@description('Location of the Cluster') param location string = resourceGroup().location @description('Name of your cluster - Between 3 and 23 characters. Letters and numbers only') param clusterName string @description('Remote desktop user Id') param adminUsername string @description('Remote desktop user password. Must be a strong password') @secure() param adminPassword string @description('VM image Publisher') param vmImagePublisher string = 'MicrosoftWindowsServer' @description('VM image offer') param vmImageOffer string = 'WindowsServer' @description('VM image SKU') param vmImageSku string = '2019-Datacenter' @description('VM image version') param vmImageVersion string = 'latest' @description('Input endpoint1 for the application to use. Replace it with what your application uses') param loadBalancedAppPort1 int = 80 @description('Input endpoint2 for the application to use. Replace it with what your application uses') param loadBalancedAppPort2 int = 8081 @description('The store name where the cert will be deployed in the virtual machine') @allowed([ 'My' ]) param certificateStoreValue string = 'My' @description('Certificate Thumbprint') param certificateThumbprint string @description('Resource Id of the key vault, is should be in the format of /subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/') param sourceVaultResourceId string @description('Refers to the location URL in your key vault where the certificate was uploaded') param certificateUrlValue string @description('Protection level.Three values are allowed - EncryptAndSign, Sign, None. It is best to keep the default of EncryptAndSign, unless you have a need not to') @allowed([ 'None' 'Sign' 'EncryptAndSign' ]) param clusterProtectionLevel string = 'EncryptAndSign' @description('Instance count for node type') param nt0InstanceCount int = 5 @description('The drive to use to store data on a cluster node.') @allowed([ 'OS' 'Temp' ]) param nodeDataDrive string = 'Temp' @description('The VM size to use for cluster nodes.') param nodeTypeSize string = 'Standard_D2_v3' param tenantId string param clusterApplication string param clientapplication string var dnsName = clusterName var vmName = 'vm' var virtualNetworkName = 'VNet' var addressPrefix = '' var nicName = 'NIC' var lbIPName = 'PublicIP-LB-FE' var overProvision = false var nt0applicationStartPort = 20000 var nt0applicationEndPort = 30000 var nt0ephemeralStartPort = 49152 var nt0ephemeralEndPort = 65534 var nt0fabricTcpGatewayPort = 19000 var nt0fabricHttpGatewayPort = 19080 var subnet0Name = 'Subnet-0' var subnet0Prefix = '' var subnet0Ref = resourceId('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/', virtualNetworkName, subnet0Name) var supportLogStorageAccountName = '${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}2' var applicationDiagnosticsStorageAccountName = '${uniqueString(resourceGroup().id)}3' var lbName = 'LB-${clusterName}-${vmNodeType0Name}' var lbIPConfig0 = resourceId('Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/frontendIPConfigurations/', lbName, 'LoadBalancerIPConfig') var lbPoolID0 = resourceId('Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/backendAddressPools', lbName, 'LoadBalancerBEAddressPool') var lbProbeID0 = resourceId('Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/probes', lbName, 'FabricGatewayProbe') var lbHttpProbeID0 = resourceId('Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/probes', lbName, 'FabricHttpGatewayProbe') var lbNatPoolID0 = resourceId('Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatPools', lbName, 'LoadBalancerBEAddressNatPool') var vmNodeType0Name = toLower('NT1${vmName}') var vmNodeType0Size = nodeTypeSize resource supportLogStorageAccount 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2023-01-01' = { name: supportLogStorageAccountName location: location sku: { name: 'Standard_LRS' } kind: 'Storage' tags: { resourceType: 'Service Fabric' clusterName: clusterName } properties: {} } resource applicationDiagnosticsStorageAccount 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2023-01-01' = { name: