This isn't a release. But I need somewhere to keep the frozen version of what I put at /obo/bfo.owl back in 2010 when there was activity and demand for some sort of prototype, so here it will be. The purl /obo/bfo/2010-05-25/ruttenberg-bfo2.owl is the purl I chose that onts that used it can (e.g. particular versions of OBI). What's here: ============ README - this file Lisp code used to generate these files ====================================== Note, however, that I have hand edited the ontologyIRIs and versionIRIs in this release, so they don't match the code. bfo-relations.lisp - mapping relations ids from ro to new ids as well as a collection of axioms bfo1.1-to-2.lisp - mapping ids and labels from 1.1 into the new ids, and apportioning classes into one the components - granularity, regions, classes Different "slims" ================= Each of these is intended as a top-level import for BFO. The ontologyIRI is and the version IRI is to to the purl that leads here. ruttenberg-bfo2.owl - what I considered to be a useful subset, adequate for OBI and avoiding controversial aspects of BFO we were working on. ruttenberg-bfo2-granularity.owl - parts of BFO that were a (IMO) poor implementation of 3-level granularity. ruttenberg-bfo2-regions.owl - the region terms. There is an ongoing discussion of BFO's treatment of regions as substantial, with Bjoern's opposing (with my sympathies) proposal that we only use relative relations. ruttenberg-bfo2-all.owl - everything that was in BFO other than the agreed-upon changes to function, removal of processual entity, etc. Components mixed and matched into the slims =========================================== The pieces of BFO that are mixed and matched as imports for the above slims ruttenberg-granularity.owl ruttenberg-regions.owl ruttenberg-relations.owl ruttenberg-classes.owl OBO translations ================ Ad-hoc translations to OBO, primarily for non-reasoning uses within OBO edit. ruttenberg-bfo2-relations.obo ruttenberg-bfo2-classes.obo