targetScope = 'subscription' @minLength(1) @maxLength(64) @description('Name of the workload which is used to generate a short unique hash used in all resources.') param workloadName string @minLength(1) @description('Primary location for all resources.') param location string @description('Name of the resource group. If empty, a unique name will be generated.') param resourceGroupName string = '' @description('Tags for all resources.') param tags object = {} @description('Principal ID of the user that will be granted access to the OpenAI service.') param userPrincipalId string @description('Primary location for the OpenAI service. Default is swedencentral for GPT-4 Vision support.') param openAILocation string = 'swedencentral' var abbrs = loadJsonContent('./abbreviations.json') var roles = loadJsonContent('./roles.json') var resourceToken = toLower(uniqueString(subscription().id, workloadName, location)) var openAIResourceToken = toLower(uniqueString(subscription().id, workloadName, openAILocation)) resource resourceGroup 'Microsoft.Resources/resourceGroups@2021-04-01' = { name: !empty(resourceGroupName) ? resourceGroupName : '${abbrs.managementGovernance.resourceGroup}${workloadName}' location: location tags: union(tags, {}) } module managedIdentity './security/managed-identity.bicep' = { name: '${}${resourceToken}' scope: resourceGroup params: { name: '${}${resourceToken}' location: location tags: union(tags, {}) } } resource cognitiveServicesOpenAIUser 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions@2022-04-01' existing = { scope: resourceGroup name: } var completionModelDeploymentName = 'gpt-4' module openAI './ai_ml/openai.bicep' = { name: '${}${openAIResourceToken}' scope: resourceGroup params: { name: '${}${openAIResourceToken}' location: openAILocation tags: union(tags, {}) deployments: [ { name: completionModelDeploymentName model: { format: 'OpenAI' name: 'gpt-4' version: 'turbo-2024-04-09' } sku: { name: 'Standard' capacity: 50 } } ] roleAssignments: [ { principalId: managedIdentity.outputs.principalId roleDefinitionId: principalType: 'ServicePrincipal' } { principalId: userPrincipalId roleDefinitionId: principalType: 'User' } ] } } output resourceGroupInfo object = { id: name: location: resourceGroup.location } output managedIdentityInfo object = { id: name: principalId: managedIdentity.outputs.principalId clientId: managedIdentity.outputs.clientId } output openAIInfo object = { id: name: endpoint: openAI.outputs.endpoint completionModelDeploymentName: completionModelDeploymentName }