using StackExchange.Redis; using System; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ContosoTeamStats { public class RedisConnection : IDisposable { private long _lastReconnectTicks = DateTimeOffset.MinValue.UtcTicks; private DateTimeOffset _firstErrorTime = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; private DateTimeOffset _previousErrorTime = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; // StackExchange.Redis will also be trying to reconnect internally, // so limit how often we recreate the ConnectionMultiplexer instance // in an attempt to reconnect private readonly TimeSpan ReconnectMinInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60); // If errors occur for longer than this threshold, StackExchange.Redis // may be failing to reconnect internally, so we'll recreate the // ConnectionMultiplexer instance private readonly TimeSpan ReconnectErrorThreshold = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); private readonly TimeSpan RestartConnectionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15); private const int RetryMaxAttempts = 5; private SemaphoreSlim _reconnectSemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(initialCount: 1, maxCount: 1); private readonly string _connectionString; private ConnectionMultiplexer _connection; private IDatabase _database; private RedisConnection(string connectionString) { _connectionString = connectionString; } public static async Task InitializeAsync(string connectionString) { var redisConnection = new RedisConnection(connectionString); await redisConnection.ForceReconnectAsync(initializing: true); return redisConnection; } // In real applications, consider using a framework such as // Polly to make it easier to customize the retry approach. // For more info, please see: public async Task BasicRetryAsync(Func> func) { int reconnectRetry = 0; while (true) { try { return await func(_database); } catch (Exception ex) when (ex is RedisConnectionException || ex is SocketException || ex is ObjectDisposedException) { reconnectRetry++; if (reconnectRetry > RetryMaxAttempts) { throw; } try { await ForceReconnectAsync(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } } } } /// /// Force a new ConnectionMultiplexer to be created. /// NOTES: /// 1. Users of the ConnectionMultiplexer MUST handle ObjectDisposedExceptions, which can now happen as a result of calling ForceReconnectAsync(). /// 2. Call ForceReconnectAsync() for RedisConnectionExceptions and RedisSocketExceptions. You can also call it for RedisTimeoutExceptions, /// but only if you're using generous ReconnectMinInterval and ReconnectErrorThreshold. Otherwise, establishing new connections can cause /// a cascade failure on a server that's timing out because it's already overloaded. /// 3. The code will: /// a. wait to reconnect for at least the "ReconnectErrorThreshold" time of repeated errors before actually reconnecting /// b. not reconnect more frequently than configured in "ReconnectMinInterval" /// /// Should only be true when ForceReconnect is running at startup. private async Task ForceReconnectAsync(bool initializing = false) { long previousTicks = Interlocked.Read(ref _lastReconnectTicks); var previousReconnectTime = new DateTimeOffset(previousTicks, TimeSpan.Zero); TimeSpan elapsedSinceLastReconnect = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - previousReconnectTime; // We want to limit how often we perform this top-level reconnect, so we check how long it's been since our last attempt. if (elapsedSinceLastReconnect < ReconnectMinInterval) { return; } bool lockTaken = await _reconnectSemaphore.WaitAsync(RestartConnectionTimeout); if (!lockTaken) { // If we fail to enter the semaphore, then it is possible that another thread has already done so. // ForceReconnectAsync() can be retried while connectivity problems persist. return; } try { var utcNow = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; previousTicks = Interlocked.Read(ref _lastReconnectTicks); previousReconnectTime = new DateTimeOffset(previousTicks, TimeSpan.Zero); elapsedSinceLastReconnect = utcNow - previousReconnectTime; if (_firstErrorTime == DateTimeOffset.MinValue && !initializing) { // We haven't seen an error since last reconnect, so set initial values. _firstErrorTime = utcNow; _previousErrorTime = utcNow; return; } if (elapsedSinceLastReconnect < ReconnectMinInterval) { return; // Some other thread made it through the check and the lock, so nothing to do. } TimeSpan elapsedSinceFirstError = utcNow - _firstErrorTime; TimeSpan elapsedSinceMostRecentError = utcNow - _previousErrorTime; bool shouldReconnect = elapsedSinceFirstError >= ReconnectErrorThreshold // Make sure we gave the multiplexer enough time to reconnect on its own if it could. && elapsedSinceMostRecentError <= ReconnectErrorThreshold; // Make sure we aren't working on stale data (e.g. if there was a gap in errors, don't reconnect yet). // Update the previousErrorTime timestamp to be now (e.g. this reconnect request). _previousErrorTime = utcNow; if (!shouldReconnect && !initializing) { return; } _firstErrorTime = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; _previousErrorTime = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; // Create a new connection ConnectionMultiplexer _newConnection = await ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectAsync(_connectionString); // Swap current connection with the new connection ConnectionMultiplexer oldConnection = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _connection, _newConnection); Interlocked.Exchange(ref _lastReconnectTicks, utcNow.UtcTicks); IDatabase newDatabase = _connection.GetDatabase(); Interlocked.Exchange(ref _database, newDatabase); if (oldConnection != null) { try { await oldConnection.CloseAsync(); } catch { // Ignore any errors from the old connection } } } finally { _reconnectSemaphore.Release(); } } public void Dispose() { try { _connection?.Dispose(); } catch { } } } }