(cl:comment ' BFO 2020 Axiomatization, generated 2021/11/12 The most current version of this file will always be at the GitHub repository https://github.com/bfo-ontology/bfo-2020 Author: Alan Ruttenberg - alanruttenberg@gmail.com This work is licensed under a Creative Commons "Attribution 4.0 International" license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/' (cl:text (cl:ttl https://basic-formal-ontology.org/2020/formulas/clif/satisfying-model.cl (cl:outdiscourse occupies-spatiotemporal-region spatially-projects-onto proper-continuant-part-of occupies-spatial-region occupies-temporal-region generically-depends-on temporally-projects-onto proper-occurrent-part-of proper-temporal-part-of has-material-basis specifically-depends-on continuant-part-of participates-in occurrent-part-of member-part-of instance-of has-first-instant temporal-part-of has-last-instant concretizes located-in history-of realizes precedes occurs-in inheres-in exists-at universal particular entity) (entity ag) (entity me) (entity rq) (entity 0db) (entity 0dt) (entity 1db) (entity 1dt) (entity fun) (entity gdc) (entity me2) (entity me3) (entity rol) (entity sdc) (entity sit) (entity st0) (entity st1) (entity 01dt) (entity 0dsr) (entity 0dt2) (entity 0dt3) (entity 1dsr) (entity 1dte) (entity 1dts) (entity 1ste) (entity 1sts) (entity 2dsr) (entity 3dsr) (entity ag-h) (entity hist) (entity pbh2) (entity pbh3) (entity proc) (entity sdc2) (entity st0s) (entity 0str2) (entity 0str3) (entity 1dt-2) (entity ag-st) (entity bound) (entity hist2) (entity hist3) (entity pbh2b) (entity pbh2e) (entity pbh3e) (entity space) (entity st1-2) (entity st3-2) (entity st3-3) (entity 3dsr-2) (entity 3dsr-3) (entity ag-stb) (entity pbhst2) (entity pbhst3) (entity pbound) (entity space2) (entity st0dsr) (entity st1dsr) (entity st2dsr) (particular ag) (particular me) (particular rq) (entity ag-stbs) (entity pbhst2e) (entity pbhst3e) (entity pbound2) (entity pbound3) (particular 0db) (particular 0dt) (particular 1db) (particular 1dt) (particular fun) (particular gdc) (particular me2) (particular me3) (particular rol) (particular sdc) (particular sit) (particular st0) (particular st1) (universal role) (universal site) (particular 01dt) (particular 0dsr) (particular 0dt2) (particular 0dt3) (particular 1dsr) (particular 1dte) (particular 1dts) (particular 1ste) (particular 1sts) (particular 2dsr) (particular 3dsr) (particular ag-h) (particular hist) (particular pbh2) (particular pbh3) (particular proc) (particular sdc2) (particular st0s) (exists-at me 0dt) (exists-at me 1dt) (particular 0str2) (particular 0str3) (particular 1dt-2) (particular ag-st) (particular bound) (particular hist2) (particular hist3) (particular pbh2b) (particular pbh2e) (particular pbh3e) (particular space) (particular st1-2) (particular st3-2) (particular st3-3) (universal object) (exists-at 0db 0dt) (exists-at 0db 1dt) (exists-at 0dt 0dt) (exists-at 1db 0dt) (exists-at 1db 1dt) (exists-at 1dt 0dt) (exists-at 1dt 1dt) (exists-at ag 0dt2) (exists-at ag 0dt3) (exists-at gdc 0dt) (exists-at gdc 1dt) (exists-at me 01dt) (exists-at me 0dt2) (exists-at me 0dt3) (exists-at me 1dte) (exists-at me 1dts) (exists-at me2 0dt) (exists-at me2 1dt) (exists-at me3 0dt) (exists-at me3 1dt) (exists-at rq 0dt2) (exists-at rq 0dt3) (exists-at st0 0dt) (exists-at st1 0dt) (exists-at st1 1dt) (inheres-in fun me) (inheres-in rq me2) (inheres-in rq me3) (inheres-in sdc me) (occurs-in pbh2 me) (particular 3dsr-2) (particular 3dsr-3) (particular ag-stb) (particular pbhst2) (particular pbhst3) (particular pbound) (particular space2) (particular st0dsr) (particular st1dsr) (particular st2dsr) (precedes 0dt 01dt) (precedes 0dt 0dt2) (precedes 0dt 0dt3) (precedes 0dt 1dte) (precedes 0dt 1dts) (precedes 0dt 1ste) (precedes 0dt 1sts) (precedes 0dt ag-h) (precedes 0dt proc) (precedes st0 01dt) (precedes st0 0dt2) (precedes st0 0dt3) (precedes st0 1dte) (precedes st0 1dts) (precedes st0 1ste) (precedes st0 1sts) (precedes st0 ag-h) (precedes st0 proc) (realizes proc rol) (universal history) (universal process) (universal quality) (exists-at 0db 01dt) (exists-at 0db 0dt2) (exists-at 0db 0dt3) (exists-at 0db 1dte) (exists-at 0db 1dts) (exists-at 0dsr 0dt) (exists-at 0dsr 1dt) (exists-at 1db 01dt) (exists-at 1db 0dt2) (exists-at 1db 0dt3) (exists-at 1db 1dte) (exists-at 1db 1dts) (exists-at 1dsr 0dt) (exists-at 1dsr 1dt) (exists-at 1dt 01dt) (exists-at 1dt 0dt2) (exists-at 1dt 0dt3) (exists-at 1dt 1dte) (exists-at 1dt 1dts) (exists-at 2dsr 0dt) (exists-at 2dsr 1dt) (exists-at 3dsr 0dt) (exists-at 3dsr 1dt) (exists-at ag 1dt-2) (exists-at fun 0dt2) (exists-at fun 0dt3) (exists-at gdc 01dt) (exists-at gdc 0dt2) (exists-at gdc 0dt3) (exists-at gdc 1dte) (exists-at gdc 1dts) (exists-at hist 0dt) (exists-at hist 1dt) (exists-at me 1dt-2) (exists-at me2 01dt) (exists-at me2 0dt2) (exists-at me2 0dt3) (exists-at me2 1dte) (exists-at me2 1dts) (exists-at me3 01dt) (exists-at me3 0dt2) (exists-at me3 0dt3) (exists-at me3 1dte) (exists-at me3 1dts) (exists-at pbh2 0dt) (exists-at pbh3 0dt) (exists-at rol 0dt2) (exists-at rol 0dt3) (exists-at rq 1dt-2) (exists-at sdc 0dt2) (exists-at sdc 0dt3) (exists-at sdc2 0dt) (exists-at sdc2 1dt) (exists-at sit 0dt2) (exists-at sit 0dt3) (exists-at st0s 0dt) (exists-at st1 01dt) (exists-at st1 0dt2) (exists-at st1 0dt3) (exists-at st1 1dte) (exists-at st1 1dts) (history-of ag-h ag) (history-of hist me) (inheres-in rol sit) (inheres-in sdc2 me) (occurs-in pbh2 me2) (occurs-in pbh2b me) (occurs-in pbh3 me3) (particular ag-stbs) (particular pbhst2e) (particular pbhst3e) (particular pbound2) (particular pbound3) (precedes 0dt 0str2) (precedes 0dt 0str3) (precedes 0dt 1dt-2) (precedes 0dt ag-st) (precedes 0dt pbh2e) (precedes 0dt pbh3e) (precedes 0dt st1-2) (precedes 0dt2 01dt) (precedes 0dt2 0dt3) (precedes 0dt2 1dte) (precedes 0dt2 1ste) (precedes 0dt3 01dt) (precedes 0dt3 1dte) (precedes 0dt3 1ste) (precedes 1dte 01dt) (precedes 1dts 01dt) (precedes 1dts 0dt2) (precedes 1dts 0dt3) (precedes 1dts 1dte) (precedes 1dts 1ste) (precedes 1dts ag-h) (precedes 1dts proc) (precedes 1ste 01dt) (precedes 1sts 01dt) (precedes 1sts 0dt2) (precedes 1sts 0dt3) (precedes 1sts 1dte) (precedes 1sts 1ste) (precedes 1sts ag-h) (precedes 1sts proc) (precedes ag-h 01dt) (precedes ag-h 1dte) (precedes ag-h 1ste) (precedes pbh2 01dt) (precedes pbh2 0dt2) (precedes pbh2 0dt3) (precedes pbh2 1dte) (precedes pbh2 1dts) (precedes pbh2 1ste) (precedes pbh2 1sts) (precedes pbh2 ag-h) (precedes pbh2 proc) (precedes pbh3 01dt) (precedes pbh3 0dt2) (precedes pbh3 0dt3) (precedes pbh3 1dte) (precedes pbh3 1dts) (precedes pbh3 1ste) (precedes pbh3 1sts) (precedes pbh3 ag-h) (precedes pbh3 proc) (precedes proc 01dt) (precedes proc 1dte) (precedes proc 1ste) (precedes st0 0str2) (precedes st0 0str3) (precedes st0 1dt-2) (precedes st0 ag-st) (precedes st0 pbh2e) (precedes st0 pbh3e) (precedes st0 st1-2) (precedes st0s 01dt) (precedes st0s 0dt2) (precedes st0s 0dt3) (precedes st0s 1dte) (precedes st0s 1dts) (precedes st0s 1ste) (precedes st0s 1sts) (precedes st0s ag-h) (precedes st0s proc) (universal function) (exists-at 01dt 01dt) (exists-at 0db 1dt-2) (exists-at 0dsr 01dt) (exists-at 0dsr 0dt2) (exists-at 0dsr 0dt3) (exists-at 0dsr 1dte) (exists-at 0dsr 1dts) (exists-at 0dt2 0dt2) (exists-at 0dt3 0dt3) (exists-at 1db 1dt-2) (exists-at 1dsr 01dt) (exists-at 1dsr 0dt2) (exists-at 1dsr 0dt3) (exists-at 1dsr 1dte) (exists-at 1dsr 1dts) (exists-at 1dt 1dt-2) (exists-at 1dte 1dte) (exists-at 1dts 1dts) (exists-at 1ste 1dte) (exists-at 1sts 1dts) (exists-at 2dsr 01dt) (exists-at 2dsr 0dt2) (exists-at 2dsr 0dt3) (exists-at 2dsr 1dte) (exists-at 2dsr 1dts) (exists-at 3dsr 01dt) (exists-at 3dsr 0dt2) (exists-at 3dsr 0dt3) (exists-at 3dsr 1dte) (exists-at 3dsr 1dts) (exists-at ag-h 0dt2) (exists-at ag-h 0dt3) (exists-at bound 0dt) (exists-at bound 1dt) (exists-at fun 1dt-2) (exists-at gdc 1dt-2) (exists-at hist 01dt) (exists-at hist 0dt2) (exists-at hist 0dt3) (exists-at hist 1dte) (exists-at hist 1dts) (exists-at hist2 0dt) (exists-at hist2 1dt) (exists-at hist3 0dt) (exists-at hist3 1dt) (exists-at me2 1dt-2) (exists-at me3 1dt-2) (exists-at pbh2b 0dt) (exists-at proc 0dt2) (exists-at proc 0dt3) (exists-at rol 1dt-2) (exists-at sdc 1dt-2) (exists-at sdc2 01dt) (exists-at sdc2 0dt2) (exists-at sdc2 0dt3) (exists-at sdc2 1dte) (exists-at sdc2 1dts) (exists-at sit 1dt-2) (exists-at space 0dt) (exists-at space 1dt) (exists-at st1 1dt-2) (exists-at st3-2 0dt) (exists-at st3-2 1dt) (exists-at st3-3 0dt) (exists-at st3-3 1dt) (occurs-in pbh2e me2) (occurs-in pbh3e me3) (occurs-in pbound me) (precedes 0dt ag-stb) (precedes 0dt2 0str3) (precedes 0dt2 pbh2e) (precedes 0dt2 pbh3e) (precedes 0dt3 pbh2e) (precedes 0dt3 pbh3e) (precedes 0str2 01dt) (precedes 0str2 0dt3) (precedes 0str2 1dte) (precedes 0str2 1ste) (precedes 0str3 01dt) (precedes 0str3 1dte) (precedes 0str3 1ste) (precedes 1dt-2 01dt) (precedes 1dt-2 1dte) (precedes 1dt-2 1ste) (precedes 1dte pbh2e) (precedes 1dte pbh3e) (precedes 1dts 0str2) (precedes 1dts 0str3) (precedes 1dts 1dt-2) (precedes 1dts ag-st) (precedes 1dts pbh2e) (precedes 1dts pbh3e) (precedes 1dts st1-2) (precedes 1ste pbh2e) (precedes 1ste pbh3e) (precedes 1sts 0str2) (precedes 1sts 0str3) (precedes 1sts 1dt-2) (precedes 1sts ag-st) (precedes 1sts pbh2e) (precedes 1sts pbh3e) (precedes 1sts st1-2) (precedes ag-h pbh2e) (precedes ag-h pbh3e) (precedes ag-st 01dt) (precedes ag-st 1dte) (precedes ag-st 1ste) (precedes pbh2 0str2) (precedes pbh2 0str3) (precedes pbh2 1dt-2) (precedes pbh2 ag-st) (precedes pbh2 pbh2e) (precedes pbh2 pbh3e) (precedes pbh2 st1-2) (precedes pbh2b 01dt) (precedes pbh2b 0dt2) (precedes pbh2b 0dt3) (precedes pbh2b 1dte) (precedes pbh2b 1dts) (precedes pbh2b 1ste) (precedes pbh2b 1sts) (precedes pbh2b ag-h) (precedes pbh2b proc) (precedes pbh3 0str2) (precedes pbh3 0str3) (precedes pbh3 1dt-2) (precedes pbh3 ag-st) (precedes pbh3 pbh2e) (precedes pbh3 pbh3e) (precedes pbh3 st1-2) (precedes proc pbh2e) (precedes proc pbh3e) (precedes st0 ag-stb) (precedes st0s 0str2) (precedes st0s 0str3) (precedes st0s 1dt-2) (precedes st0s ag-st) (precedes st0s pbh2e) (precedes st0s pbh3e) (precedes st0s st1-2) (precedes st1-2 01dt) (precedes st1-2 1dte) (precedes st1-2 1ste) (universal fiat-line) (universal occurrent) (exists-at 0dsr 1dt-2) (exists-at 0str2 0dt2) (exists-at 0str3 0dt3) (exists-at 1dsr 1dt-2) (exists-at 1dt-2 0dt2) (exists-at 1dt-2 0dt3) (exists-at 2dsr 1dt-2) (exists-at 3dsr 1dt-2) (exists-at 3dsr-2 0dt) (exists-at 3dsr-2 1dt) (exists-at 3dsr-3 0dt) (exists-at 3dsr-3 1dt) (exists-at ag-h 1dt-2) (exists-at ag-st 0dt2) (exists-at ag-st 0dt3) (exists-at bound 01dt) (exists-at bound 0dt2) (exists-at bound 0dt3) (exists-at bound 1dte) (exists-at bound 1dts) (exists-at hist 1dt-2) (exists-at hist2 01dt) (exists-at hist2 0dt2) (exists-at hist2 0dt3) (exists-at hist2 1dte) (exists-at hist2 1dts) (exists-at hist3 01dt) (exists-at hist3 0dt2) (exists-at hist3 0dt3) (exists-at hist3 1dte) (exists-at hist3 1dts) (exists-at pbh2e 01dt) (exists-at pbh3e 01dt) (exists-at pbhst2 0dt) (exists-at pbhst3 0dt) (exists-at pbound 0dt) (exists-at proc 1dt-2) (exists-at sdc2 1dt-2) (exists-at space 01dt) (exists-at space 0dt2) (exists-at space 0dt3) (exists-at space 1dte) (exists-at space 1dts) (exists-at space2 0dt) (exists-at space2 1dt) (exists-at st0dsr 0dt) (exists-at st0dsr 1dt) (exists-at st1-2 0dt2) (exists-at st1-2 0dt3) (exists-at st1dsr 0dt) (exists-at st1dsr 1dt) (exists-at st2dsr 0dt) (exists-at st2dsr 1dt) (exists-at st3-2 01dt) (exists-at st3-2 0dt2) (exists-at st3-2 0dt3) (exists-at st3-2 1dte) (exists-at st3-2 1dts) (exists-at st3-3 01dt) (exists-at st3-3 0dt2) (exists-at st3-3 0dt3) (exists-at st3-3 1dte) (exists-at st3-3 1dts) (history-of hist2 me2) (history-of hist3 me3) (located-in me me 0dt) (located-in me me 1dt) (precedes 0dt ag-stbs) (precedes 0dt pbhst2e) (precedes 0dt pbhst3e) (precedes 0dt pbound2) (precedes 0dt pbound3) (precedes 0str2 0str3) (precedes 0str2 pbh2e) (precedes 0str2 pbh3e) (precedes 0str3 pbh2e) (precedes 0str3 pbh3e) (precedes 1dt-2 pbh2e) (precedes 1dt-2 pbh3e) (precedes 1dts ag-stb) (precedes 1sts ag-stb) (precedes ag-st pbh2e) (precedes ag-st pbh3e) (precedes ag-stb 01dt) (precedes ag-stb 0dt3) (precedes ag-stb 1dte) (precedes ag-stb 1ste) (precedes pbh2 ag-stb) (precedes pbh2b 0str2) (precedes pbh2b 0str3) (precedes pbh2b 1dt-2) (precedes pbh2b ag-st) (precedes pbh2b pbh2e) (precedes pbh2b pbh3e) (precedes pbh2b st1-2) (precedes pbh3 ag-stb) (precedes pbhst2 01dt) (precedes pbhst2 0dt2) (precedes pbhst2 0dt3) (precedes pbhst2 1dte) (precedes pbhst2 1dts) (precedes pbhst2 1ste) (precedes pbhst2 1sts) (precedes pbhst2 ag-h) (precedes pbhst2 proc) (precedes pbhst3 01dt) (precedes pbhst3 0dt2) (precedes pbhst3 0dt3) (precedes pbhst3 1dte) (precedes pbhst3 1dts) (precedes pbhst3 1ste) (precedes pbhst3 1sts) (precedes pbhst3 ag-h) (precedes pbhst3 proc) (precedes pbound 01dt) (precedes pbound 0dt2) (precedes pbound 0dt3) (precedes pbound 1dte) (precedes pbound 1dts) (precedes pbound 1ste) (precedes pbound 1sts) (precedes pbound ag-h) (precedes pbound proc) (precedes st0 ag-stbs) (precedes st0 pbhst2e) (precedes st0 pbhst3e) (precedes st0 pbound2) (precedes st0 pbound3) (precedes st0s ag-stb) (precedes st1-2 pbh2e) (precedes st1-2 pbh3e) (universal