# Table Dataplane > see https://aka.ms/autorest This is the AutoRest configuration file for Tables. --- ## Getting Started To build the SDK for Tables, simply [Install AutoRest](https://aka.ms/autorest/install) and in this folder, run: > `autorest` To see additional help and options, run: > `autorest --help` --- ## Configuration ### Basic Information These are the global settings for the Tables API. ``` yaml azure-validator: true openapi-type: data-plane tag: package-2019-02 ``` ### Tag: package-2019-02 These settings apply only when `--tag=package-2019-02` is specified on the command line. ``` yaml $(tag) == 'package-2019-02' input-file: - Microsoft.Tables/preview/2019-02-02/table.json ``` --- # Suppressions ``` yaml directive: - suppress: D5001 where: $["x-ms-paths"]["/?ServiceProperties"].put reason: The path only supports XML input/outputm which is not supported - suppress: D5001 where: $["x-ms-paths"]["/?ServiceProperties"].get reason: The path only supports XML input/outputm which is not supported - suppress: D5001 where: $["x-ms-paths"]["/?ServiceStats"].get reason: The path only supports XML input/outputm which is not supported - suppress: D5001 where: $.paths["/{table}"].get reason: The path only supports XML input/outputm which is not supported - suppress: D5001 where: $.paths["/{table}"].put reason: The path only supports XML input/outputm which is not supported - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableServiceError.properties.Message reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableServiceProperties.properties.Logging reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableServiceProperties.properties.HourMetrics reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableServiceProperties.properties.MinuteMetrics reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableServiceProperties.properties.Cors reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.Logging.properties.Version reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.Logging.properties.Delete reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.Logging.properties.Read reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.Logging.properties.Write reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.Logging.properties.RetentionPolicy reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.Metrics.properties.Version reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.Metrics.properties.Enabled reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.Metrics.properties.IncludeAPIs reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.Metrics.properties.RetentionPolicy reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.CorsRule.properties.AllowedOrigins reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.CorsRule.properties.AllowedMethods reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.CorsRule.properties.AllowedHeaders reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.CorsRule.properties.ExposedHeaders reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.CorsRule.properties.MaxAgeInSeconds reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.RetentionPolicy.properties.Enabled reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.RetentionPolicy.properties.Days reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableServiceStats.properties.GeoReplication reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.GeoReplication.properties.Status reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.GeoReplication.properties.LastSyncTime reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableProperties.properties.TableName reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableResponse.properties["odata.metadata"] reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableQueryResponse.properties["odata.metadata"] reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableResponseProperties.properties.TableName reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableResponseProperties.properties["odata.type"] reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableResponseProperties.properties["odata.id"] reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableResponseProperties.properties["odata.editLink"] reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.SignedIdentifier.properties.Id reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.SignedIdentifier.properties.AccessPolicy reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.AccessPolicy.properties.Start reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.AccessPolicy.properties.Expiry reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.AccessPolicy.properties.Permission reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R3016 where: $.definitions.TableEntityQueryResponse.properties["odata.metadata"] reason: Response from service is not camel case - suppress: R2058 where: $["x-ms-paths"]["/?ServiceStats"] reason: Cannot provide operation in "paths" - suppress: R2058 where: $["x-ms-paths"]["/?ServiceProperties"] reason: Cannot provide operation in "paths" ``` --- # Code Generation ## Swagger to SDK Swagger to SDK has been intentionally disabled for this spec. ## C# These settings apply only when `--csharp` is specified on the command line. Please also specify `--csharp-sdks-folder=`. ``` yaml $(csharp) csharp: azure-arm: true license-header: MICROSOFT_MIT_NO_VERSION namespace: Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Tables output-folder: $(csharp-sdks-folder)/Storage/Tables/Generated clear-output-folder: true ``` ## Python See configuration in [readme.python.md](./readme.python.md) ## Go See configuration in [readme.go.md](./readme.go.md) ## Java These settings apply only when `--java` is specified on the command line. Please also specify `--azure-libraries-for-java-folder=`. ``` yaml $(java) java: azure-arm: true namespace: com.microsoft.azure.storage.tables license-header: MICROSOFT_MIT_NO_CODEGEN output-folder: $(azure-libraries-for-java-folder)/azure-storage-tables ``` ## Multi-API/Profile support for AutoRest v3 generators AutoRest V3 generators require the use of `--tag=all-api-versions` to select api files. This block is updated by an automatic script. Edits may be lost! ``` yaml $(tag) == 'all-api-versions' /* autogenerated */ # include the azure profile definitions from the standard location require: $(this-folder)/../../../profiles/readme.md # all the input files across all versions input-file: - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.Tables/preview/2019-02-02/table.json ``` If there are files that should not be in the `all-api-versions` set, uncomment the `exclude-file` section below and add the file paths. ``` yaml $(tag) == 'all-api-versions' #exclude-file: # - $(this-folder)/Microsoft.Example/stable/2010-01-01/somefile.json ```