself was conspiring against you, as soon as you pursed your lips as well like out of some horror movie a thick black tentacle wrapped around his mouth and drew him back
>you froze in silent terror as the black mass wormed it's way into his mouth, your boyfriend looking just as shocked as you were
>as that thing worked it's way into his throat a spotted head came into view just besides his
>turns out it was the tongue of a tall giraffe girl
>soon the new girls lips met his and she put herself between you and your boyfriend
>loudly frenching with him, the girl was so tall she had to bend over to reach your boyfriends height
>she broke off with him for a second to turn around and speak to you

"Hehe, sorry~, you snooze you lose."

>you could only huff and stamp your foot in anger as the giraffe laid your boyfriend down on the floor and began to straddle him cowgirl style
>not wanting to see his dick enter another woman again today you turn back only to find the other traitor sitting in the spot you just were
>the exhausted bunny is sitting with her head laid back, eyes closed and legs spread showing off the sticky white cum profusely leaking from her snatch
>not wanting to even look at her you quickly take the seat right next to her and turn your head away
>unfortunately this leaves you staring back at the spot where your boyfriend is thrusting into the giraffe girl, once again getting a clear look at his cock being swallowed by the tight anthro pussy
>it takes lucy a second to figure out who sat next to her

"Huh? Femanon? You're not going to take your turn?"

>not turning your head to face her you instead just point at the couple fucking on the dance floor

"Oh, yeah, you gotta be quick or else someone will take your place."

>you don't say anything as you watch your boyfriend cheat on you for the second time today
>the giraffe seems much more in control than lucy was, setting the pace and shaking her hips to help feel your boyfriends girth stretch her out even more
>not able to take the sight any longer you let your eyes wander to were lucy is sitting
>she's still breathing fast but she seems to have regained some of her stamina
>but for some reason your eyes are drawn to her crotch where your boyfriends seed still leaks from her
>his cum is beginning to pool onto her little cotton tail as she rests herself
>you must have been staring for a while because lucy suddenly points at her cooch and asks

"Wanna taste?"

>it takes a second for your brain to process what she just asked you
>too long for the bunny who get up and sandwiches your head between the wall and her ass
>events are moving far too fast for your poor brain to comprehend
>you feel warm seed grace your lips and enter your mouth without even needing to open them
>the familiar salty taste of your boyfriends cum hits your taste buds
>along with something else, something sweeter and tangy
>that must be lucy's juices
>shivering in disgust you let your tongue reach out and capture a glob of semen at the expense of brushing along lucy's labia
>the same taste entered your mouth but much thicker
>you let your tongue wander, licking along her vulva and inner thighs, even up into her asshole and tail to taste all the leavings of their previous coupling
>what the hell are you doing?
>eating your boyfriends leftover cum off the woman you were so pissed off at that you couldn't even look at her a second ago?
>you told yourself you were just so desperate for any connection with your boyfriend right now that you were even willing to degrade yourself to this extent
>the rapidly widening wet spot on your shorts would tell a completely different story though
>with all the cum that had leaked out of her now cleaned up the only sperm left was in her pussy
>steeling yourself, you began digging your tongue into her cunt in search of more seed
>apparently lucy didn't expect you to do anything besides the surface cause she let out a quick yelp and stiffened up
>you thrust your tongue in as far as it could go and scooped out as much as you could
>you'd suddenly gotten the idea that maybe if you got all his seed out of her in time she wouldn't get pregnant
>of course that was probably nonsense
>you still managed a good job of cleaning out her pussy, it didn't take long for you to start tasting more of her than him
>suddenly lucy pulled away from your face and you shamefully tried to follow her for a moment

"Stop, stop! You're going to make me cum again!"

>it takes you a second to realize what you had done
>with your boyfriends cum all licked up you were left with only the smell of heated bunny cunny on your face

"Geez are you bi-curious or something? You were really getting in there."

>you avoided her gaze, face reddening even more then it already was

"Girl I'm not mad at you or anything, I just always thought you were straight as an arrow is all."

>lucy held onto your shoulders on smiled down on you, but you still couldn't meet her gaze
>sadly for you lucy's gaze fell down onto your own clothed crotch

"Hey what are you doing with these still on?"

>with one fell motion she grabbed your waistband and yanked your shorts and panties clean off
>suddenly feeling a draft caressing some very sensitive areas you close your legs and sit straight up
>with your shorts off the world could still get a good look at your pudgy belly
>lucy has your shorts in her hands, she picks your panties out of them and twitches her nose when she holds them up

"I thought humans couldn't go into heat?"

>she presses your panties up against her face and inhales deeply

"Oh yeah you got it bad~."

>she turns back to where the giraffe is currently grinding your boyfriend into the floor and walks towards them
>coming up besides them she passes your panties to him and whispers something to the giraffe, then walks off into the crowd
>struggling to come to terms with what just happened you barely notice the duo in front of you are about to reach their peak
>the giraffes moans reach a crescendo as your boyfriend slams himself into her with one final thrust  
>for the second time today you watch your boyfriend cum inside a pussy that isn't yours
>the giraffe recovers pretty quickly and get off him leaking a trail of his seed as well
>this time you don't even get a chance to stand up as her place is immediately taken by a chubby hippo girl
>taking a reverse cowgirl position you have a perfect view of his cock parting her pussy lips and slipping inside
>so focused on the new girl you don't notice the giraffe walking up to you

"Hey, heard you're the new clean up girl."