continuant) (universal fiat-point) (exists-at 1dt-2 1dt-2) (exists-at 3dsr-2 01dt) (exists-at 3dsr-2 0dt2) (exists-at 3dsr-2 0dt3) (exists-at 3dsr-2 1dte) (exists-at 3dsr-2 1dts) (exists-at 3dsr-3 01dt) (exists-at 3dsr-3 0dt2) (exists-at 3dsr-3 0dt3) (exists-at 3dsr-3 1dte) (exists-at 3dsr-3 1dts) (exists-at ag-st 1dt-2) (exists-at ag-stb 0dt2) (exists-at bound 1dt-2) (exists-at hist2 1dt-2) (exists-at hist3 1dt-2) (exists-at space 1dt-2) (exists-at space2 01dt) (exists-at space2 0dt2) (exists-at space2 0dt3) (exists-at space2 1dte) (exists-at space2 1dts) (exists-at st0dsr 01dt) (exists-at st0dsr 0dt2) (exists-at st0dsr 0dt3) (exists-at st0dsr 1dte) (exists-at st0dsr 1dts) (exists-at st1-2 1dt-2) (exists-at st1dsr 01dt) (exists-at st1dsr 0dt2) (exists-at st1dsr 0dt3) (exists-at st1dsr 1dte) (exists-at st1dsr 1dts) (exists-at st2dsr 01dt) (exists-at st2dsr 0dt2) (exists-at st2dsr 0dt3) (exists-at st2dsr 1dte) (exists-at st2dsr 1dts) (exists-at st3-2 1dt-2) (exists-at st3-3 1dt-2) (located-in 0db me 0dt) (located-in 0db me 1dt) (located-in 1db me 0dt) (located-in 1db me 1dt) (located-in ag ag 0dt2) (located-in ag ag 0dt3) (located-in me ag 0dt2) (located-in me ag 0dt3) (located-in me me 01dt) (located-in me me 0dt2) (located-in me me 0dt3) (located-in me me 1dte) (located-in me me 1dts) (located-in me2 me 0dt) (located-in me2 me 1dt) (precedes 0dt2 ag-stbs) (precedes 0dt2 pbhst2e) (precedes 0dt2 pbhst3e) (precedes 0dt2 pbound3) (precedes 0dt3 pbhst2e) (precedes 0dt3 pbhst3e) (precedes 1dte pbhst2e) (precedes 1dte pbhst3e) (precedes 1dts ag-stbs) (precedes 1dts pbhst2e) (precedes 1dts pbhst3e) (precedes 1dts pbound2) (precedes 1dts pbound3) (precedes 1ste pbhst2e) (precedes 1ste pbhst3e) (precedes 1sts ag-stbs) (precedes 1sts pbhst2e) (precedes 1sts pbhst3e) (precedes 1sts pbound2) (precedes 1sts pbound3) (precedes ag-h pbhst2e) (precedes ag-h pbhst3e) (precedes ag-stb 0str3) (precedes ag-stb pbh2e) (precedes ag-stb pbh3e) (precedes ag-stbs 01dt) (precedes ag-stbs 1dte) (precedes ag-stbs 1ste) (precedes pbh2 ag-stbs) (precedes pbh2 pbhst2e) (precedes pbh2 pbhst3e) (precedes pbh2 pbound2) (precedes pbh2 pbound3) (precedes pbh2b ag-stb) (precedes pbh3 ag-stbs) (precedes pbh3 pbhst2e) (precedes pbh3 pbhst3e) (precedes pbh3 pbound2) (precedes pbh3 pbound3) (precedes pbhst2 0str2) (precedes pbhst2 0str3) (precedes pbhst2 1dt-2) (precedes pbhst2 ag-st) (precedes pbhst2 pbh2e) (precedes pbhst2 pbh3e) (precedes pbhst2 st1-2) (precedes pbhst3 0str2) (precedes pbhst3 0str3) (precedes pbhst3 1dt-2) (precedes pbhst3 ag-st) (precedes pbhst3 pbh2e) (precedes pbhst3 pbh3e) (precedes pbhst3 st1-2) (precedes pbound 0str2) (precedes pbound 0str3) (precedes pbound 1dt-2) (precedes pbound ag-st) (precedes pbound pbh2e) (precedes pbound pbh3e) (precedes pbound st1-2) (precedes pbound2 01dt) (precedes pbound2 0dt3) (precedes pbound2 1dte) (precedes pbound2 1ste) (precedes pbound3 01dt) (precedes pbound3 1dte) (precedes pbound3 1ste) (precedes proc pbhst2e) (precedes proc pbhst3e) (precedes st0s ag-stbs) (precedes st0s pbhst2e) (precedes st0s pbhst3e) (precedes st0s pbound2) (precedes st0s pbound3) (universal disposition) (exists-at 3dsr-2 1dt-2) (exists-at 3dsr-3 1dt-2) (exists-at ag-stbs 0dt3) (exists-at pbhst2e 01dt) (exists-at pbhst3e 01dt) (exists-at pbound2 0dt2) (exists-at pbound3 0dt3) (exists-at space2 1dt-2) (exists-at st0dsr 1dt-2) (exists-at st1dsr 1dt-2) (exists-at st2dsr 1dt-2) (located-in 0db 0db 0dt) (located-in 0db 0db 1dt) (located-in 0db ag 0dt2) (located-in 0db ag 0dt3) (located-in 0db me 01dt) (located-in 0db me 0dt2) (located-in 0db me 0dt3) (located-in 0db me 1dte) (located-in 0db me 1dts) (located-in 1db 1db 0dt) (located-in 1db 1db 1dt) (located-in 1db ag 0dt2) (located-in 1db ag 0dt3) (located-in 1db me 01dt) (located-in 1db me 0dt2) (located-in 1db me 0dt3) (located-in 1db me 1dte) (located-in 1db me 1dts) (located-in ag ag 1dt-2) (located-in me ag 1dt-2) (located-in me me 1dt-2) (located-in me2 ag 0dt2) (located-in me2 ag 0dt3) (located-in me2 me 01dt) (located-in me2 me 0dt2) (located-in me2 me 0dt3) (located-in me2 me 1dte) (located-in me2 me 1dts) (located-in me2 me2 0dt) (located-in me2 me2 1dt) (located-in me3 ag 0dt2) (located-in me3 ag 0dt3) (located-in me3 me3 0dt) (located-in me3 me3 1dt) (located-in sit ag 0dt2) (located-in sit ag 0dt3) (located-in sit me 0dt2) (located-in sit me 0dt3) (precedes 0str2 ag-stbs) (precedes 0str2 pbhst2e) (precedes 0str2 pbhst3e) (precedes 0str2 pbound3) (precedes 0str3 pbhst2e) (precedes 0str3 pbhst3e) (precedes 1dt-2 pbhst2e) (precedes 1dt-2 pbhst3e) (precedes ag-st pbhst2e) (precedes ag-st pbhst3e) (precedes ag-stbs pbh2e) (precedes ag-stbs pbh3e) (precedes pbh2b ag-stbs) (precedes pbh2b pbhst2e) (precedes pbh2b pbhst3e) (precedes pbh2b pbound2) (precedes pbh2b pbound3) (precedes pbhst2 ag-stb) (precedes pbhst3 ag-stb) (precedes pbound ag-stb) (precedes pbound2 0str3) (precedes pbound2 pbh2e) (precedes pbound2 pbh3e) (precedes pbound3 pbh2e) (precedes pbound3 pbh3e) (precedes st1-2 pbhst2e) (precedes st1-2 pbhst3e) (universal fiat-surface) (located-in 0db 0db 01dt) (located-in 0db 0db 0dt2) (located-in 0db 0db 0dt3) (located-in 0db 0db 1dte) (located-in 0db 0db 1dts) (located-in 0db ag 1dt-2) (located-in 0db me 1dt-2) (located-in 1db 1db 01dt) (located-in 1db 1db 0dt2) (located-in 1db 1db 0dt3) (located-in 1db 1db 1dte) (located-in 1db 1db 1dts) (located-in 1db ag 1dt-2) (located-in 1db me 1dt-2) (located-in bound me 0dt) (located-in bound me 1dt) (located-in me2 ag 1dt-2) (located-in me2 me 1dt-2) (located-in me2 me2 01dt) (located-in me2 me2 0dt2) (located-in me2 me2 0dt3) (located-in me2 me2 1dte) (located-in me2 me2 1dts) (located-in me3 ag 1dt-2) (located-in me3 me3 01dt) (located-in me3 me3 0dt2) (located-in me3 me3 0dt3) (located-in me3 me3 1dte) (located-in me3 me3 1dts) (located-in sit ag 1dt-2) (located-in sit me 1dt-2) (located-in sit sit 0dt2) (located-in sit sit 0dt3) (precedes ag-stb ag-stbs) (precedes ag-stb pbhst2e) (precedes ag-stb pbhst3e) (precedes ag-stb pbound3) (precedes pbhst2 ag-stbs) (precedes pbhst2 pbhst2e) (precedes pbhst2 pbhst3e) (precedes pbhst2 pbound2) (precedes pbhst2 pbound3) (precedes pbhst3 ag-stbs) (precedes pbhst3 pbhst2e) (precedes pbhst3 pbhst3e) (precedes pbhst3 pbound2) (precedes pbhst3 pbound3) (precedes pbound ag-stbs) (precedes pbound pbhst2e) (precedes pbound pbhst3e) (precedes pbound pbound2) (precedes pbound pbound3) (concretizes sdc gdc 0dt2) (concretizes sdc gdc 0dt3) (concretizes sdc2 gdc 0dt) (concretizes sdc2 gdc 1dt) (has-last-instant 0dt 0dt) (located-in 0db 0db 1dt-2) (located-in 0db bound 0dt) (located-in 0db bound 1dt) (located-in 1db 1db 1dt-2) (located-in 1db bound 0dt) (located-in 1db bound 1dt) (located-in bound ag 0dt2) (located-in bound ag 0dt3) (located-in bound me 01dt) (located-in bound me 0dt2) (located-in bound me 0dt3) (located-in bound me 1dte) (located-in bound me 1dts) (located-in me2 me2 1dt-2) (located-in me3 me3 1dt-2) (located-in sit sit 1dt-2) (precedes ag-stbs pbhst2e) (precedes ag-stbs pbhst3e) (precedes pbound2 ag-stbs) (precedes pbound2 pbhst2e) (precedes pbound2 pbhst3e) (precedes pbound2 pbound3) (precedes pbound3 pbhst2e) (precedes pbound3 pbhst3e) (temporal-part-of 0dt 0dt) (temporal-part-of 0dt 1dt) (temporal-part-of 1dt 1dt) (temporal-part-of st0 st0) (temporal-part-of st0 st1) (temporal-part-of st1 st1) (universal spatial-region) (concretizes sdc gdc 1dt-2) (concretizes sdc2 gdc 01dt) (concretizes sdc2 gdc 0dt2) (concretizes sdc2 gdc 0dt3) (concretizes sdc2 gdc 1dte) (concretizes sdc2 gdc 1dts) (has-first-instant 0dt 0dt) (has-first-instant 1dt 0dt) (has-last-instant 1dt 01dt) (instance-of me object 0dt) (instance-of me object 1dt) (instance-of rol role 0dt2) (instance-of rol role 0dt3) (instance-of sit site 0dt2) (instance-of sit site 0dt3) (located-in 0db bound 01dt) (located-in 0db bound 0dt2) (located-in 0db bound 0dt3) (located-in 0db bound 1dte) (located-in 0db bound 1dts) (located-in 1db bound 01dt) (located-in 1db bound 0dt2) (located-in 1db bound 0dt3) (located-in 1db bound 1dte) (located-in 1db bound 1dts) (located-in bound ag 1dt-2) (located-in bound me 1dt-2) (member-part-of me ag 0dt2) (member-part-of me ag 0dt3) (occurrent-part-of 0dt 0dt) (occurrent-part-of 0dt 1dt) (occurrent-part-of 1dt 1dt) (occurrent-part-of st0 st0) (occurrent-part-of st0 st1) (occurrent-part-of st1 st1) (temporal-part-of 01dt 1dt) (temporal-part-of 0dt2 1dt) (temporal-part-of 0dt3 1dt) (temporal-part-of 1dte 1dt) (temporal-part-of 1dts 1dt) (temporal-part-of 1ste st1) (temporal-part-of 1sts st1) (universal material-entity) (universal temporal-region) (concretizes sdc2 gdc 1dt-2) (has-first-instant 1dts 0dt) (has-last-instant 01dt 01dt) (has-last-instant 0dt2 0dt2) (has-last-instant 0dt3 0dt3) (has-last-instant 1dte 01dt) (has-last-instant 1dts 0dt2) (instance-of me object 01dt) (instance-of me object 0dt2) (instance-of me object 0dt3) (instance-of me object 1dte) (instance-of me object 1dts) (instance-of me3 object 0dt) (instance-of me3 object 1dt) (instance-of rol role 1dt-2) (instance-of sit site 1dt-2) (located-in 0db bound 1dt-2) (located-in 1db bound 1dt-2) (located-in bound bound 0dt) (located-in bound bound 1dt) (member-part-of me ag 1dt-2) (member-part-of me3 ag 0dt2) (member-part-of me3 ag 0dt3) (occurrent-part-of 01dt 1dt) (occurrent-part-of 0dt2 1dt) (occurrent-part-of 0dt3 1dt) (occurrent-part-of 1dte 1dt) (occurrent-part-of 1dts 1dt) (occurrent-part-of 1ste st1) (occurrent-part-of 1sts st1) (occurrent-part-of st0s st0) (occurrent-part-of st0s st1) (temporal-part-of 01dt 01dt) (temporal-part-of 0dt2 0dt2) (temporal-part-of 0dt3 0dt3) (temporal-part-of 0str2 st1) (temporal-part-of 0str3 st1) (temporal-part-of 1dt-2 1dt) (temporal-part-of 1dte 1dte) (temporal-part-of 1dts 1dts) (temporal-part-of 1ste 1ste) (temporal-part-of 1sts 1sts) (temporal-part-of ag-h ag-h) (temporal-part-of hist hist) (temporal-part-of pbh2 hist) (temporal-part-of pbh2 pbh2) (temporal-part-of pbh3 pbh3) (temporal-part-of proc ag-h) (temporal-part-of proc hist) (temporal-part-of proc proc) (temporal-part-of st0s st0s) (temporal-part-of st1-2 st1) (universal fiat-object-part) (universal object-aggregate) (universal process-boundary) (universal temporal-instant) (has-first-instant 01dt 01dt) (has-first-instant 0dt2 0dt2) (has-first-instant 0dt3 0dt3) (has-first-instant 1dte 0dt3) (has-last-instant 1dt-2 0dt3) (instance-of me object 1dt-2) (instance-of me3 object 01dt) (instance-of me3 object 0dt2) (instance-of me3 object 0dt3) (instance-of me3 object 1dte) (instance-of me3 object 1dts) (instance-of rq quality 0dt2) (instance-of rq quality 0dt3) (located-in bound bound 01dt) (located-in bound bound 0dt2) (located-in bound bound 0dt3) (located-in bound bound 1dte) (located-in bound bound 1dts) (member-part-of me3 ag 1dt-2) (occurrent-part-of 01dt 01dt) (occurrent-part-of 0dt2 0dt2) (occurrent-part-of 0dt3 0dt3) (occurrent-part-of 0str2 st1) (occurrent-part-of 0str3 st1) (occurrent-part-of 1dt-2 1dt) (occurrent-part-of 1dte 1dte) (occurrent-part-of 1dts 1dts) (occurrent-part-of 1ste 1ste) (occurrent-part-of 1sts 1sts) (occurrent-part-of ag-h ag-h) (occurrent-part-of hist hist) (occurrent-part-of pbh2 hist) (occurrent-part-of pbh2 pbh2) (occurrent-part-of pbh3 pbh3) (occurrent-part-of proc ag-h) (occurrent-part-of proc hist) (occurrent-part-of proc proc) (occurrent-part-of st0s st0s) (occurrent-part-of st1-2 st1) (occurrent-part-of st3-2 st1) (participates-in me hist 0dt) (participates-in me hist 1dt) (temporal-part-of 0dt2 1dt-2) (temporal-part-of 0dt3 1dt-2) (temporal-part-of hist2 hist) (temporal-part-of pbh2 hist2) (temporal-part-of pbh2b hist) (temporal-part-of pbh2e hist) (temporal-part-of pbh3 hist3) (universal immaterial-entity) (universal realizable-entity) (universal temporal-interval) (continuant-part-of me me 0dt) (continuant-part-of me me 1dt) (has-first-instant 1dt-2 0dt2) (instance-of hist history 0dt) (instance-of hist history 1dt) (instance-of hist process 0dt) (instance-of hist process 1dt) (instance-of me3 object 1dt-2) (instance-of rq quality 1dt-2) (instance-of sdc quality 0dt2) (instance-of sdc quality 0dt3) (instance-of sdc2 quality 0dt) (instance-of sdc2 quality 1dt) (located-in bound bound 1dt-2) (occurrent-part-of 0dt2 1dt-2) (occurrent-part-of 0dt3 1dt-2) (occurrent-part-of hist2 hist) (occurrent-part-of pbh2 hist2) (occurrent-part-of pbh2b hist) (occurrent-part-of pbh2e hist) (occurrent-part-of pbh3 hist3) (occurrent-part-of pbhst2 st0) (occurrent-part-of pbhst2 st1) (occurrent-part-of st0dsr st1) (occurrent-part-of st1dsr st1) (occurrent-part-of st2dsr st1) (participates-in ag ag-h 0dt2) (participates-in ag ag-h 0dt3) (participates-in me hist 01dt) (participates-in me hist 0dt2) (participates-in me hist 0dt3) (participates-in me hist 1dte) (participates-in me hist 1dts) (temporal-part-of 0str2 0str2) (temporal-part-of 0str2 st1-2) (temporal-part-of 0str3 0str3) (temporal-part-of 0str3 st1-2) (temporal-part-of 1dt-2 1dt-2) (temporal-part-of ag-st ag-st) (temporal-part-of hist2 hist2) (temporal-part-of hist3 hist3) (temporal-part-of pbh2 pbound) (temporal-part-of pbh2b pbh2b) (temporal-part-of pbh2e hist2) (temporal-part-of pbh2e pbh2e) (temporal-part-of pbh3e hist3) (temporal-part-of pbh3e pbh3e) (temporal-part-of pbound hist) (temporal-part-of