applicationDiagnosticsStorageAccountName location: location sku: { name: 'Standard_LRS' } kind: 'Storage' tags: { resourceType: 'Service Fabric' clusterName: clusterName } properties: {} } resource virtualNetwork 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2023-09-01' = { name: virtualNetworkName location: location tags: { resourceType: 'Service Fabric' clusterName: clusterName } properties: { addressSpace: { addressPrefixes: [ addressPrefix ] } subnets: [ { name: subnet0Name properties: { addressPrefix: subnet0Prefix } } ] } } resource lbIP 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses@2023-09-01' = { name: lbIPName location: location tags: { resourceType: 'Service Fabric' clusterName: clusterName } properties: { dnsSettings: { domainNameLabel: dnsName } publicIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic' } } resource lb 'Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers@2023-09-01' = { name: lbName location: location tags: { resourceType: 'Service Fabric' clusterName: clusterName } properties: { frontendIPConfigurations: [ { name: 'LoadBalancerIPConfig' properties: { publicIPAddress: { id: lbIP.id } } } ] backendAddressPools: [ { name: 'LoadBalancerBEAddressPool' properties: {} } ] loadBalancingRules: [ { name: 'LBRule' properties: { backendAddressPool: { id: lbPoolID0 } backendPort: nt0fabricTcpGatewayPort enableFloatingIP: false frontendIPConfiguration: { id: lbIPConfig0 } frontendPort: nt0fabricTcpGatewayPort idleTimeoutInMinutes: 5 probe: { id: lbProbeID0 } protocol: 'Tcp' } } { name: 'LBHttpRule' properties: { backendAddressPool: { id: lbPoolID0 } backendPort: nt0fabricHttpGatewayPort enableFloatingIP: false frontendIPConfiguration: { id: lbIPConfig0 } frontendPort: nt0fabricHttpGatewayPort idleTimeoutInMinutes: 5 probe: { id: lbHttpProbeID0 } protocol: 'Tcp' } } { name: 'AppPortLBRule1' properties: { backendAddressPool: { id: lbPoolID0 } backendPort: loadBalancedAppPort1 enableFloatingIP: false frontendIPConfiguration: { id: lbIPConfig0 } frontendPort: loadBalancedAppPort1 idleTimeoutInMinutes: 5 probe: { id: resourceId('Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/probes', lbName, 'AppPortProbe1') } protocol: 'Tcp' } } { name: 'AppPortLBRule2' properties: { backendAddressPool: { id: lbPoolID0 } backendPort: loadBalancedAppPort2 enableFloatingIP: false frontendIPConfiguration: { id: lbIPConfig0 } frontendPort: loadBalancedAppPort2 idleTimeoutInMinutes: 5 probe: { id: resourceId('Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/probes', lbName, 'AppPortProbe2') } protocol: 'Tcp' } } ] probes: [ { name: 'FabricGatewayProbe' properties: { intervalInSeconds: 5 numberOfProbes: 2 port: nt0fabricTcpGatewayPort protocol: 'Tcp' } } { name: 'FabricHttpGatewayProbe' properties: { intervalInSeconds: 5 numberOfProbes: 2 port: nt0fabricHttpGatewayPort protocol: 'Tcp' } } { name: 'AppPortProbe1' properties: { intervalInSeconds: 5 numberOfProbes: 2 port: loadBalancedAppPort1 protocol: 'Tcp' } } { name: 'AppPortProbe2' properties: { intervalInSeconds: 5 numberOfProbes: 2 port: loadBalancedAppPort2 protocol: 'Tcp' } } ] inboundNatPools: [ { name: 'LoadBalancerBEAddressNatPool' properties: { backendPort: 3389 frontendIPConfiguration: { id: lbIPConfig0 } frontendPortRangeEnd: 4500 frontendPortRangeStart: 3389 protocol: 'Tcp' } } ] } } resource vmNodeType0 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets@2023-09-01' = { name: vmNodeType0Name location: location sku: { name: vmNodeType0Size capacity: nt0InstanceCount tier: 'Standard' } tags: { resourceType: 'Service Fabric' clusterName: clusterName } properties: { overprovision: overProvision upgradePolicy: { mode: 'Automatic' } virtualMachineProfile: { extensionProfile: { extensions: [ { name: 'ServiceFabricNodeVmExt_vmNodeType0Name' properties: { type: 'ServiceFabricNode' autoUpgradeMinorVersion: true protectedSettings: { StorageAccountKey1: supportLogStorageAccount.listKeys().keys[0].value StorageAccountKey2: supportLogStorageAccount.listkeys().keys[1].value } publisher: 'Microsoft.Azure.ServiceFabric' settings: { clusterEndpoint: cluster.properties.clusterEndpoint nodeTypeRef: vmNodeType0Name dataPath: '${((nodeDataDrive == 'OS') ? 