#<Tw0 Fang Fix>


        By Nifsara
        This is a hotfix mod. You absolutely must merge this with anything else you use.


        Removes the minimum delay of the Tw0 Fang effect.

        This enables "Extra Shot Chance" to work with any gun regardless of its Fire Rate.

        It now costs $400.000 to fire the CHOPPER... for 12 seconds.
        Thank you, Chaos <3





#</Tw0 Fang Fix>

set Transient.SparkServiceConfiguration_6 Keys ("SparkOnDemandPatchEntry-ExtraShotDelay1")

set Transient.SparkServiceConfiguration_6 Values ("GD_Assassin_Streaming,GD_Assassin_Skills.Misc.Init_TwoFang_ExtraShotDelayFormula,ValueFormula.Multiplier.BaseValueScaleConstant,,0.000001")