st1-2 st1-2) (temporal-part-of st3-2 st3-2) (temporal-part-of st3-3 st3-3) (universal relational-quality) (continuant-part-of 0db me 0dt) (continuant-part-of 0db me 1dt) (continuant-part-of 1db me 0dt) (continuant-part-of 1db me 1dt) (continuant-part-of ag ag 0dt2) (continuant-part-of ag ag 0dt3) (continuant-part-of me ag 0dt2) (continuant-part-of me ag 0dt3) (continuant-part-of me me 01dt) (continuant-part-of me me 0dt2) (continuant-part-of me me 0dt3) (continuant-part-of me me 1dte) (continuant-part-of me me 1dts) (continuant-part-of me2 me 0dt) (continuant-part-of me2 me 1dt) (instance-of 0dt occurrent 0dt) (instance-of 1db fiat-line 0dt) (instance-of 1db fiat-line 1dt) (instance-of 1dt occurrent 0dt) (instance-of 1dt occurrent 1dt) (instance-of ag-h history 0dt2) (instance-of ag-h history 0dt3) (instance-of ag-h process 0dt2) (instance-of ag-h process 0dt3) (instance-of fun function 0dt2) (instance-of fun function 0dt3) (instance-of hist history 01dt) (instance-of hist history 0dt2) (instance-of hist history 0dt3) (instance-of hist history 1dte) (instance-of hist history 1dts) (instance-of hist process 01dt) (instance-of hist process 0dt2) (instance-of hist process 0dt3) (instance-of hist process 1dte) (instance-of hist process 1dts) (instance-of hist2 history 0dt) (instance-of hist2 history 1dt) (instance-of hist2 process 0dt) (instance-of hist2 process 1dt) (instance-of hist3 history 0dt) (instance-of hist3 history 1dt) (instance-of hist3 process 0dt) (instance-of hist3 process 1dt) (instance-of me continuant 0dt) (instance-of me continuant 1dt) (instance-of proc process 0dt2) (instance-of proc process 0dt3) (instance-of sdc quality 1dt-2) (instance-of sdc2 quality 01dt) (instance-of sdc2 quality 0dt2) (instance-of sdc2 quality 0dt3) (instance-of sdc2 quality 1dte) (instance-of sdc2 quality 1dts) (instance-of st0 occurrent 0dt) (instance-of st1 occurrent 0dt) (instance-of st1 occurrent 1dt) (occurrent-part-of 0str2 0str2) (occurrent-part-of 0str2 ag-st) (occurrent-part-of 0str2 st1-2) (occurrent-part-of 0str3 0str3) (occurrent-part-of 0str3 ag-st) (occurrent-part-of 0str3 st1-2) (occurrent-part-of 1dt-2 1dt-2) (occurrent-part-of ag-st ag-st) (occurrent-part-of hist2 hist2) (occurrent-part-of hist3 hist3) (occurrent-part-of pbh2 pbound) (occurrent-part-of pbh2b pbh2b) (occurrent-part-of pbh2e hist2) (occurrent-part-of pbh2e pbh2e) (occurrent-part-of pbh3e hist3) (occurrent-part-of pbh3e pbh3e) (occurrent-part-of pbhst2e st1) (occurrent-part-of pbound hist) (occurrent-part-of st1-2 ag-st) (occurrent-part-of st1-2 st1-2) (occurrent-part-of st3-2 st3-2) (occurrent-part-of st3-3 st3-3) (participates-in ag ag-h 1dt-2) (participates-in me hist 1dt-2) (participates-in me2 hist2 0dt) (participates-in me2 hist2 1dt) (participates-in me3 hist3 0dt) (participates-in me3 hist3 1dt) (participates-in sit proc 0dt2) (participates-in sit proc 0dt3) (temporal-part-of ag-stb ag-st) (temporal-part-of pbh2b pbound) (temporal-part-of pbhst2 st3-2) (temporal-part-of pbhst3 st3-3) (temporal-part-of pbound2 ag-h) (temporal-part-of pbound2 hist) (temporal-part-of pbound2 proc) (temporal-part-of pbound3 ag-h) (temporal-part-of pbound3 hist) (temporal-part-of pbound3 proc) (continuant-part-of 0db 0db 0dt) (continuant-part-of 0db 0db 1dt) (continuant-part-of 0db ag 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 0db ag 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 0db me 01dt) (continuant-part-of 0db me 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 0db me 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 0db me 1dte) (continuant-part-of 0db me 1dts) (continuant-part-of 1db 1db 0dt) (continuant-part-of 1db 1db 1dt) (continuant-part-of 1db ag 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 1db ag 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 1db me 01dt) (continuant-part-of 1db me 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 1db me 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 1db me 1dte) (continuant-part-of 1db me 1dts) (continuant-part-of ag ag 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of me ag 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of me me 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of me2 ag 0dt2) (continuant-part-of me2 ag 0dt3) (continuant-part-of me2 me 01dt) (continuant-part-of me2 me 0dt2) (continuant-part-of me2 me 0dt3) (continuant-part-of me2 me 1dte) (continuant-part-of me2 me 1dts) (continuant-part-of me2 me2 0dt) (continuant-part-of me2 me2 1dt) (continuant-part-of me3 ag 0dt2) (continuant-part-of me3 ag 0dt3) (continuant-part-of me3 me3 0dt) (continuant-part-of me3 me3 1dt) (continuant-part-of sit ag 0dt2) (continuant-part-of sit ag 0dt3) (continuant-part-of sit me 0dt2) (continuant-part-of sit me 0dt3) (instance-of 0db continuant 0dt) (instance-of 0db continuant 1dt) (instance-of 0db fiat-point 0dt) (instance-of 0db fiat-point 1dt) (instance-of 1db continuant 0dt) (instance-of 1db continuant 1dt) (instance-of 1db fiat-line 01dt) (instance-of 1db fiat-line 0dt2) (instance-of 1db fiat-line 0dt3) (instance-of 1db fiat-line 1dte) (instance-of 1db fiat-line 1dts) (instance-of 1dt occurrent 01dt) (instance-of 1dt occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of 1dt occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of 1dt occurrent 1dte) (instance-of 1dt occurrent 1dts) (instance-of ag continuant 0dt2) (instance-of ag continuant 0dt3) (instance-of ag-h history 1dt-2) (instance-of ag-h process 1dt-2) (instance-of fun function 1dt-2) (instance-of gdc continuant 0dt) (instance-of gdc continuant 1dt) (instance-of hist history 1dt-2) (instance-of hist occurrent 0dt) (instance-of hist occurrent 1dt) (instance-of hist process 1dt-2) (instance-of hist2 history 01dt) (instance-of hist2 history 0dt2) (instance-of hist2 history 0dt3) (instance-of hist2 history 1dte) (instance-of hist2 history 1dts) (instance-of hist2 process 01dt) (instance-of hist2 process 0dt2) (instance-of hist2 process 0dt3) (instance-of hist2 process 1dte) (instance-of hist2 process 1dts) (instance-of hist3 history 01dt) (instance-of hist3 history 0dt2) (instance-of hist3 history 0dt3) (instance-of hist3 history 1dte) (instance-of hist3 history 1dts) (instance-of hist3 process 01dt) (instance-of hist3 process 0dt2) (instance-of hist3 process 0dt3) (instance-of hist3 process 1dte) (instance-of hist3 process 1dts) (instance-of me continuant 01dt) (instance-of me continuant 0dt2) (instance-of me continuant 0dt3) (instance-of me continuant 1dte) (instance-of me continuant 1dts) (instance-of me2 continuant 0dt) (instance-of me2 continuant 1dt) (instance-of me3 continuant 0dt) (instance-of me3 continuant 1dt) (instance-of pbh2 occurrent 0dt) (instance-of pbh3 occurrent 0dt) (instance-of proc process 1dt-2) (instance-of rq continuant 0dt2) (instance-of rq continuant 0dt3) (instance-of sdc2 quality 1dt-2) (instance-of st0s occurrent 0dt) (instance-of st1 occurrent 01dt) (instance-of st1 occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of st1 occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of st1 occurrent 1dte) (instance-of st1 occurrent 1dts) (occurrent-part-of 0str2 ag-stb) (occurrent-part-of ag-stb ag-st) (occurrent-part-of pbh2b pbound) (occurrent-part-of pbhst2 st3-2) (occurrent-part-of pbhst3 st3-3) (occurrent-part-of pbound2 ag-h) (occurrent-part-of pbound2 hist) (occurrent-part-of pbound2 proc) (occurrent-part-of pbound3 ag-h) (occurrent-part-of pbound3 hist) (occurrent-part-of pbound3 proc) (participates-in me2 hist2 01dt) (participates-in me2 hist2 0dt2) (participates-in me2 hist2 0dt3) (participates-in me2 hist2 1dte) (participates-in me2 hist2 1dts) (participates-in me3 hist3 01dt) (participates-in me3 hist3 0dt2) (participates-in me3 hist3 0dt3) (participates-in me3 hist3 1dte) (participates-in me3 hist3 1dts) (participates-in sit proc 1dt-2) (specifically-depends-on fun me) (specifically-depends-on rq me2) (specifically-depends-on rq me3) (specifically-depends-on sdc me) (temporal-part-of ag-stb ag-stb) (temporal-part-of ag-stbs ag-st) (temporal-part-of pbhst2 pbhst2) (temporal-part-of pbhst2e st3-2) (temporal-part-of pbhst3 pbhst3) (temporal-part-of pbhst3e st3-3) (temporal-part-of pbound pbound) (temporal-part-of st0dsr st0dsr) (temporal-part-of st1dsr st1dsr) (temporal-part-of st2dsr st2dsr) (continuant-part-of 0db 0db 01dt) (continuant-part-of 0db 0db 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 0db 0db 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 0db 0db 1dte) (continuant-part-of 0db 0db 1dts) (continuant-part-of 0db ag 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 0db me 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 1db 1db 01dt) (continuant-part-of 1db 1db 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 1db 1db 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 1db 1db 1dte) (continuant-part-of 1db 1db 1dts) (continuant-part-of 1db ag 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 1db me 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of bound me 0dt) (continuant-part-of bound me 1dt) (continuant-part-of me2 ag 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of me2 me 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of me2 me2 01dt) (continuant-part-of me2 me2 0dt2) (continuant-part-of me2 me2 0dt3) (continuant-part-of me2 me2 1dte) (continuant-part-of me2 me2 1dts) (continuant-part-of me3 ag 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of me3 me3 01dt) (continuant-part-of me3 me3 0dt2) (continuant-part-of me3 me3 0dt3) (continuant-part-of me3 me3 1dte) (continuant-part-of me3 me3 1dts) (continuant-part-of sit ag 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of sit me 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of sit sit 0dt2) (continuant-part-of sit sit 0dt3) (has-material-basis fun me2 0dt2) (has-material-basis fun me2 0dt3) (instance-of 01dt occurrent 01dt) (instance-of 0db continuant 01dt) (instance-of 0db continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 0db continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 0db continuant 1dte) (instance-of 0db continuant 1dts) (instance-of 0db fiat-point 01dt) (instance-of 0db fiat-point 0dt2) (instance-of 0db fiat-point 0dt3) (instance-of 0db fiat-point 1dte) (instance-of 0db fiat-point 1dts) (instance-of 0dsr continuant 0dt) (instance-of 0dsr continuant 1dt) (instance-of 0dt2 occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of 0dt3 occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of 1db continuant 01dt) (instance-of 1db continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 1db continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 1db continuant 1dte) (instance-of 1db continuant 1dts) (instance-of 1db fiat-line 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dsr continuant 0dt) (instance-of 1dsr continuant 1dt) (instance-of 1dt occurrent 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dte occurrent 1dte) (instance-of 1dts occurrent 1dts) (instance-of 1ste occurrent 1dte) (instance-of 1sts occurrent 1dts) (instance-of 2dsr continuant 0dt) (instance-of 2dsr continuant 1dt) (instance-of 3dsr continuant 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr continuant 1dt) (instance-of ag continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of ag-h occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of ag-h occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of fun continuant 0dt2) (instance-of fun continuant 0dt3) (instance-of gdc continuant 01dt) (instance-of gdc continuant 0dt2) (instance-of gdc continuant 0dt3) (instance-of gdc continuant 1dte) (instance-of gdc continuant 1dts) (instance-of hist occurrent 01dt) (instance-of hist occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of hist occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of hist occurrent 1dte) (instance-of hist occurrent 1dts) (instance-of hist2 history 1dt-2) (instance-of hist2 occurrent 0dt) (instance-of hist2 occurrent 1dt) (instance-of hist2 process 1dt-2) (instance-of hist3 history 1dt-2) (instance-of hist3 occurrent 0dt) (instance-of hist3 occurrent 1dt) (instance-of hist3 process 1dt-2) (instance-of me continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of me2 continuant 01dt) (instance-of me2 continuant 0dt2) (instance-of me2 continuant 0dt3) (instance-of me2 continuant 1dte) (instance-of me2 continuant 1dts) (instance-of me3 continuant 01dt) (instance-of me3 continuant 0dt2) (instance-of me3 continuant 0dt3) (instance-of me3 continuant 1dte) (instance-of me3 continuant 1dts) (instance-of pbh2b occurrent 0dt) (instance-of proc occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of proc occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of rol continuant 0dt2) (instance-of rol continuant 0dt3) (instance-of rq continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of sdc continuant 0dt2) (instance-of sdc continuant 0dt3) (instance-of sdc2 continuant 0dt) (instance-of sdc2 continuant 1dt) (instance-of sit continuant 0dt2) (instance-of sit continuant 0dt3) (instance-of st1 occurrent 1dt-2) (instance-of st3-2 occurrent 0dt) (instance-of st3-2 occurrent 1dt) (instance-of st3-3 occurrent 0dt) (instance-of st3-3 occurrent 1dt) (occurrent-part-of 0str3 ag-stbs) (occurrent-part-of ag-stb