'C' : 'D')}:\\\\SvcFab' durabilityLevel: 'Silver' nicPrefixOverride: subnet0Prefix certificate: { thumbprint: certificateThumbprint x509StoreName: certificateStoreValue } } typeHandlerVersion: '1.0' } } { name: 'VMDiagnosticsVmExt_vmNodeType0Name' properties: { type: 'IaaSDiagnostics' autoUpgradeMinorVersion: true protectedSettings: { storageAccountName: applicationDiagnosticsStorageAccountName storageAccountKey: listKeys(applicationDiagnosticsStorageAccount.id, '2021-01-01').keys[0].value storageAccountEndPoint: 'https://${environment().suffixes.storage}' } publisher: 'Microsoft.Azure.Diagnostics' settings: { WadCfg: { DiagnosticMonitorConfiguration: { overallQuotaInMB: '50000' EtwProviders: { EtwEventSourceProviderConfiguration: [ { provider: 'Microsoft-ServiceFabric-Actors' scheduledTransferKeywordFilter: '1' scheduledTransferPeriod: 'PT5M' DefaultEvents: { eventDestination: 'ServiceFabricReliableActorEventTable' } } { provider: 'Microsoft-ServiceFabric-Services' scheduledTransferPeriod: 'PT5M' DefaultEvents: { eventDestination: 'ServiceFabricReliableServiceEventTable' } } ] EtwManifestProviderConfiguration: [ { provider: 'cbd93bc2-71e5-4566-b3a7-595d8eeca6e8' scheduledTransferLogLevelFilter: 'Information' scheduledTransferKeywordFilter: '4611686018427387904' scheduledTransferPeriod: 'PT5M' DefaultEvents: { eventDestination: 'ServiceFabricSystemEventTable' } } ] } } } StorageAccount: applicationDiagnosticsStorageAccountName } typeHandlerVersion: '1.5' } } ] } networkProfile: { networkInterfaceConfigurations: [ { name: '${nicName}-0' properties: { ipConfigurations: [ { name: '${nicName}-0' properties: { loadBalancerBackendAddressPools: [ { id: lbPoolID0 } ] loadBalancerInboundNatPools: [ { id: lbNatPoolID0 } ] subnet: { id: subnet0Ref } } } ] primary: true } } ] } osProfile: { adminPassword: adminPassword adminUsername: adminUsername computerNamePrefix: vmNodeType0Name secrets: [ { sourceVault: { id: sourceVaultResourceId } vaultCertificates: [ { certificateStore: certificateStoreValue certificateUrl: certificateUrlValue } ] } ] } storageProfile: { imageReference: { publisher: vmImagePublisher offer: vmImageOffer sku: vmImageSku version: vmImageVersion } osDisk: { managedDisk: { storageAccountType: 'StandardSSD_LRS' } caching: 'ReadOnly' createOption: 'FromImage' } } } } dependsOn: [ virtualNetwork lb ] } resource cluster 'Microsoft.ServiceFabric/clusters@2023-11-01-preview' = { name: clusterName location: location tags: { resourceType: 'Service Fabric' clusterName: clusterName } properties: { azureActiveDirectory: { clientApplication: clientapplication clusterApplication: clusterApplication tenantId: tenantId } certificate: { thumbprint: certificateThumbprint x509StoreName: certificateStoreValue } diagnosticsStorageAccountConfig: { blobEndpoint: reference(supportLogStorageAccount.id, '2021-01-01').primaryEndpoints.blob protectedAccountKeyName: 'StorageAccountKey1' queueEndpoint: reference(supportLogStorageAccount.id, '2021-01-01').primaryEndpoints.queue storageAccountName: supportLogStorageAccountName tableEndpoint: reference(supportLogStorageAccount.id, '2021-01-01').primaryEndpoints.table } fabricSettings: [ { parameters: [ { name: 'ClusterProtectionLevel' value: clusterProtectionLevel } ] name: 'Security' } ] managementEndpoint: 'https://${lbIP.properties.dnsSettings.fqdn}:${nt0fabricHttpGatewayPort}' nodeTypes: [ { name: vmNodeType0Name applicationPorts: { endPort: nt0applicationEndPort startPort: nt0applicationStartPort } clientConnectionEndpointPort: nt0fabricTcpGatewayPort durabilityLevel: 'Silver' ephemeralPorts: { endPort: nt0ephemeralEndPort startPort: nt0ephemeralStartPort } httpGatewayEndpointPort: nt0fabricHttpGatewayPort isPrimary: true vmInstanceCount: nt0InstanceCount } ] reliabilityLevel: 'Silver' upgradeMode: 'Automatic' vmImage: 'Windows' } } output location string = location output name string = cluster.name output resourceGroupName string = resourceGroup().name output resourceId string = cluster.id output clusterProperties object = cluster.properties