<BLCMM v="1"> #<!!!You opened a file saved with BLCMM in FilterTool. Please update to BLCMM to properly open this file!!!> <head> <type name="BL2" offline="false"/> <profiles> <profile name="default" current="true"/> </profiles> </head> <body> <category name="Borderlands HUD Shifter"> <category name="Description"> <comment># This mod shifts the UI a bit to the left as to not have characters (Krieg, Aurelia, Gaige, Axton etc) not blocking the showing of the UI.</comment> </category> <category name="Coding"> <code profiles="default">set UI_StatusMenu.StatusMenu_Definition View3DTrans (X=-115.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=0.000000)</code> </category> </category> </body> </BLCMM> #Commands: set UI_StatusMenu.StatusMenu_Definition View3DTrans (X=-115.000000,Y=0.000000,Z=0.000000)