ag-stb) (occurrent-part-of ag-stbs ag-st) (occurrent-part-of pbhst2 pbhst2) (occurrent-part-of pbhst2e st3-2) (occurrent-part-of pbhst3 pbhst3) (occurrent-part-of pbhst3e st3-3) (occurrent-part-of pbound pbound) (occurrent-part-of st0dsr st0dsr) (occurrent-part-of st0dsr st2dsr) (occurrent-part-of st1dsr st1dsr) (occurrent-part-of st1dsr st2dsr) (occurrent-part-of st2dsr st2dsr) (participates-in me2 hist2 1dt-2) (participates-in me3 hist3 1dt-2) (proper-temporal-part-of 0dt 1dt) (proper-temporal-part-of st0 st1) (specifically-depends-on rol sit) (specifically-depends-on sdc2 me) (universal spatiotemporal-region) (continuant-part-of 0db 0db 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 0db bound 0dt) (continuant-part-of 0db bound 1dt) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 0dsr 0dt) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 0dsr 1dt) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 0dt) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 1dt) (continuant-part-of 1db 1db 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 1db bound 0dt) (continuant-part-of 1db bound 1dt) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 1dsr 0dt) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 1dsr 1dt) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 0dt) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 1dt) (continuant-part-of 2dsr 2dsr 0dt) (continuant-part-of 2dsr 2dsr 1dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr 3dsr 0dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr 3dsr 1dt) (continuant-part-of bound ag 0dt2) (continuant-part-of bound ag 0dt3) (continuant-part-of bound me 01dt) (continuant-part-of bound me 0dt2) (continuant-part-of bound me 0dt3) (continuant-part-of bound me 1dte) (continuant-part-of bound me 1dts) (continuant-part-of me2 me2 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of me3 me3 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of sit sit 1dt-2) (has-material-basis fun me2 1dt-2) (instance-of 0db continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 0db fiat-point 1dt-2) (instance-of 0dsr continuant 01dt) (instance-of 0dsr continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 0dsr continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 0dsr continuant 1dte) (instance-of 0dsr continuant 1dts) (instance-of 0str2 occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of 0str3 occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of 1db continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dsr continuant 01dt) (instance-of 1dsr continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 1dsr continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 1dsr continuant 1dte) (instance-of 1dsr continuant 1dts) (instance-of 1dt-2 occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of 1dt-2 occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of 2dsr continuant 01dt) (instance-of 2dsr continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 2dsr continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 2dsr continuant 1dte) (instance-of 2dsr continuant 1dts) (instance-of 3dsr continuant 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr continuant 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr continuant 1dts) (instance-of ag-h occurrent 1dt-2) (instance-of ag-st occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of ag-st occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of bound continuant 0dt) (instance-of bound continuant 1dt) (instance-of fun continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of fun disposition 0dt2) (instance-of fun disposition 0dt3) (instance-of gdc continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of hist occurrent 1dt-2) (instance-of hist2 occurrent 01dt) (instance-of hist2 occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of hist2 occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of hist2 occurrent 1dte) (instance-of hist2 occurrent 1dts) (instance-of hist3 occurrent 01dt) (instance-of hist3 occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of hist3 occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of hist3 occurrent 1dte) (instance-of hist3 occurrent 1dts) (instance-of me2 continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of me3 continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of pbh2e occurrent 01dt) (instance-of pbh3e occurrent 01dt) (instance-of pbhst2 occurrent 0dt) (instance-of pbhst3 occurrent 0dt) (instance-of pbound occurrent 0dt) (instance-of proc occurrent 1dt-2) (instance-of rol continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of sdc continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of sdc2 continuant 01dt) (instance-of sdc2 continuant 0dt2) (instance-of sdc2 continuant 0dt3) (instance-of sdc2 continuant 1dte) (instance-of sdc2 continuant 1dts) (instance-of sit continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of space continuant 0dt) (instance-of space continuant 1dt) (instance-of st0dsr occurrent 0dt) (instance-of st0dsr occurrent 1dt) (instance-of st1-2 occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of st1-2 occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of st1dsr occurrent 0dt) (instance-of st1dsr occurrent 1dt) (instance-of st2dsr occurrent 0dt) (instance-of st2dsr occurrent 1dt) (instance-of st3-2 occurrent 01dt) (instance-of st3-2 occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of st3-2 occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of st3-2 occurrent 1dte) (instance-of st3-2 occurrent 1dts) (instance-of st3-3 occurrent 01dt) (instance-of st3-3 occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of st3-3 occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of st3-3 occurrent 1dte) (instance-of st3-3 occurrent 1dts) (proper-occurrent-part-of 0dt 1dt) (proper-occurrent-part-of st0 st1) (proper-temporal-part-of 01dt 1dt) (proper-temporal-part-of 0dt2 1dt) (proper-temporal-part-of 0dt3 1dt) (proper-temporal-part-of 1dte 1dt) (proper-temporal-part-of 1dts 1dt) (proper-temporal-part-of 1ste st1) (proper-temporal-part-of 1sts st1) (temporal-part-of ag-stbs ag-stbs) (temporal-part-of pbhst2e pbhst2e) (temporal-part-of pbhst3e pbhst3e) (temporal-part-of pbound2 pbound2) (temporal-part-of pbound3 pbound3) (temporally-projects-onto st0 0dt) (temporally-projects-onto st1 1dt) (universal independent-continuant) (continuant-part-of 0db bound 01dt) (continuant-part-of 0db bound 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 0db bound 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 0db bound 1dte) (continuant-part-of 0db bound 1dts) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 0dsr 01dt) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 0dsr 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 0dsr 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 0dsr 1dte) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 0dsr 1dts) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 01dt) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 1dte) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 1dts) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space 0dt) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space 1dt) (continuant-part-of 1db bound 01dt) (continuant-part-of 1db bound 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 1db bound 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 1db bound 1dte) (continuant-part-of 1db bound 1dts) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 1dsr 01dt) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 1dsr 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 1dsr 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 1dsr 1dte) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 1dsr 1dts) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 01dt) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 1dte) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 1dts) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space 0dt) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space 1dt) (continuant-part-of 2dsr 2dsr 01dt) (continuant-part-of 2dsr 2dsr 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 2dsr 2dsr 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 2dsr 2dsr 1dte) (continuant-part-of 2dsr 2dsr 1dts) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space 0dt) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space 1dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr 3dsr 01dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr 3dsr 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr 3dsr 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 3dsr 3dsr 1dte) (continuant-part-of 3dsr 3dsr 1dts) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space 0dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space 1dt) (continuant-part-of bound ag 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of bound me 1dt-2) (generically-depends-on gdc me 0dt) (generically-depends-on gdc me 1dt) (instance-of 0dsr continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dsr continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dt-2 occurrent 1dt-2) (instance-of 2dsr continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr-2 continuant 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 continuant 1dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 continuant 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 continuant 1dt) (instance-of ag-st occurrent 1dt-2) (instance-of ag-stb occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of bound continuant 01dt) (instance-of bound continuant 0dt2) (instance-of bound continuant 0dt3) (instance-of bound continuant 1dte) (instance-of bound continuant 1dts) (instance-of fun disposition 1dt-2) (instance-of hist2 occurrent 1dt-2) (instance-of hist3 occurrent 1dt-2) (instance-of sdc2 continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of space continuant 01dt) (instance-of space continuant 0dt2) (instance-of space continuant 0dt3) (instance-of space continuant 1dte) (instance-of space continuant 1dts) (instance-of space2 continuant 0dt) (instance-of space2 continuant 1dt) (instance-of st0dsr occurrent 01dt) (instance-of st0dsr occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of st0dsr occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of st0dsr occurrent 1dte) (instance-of st0dsr occurrent 1dts) (instance-of st1-2 occurrent 1dt-2) (instance-of st1dsr occurrent 01dt) (instance-of st1dsr occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of st1dsr occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of st1dsr occurrent 1dte) (instance-of st1dsr occurrent 1dts) (instance-of st2dsr occurrent 01dt) (instance-of st2dsr occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of st2dsr occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of st2dsr occurrent 1dte) (instance-of st2dsr occurrent 1dts) (instance-of st3-2 occurrent 1dt-2) (instance-of st3-3 occurrent 1dt-2) (occupies-temporal-region hist 1dt) (occupies-temporal-region pbh2 0dt) (occupies-temporal-region pbh3 0dt) (occurrent-part-of ag-stbs ag-stbs) (occurrent-part-of pbhst2e pbhst2e) (occurrent-part-of pbhst3e pbhst3e) (occurrent-part-of pbound2 pbound2) (occurrent-part-of pbound3 pbound3) (proper-occurrent-part-of 01dt 1dt) (proper-occurrent-part-of 0dt2 1dt) (proper-occurrent-part-of 0dt3 1dt) (proper-occurrent-part-of 1dte 1dt) (proper-occurrent-part-of 1dts 1dt) (proper-occurrent-part-of 1ste st1) (proper-occurrent-part-of 1sts st1) (proper-occurrent-part-of st0s st0) (proper-occurrent-part-of st0s st1) (proper-temporal-part-of 0str2 st1) (proper-temporal-part-of 0str3 st1) (proper-temporal-part-of 1dt-2 1dt) (proper-temporal-part-of pbh2 hist) (proper-temporal-part-of proc ag-h) (proper-temporal-part-of proc hist) (proper-temporal-part-of st1-2 st1) (temporally-projects-onto st0s 0dt) (continuant-part-of 0db bound 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 0dsr 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space 01dt) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space 1dte) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space 1dts) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 0dt) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 1dt) (continuant-part-of 1db bound 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 1dsr 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space 01dt) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space 1dte) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space 1dts) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 0dt) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 1dt) (continuant-part-of 2dsr 2dsr 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space 01dt) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space 1dte) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space 1dts) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 0dt) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 1dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr 3dsr 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space 01dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space 1dte) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space 