;(function (window, document) { 'use strict'; var addEvent = (function () { if (document.addEventListener) { return function addStandardEventListener(el, eventName, fn) { return el.addEventListener(eventName, fn, false); }; } else { return function addIEEventListener(el, eventName, fn) { return el.attachEvent('on' + eventName, fn); }; } })(); var defaultWidths = [96, 130, 165, 200, 235, 270, 304, 340, 375, 410, 445, 485, 520, 555, 590, 625, 660, 695, 736]; var getKeys = typeof Object.keys === 'function' ? Object.keys : function (object) { var keys = [], key; for (key in object) { keys.push(key); } return keys; }; var applyEach = function (collection, callbackEach) { var i = 0, length = collection.length, new_collection = []; for (; i < length; i++) { new_collection[i] = callbackEach(collection[i], i); } return new_collection; }; var returnFn = function (value) { return value; }; var noop = function () {}; var trueFn = function () { return true; }; var debounce = function (fn, wait) { var timeout; return function () { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function () { timeout = null; fn.apply(context, args); }; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); }; }; /* Construct a new Imager instance, passing an optional configuration object. Example usage: { // Available widths for your images availableWidths: [Number], // Selector to be used to locate your div placeholders selector: '', // Class name to give your resizable images className: '', // If set to true, Imager will update the src attribute of the relevant images onResize: Boolean, // Toggle the lazy load functionality on or off lazyload: Boolean, // Used alongside the lazyload feature (helps performance by setting a higher delay) scrollDelay: Number } @param {object} configuration settings @return {object} instance of Imager */ var Imager = function (elements, opts) { var self = this; var doc = document; opts = opts || {}; if (elements !== undefined) { // selector string (not elements) if (typeof elements === 'string') { opts.selector = elements; elements = undefined; } // 'opts' object (not elements) else if (typeof elements.length === 'undefined') { opts = elements; elements = undefined; } } this.viewportHeight = doc.documentElement.clientHeight; this.selector = !elements ? (opts.selector || '.delayed-image-load') : null; this.className = opts.className || 'image-replace'; this.gif = doc.createElement('img'); this.gif.src = ''; this.gif.className = this.className; this.gif.alt = ''; this.lazyloadOffset = opts.lazyloadOffset || 0; this.scrollDelay = opts.scrollDelay || 250; this.onResize = opts.hasOwnProperty('onResize') ? opts.onResize : true; this.lazyload = opts.hasOwnProperty('lazyload') ? opts.lazyload : false; this.scrolled = false; this.availablePixelRatios = opts.availablePixelRatios || [1, 2]; this.availableWidths = opts.availableWidths || defaultWidths; this.onImagesReplaced = opts.onImagesReplaced || noop; this.widthsMap = {}; this.refreshPixelRatio(); this.widthInterpolator = opts.widthInterpolator || returnFn; // Needed as IE8 adds a default `width`/`height` attributeā€¦ this.gif.removeAttribute('height'); this.gif.removeAttribute('width'); if (typeof this.availableWidths !== 'function') { if (typeof this.availableWidths.length === 'number') { this.widthsMap = Imager.createWidthsMap(this.availableWidths, this.widthInterpolator, this.devicePixelRatio); } else { this.widthsMap = this.availableWidths; this.availableWidths = getKeys(this.availableWidths); } this.availableWidths = this.availableWidths.