{ "info": { "_postman_id": "68cc38f7-b565-4bd6-8d82-66f549ab88a2", "name": "IoT Central", "description": "This collection helps you try out the IoT Central REST API calls described in [How to use the Azure IoT Central REST API](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-central/core/howto-authorize-rest-api).\n\nMany of the variables used in this collection are set for you. Some, such as as your app ID and admin token, you need to set using your own values.", "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json", "_exporter_id": "2530234" }, "item": [ { "name": "Authenticate and authorize", "item": [ { "name": "Get role list", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [], "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/roles?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "roles" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create an operator token", "request": { "method": "PUT", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"roles\": [\r\n {\r\n \"role\": \"ae2c9854-393b-4f97-8c42-479d70ce626e\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/apiTokens/operator-token?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "apiTokens", "operator-token" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get role list (Bearer token)", "request": { "auth": { "type": "bearer", "bearer": [ { "key": "token", "value": "{{BearerToken}}", "type": "string" }, { "key": "password", "value": "{{BEARER_TOKEN}}", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [], "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/roles?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "roles" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] } ], "description": "To learn more, see [How to authenticate and authorize IoT Central REST API calls](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-central/core/howto-authorize-rest-api)" }, { "name": "Query devices", "item": [ { "name": "Run a query", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"query\": \"SELECT $id, $ts, temperature, humidity FROM {{deviceTemplateId}} WHERE WITHIN_WINDOW(P1D)\"\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/query?api-version={{dataPlanePreview}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "query" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlanePreview}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Aliases", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"query\": \"SELECT $id as ID, $ts as timestamp, temperature as t, pressure as p FROM {{deviceTemplateId}} WHERE WITHIN_WINDOW(P1D) AND t > 0 AND p > 50\"\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/query?api-version={{dataPlanePreview}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "query" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlanePreview}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Top", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"query\": \"SELECT TOP 10 $id as ID, $ts as timestamp, temperature, humidity FROM {{deviceTemplateId}}\"\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/query?api-version={{dataPlanePreview}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "query" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlanePreview}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "From", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"query\": \"SELECT $id, $ts, temperature, humidity FROM {{deviceTemplateId}}\"\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/query?api-version={{dataPlanePreview}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "query" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlanePreview}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Where", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"query\": \"SELECT $id, $ts, temperature, humidity FROM {{deviceTemplateId}} WHERE WITHIN_WINDOW(P1D)\"\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/query?api-version={{dataPlanePreview}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "query" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlanePreview}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Aggregations and Group By", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"query\": \"SELECT AVG(temperature), AVG(pressure) FROM {{deviceTemplateId}} WHERE WITHIN_WINDOW(P1D) AND $id='{{deviceId}}' GROUP BY WINDOW(PT10M)\"\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/query?api-version={{dataPlanePreview}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "query" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlanePreview}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Order By", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"query\": \"SELECT $id as ID, $ts as timestamp, temperature, humidity FROM {{deviceTemplateId}} ORDER BY timestamp DESC\"\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/query?api-version={{dataPlanePreview}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "query" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlanePreview}}" } ] } }, "response": [] } ], "description": "To learn more, see [How to use the IoT Central REST API to query devices](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-central/core/howto-query-with-rest-api)" }, { "name": "Manage users and roles", "item": [ { "name": "Get role ids", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [], "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/roles?