1dts) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 0dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 1dt) (continuant-part-of bound bound 0dt) (continuant-part-of bound bound 1dt) (continuant-part-of space space 0dt) (continuant-part-of space space 1dt) (generically-depends-on gdc me 01dt) (generically-depends-on gdc me 0dt2) (generically-depends-on gdc me 0dt3) (generically-depends-on gdc me 1dte) (generically-depends-on gdc me 1dts) (instance-of 3dsr-2 continuant 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr-2 continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr-2 continuant 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr-2 continuant 1dts) (instance-of 3dsr-3 continuant 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr-3 continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr-3 continuant 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr-3 continuant 1dts) (instance-of ag-stbs occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of bound continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of bound fiat-surface 0dt) (instance-of bound fiat-surface 1dt) (instance-of me material-entity 0dt) (instance-of me material-entity 1dt) (instance-of pbhst2e occurrent 01dt) (instance-of pbhst3e occurrent 01dt) (instance-of pbound2 occurrent 0dt2) (instance-of pbound3 occurrent 0dt3) (instance-of space continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of space2 continuant 01dt) (instance-of space2 continuant 0dt2) (instance-of space2 continuant 0dt3) (instance-of space2 continuant 1dte) (instance-of space2 continuant 1dts) (instance-of st0dsr occurrent 1dt-2) (instance-of st1dsr occurrent 1dt-2) (instance-of st2dsr occurrent 1dt-2) (occupies-temporal-region hist2 1dt) (occupies-temporal-region hist3 1dt) (occupies-temporal-region pbh2b 0dt) (proper-occurrent-part-of 0str2 st1) (proper-occurrent-part-of 0str3 st1) (proper-occurrent-part-of 1dt-2 1dt) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbh2 hist) (proper-occurrent-part-of proc ag-h) (proper-occurrent-part-of proc hist) (proper-occurrent-part-of st1-2 st1) (proper-occurrent-part-of st3-2 st1) (proper-temporal-part-of 0dt2 1dt-2) (proper-temporal-part-of 0dt3 1dt-2) (proper-temporal-part-of hist2 hist) (proper-temporal-part-of pbh2 hist2) (proper-temporal-part-of pbh2b hist) (proper-temporal-part-of pbh2e hist) (proper-temporal-part-of pbh3 hist3) (temporally-projects-onto 1ste 1dte) (temporally-projects-onto 1sts 1dts) (temporally-projects-onto st3-2 1dt) (temporally-projects-onto st3-3 1dt) (universal continuant-fiat-boundary) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 01dt) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 1dte) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 1dts) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 01dt) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 1dte) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 1dts) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 01dt) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 1dte) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 1dts) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 01dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 1dte) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 1dts) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 0dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 1dt) (continuant-part-of bound bound 01dt) (continuant-part-of bound bound 0dt2) (continuant-part-of bound bound 0dt3) (continuant-part-of bound bound 1dte) (continuant-part-of bound bound 1dts) (continuant-part-of space space 01dt) (continuant-part-of space space 0dt2) (continuant-part-of space space 0dt3) (continuant-part-of space space 1dte) (continuant-part-of space space 1dts) (continuant-part-of space space2 0dt) (continuant-part-of space space2 1dt) (generically-depends-on gdc me 1dt-2) (instance-of 0dsr spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of 0dsr spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of 0dt temporal-region 0dt) (instance-of 1dsr spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of 1dsr spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of 1dt temporal-region 0dt) (instance-of 1dt temporal-region 1dt) (instance-of 2dsr spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of 2dsr spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of 3dsr spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr-3 continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of ag material-entity 0dt2) (instance-of ag material-entity 0dt3) (instance-of bound fiat-surface 01dt) (instance-of bound fiat-surface 0dt2) (instance-of bound fiat-surface 0dt3) (instance-of bound fiat-surface 1dte) (instance-of bound fiat-surface 1dts) (instance-of me material-entity 01dt) (instance-of me material-entity 0dt2) (instance-of me material-entity 0dt3) (instance-of me material-entity 1dte) (instance-of me material-entity 1dts) (instance-of me2 material-entity 0dt) (instance-of me2 material-entity 1dt) (instance-of me3 material-entity 0dt) (instance-of me3 material-entity 1dt) (instance-of space2 continuant 1dt-2) (occupies-temporal-region ag-h 1dt-2) (occupies-temporal-region pbh2e 01dt) (occupies-temporal-region pbh3e 01dt) (occupies-temporal-region pbound 0dt) (occupies-temporal-region proc 1dt-2) (proper-occurrent-part-of 0dt2 1dt-2) (proper-occurrent-part-of 0dt3 1dt-2) (proper-occurrent-part-of hist2 hist) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbh2 hist2) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbh2b hist) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbh2e hist) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbh3 hist3) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbhst2 st0) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbhst2 st1) (proper-occurrent-part-of st0dsr st1) (proper-occurrent-part-of st1dsr st1) (proper-occurrent-part-of st2dsr st1) (proper-temporal-part-of 0str2 st1-2) (proper-temporal-part-of 0str3 st1-2) (proper-temporal-part-of pbh2 pbound) (proper-temporal-part-of pbh2e hist2) (proper-temporal-part-of pbh3e hist3) (proper-temporal-part-of pbound hist) (temporally-projects-onto 0str2 0dt2) (temporally-projects-onto 0str3 0dt3) (temporally-projects-onto pbhst2 0dt) (temporally-projects-onto pbhst3 0dt) (temporally-projects-onto st0dsr 1dt) (temporally-projects-onto st1dsr 1dt) (temporally-projects-onto st2dsr 1dt) (continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 3dsr-2 0dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 3dsr-2 1dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 01dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 1dte) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 1dts) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 0dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 1dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 3dsr-3 0dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 3dsr-3 1dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 0dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 1dt) (continuant-part-of bound bound 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of space space 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of space space2 01dt) (continuant-part-of space space2 0dt2) (continuant-part-of space space2 0dt3) (continuant-part-of space space2 1dte) (continuant-part-of space space2 1dts) (continuant-part-of space2 space2 0dt) (continuant-part-of space2 space2 1dt) (instance-of 0dsr spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of 0dsr spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of 0dsr spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of 0dsr spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of 0dsr spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of 0dt temporal-instant 0dt) (instance-of 1dsr spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of 1dsr spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of 1dsr spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of 1dsr spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of 1dsr spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of 1dt temporal-region 01dt) (instance-of 1dt temporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of 1dt temporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of 1dt temporal-region 1dte) (instance-of 1dt temporal-region 1dts) (instance-of 2dsr spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of 2dsr spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of 2dsr spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of 2dsr spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of 2dsr spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of 3dsr spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of ag material-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of ag object-aggregate 0dt2) (instance-of ag object-aggregate 0dt3) (instance-of bound fiat-surface 1dt-2) (instance-of me material-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of me2 fiat-object-part 0dt) (instance-of me2 fiat-object-part 1dt) (instance-of me2 material-entity 01dt) (instance-of me2 material-entity 0dt2) (instance-of me2 material-entity 0dt3) (instance-of me2 material-entity 1dte) (instance-of me2 material-entity 1dts) (instance-of me3 material-entity 01dt) (instance-of me3 material-entity 0dt2) (instance-of me3 material-entity 0dt3) (instance-of me3 material-entity 1dte) (instance-of me3 material-entity 1dts) (instance-of space spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of space spatial-region 1dt) (occupies-spatial-region 0db 0dsr 0dt) (occupies-spatial-region 0db 0dsr 1dt) (occupies-spatial-region 1db 1dsr 0dt) (occupies-spatial-region 1db 1dsr 1dt) (occupies-spatial-region me space 0dt) (occupies-spatial-region me space 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db me 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db me 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db me 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db me 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of me ag 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of me ag 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of me2 me 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of me2 me 1dt) (proper-occurrent-part-of 0str2 ag-st) (proper-occurrent-part-of 0str2 st1-2) (proper-occurrent-part-of 0str3 ag-st) (proper-occurrent-part-of 0str3 st1-2) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbh2 pbound) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbh2e hist2) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbh3e hist3) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbhst2e st1) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbound hist) (proper-occurrent-part-of st1-2 ag-st) (proper-temporal-part-of ag-stb ag-st) (proper-temporal-part-of pbh2b pbound) (proper-temporal-part-of pbhst2 st3-2) (proper-temporal-part-of pbhst3 st3-3) (proper-temporal-part-of pbound2 ag-h) (proper-temporal-part-of pbound2 hist) (proper-temporal-part-of pbound2 proc) (proper-temporal-part-of pbound3 ag-h) (proper-temporal-part-of pbound3 hist) (proper-temporal-part-of pbound3 proc) (temporally-projects-onto ag-st 1dt-2) (temporally-projects-onto ag-stb 0dt2) (temporally-projects-onto st1-2 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 3dsr-2 01dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 3dsr-2 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 3dsr-2 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 3dsr-2 1dte) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 3dsr-2 1dts) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 01dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 1dte) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 1dts) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 3dsr-3 01dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 3dsr-3 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 3dsr-3 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 3dsr-3 1dte) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 3dsr-3 1dts) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 01dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 0dt2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 0dt3) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 1dte) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 1dts) (continuant-part-of space space2 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of space2 space2 01dt) (continuant-part-of space2 space2 0dt2) (continuant-part-of space2 space2 0dt3) (continuant-part-of space2 space2 1dte) (continuant-part-of space2 space2 1dts) (instance-of 01dt temporal-region 01dt) (instance-of 0db immaterial-entity 0dt) (instance-of 0db immaterial-entity 1dt) (instance-of 0dsr spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 0dt2 temporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of 0dt3 temporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of 1db immaterial-entity 0dt) (instance-of 1db immaterial-entity 1dt) (instance-of 1dsr spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dt temporal-interval 0dt) (instance-of 1dt temporal-interval 1dt) (instance-of 1dt