>you didn't even get a chance to let out a confused "huh?" before she smushed her cunt right into your face
>with her being so tall your face was about crotch level for her so she could stand up while you cleaned her
>all it took was one taste of his cum to put you back into your trance
>eagerly accepting your position as nothing more than a cum rag you waste no time and clean all around her pussy before darting your tongue inside
>desperately searching for more of his cum you push your tongue deeper and deeper
>for her part the giraffe doesn't seem to mind one bit the attention you're giving her, legs quivering from the pleasure of being eaten out
>even when you no longer taste any salty cum you still keep licking her, the sweet nectar from her honeypot being enough to drive you on
>pretty soon the giraffe is cumming on your tongue, her canal tightens around the invading muscle as she squirts out a healthy dose of girl cum
>you obediently lick it all up as she pulls your face away from her

"Wow I don't think I've ever had a cleaning that good."

>another voice echoes out behind the giraffe

"Hey stop hogging her, it's my turn."

>it was the hippo who was bouncing herself atop your boyfriends cock what seemed like moments ago
>she was already finished
>peeking around her to see if your boyfriend was finally free you were disappointed to find a bat girl licking his cock back to full hardness
>well that was until your world was completely swallowed up by fat hippo booty
>this is the cycle you fell into for the rest of the evening
>your boyfriend would fuck and cum inside some random anthro and then she would walk over to be cleaned by you
>if you were lucky your boyfriends lover would let you go once she considered herself sufficiently clean and you got to watch the next girl being pleasured by his length
>if you were unlucky then the girl would keep you under her until you brought her to orgasm
>depending on how long that took quite the line up could build for your services
>it wasn't all bad, by around the seventh girl your shyness over your nudity had completely vanished, letting your legs splay open to show the world how soaked your pussy had gotten 
>that and you got to know the tastes of many different species, from bats to birds, canines and felines, ungulates and cetaceans, even a few bugs made use of you
>with all those different kinds of pussy juice smeared on your face you're pretty sure you smelled like a multi-cultural paradise
>not that your boyfriend fared much better, he did fuck and cum into each and everyone of them
>it became very clear that your turn was going to be the last one
>you couldn't help but feel some sense of pride at how popular your boyfriend was
>the other 2 men must have given up
>as the night wore on the flashing lights and the pounding music stopped
>the club returning to more normal lighting as exhausted party goers began to shuffle out
>you were almost at your goal, you were cleaning the last girl right now
>unfortunately the last girl turned out to be martha
>even more unfortunately it seemed martha preferred anal, so you were currently sucking cum straight out of her asshole
>there were a couple of other girls like that but thankfully everyone here kept themselves very clean
>there wasn't much taste to it either so you got a purer taste of his cum
>but it still felt humiliating to be licking a strangers asshole

"See, I told you you'd do just fine."

>with a grunt she pulled her butt away from your face and turned to face you

"You can stay here all night if you want sweetie, but I'm heading home, I hope to see you here again."

>the lioness turned and walked over to were the male lion was sleeping and shook him awake
>guess he must have been her husband or something
>you waited a moment to really make sure that she was the last one
>with that confirmed you quickly crawled your way over to where your boyfriend was half-comatose on the floor surrounded by splatterings of his own thick jizm
>his cock was completely soft by the time you got between his legs
>taking the limp organ into your mouth you began licking, kissing and sucking him back to full mast
>even with your inferior human nose you could still smell the cocktail of feminine juices that coated his cock
>it took him a minute to realize his tender dick was being tended to

"Huh? Oh it's you."

>You thought he could do better than that after what he just put you through but you weren't really looking for his affection right now
>with his cock in hand you straddled his waist and angled it at your pussy
>with how slick you were sliding him in was no problem
>as soon as your pussy came flush with his groin you felt as if you were struck by a bolt of lightning
>pleasurable sparks raced up your spine, down your limbs and reaching your extremities
>you couldn't contain your voice as you screamed to high heaven, shaking and convulsing in the most powerful orgasm of your life on top of him
>and that was only the wave, the second nearly made you fall over onto him, smothering your boyfriend with your tits
>you rode out the rest of your orgasm like that, slick cunt trying to milk something, anything, out of his overused dick
>it was all for naught though, as your orgasm subsided you had failed to get even a drop from him
>you did get a club member who was still here shouting "Yeah that was a good one!" in support of you though
>you lay on top of him you recover from that, eventually slipping his tool out of you and laying down next to him
>you turned his head over and placed a big smooch on his lips

"Honey, can we go home now?"

>it took him a second to process what you just said before nodding his head

"Yeah sure, just let me...."

>he pushed himself into a sitting position and then stopped

"Hey, you're good for driving right? I can't feel my legs." 

>helping him up you both began searching for your clothes
>you managed to find them all except for your panties
>it seems someone made off with them
>you were just about to leave when your boyfriend stopped you

"What about lucy? Hows she gonna get home?"

>you narrowed your eyes at him

"She can walk."

>the look on your face brooked no disagreement as you pushed him out the door
>walking out into the crisp summer night air you're filled with conflicted feelings over what just happened
>you're going to have a long talk with your boyfriend when you get home thats for sure