is course of relates a course to unique material entity general has part A has part relation that can be applied to either occurrents or continuants. for occurrents it is the timeless has part and for continuants it is has permanent specific part general part of A part of relation that can be applied to either occurrents or continuants. for occurrents it is the timeless part of and for continuants it is permanent part of specific has course relates a material entity to it's unique course has part at all times c1 has part at all times c2 means forall(t) if exists(c1,t) then exists(c2,t) and part_of(c2,c1,t). This is known as permanent specific parthood in that the had part is the same particular throughout has part at some time c1 has part at some time c2 means there is some t such that exists(c1,t) and exists(c2,t) and part_of(c2,c1,t) has part during Note that this relation has domain material entity since in order for this relation to be of use it needs to relate to a course segment, which only material entities have c1 has part during p2 means forall(t) if t is in the temporal projection of p2, and if instance_of(p2,course) and course_of(c2,p2) then part_of(c1,c2,t) or if segment_of_course_of(p2,p2c) and course_of(c2,p2c) then part_of(c1,c2,t) c1 has part during p2 means forall(t) if t is part of the temporal projection of p2, and if instance_of(p2,course) and course_of(c2,p2) then has_part(c1,c2,t) or if segment_of_course_of(p2,p2c) and course_of(c2,p2c) has_part(c1,c2,t) has participant at some time This corresponds to the quantification over time as was stated for the class relation definition in Relations in Biomedical Ontology A suitable target for participates_in relations in the OBO to OWL conversion A relation between a process and a continuant where there exists some temporal region that is part of the temporal projection of the process at which the continant participates in the process. has participant has proper part at all times has temporal part has temporal qualification is segment of course a is segment of course of b if a is a course segment and b is a course and a is a temporal part of b. has part that is occurrent relates occurrent to their occurrent parts occurrent parthood is transitive since occurrent parthood is atemporal, these are inverse part of at all times c1 part of at all times c2 means forall(t) if exists(c1,t) then exists(c2,t) and part_of(c1,c2,t). This is known as permanent specific parthood in that the had part is the same particular throughout part of at some time c1 part of at some time c2 means there is some t such that exists(c1,t) and exists(c2,t) and part_of(c1,c2,t) part of during Note that this relation has domain material entity since in order for this relation to be of use it needs to relate to a course segment, which only material entities have c1 part of during p2 means forall(t) if t is part of the temporal projection of p2, and if instance_of(p2,course) and course_of(c2,p2) then part_of(c1,c2,t) or if segment_of_course_of(p2,p2c) and course_of(c2,p2c) then part_of(c1,c2,t) is part of occurrent relates occurrents to other occurrents that they are part of since occurrent parthood is atemporal, these are inverse occurrent parthood is transitive participates in at some time This corresponds to the quantification over time as was stated for the class relation definition in Relations in Biomedical Ontology A suitable target for participates_in relations in the OBO to OWL conversion participates in A relation between a continuant and a process where there exists some temporal region that is part of the temporal projection of the process at which the continant participates in the process. bfo2 reference has independent continuant as domain but hopefull will change bfo2 reference has occurrent as target but hopefull will change is proper part of occurrent is segment of course of relates a temporal part of a course to the unique material entity whose course the segment is temporal part of. self c A property that relates every continuant instance to itself local reflexivity local reflexivity local reflexivity local reflexivity self o A property that relates every occurent instance to itself enforce that self_o only relates occurrents every occurrent is part of itself every occurrent has part itself local reflexivity enforce that self_o only relates occurrents local reflexivity self p A property that relates every process instance to itself enforce that self_p only relates processes enforce that self_p only relates processes self t A property that relates every temporal region to itself enforce that self_t only relates occurrents enforce that self_t only relates occurrents is temporal part of a is temporal part of b if a and b are occurrents, and there is no part of b that doesn't overlap a and occupies a temporal region that overlaps the temporal region of a. is temporal qualification of transformation of true make it self loop true true make it loop true true make it loop true true make it loop true course Another formulation of the definition: A course is the unique process associated with an independent continuant which the sum total of [fiat or bona fide] processes whose spatial projection at any time is part of the spatial region occupied by the independent continuant. Sometimes called the life of an independent continuant, or the existence (process) of an independent continuant. The 1:1 relation has-course relates the continuant to the course. We do not extend courses to dependent continuants for now. Given the current definition and the BFO definition of qualities having the same spatial region as their bearers, this definition contradicts the 1:1 nature of the relation. Something may be done about this - there are several discussions occurring at the moment. We do believe that this mapping is 1:1. Options: otege1) Say something about the participation of the continuant in the processes of the course. Downside: might be hard to do. There is still disagreement on how to understand participation. 2) Reexamin BFO's definition of the spatial region of dependent continuants 3) Restrict course to be processes associated with material entities and look for another solution for dependent continuants ... Should there be courses of populations (which can include progeny)? It seems yes, BUT, if we do that then we have a problem mapping course_of uniquely back to a continuant because: imagine first organism course. Part of that course would map to either the original or the population, ambiguously. So we have a potential problem with uniquely mapping course parts. At each moment a material entity is located in a spatial region. The stitching together of these across time amounts to a spatiotemporal region. The course of a material entity is the sum of all processes (fiat or bona fide) that are located in that spatiotemporal region. These processes may be wholly located, or may be parts of other processes cut so that the part's location is wholly located(so fiat). Each material entity is in a 1:1 correspondence with its course. course segment A temporal part of a course temporally qualified continuant A stage of a continuant is a representation of the continuant that allows for predication over a temporal interval. Although an OWL individual, it does not represent an additional BFO particular. phase sortal