{ "type": "Microsoft.Authorization/policySetDefinitions", "apiVersion": "2021-06-01", "name": "Notification-Assets", "properties": { "displayName": "Deploy Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts - Notification Assets", "description": "This initiative deploys Notification Assets for Azure Monitor Baseline Alerts. This includes the setup of an Alert Processing Rule and an Action Group to manage notifications and actions, along with a Notification Suppression Rule to manage alert notifications, as well as a Notification Suppression Rule to control alert notifications.", "metadata": { "version": "1.3.0", "category": "Monitoring", "source": "https://github.com/Azure/azure-monitor-baseline-alerts/", "alzCloudEnvironments": [ "AzureCloud" ], "_deployed_by_amba": true }, "parameters": { "ALZMonitorResourceGroupName": { "type": "String", "defaultValue": "ALZ-Monitoring-RG", "metadata": { "displayName": "Resource Group Name", "description": "Name of the resource group to deploy the alerts to" } }, "ALZMonitorResourceGroupTags": { "type": "Object", "defaultValue": { "_deployed_by_alz_monitor": true }, "metadata": { "displayName": "Resource Group Tags", "description": "Tags to apply to the resource group" } }, "ALZMonitorResourceGroupLocation": { "type": "String", "defaultValue": "centralus", "metadata": { "displayName": "Resource Group Location", "description": "Location of the resource group" } }, "ALZMonitorActionGroupEmail": { "type": "Array", "metadata": { "displayName": "Action Group Email Addresses", "description": "Email addresses to send alerts to" }, "defaultValue": [] }, "ALZMonitorDisableTagName": { "type": "String", "metadata": { "displayName": "ALZ Monitoring disabled tag name", "description": "Tag name used to disable monitoring at the resource level. Set to true if monitoring should be disabled." }, "defaultValue": "MonitorDisable" }, "ALZMonitorDisableTagValues": { "type": "Array", "metadata": { "displayName": "ALZ Monitoring disabled tag values(s)", "description": "Tag value(s) used to disable monitoring at the resource level. Set to true if monitoring should be disabled." }, "defaultValue": [ "true", "Test", "Dev", "Sandbox" ] }, "ALZLogicappResourceId": { "type": "String", "metadata": { "displayName": "Logic App Resource Id", "description": "Logic App Resource Id for Action Group to send alerts to" }, "defaultValue": "" }, "ALZLogicappCallbackUrl": { "type": "String", "metadata": { "displayName": "Logic App Callback URL", "description": "Callback URL that triggers the Logic App" }, "defaultValue": "" }, "ALZArmRoleId": { "type": "array", "metadata": { "displayName": "Arm Role Ids", "description": "Arm Built-in Role Ids for action group to send alerts to" }, "defaultValue": [] }, "ALZEventHubResourceId": { "type": "array", "metadata": { "displayName": "Event Hub resource Ids", "description": "Event Hub resource Ids for action group to send alerts to" }, "defaultValue": [] }, "ALZWebhookServiceUri": { "type": "Array", "metadata": { "displayName": "Webhook Service Uri(s)", "description": "Indicates the service uri(s) of the webhook to send alerts to" }, "defaultValue": [] }, "ALZFunctionResourceId": { "type": "String", "metadata": { "displayName": "Function Resource Id", "description": "Function Resource Id for Action Group to send alerts to" }, "defaultValue": "" }, "ALZFunctionTriggerUrl": { "type": "String", "metadata": { "displayName": "Function Trigger URL", "description": "URL that triggers the Function" }, "defaultValue": "" }, "BYOActionGroup": { "type": "array", "metadata": { "displayName": "Customer defined Action Group Resource IDs", "description": "The Resource IDs of existing Action Groups currently deployed in the environment." }, "defaultValue": [] }, "BYOAlertProcessingRule": { "type": "String", "metadata": { "displayName": "Customer defined Alert Processing Rule Resource ID", "description": "The Resource ID of an existing Alert Processing Rule already deployed by the customer in his environment" }, "defaultValue": "" } }, "policyDefinitions": [ { "policyDefinitionReferenceId": "ALZ_AlertProcessing_Rule", "policyDefinitionId": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/contoso/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/Deploy_AlertProcessing_Rule", "parameters": { "ALZMonitorResourceGroupName": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZMonitorResourceGroupName')]" }, "ALZMonitorResourceGroupTags": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZMonitorResourceGroupTags')]" }, "ALZMonitorResourceGroupLocation": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZMonitorResourceGroupLocation')]" }, "ALZMonitorActionGroupEmail": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZMonitorActionGroupEmail')]" }, "ALZLogicappResourceId": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZLogicappResourceId')]" }, "ALZLogicappCallbackUrl": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZLogicappCallbackUrl')]" }, "ALZArmRoleId": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZArmRoleId')]" }, "ALZEventHubResourceId": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZEventHubResourceId')]" }, "ALZWebhookServiceUri": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZWebhookServiceUri')]" }, "ALZFunctionResourceId": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZFunctionResourceId')]" }, "ALZFunctionTriggerUrl": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZFunctionTriggerUrl')]" }, "BYOActionGroup": { "value": "[[parameters('BYOActionGroup')]" }, "BYOAlertProcessingRule": { "value": "[[parameters('BYOAlertProcessingRule')]" }, "MonitorDisableTagName": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZMonitorDisableTagName')]" }, "MonitorDisableTagValues": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZMonitorDisableTagValues')]" } } }, { "policyDefinitionReferenceId": "ALZ_Suppression_AlertProcessing_Rule", "policyDefinitionId": "/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/contoso/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyDefinitions/Deploy_Suppression_AlertProcessing_Rule", "parameters": { "ALZMonitorResourceGroupName": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZMonitorResourceGroupName')]" }, "ALZMonitorResourceGroupTags": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZMonitorResourceGroupTags')]" }, "ALZMonitorResourceGroupLocation": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZMonitorResourceGroupLocation')]" }, "MonitorDisableTagName": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZMonitorDisableTagName')]" }, "MonitorDisableTagValues": { "value": "[[parameters('ALZMonitorDisableTagValues')]" } } } ], "policyType": "Custom", "policyDefinitionGroups": null } }