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); } this.divs = []; this.add(elements || this.selector); this.ready(opts.onReady); setTimeout(function () { self.init(); }, 0); }; Imager.prototype.add = function (elementsOrSelector) { elementsOrSelector = elementsOrSelector || this.selector; var elements = typeof elementsOrSelector === 'string' ? document.querySelectorAll(elementsOrSelector) : // Selector elementsOrSelector; // Elements (NodeList or array of Nodes) if (elements && elements.length) { var additional = applyEach(elements, returnFn); this.changeDivsToEmptyImages(additional); this.divs = this.divs.concat(additional); } }; Imager.prototype.scrollCheck = function () { var self = this; var offscreenImageCount = 0; var elements = []; if (this.scrolled) { // collects a subset of not-yet-responsive images and not offscreen anymore applyEach(this.divs, function (element) { if (self.isPlaceholder(element)) { ++offscreenImageCount; if (self.isThisElementOnScreen(element)) { elements.push(element); } } }); if (offscreenImageCount === 0) { window.clearInterval(self.interval); } this.changeDivsToEmptyImages(elements); this.scrolled = false; } }; Imager.prototype.init = function () { var self = this; this.initialized = true; var filterFn = trueFn; if (this.lazyload) { this.registerScrollEvent(); this.scrolled = true; self.scrollCheck(); filterFn = function (element) { return self.isPlaceholder(element) === false; }; } else { this.checkImagesNeedReplacing(this.divs); } if (this.onResize) { this.registerResizeEvent(filterFn); } this.onReady(); }; /** * Executes a function when Imager is ready to work * It acts as a convenient/shortcut for `new Imager({ onReady: fn })` * * @since 0.3.1 * @param {Function} fn */ Imager.prototype.ready = function (fn) { this.onReady = fn || noop; }; Imager.prototype.createGif = function (element) { // if the element is already a responsive image then we don't replace it again if (element.className.match(new RegExp('(^| )' + this.className + '( |$)'))) { return element; } var elementClassName = element.getAttribute('data-class'); var elementWidth = element.getAttribute('data-width'); var gif = this.gif.cloneNode(false); if (elementWidth) { gif.width = elementWidth; gif.setAttribute('data-width', elementWidth); } gif.className = (elementClassName ? elementClassName + ' ' : '') + this.className; gif.setAttribute('data-src', element.getAttribute('data-src')); gif.setAttribute('alt', element.getAttribute('data-alt') || element.alt || this.gif.alt); element.parentNode.replaceChild(gif, element); return gif; }; Imager.prototype.changeDivsToEmptyImages = function (elements) { var self = this; applyEach(elements, function (element, i) { elements[i] = self.createGif(element); }); if (this.initialized) { this.checkImagesNeedReplacing(elements); } }; /** * Indicates if an element is an Imager placeholder * * @since 1.3.1 * @param {HTMLImageElement} element * @returns {boolean} */ Imager.prototype.isPlaceholder = function (element) { return element.src === this.gif.src; }; /** * Returns true if an element is located within a screen offset. * * @param {HTMLElement} element * @returns {boolean} */ Imager.prototype.isThisElementOnScreen = function (element) { // document.body.scrollTop was working in Chrome but didn't work on Firefox, so had to resort to window.pageYOffset // but can't fallback to document.body.scrollTop as that doesn't work in IE with a doctype (?) so have to use document.documentElement.scrollTop var elementOffsetTop = 0; var offset = Imager.getPageOffset() + this.lazyloadOffset; if (element.offsetParent) { do { elementOffsetTop += element.offsetTop; } while (element = element.offsetParent); } return elementOffsetTop < (this.viewportHeight + offset); }; Imager.prototype.checkImagesNeedReplacing = function (images, filterFn) { var self = this; filterFn = filterFn || trueFn; if (!this.isResizing) { this.isResizing = true; this.refreshPixelRatio(); applyEach(images, function (image) { if (filterFn(image)) { self.replaceImagesBasedOnScreenDimensions(image); } }); this.isResizing = false; this.onImagesReplaced(images); } }; /** * Upgrades an image from an empty placeholder to a fully sourced image element * * @param {HTMLImageElement} image */ Imager.prototype.replaceImagesBasedOnScreenDimensions = function (image) { var computedWidth, naturalWidth; naturalWidth = Imager.getNaturalWidth(image); computedWidth = typeof this.availableWidths === 'function' ? this.availableWidths(image) : this.determineAppropriateResolution(image); image.width = computedWidth; if (!this.isPlaceholder(image) && computedWidth <= naturalWidth) { return; } image.src = this.changeImageSrcToUseNewImageDimensions(image.getAttribute('data-src'), computedWidth); image.removeAttribute('width'); image.removeAttribute('height'); }; Imager.prototype.determineAppropriateResolution = function (image) { return Imager.getClosestValue(image.getAttribute('data-width') || image.parentNode.clientWidth, this.availableWidths); }; /** * Updates the device pixel ratio value used by Imager * * It is performed before each replacement loop, in case a user zoomed in/out * and thus updated the `window.devicePixelRatio` value. * * @api * @since 1.0.1 */ Imager.prototype.refreshPixelRatio = function refreshPixelRatio() { this.devicePixelRatio = Imager.getClosestValue(Imager.getPixelRatio(), this.availablePixelRatios); }; Imager.prototype.changeImageSrcToUseNewImageDimensions = function (src, selectedWidth) { return src .replace(/{width}/g, Imager.transforms.width(selectedWidth, this.widthsMap)) .replace(/{pixel_ratio}/g, Imager.transforms.pixelRatio(this.devicePixelRatio)); }; Imager.getPixelRatio = function getPixelRatio(context) { return (context || window)['devicePixelRatio'] || 1; }; Imager.createWidthsMap = function createWidthsMap (widths, interpolator, pixelRatio) { var map = {}, i = widths.length; while (i--) { map[widths[i]] = interpolator(widths[i], pixelRatio); } return map; }; Imager.transforms = { pixelRatio: function (value) { return value === 1 ? '' : '-' + value + 'x'; }, width: function (width, map) { return map[width] || width; } }; /** * Returns the closest upper value. * * ```js * var candidates = [1, 1.5, 2]; * * Imager.getClosestValue(0.8, candidates); // -> 1 * Imager.getClosestValue(1, candidates); // -> 1 * Imager.getClosestValue(1.3, candidates); // -> 1.5 * Imager.getClosestValue(3, candidates); // -> 2 * ``` * * @api * @since 1.0.1 * @param {Number} baseValue * @param {Array.} candidates * @returns {Number} */ Imager.getClosestValue = function getClosestValue(baseValue, candidates) { var i = candidates.length, selectedWidth = candidates[i - 1]; baseValue = parseFloat(baseValue); while (i--) { if (baseValue <= candidates[i]) { selectedWidth = candidates[i]; } } return selectedWidth; }; Imager.prototype.registerResizeEvent = function (filterFn) { var self = this; addEvent(window, 'resize', debounce(function () { self.checkImagesNeedReplacing(self.divs, filterFn); }, 100)); }; Imager.prototype.registerScrollEvent = function () { var self = this; this.scrolled = false; this.interval = window.setInterval(function () { self.scrollCheck(); }, self.scrollDelay); addEvent(window, 'scroll', function () { self.scrolled = true; }); addEvent(window, 'resize', function () { self.viewportHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; self.scrolled = true; }); }; Imager.getPageOffsetGenerator = function getPageVerticalOffset(testCase) { if (testCase) { return function () { return window.pageYOffset; }; } else { return function () { return document.documentElement.scrollTop; }; } }; /** * Returns the naturalWidth of an image element. * * @since 1.3.1 * @param {HTMLImageElement} image * @return {Number} Image width in pixels */ Imager.getNaturalWidth = (function () { if ('naturalWidth' in (new Image())) { return function (image) { return image.naturalWidth; }; } // non-HTML5 browsers workaround return function (image) { var imageCopy = document.createElement('img'); imageCopy.src = image.src; return imageCopy.width; }; })(); // This form is used because it seems impossible to stub `window.pageYOffset` Imager.getPageOffset = Imager.getPageOffsetGenerator(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(window, 'pageYOffset')); // Exporting for testing and convenience purpose Imager.applyEach = applyEach; Imager.addEvent = addEvent; Imager.debounce = debounce; /* jshint ignore:start */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') { // CommonJS, just export module.exports = exports = Imager; } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD support define(function () { return Imager; }); } else if (typeof window === 'object') { // If no AMD and we are in the browser, attach to window window.Imager = Imager; } /* jshint ignore:end */ }(window, document));