temporal-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dte temporal-region 1dte) (instance-of 1dts temporal-region 1dts) (instance-of 2dsr spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr-2 spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of ag object-aggregate 1dt-2) (instance-of me2 fiat-object-part 01dt) (instance-of me2 fiat-object-part 0dt2) (instance-of me2 fiat-object-part 0dt3) (instance-of me2 fiat-object-part 1dte) (instance-of me2 fiat-object-part 1dts) (instance-of me2 material-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of me3 material-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of pbh2 process-boundary 0dt) (instance-of pbh3 process-boundary 0dt) (instance-of space spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of space spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of space spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of space spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of space spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of space2 spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of space2 spatial-region 1dt) (occupies-spatial-region 0db 0dsr 01dt) (occupies-spatial-region 0db 0dsr 0dt2) (occupies-spatial-region 0db 0dsr 0dt3) (occupies-spatial-region 0db 0dsr 1dte) (occupies-spatial-region 0db 0dsr 1dts) (occupies-spatial-region 1db 1dsr 01dt) (occupies-spatial-region 1db 1dsr 0dt2) (occupies-spatial-region 1db 1dsr 0dt3) (occupies-spatial-region 1db 1dsr 1dte) (occupies-spatial-region 1db 1dsr 1dts) (occupies-spatial-region me space 01dt) (occupies-spatial-region me space 0dt2) (occupies-spatial-region me space 0dt3) (occupies-spatial-region me space 1dte) (occupies-spatial-region me space 1dts) (occupies-spatial-region sit 3dsr 0dt2) (occupies-spatial-region sit 3dsr 0dt3) (occupies-temporal-region pbound2 0dt2) (occupies-temporal-region pbound3 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db ag 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db ag 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db me 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db me 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db me 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db me 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db me 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db ag 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db ag 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db me 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db me 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db me 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db me 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db me 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of me ag 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of me2 ag 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of me2 ag 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of me2 me 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of me2 me 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of me2 me 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of me2 me 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of me2 me 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of me3 ag 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of me3 ag 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of sit ag 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of sit ag 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of sit me 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of sit me 0dt3) (proper-occurrent-part-of 0str2 ag-stb) (proper-occurrent-part-of ag-stb ag-st) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbh2b pbound) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbhst2 st3-2) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbhst3 st3-3) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbound2 ag-h) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbound2 hist) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbound2 proc) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbound3 ag-h) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbound3 hist) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbound3 proc) (proper-temporal-part-of ag-stbs ag-st) (proper-temporal-part-of pbhst2e st3-2) (proper-temporal-part-of pbhst3e st3-3) (spatially-projects-onto st0 space 0dt) (spatially-projects-onto st0s 3dsr 0dt) (spatially-projects-onto st1 space 0dt) (spatially-projects-onto st1 space 1dt) (temporally-projects-onto ag-stbs 0dt3) (temporally-projects-onto pbhst2e 01dt) (temporally-projects-onto pbhst3e 01dt) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 3dsr-2 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 3dsr-3 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 1dt-2) (continuant-part-of space2 space2 1dt-2) (instance-of 01dt temporal-instant 01dt) (instance-of 0db immaterial-entity 01dt) (instance-of 0db immaterial-entity 0dt2) (instance-of 0db immaterial-entity 0dt3) (instance-of 0db immaterial-entity 1dte) (instance-of 0db immaterial-entity 1dts) (instance-of 0dsr immaterial-entity 0dt) (instance-of 0dsr immaterial-entity 1dt) (instance-of 0dt2 temporal-instant 0dt2) (instance-of 0dt3 temporal-instant 0dt3) (instance-of 1db immaterial-entity 01dt) (instance-of 1db immaterial-entity 0dt2) (instance-of 1db immaterial-entity 0dt3) (instance-of 1db immaterial-entity 1dte) (instance-of 1db immaterial-entity 1dts) (instance-of 1dsr immaterial-entity 0dt) (instance-of 1dsr immaterial-entity 1dt) (instance-of 1dt temporal-interval 01dt) (instance-of 1dt temporal-interval 0dt2) (instance-of 1dt temporal-interval 0dt3) (instance-of 1dt temporal-interval 1dte) (instance-of 1dt temporal-interval 1dts) (instance-of 1dt-2 temporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of 1dt-2 temporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of 2dsr immaterial-entity 0dt) (instance-of 2dsr immaterial-entity 1dt) (instance-of 3dsr immaterial-entity 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr immaterial-entity 1dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr-2 spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr-2 spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr-2 spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of 3dsr-3 spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr-3 spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr-3 spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr-3 spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of fun realizable-entity 0dt2) (instance-of fun realizable-entity 0dt3) (instance-of me2 fiat-object-part 1dt-2) (instance-of pbh2b process-boundary 0dt) (instance-of rol realizable-entity 0dt2) (instance-of rol realizable-entity 0dt3) (instance-of rq relational-quality 0dt2) (instance-of rq relational-quality 0dt3) (instance-of sit immaterial-entity 0dt2) (instance-of sit immaterial-entity 0dt3) (instance-of space spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of space2 spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of space2 spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of space2 spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of space2 spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of space2 spatial-region 1dts) (occupies-spatial-region 0db 0dsr 1dt-2) (occupies-spatial-region 1db 1dsr 1dt-2) (occupies-spatial-region ag space2 0dt2) (occupies-spatial-region ag space2 0dt3) (occupies-spatial-region bound 2dsr 0dt) (occupies-spatial-region bound 2dsr 1dt) (occupies-spatial-region me space 1dt-2) (occupies-spatial-region me2 3dsr-2 0dt) (occupies-spatial-region me2 3dsr-2 1dt) (occupies-spatial-region me3 3dsr-3 0dt) (occupies-spatial-region me3 3dsr-3 1dt) (occupies-spatial-region sit 3dsr 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db ag 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db me 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db ag 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db me 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of bound me 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of bound me 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of me2 ag 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of me2 me 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of me3 ag 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of sit ag 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of sit me 1dt-2) (proper-occurrent-part-of 0str3 ag-stbs) (proper-occurrent-part-of ag-stbs ag-st) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbhst2e st3-2) (proper-occurrent-part-of pbhst3e st3-3) (proper-occurrent-part-of st0dsr st2dsr) (proper-occurrent-part-of st1dsr st2dsr) (spatially-projects-onto st1 space 01dt) (spatially-projects-onto st1 space 0dt2) (spatially-projects-onto st1 space 0dt3) (spatially-projects-onto st1 space 1dte) (spatially-projects-onto st1 space 1dts) (instance-of 0db immaterial-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of 0dsr immaterial-entity 01dt) (instance-of 0dsr immaterial-entity 0dt2) (instance-of 0dsr immaterial-entity 0dt3) (instance-of 0dsr immaterial-entity 1dte) (instance-of 0dsr immaterial-entity 1dts) (instance-of 1db immaterial-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dsr immaterial-entity 01dt) (instance-of 1dsr immaterial-entity 0dt2) (instance-of 1dsr immaterial-entity 0dt3) (instance-of 1dsr immaterial-entity 1dte) (instance-of 1dsr immaterial-entity 1dts) (instance-of 1dt temporal-interval 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dt-2 temporal-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dte temporal-interval 1dte) (instance-of 1dts temporal-interval 1dts) (instance-of 2dsr immaterial-entity 01dt) (instance-of 2dsr immaterial-entity 0dt2) (instance-of 2dsr immaterial-entity 0dt3) (instance-of 2dsr immaterial-entity 1dte) (instance-of 2dsr immaterial-entity 1dts) (instance-of 3dsr immaterial-entity 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr immaterial-entity 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr immaterial-entity 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr immaterial-entity 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr immaterial-entity 1dts) (instance-of 3dsr-2 spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr-3 spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of bound immaterial-entity 0dt) (instance-of bound immaterial-entity 1dt) (instance-of fun realizable-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of pbh2e process-boundary 01dt) (instance-of pbh3e process-boundary 01dt) (instance-of pbound process-boundary 0dt) (instance-of rol realizable-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of rq relational-quality 1dt-2) (instance-of sit immaterial-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of space immaterial-entity 0dt) (instance-of space immaterial-entity 1dt) (instance-of space2 spatial-region 1dt-2) (occupies-spatial-region ag space2 1dt-2) (occupies-spatial-region bound 2dsr 01dt) (occupies-spatial-region bound 2dsr 0dt2) (occupies-spatial-region bound 2dsr 0dt3) (occupies-spatial-region bound 2dsr 1dte) (occupies-spatial-region bound 2dsr 1dts) (occupies-spatial-region me2 3dsr-2 01dt) (occupies-spatial-region me2 3dsr-2 0dt2) (occupies-spatial-region me2 3dsr-2 0dt3) (occupies-spatial-region me2 3dsr-2 1dte) (occupies-spatial-region me2 3dsr-2 1dts) (occupies-spatial-region me3 3dsr-3 01dt) (occupies-spatial-region me3 3dsr-3 0dt2) (occupies-spatial-region me3 3dsr-3 0dt3) (occupies-spatial-region me3 3dsr-3 1dte) (occupies-spatial-region me3 3dsr-3 1dts) (occupies-spatiotemporal-region hist st1) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db bound 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db bound 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db bound 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db bound 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of bound ag 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of bound ag 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of bound me 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of bound me 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of bound me 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of bound me 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of bound me 1dts) (spatially-projects-onto 1ste space 1dte) (spatially-projects-onto 1sts space 1dts) (spatially-projects-onto st0dsr 0dsr 0dt) (spatially-projects-onto st0dsr 0dsr 1dt) (spatially-projects-onto st1 space 1dt-2) (spatially-projects-onto st1dsr 1dsr 0dt) (spatially-projects-onto st1dsr 1dsr 1dt) (spatially-projects-onto st2dsr 2dsr 0dt) (spatially-projects-onto st2dsr 2dsr 1dt) (instance-of 0dsr immaterial-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dsr immaterial-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dt-2 temporal-interval 0dt2) (instance-of 1dt-2 temporal-interval 0dt3) (instance-of 2dsr immaterial-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr immaterial-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr-2 immaterial-entity 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 immaterial-entity 1dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 immaterial-entity 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 immaterial-entity 1dt) (instance-of bound immaterial-entity 01dt) (instance-of bound immaterial-entity 0dt2) (instance-of bound immaterial-entity 0dt3) (instance-of bound immaterial-entity 1dte) (instance-of bound immaterial-entity 1dts) (instance-of space immaterial-entity 01dt) (instance-of space immaterial-entity 0dt2) (instance-of space immaterial-entity 0dt3) (instance-of space immaterial-entity 1dte) (instance-of space immaterial-entity 1dts) (instance-of space2 immaterial-entity 0dt) (instance-of space2 immaterial-entity 1dt) (occupies-spatial-region bound 2dsr 1dt-2) (occupies-spatial-region me2 3dsr-2 1dt-2) (occupies-spatial-region me3 3dsr-3 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db bound 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db bound 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db bound 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db bound 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db bound 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db bound 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db bound 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db bound 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db bound 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db bound 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of bound ag 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of bound me 1dt-2) (spatially-projects-onto 0str2 space 0dt2) (spatially-projects-onto 0str3 space 0dt3) (spatially-projects-onto st0dsr 0dsr 01dt) (spatially-projects-onto st0dsr 0dsr 0dt2) (spatially-projects-onto st0dsr 0dsr 0dt3) (spatially-projects-onto st0dsr 0dsr 1dte) (spatially-projects-onto st0dsr 0dsr 1dts) (spatially-projects-onto st1-2 space 0dt2) (spatially-projects-onto st1-2 space 0dt3) (spatially-projects-onto st1dsr 1dsr 01dt) (spatially-projects-onto st1dsr 1dsr 0dt2) (spatially-projects-onto st1dsr 1dsr 0dt3) (spatially-projects-onto st1dsr 1dsr 1dte) (spatially-projects-onto st1dsr 1dsr 1dts) (spatially-projects-onto st2dsr 2dsr 01dt) (spatially-projects-onto st2dsr 2dsr 0dt2) (spatially-projects-onto st2dsr 2dsr 0dt3) (spatially-projects-onto st2dsr 2dsr 1dte) (spatially-projects-onto st2dsr 2dsr 1dts) (spatially-projects-onto st3-2 3dsr-2 0dt) (spatially-projects-onto st3-2 3dsr-2 1dt) (spatially-projects-onto st3-3 3dsr-3 0dt) (spatially-projects-onto st3-3 3dsr-3 1dt) (universal one-dimensional-spatial-region) (universal two-dimensional-spatial-region) (instance-of 1dt-2 temporal-interval 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr-2 immaterial-entity 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 immaterial-entity 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr-2 immaterial-entity 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr-2 immaterial-entity 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr-2 immaterial-entity 1dts) (instance-of 3dsr-3 immaterial-entity 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 immaterial-entity 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr-3 immaterial-entity 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr-3 immaterial-entity 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr-3 immaterial-entity 1dts) (instance-of bound immaterial-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of me independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of me independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of pbound2 process-boundary 0dt2) (instance-of pbound3 process-boundary 0dt3) (instance-of space immaterial-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of space2 immaterial-entity 01dt) (instance-of space2 immaterial-entity 0dt2) (instance-of space2 immaterial-entity 0dt3) (instance-of space2 immaterial-entity 1dte) (instance-of space2 immaterial-entity 1dts) (instance-of st0 spatiotemporal-region 0dt) (instance-of st1 spatiotemporal-region 0dt) (instance-of st1 spatiotemporal-region 1dt) (occupies-spatiotemporal-region ag-h ag-st) (occupies-spatiotemporal-region pbh2b st0s) (occupies-spatiotemporal-region pbound st0) (occupies-spatiotemporal-region proc st1-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 0db bound 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr 2dsr 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1db bound 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr 2dsr 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 1dt) (spatially-projects-onto ag-st space2 0dt2) (spatially-projects-onto ag-st space2 0dt3) (spatially-projects-onto pbhst2 3dsr-2 0dt) (spatially-projects-onto pbhst3 3dsr-3 0dt) (spatially-projects-onto st0dsr 0dsr 1dt-2) (spatially-projects-onto st1-2 space 1dt-2) (spatially-projects-onto st1dsr 1dsr 1dt-2) (spatially-projects-onto st2dsr 2dsr 1dt-2) (spatially-projects-onto st3-2 3dsr-2 01dt) (spatially-projects-onto st3-2 3dsr-2 0dt2) (spatially-projects-onto st3-2 3dsr-2 0dt3) (spatially-projects-onto st3-2 3dsr-2 1dte) (spatially-projects-onto st3-2 3dsr-2 1dts) (spatially-projects-onto st3-3 3dsr-3 01dt) (spatially-projects-onto st3-3 3dsr-3 0dt2) (spatially-projects-onto st3-3 3dsr-3 0dt3) (spatially-projects-onto st3-3 3dsr-3 1dte) (spatially-projects-onto st3-3 3dsr-3 1dts) (universal one-dimensional-temporal-region) (universal zero-dimensional-spatial-region) (instance-of 0db independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of 0db independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of 1db independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of 1db independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 immaterial-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr-3 immaterial-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of ag independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of ag independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of me independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of me independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of me independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of me independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of me independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of me2 independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of me2 independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of me3 independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of me3 independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of space2 immaterial-entity 1dt-2) (instance-of st0s spatiotemporal-region 0dt) (instance-of st1 spatiotemporal-region 01dt) (instance-of st1 spatiotemporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of st1 spatiotemporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of st1 spatiotemporal-region 1dte) (instance-of st1 spatiotemporal-region 1dts) (occupies-spatiotemporal-region hist2 st3-2) (occupies-spatiotemporal-region hist3 st3-3) (occupies-spatiotemporal-region pbh2 pbhst2) (occupies-spatiotemporal-region pbh3 pbhst3) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of space space2 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of space space2 1dt) (spatially-projects-onto ag-st space2 1dt-2) (spatially-projects-onto ag-stb space2 0dt2) (spatially-projects-onto st3-2 3dsr-2 1dt-2) (spatially-projects-onto st3-3 3dsr-3 1dt-2) (universal generically-dependent-continuant) (universal three-dimensional-spatial-region) (universal zero-dimensional-temporal-region) (instance-of 0db independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of 0db independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 0db independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 0db independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of 0db independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of 0dsr independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of 0dsr independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of 1db independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of 1db independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 1db independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 1db independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of 1db independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of 1dsr independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of 1dsr independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of 1ste spatiotemporal-region 1dte) (instance-of 1sts spatiotemporal-region 1dts) (instance-of 2dsr independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of 2dsr independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of 3dsr independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of ag independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of me independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of me2 independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of me2 independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of me2 independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of me2 independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of me2 independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of me3 independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of me3 independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of me3 independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of me3 independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of me3 independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of sit independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of sit independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of st1 spatiotemporal-region 1dt-2) (instance-of st3-2 spatiotemporal-region 0dt) (instance-of st3-2 spatiotemporal-region 1dt) (instance-of st3-3 spatiotemporal-region 0dt) (instance-of st3-3 spatiotemporal-region 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 0dsr space2 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 1dsr space2 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 2dsr space2 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr space2 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 0dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 1dt) (proper-continuant-part-of space space2 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of space space2 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of space space2 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of space space2 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of space space2 1dts) (spatially-projects-onto ag-stbs space2 0dt3) (spatially-projects-onto pbhst2e 3dsr-2 01dt) (spatially-projects-onto pbhst3e 3dsr-3 01dt) (universal specifically-dependent-continuant) (instance-of 0db continuant-fiat-boundary 0dt) (instance-of 0db continuant-fiat-boundary 1dt) (instance-of 0db independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 0dsr independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of 0dsr independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 0dsr independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 0dsr independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of 0dsr independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of 0str2 spatiotemporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of 0str3 spatiotemporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of 1db continuant-fiat-boundary 0dt) (instance-of 1db continuant-fiat-boundary 1dt) (instance-of 1db independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dsr independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of 1dsr independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 1dsr independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 1dsr independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of 1dsr independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of 2dsr independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of 2dsr independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 2dsr independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 2dsr independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of 2dsr independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of 3dsr independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of ag-st spatiotemporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of ag-st spatiotemporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of bound independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of bound independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of me2 independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of me3 independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of pbhst2 spatiotemporal-region 0dt) (instance-of pbhst3 spatiotemporal-region 0dt) (instance-of sit independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of space independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of space independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of st0dsr spatiotemporal-region 0dt) (instance-of st0dsr spatiotemporal-region 1dt) (instance-of st1-2 spatiotemporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of st1-2 spatiotemporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of st1dsr spatiotemporal-region 0dt) (instance-of st1dsr spatiotemporal-region 1dt) (instance-of st2dsr spatiotemporal-region 0dt) (instance-of st2dsr spatiotemporal-region 1dt) (instance-of st3-2 spatiotemporal-region 01dt) (instance-of st3-2 spatiotemporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of st3-2 spatiotemporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of st3-2 spatiotemporal-region 1dte) (instance-of st3-2 spatiotemporal-region 1dts) (instance-of st3-3 spatiotemporal-region 01dt) (instance-of st3-3 spatiotemporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of st3-3 spatiotemporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of st3-3 spatiotemporal-region 1dte) (instance-of st3-3 spatiotemporal-region 1dts) (occupies-spatiotemporal-region pbh2e pbhst2e) (occupies-spatiotemporal-region pbh3e pbhst3e) (occupies-spatiotemporal-region pbound2 0str2) (occupies-spatiotemporal-region pbound3 0str3) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 01dt) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 0dt2) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 0dt3) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 1dte) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 1dts) (proper-continuant-part-of space space2 1dt-2) (instance-of 0db continuant-fiat-boundary 01dt) (instance-of 0db continuant-fiat-boundary 0dt2) (instance-of 0db continuant-fiat-boundary 0dt3) (instance-of 0db continuant-fiat-boundary 1dte) (instance-of 0db continuant-fiat-boundary 1dts) (instance-of 0dsr independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 1db continuant-fiat-boundary 01dt) (instance-of 1db continuant-fiat-boundary 0dt2) (instance-of 1db continuant-fiat-boundary 0dt3) (instance-of 1db continuant-fiat-boundary 1dte) (instance-of 1db continuant-fiat-boundary 1dts) (instance-of 1dsr independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 2dsr independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr-2 independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of ag-st spatiotemporal-region 1dt-2) (instance-of ag-stb spatiotemporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of bound independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of bound independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of bound independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of bound independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of bound independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of space independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of space independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of space independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of space independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of space independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of space2 independent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of space2 independent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of st0dsr spatiotemporal-region 01dt) (instance-of st0dsr spatiotemporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of st0dsr spatiotemporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of st0dsr spatiotemporal-region 1dte) (instance-of st0dsr spatiotemporal-region 1dts) (instance-of st1-2 spatiotemporal-region 1dt-2) (instance-of st1dsr spatiotemporal-region 01dt) (instance-of st1dsr spatiotemporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of st1dsr spatiotemporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of st1dsr spatiotemporal-region 1dte) (instance-of st1dsr spatiotemporal-region 1dts) (instance-of st2dsr spatiotemporal-region 01dt) (instance-of st2dsr spatiotemporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of st2dsr spatiotemporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of st2dsr spatiotemporal-region 1dte) (instance-of st2dsr spatiotemporal-region 1dts) (instance-of st3-2 spatiotemporal-region 1dt-2) (instance-of st3-3 spatiotemporal-region 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-2 space2 1dt-2) (proper-continuant-part-of 3dsr-3 space2 1dt-2) (instance-of 0db continuant-fiat-boundary 1dt-2) (instance-of 1db continuant-fiat-boundary 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr-2 independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr-2 independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr-2 independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr-2 independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of 3dsr-3 independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr-3 independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr-3 independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr-3 independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of ag-stbs spatiotemporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of bound continuant-fiat-boundary 0dt) (instance-of bound continuant-fiat-boundary 1dt) (instance-of bound independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of pbhst2e spatiotemporal-region 01dt) (instance-of pbhst3e spatiotemporal-region 01dt) (instance-of space independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of space2 independent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of space2 independent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of space2 independent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of space2 independent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of space2 independent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of st0dsr spatiotemporal-region 1dt-2) (instance-of st1dsr spatiotemporal-region 1dt-2) (instance-of st2dsr spatiotemporal-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr-2 independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr-3 independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of bound continuant-fiat-boundary 01dt) (instance-of bound continuant-fiat-boundary 0dt2) (instance-of bound continuant-fiat-boundary 0dt3) (instance-of bound continuant-fiat-boundary 1dte) (instance-of bound continuant-fiat-boundary 1dts) (instance-of space2 independent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of bound continuant-fiat-boundary 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dsr one-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of 1dsr one-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of 1dt one-dimensional-temporal-region 0dt) (instance-of 1dt one-dimensional-temporal-region 1dt) (instance-of 2dsr two-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of 2dsr two-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of 0dsr zero-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of 0dsr zero-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of 0dt zero-dimensional-temporal-region 0dt) (instance-of 1dsr one-dimensional-spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of 1dsr one-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of 1dsr one-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of 1dsr one-dimensional-spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of 1dsr one-dimensional-spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of 1dt one-dimensional-temporal-region 01dt) (instance-of 1dt one-dimensional-temporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of 1dt one-dimensional-temporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of 1dt one-dimensional-temporal-region 1dte) (instance-of 1dt one-dimensional-temporal-region 1dts) (instance-of 2dsr two-dimensional-spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of 2dsr two-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of 2dsr two-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of 2dsr two-dimensional-spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of 2dsr two-dimensional-spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of gdc generically-dependent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of gdc generically-dependent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of 0dsr zero-dimensional-spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of 0dsr zero-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of 0dsr zero-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of 0dsr zero-dimensional-spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of 0dsr zero-dimensional-spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of 1dsr one-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dt one-dimensional-temporal-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 1dte one-dimensional-temporal-region 1dte) (instance-of 1dts one-dimensional-temporal-region 1dts) (instance-of 2dsr two-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of gdc generically-dependent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of gdc generically-dependent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of gdc generically-dependent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of gdc generically-dependent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of gdc generically-dependent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of rq specifically-dependent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of rq specifically-dependent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of 01dt zero-dimensional-temporal-region 01dt) (instance-of 0dsr zero-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 0dt2 zero-dimensional-temporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of 0dt3 zero-dimensional-temporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of 1dt-2 one-dimensional-temporal-region 0dt2) (instance-of 1dt-2 one-dimensional-temporal-region 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr three-dimensional-spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of fun specifically-dependent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of fun specifically-dependent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of gdc generically-dependent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of rol specifically-dependent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of rol specifically-dependent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of rq specifically-dependent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of sdc specifically-dependent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of sdc specifically-dependent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of sdc2 specifically-dependent-continuant 0dt) (instance-of sdc2 specifically-dependent-continuant 1dt) (instance-of space three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of space three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of 1dt-2 one-dimensional-temporal-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr-2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of fun specifically-dependent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of rol specifically-dependent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of sdc specifically-dependent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of sdc2 specifically-dependent-continuant 01dt) (instance-of sdc2 specifically-dependent-continuant 0dt2) (instance-of sdc2 specifically-dependent-continuant 0dt3) (instance-of sdc2 specifically-dependent-continuant 1dte) (instance-of sdc2 specifically-dependent-continuant 1dts) (instance-of space three-dimensional-spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of space three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of space three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of space three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of space three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of space2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt) (instance-of space2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr-2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr-2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr-2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr-2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of 3dsr-3 three-dimensional-spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of 3dsr-3 three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of 3dsr-3 three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of 3dsr-3 three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of 3dsr-3 three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of sdc2 specifically-dependent-continuant 1dt-2) (instance-of space three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of space2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 01dt) (instance-of space2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt2) (instance-of space2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 0dt3) (instance-of space2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dte) (instance-of space2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dts) (instance-of 3dsr-2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of 3dsr-3 three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt-2) (instance-of space2 three-dimensional-spatial-region 1dt-2))))