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "roles" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "List users", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [], "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/users?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "users" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create a user", "request": { "method": "PUT", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"id\": \"{{newUserId}}\",\r\n \"type\": \"email\",\r\n \"roles\": [\r\n {\r\n \"role\": \"{{builderId}}\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"email\": \"user1@contoso.com\"\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/users/{{newUserId}}?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "users", "{{newUserId}}" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get a user", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [], "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/users/{{newUserId}}?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "users", "{{newUserId}}" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Change the role of a user", "request": { "method": "PATCH", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"roles\": [\r\n {\r\n \"role\": \"{{operatorId}}\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/users/{{newUserId}}?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "users", "{{newUserId}}" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete a user", "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [], "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/users/{{newUserId}}?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "users", "{{newUserId}}" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] } ], "description": "To learn more, see [How to use the IoT Central REST API to manage users and roles](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-central/core/howto-manage-users-roles-with-rest-api)" }, { "name": "Manage organizations", "item": [ { "name": "Create an organization", "request": { "method": "PUT", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"displayName\": \"Seattle\"\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/organizations/{{organizationId}}?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "organizations", "{{organizationId}}" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get an organization", "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [], "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/organizations/{{organizationId}}?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "organizations", "{{organizationId}}" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update an organization", "request": { "method": "PATCH", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"displayName\": \"Seattle Sales\"\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/organizations/{{organizationId}}?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", 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"{{destinationId}}" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlanePreview}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create or update an export definition", "request": { "method": "PUT", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"displayName\": \"Enriched Export\",\r\n \"enabled\": true,\r\n \"source\": \"telemetry\",\r\n \"enrichments\": {\r\n \"Custom data\": {\r\n \"value\": \"My value\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"destinations\": [\r\n {\r\n \"id\": \"{{destinationId}}\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/dataExport/exports/{{exportId}}?api-version={{dataPlanePreview}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "dataExport", "exports", "{{exportId}}" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlanePreview}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get an export by ID", "request": { "method": "GET", 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data exports](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-central/core/howto-manage-data-export-with-rest-api)" }, { "name": "Manage device templates", "item": [ { "name": "Add a device template", "request": { "method": "PUT", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"displayName\": \"Thermostat\",\r\n\r\n \"@id\": \"{{deviceTemplateId}}\",\r\n \"@type\": [\r\n \"ModelDefinition\",\r\n \"DeviceModel\"\r\n ],\r\n \"@context\": [\r\n \"dtmi:iotcentral:context;2\",\r\n \"dtmi:dtdl:context;2\"\r\n ],\r\n \"capabilityModel\": {\r\n \"@id\": \"dtmi:contoso:Thermostat;1\",\r\n \"@type\": \"Interface\",\r\n \"contents\": [\r\n {\r\n \"@type\": [\r\n \"Telemetry\",\r\n \"Temperature\"\r\n ],\r\n \"description\": \"Temperature in degrees Celsius.\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Temperature\",\r\n \"name\": \"temperature\",\r\n \"schema\": \"double\",\r\n \"unit\": \"degreeCelsius\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"@type\": [\r\n \"Property\",\r\n \"Temperature\"\r\n ],\r\n \"description\": \"Allows to 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"key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update a device template", "request": { "method": "PATCH", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"capabilityModel\": {\r\n \"contents\": [\r\n {\r\n \"@type\": [\r\n \"Telemetry\",\r\n \"Temperature\"\r\n ],\r\n \"description\": \"Temperature in degrees Celsius.