<BLCMM v="1">
#<!!!You opened a file saved with BLCMM in FilterTool. Please update to BLCMM to properly open this file!!!>
		<type name="BL2" offline="false"/>
			<profile name="default" current="true"/>
		<category name="Borderlands HUD Remover">
			<category name="Description">
				<comment># This mod disables all HUD, more specifically the HUD outside of your menus (Skills, BAR, Missions).</comment>
				<comment># But you can decide to disable all UI elements such as Skills, BAR, Missions.</comment>
			<category name="Coding">
				<category name="General HUD UI">
					<code profiles="default">set UI_HUD.HUD_Definition View3DScale 0.0</code>
					<code profiles="default">set UI_HUD.HUD_Definition InjuredStringReplacements ()</code>
				<category name="Status Menu (Skills, BAR, Quests, etc)">
					<code profiles="">set UI_StatusMenu.StatusMenu_Definition View3DScale 0.000000</code>

set UI_HUD.HUD_Definition View3DScale 0.0
set UI_HUD.HUD_Definition InjuredStringReplacements ()