{ "@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;2", "@id": "dtmi:com:example:TemperatureController;1", "@type": "Interface", "displayName": "Temperature Controller", "description": "Device with two thermostats and remote reboot.", "contents": [ { "@type": [ "Telemetry", "DataSize" ], "name": "workingSet", "displayName": "Working Set", "description": "Current working set of the device memory in KiB.", "schema": "double", "unit" : "kibibyte" }, { "@type": "Property", "name": "serialNumber", "displayName": "Serial Number", "description": "Serial number of the device.", "schema": "string" }, { "@type": "Command", "name": "reboot", "displayName": "Reboot", "description": "Reboots the device after waiting the number of seconds specified.", "request": { "name": "delay", "displayName": "Delay", "description": "Number of seconds to wait before rebooting the device.", "schema": "integer" } }, { "@type" : "Component", "schema": "dtmi:com:example:Thermostat;1", "name": "thermostat1", "displayName": "Thermostat One", "description": "Thermostat One of Two." }, { "@type" : "Component", "schema": "dtmi:com:example:Thermostat;1", "name": "thermostat2", "displayName": "Thermostat Two", "description": "Thermostat Two of Two." }, { "@type": "Component", "schema": "dtmi:azure:DeviceManagement:DeviceInformation;1", "name": "deviceInformation", "displayName": "Device Information interface", "description": "Optional interface with basic device hardware information." } ] }