\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Temperature\",\r\n \"name\": \"temperature\",\r\n \"schema\": \"double\",\r\n \"unit\": \"degreeCelsius\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"@type\": [\r\n \"Property\",\r\n \"Temperature\"\r\n ],\r\n \"description\": \"Allows to remotely specify the desired target temperature.\",\r\n \"displayName\": \"Target Temperature\",\r\n \"name\": \"targetTemperature\",\r\n \"schema\": \"double\",\r\n \"unit\": \"degreeCelsius\",\r\n \"writable\": true,\r\n \"decimalPlaces\": 1,\r\n \"displayUnit\": \"C\",\r\n \"maxValue\": 80.0,\r\n \"minValue\": 50.0\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"@type\": [\r\n \"Property\",\r\n \"Temperature\"\r\n 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"key": "api-version", "value": "{{controlPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get an indiviudal application", "request": { "auth": { "type": "bearer", "bearer": [ { "key": "token", "value": "{{BearerToken}}", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "GET", "header": [], "url": { "raw": "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{{subscriptionId}}/resourceGroups/{{resourceGroupName}}/providers/Microsoft.IoTCentral/iotApps/{{applicationName}}?api-version={{controlPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "management", "azure", "com" ], "path": [ "subscriptions", "{{subscriptionId}}", "resourceGroups", "{{resourceGroupName}}", "providers", "Microsoft.IoTCentral", "iotApps", "{{applicationName}}" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{controlPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Create an IoT Central application", "request": { "auth": { "type": "bearer", "bearer": [ { "key": "token", "value": "{{BearerToken}}", "type": "string" }, { "key": "password", "value": 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"name": "Modify an IoT Central application", "request": { "auth": { "type": "bearer", "bearer": [ { "key": "token", "value": "{{BearerToken}}", "type": "string" }, { "key": "password", "value": "{{BEARER_TOKEN}}", "type": "string" } ] }, "method": "PATCH", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"properties\": {\r\n \"displayName\": \"Contoso IoT Central App\"\r\n },\r\n \"identity\": {\r\n \"type\": \"SystemAssigned\"\r\n }\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{{subscriptionId}}/resourceGroups/{{resourceGroupName}}/providers/Microsoft.IoTCentral/iotApps/{{applicationName}}?api-version={{controlPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "management", "azure", "com" ], "path": [ "subscriptions", "{{subscriptionId}}", "resourceGroups", "{{resourceGroupName}}", "providers", "Microsoft.IoTCentral", "iotApps", "{{applicationName}}" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{controlPlaneGA}}" } 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applications](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-central/core/howto-manage-iot-central-with-rest-api)" }, { "name": "File upload storage configuration", "item": [ { "name": "Add a storage configuration", "event": [ { "listen": "test", "script": { "exec": [ "" ], "type": "text/javascript" } }, { "listen": "prerequest", "script": { "exec": [ "let subscriptionId = pm.collectionVariables.get(\"subscriptionId\");\r", "let resourceGroupName = pm.collectionVariables.get(\"resourceGroupNameFileUploads\");\r", "let accountName = pm.collectionVariables.get(\"accountName\");\r", "let storageControlPlaneGA = pm.collectionVariables.get(\"storageControlPlaneGA\");\r", "let storageAccountcontainerName = pm.collectionVariables.get(\"storageAccountcontainerName\");\r", "let bearerToken = \"Bearer \" + pm.collectionVariables.get(\"BearerToken\");\r", "\r", "// Create a resource group\r", "const resourceGroupURL = pm.collectionVariables.replaceIn(\"https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{{subscriptionId}}/resourcegroups/{{resourceGroupName}}?api-version=2021-04-01\");\r", "const putResourceGroup = {\r", " url: resourceGroupURL,\r", " method: 'PUT',\r", " header: {\r", " 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\r", " 'Authorization': bearerToken\r", " },\r", " body: {\r", " mode: 'raw',\r", " raw: JSON.stringify({\r", " \"location\": \"eastus\"\r", " })\r", " }\r", "};\r", "const getResourceGroup = {\r", " url: resourceGroupURL,\r", " method: 'GET',\r", " header: {\r", " 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\r", " 'Authorization': bearerToken\r", " }\r", "};\r", "\r", "// Create a storage account\r", "const createStorageRequestURL = pm.collectionVariables.replaceIn(\"https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{{subscriptionId}}/resourceGroups/{{resourceGroupName}}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{{accountName}}?api-version={{storageControlPlaneGA}}\");\r", "const putCreateStorageRequest = {\r", " url: createStorageRequestURL,\r", " method: 'PUT',\r", " header: {\r", " 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\r", " 'Authorization': bearerToken\r", " },\r", " body: {\r", " mode: 'raw',\r", " raw: JSON.stringify({\r", " \"kind\": \"BlockBlobStorage\",\r", " \"location\": \"eastus\",\r", " \"sku\": {\r", " \"name\": \"Premium_LRS\"\r", " }\r", " })\r", " }\r", "};\r", "\r", "// Get storage account key and set variable\r", "const getStorageKeyURL = pm.collectionVariables.replaceIn(\"https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{{subscriptionId}}/resourceGroups/{{resourceGroupName}}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{{accountName}}/listKeys?api-version={{storageControlPlaneGA}}\");\r", "const postGetStorageKeys = {\r", " url: getStorageKeyURL,\r", " method: 'POST',\r", " header: {\r", " 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\r", " 'Authorization': bearerToken\r", " },\r", " body: {\r", " mode: 'raw',\r", " raw: JSON.stringify({\r", " \"kind\": \"BlockBlobStorage\",\r", " \"location\": \"eastus\",\r", " \"sku\": {\r", " \"name\": \"Premium_LRS\"\r", " }\r", " })\r", " }\r", "};\r", "\r", "// Create a storage container\r", "const createStorageContainerRequestURL = pm.collectionVariables.replaceIn(\"https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{{subscriptionId}}/resourceGroups/{{resourceGroupName}}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{{accountName}}/blobServices/default/containers/{{storageAccountcontainerName}}?api-version={{storageControlPlaneGA}}\");\r", "const putCreateStorageContainerRequest = {\r", " url: createStorageContainerRequestURL,\r", " method: 'PUT',\r", " header: {\r", " 'Content-Type': 'application/json',\r", " 'Authorization': bearerToken\r", " },\r", " body: {\r", " mode: 'raw',\r", " raw: JSON.stringify({\r", " \"kind\": \"BlockBlobStorage\",\r", " \"location\": \"eastus\",\r", " \"sku\": {\r", " \"name\": \"Premium_LRS\"\r", " }\r", " })\r", " }\r", "};\r", "\r", "\r", "// Create the resource group\r", "console.log(\"Creating resource group...\");\r", "pm.sendRequest(putResourceGroup, (error, response) => {\r", " if (error) {\r", " console.log(error);\r", " } else {\r", " createStorageAccount();\r", " }\r", "});\r", "\r", "function createStorageAccount()\r", "{\r", " console.log(\"Waiting for resource group creation...\");\r", " var retryDelay = 10000;\r", " var retryLimit = 10;\r", "\r", " function isProcessingComplete(retryCount) {\r", " pm.sendRequest(getResourceGroup, (error, response) => {\r", " if (error) {\r", " console.log(error);\r", " } else {\r", " var jsonData = response.json();\r", " if (jsonData.properties.provisioningState == 'Succeeded') {\r", " // Get the storage account key we need\r", " console.log(\"Resource group ready. Creating storage account...\");\r", " pm.sendRequest(putCreateStorageRequest, (error, response) => {\r", " if (error) {\r", " console.log(error);\r", " } else {\r", " console.log(\"Created storage account\")\r", " getAccountKey();\r", " }\r", " });\r", " } else {\r", " if (retryCount < retryLimit) {\r", " console.log('Resource group not ready yet. Retrying in ' + retryDelay + 'ms');\r", " setTimeout(function() {\r", " isProcessingComplete(++retryCount);\r", " }, retryDelay);\r", " } else {\r", " console.log('Retry limit reached, giving up.');\r", " }\r", " }\r", " }\r", " });\r", " }\r", " isProcessingComplete(1);\r", "}\r", "\r", "function getAccountKey()\r", "{\r", " console.log('Waiting for storage account to be ready...');\r", " var retryDelay = 5000;\r", " var retryLimit = 10;\r", "\r", " function isProcessingComplete(retryCount) {\r", " pm.sendRequest(postGetStorageKeys, (error, response) => {\r", " if (error) {\r", " console.log(error);\r", " } else {\r", " var jsonData = response.json();\r", " if (jsonData.error) {\r", " if (retryCount < retryLimit) {\r", " console.log('Storage account not ready yet. Retrying in ' + retryDelay + 'ms');\r", " setTimeout(function() {\r", " isProcessingComplete(++retryCount);\r", " }, retryDelay);\r", " } else {\r", " console.log('Retry limit reached, giving up.');\r", " }\r", " } else {\r", " // Get the storage account key we need\r", " console.log(\"Storage account is ready. Setting accountKey collection variable...\");\r", " var jsonData = response.json();\r", " pm.collectionVariables.set(\"accountKey\", jsonData.keys[0].value);\r", " console.log(\"accountKey collection variable set!\");\r", "\r", " // Create the container\r", " pm.sendRequest(putCreateStorageContainerRequest, (error, response) => {\r", " if (error){\r", " console.log(error);\r", " } else {\r", " console.log(\"Created storage container\");\r", " }\r", " });\r", " }\r", " }\r", " });\r", " }\r", " isProcessingComplete(1);\r", "}\r", "" ], "type": "text/javascript" } } ], "request": { "method": "PUT", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"account\": \"{{accountName}}\",\r\n \"connectionString\": \"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={{accountName}};AccountKey={{accountKey}};BlobEndpoint=https://{{accountName}}.blob.core.windows.net/\",\r\n \"container\": \"{{storageAccountcontainerName}}\",\r\n \"sasTtl\": \"PT1H\"\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/fileUploads?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "fileUploads" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] }, "description": "This example uses a pre-request script that sets up the prerequisites for the call. The script:\n\n- Creates a resource group\n- Creates a storage account\n- Adds the storage account key to a collection variable\n- Creates a blob container" }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Get storage configuration", "event": [ { "listen": "test", "script": { "exec": [ "" ], "type": "text/javascript" } } ], "protocolProfileBehavior": { "disableBodyPruning": true }, "request": { "method": "GET", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/fileUploads?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "fileUploads" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Update a storage configuration", "event": [ { "listen": "test", "script": { "exec": [ "" ], "type": "text/javascript" } } ], "request": { "method": "PATCH", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"connectionString\": \"DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={{accountName}};AccountKey={{accountKey}};BlobEndpoint=https://{{accountName}}.blob.core.windows.net/\"\r\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/fileUploads?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "fileUploads" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] }, { "name": "Delete storage configuration", "event": [ { "listen": "test", "script": { "exec": [ "" ], "type": "text/javascript" } } ], "request": { "method": "DELETE", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "https://{{yourAppSubdomain}}.azureiotcentral.com/api/fileUploads?api-version={{dataPlaneGA}}", "protocol": "https", "host": [ "{{yourAppSubdomain}}", "azureiotcentral", "com" ], "path": [ "api", "fileUploads" ], "query": [ { "key": "api-version", "value": "{{dataPlaneGA}}" } ] } }, "response": [] } ], "description": "To learn more, see [How to use the IoT Central REST API to upload a file](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/iot-central/core/howto-upload-file-rest-api)" }, { "name": "Manage dashboards", "item": [ { "name": "Add a dashboard", "request": { "method": "PUT", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\r\n \"displayName\": \"Example custom dashboard\",\r\n \"tiles\": [\r\n {\r\n \"displayName\": \"Average Temperature\",\r\n \"configuration\": {\r\n \"type\": \"lineChart\",\r\n \"capabilities\": [\r\n {\r\n \"capability\": \"temperature\",\r\n \"aggregateFunction\": \"avg\"\r\n }\r\n ],\r\n \"devices\": [\r\n \"{{deviceId}}\"\r\n ],\r\n \"group\": \"{{deviceGroupId}}\",\r\n \"format\": {\r\n \"xAxisEnabled\": true,\r\n \"yAxisEnabled\": true,\r\n \"legendEnabled\": true\r\n },\r\n \"queryRange\": {\r\n \"type\": \"time\",\r\n \"duration\": \"PT30M\",\r\n \"resolution\": \"PT1M\"\r\n }\r\n },\r\n \"x\": 0,\r\n \"y\": 0,\r\n \"width\": 2,\r\n \"height\": 2\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"displayName\": \"LKV - 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list keys\" to set this variable", "type": "string" }, { "key": "base64-certificate", "value": "Add your base-64 encoded certificate", "type": "string" }, { "key": "base64-verification-certificate", "value": "Add your base64-verification-certificate", "type": "string" }, { "key": "newUserId", "value": "user-001", "type": "string" }, { "key": "operatorId", "value": "ae2c9854-393b-4f97-8c42-479d70ce626e", "type": "string" }, { "key": "builderId", "value": "344138e9-8de4-4497-8c54-5237e96d6aaf", "type": "string" }, { "key": "administratorId", "value": "ca310b8d-2f4a-44e0-a36e-957c202cd8d4", "type": "string" }, { "key": "organizationId", "value": "seattle-org", "type": "default" }, { "key": "destinationId", "value": "dest-001", "type": "default" }, { "key": "containerName", "value": "exportdestination", "type": "string" }, { "key": "exportId", "value": "export-001", "type": "default" }, { "key": "deviceTemplateId", "value": "dtmi:contoso:mythermostattemplate;1", "type": "default" }, { "key": "deploymentManifestId", "value": "envsensorv1", "type": "string" }, { "key": "deviceId", "value": "therm-001", "type": "default" }, { "key": "telemetryName", "value": "temperature", "type": "default" }, { "key": "componentName", "value": "thermostat1", "type": "default" }, { "key": "jobId", "value": "job-001", "type": "default" }, { "key": "deviceGroupId", "value": "device-group-01" }, { "key": "resourceGroupName", "value": "centralrg", "type": "string" }, { "key": "resourceGroupNameFileUploads", "value": "fileuploadsrg", "type": "string" }, { "key": "storageAccountcontainerName", "value": "centralfileuploads" }, { "key": "dataPlaneGA", "value": "2022-07-31", "type": "string" }, { "key": "dataPlanePreview", "value": "2022-10-31-preview", "type": "string" }, { "key": "controlPlaneGA", "value": "2021-06-01", "type": "string" }, { "key": "storageControlPlaneGA", "value": "2021-09-01", "type": "string" }, { "key": "tokenId", "value": "token-001", "type": "string" }, { "key": "propertyName", "value": "maxTempSinceLastReboot", "type": "string" }, { "key": "moduleName", "value": "SimulatedTemperatureSensor", "type": "string" }, { "key": "commandName", "value": "getMaxMinReport", "type": "string" }, { "key": "scheduledJobId", "value": "scheduled-job-001", "type": "string" }, { "key": "enrollmentGroupId", "value": "enrollmentGroupId-001", "type": "string" }, { "key": "entry", "value": "primary", "type": "string" }, { "key": "componentId", "value": "componentId-001", "type": "string" }, { "key": "dashboardId", "value": "dtmi:kkfvwa2xi:p7pyt5x3o", "type": "string" }, { "key": "edgeDevice1", "value": "edge-device-01", "type": "string" } ] }