<BLCMM v="1">
#<!!!You opened a file saved with BLCMM in FilterTool. Please update to BLCMM to properly open this file!!!>
		<type name="BL2" offline="false"/>
			<profile name="default" current="true"/>
		<category name="Bank & Backpack Space Customizer (Part 2)">
			<comment>Mod written by GitHub: Our Lord And Savior Gabe Newell / Nexus Mods: OB4MA</comment>
			<comment>This is the second part of this two part mod pack.  </comment>
			<comment>This particular mod allows you to customize how many Backpack/Inventory slots that you would like at any point.</comment>
			<comment>The default is 40 and goes all the way up to 200.  Past this point it gets pretty laggy when you open your Backpack or Bank.</comment>
			<comment>The "Unlimited Backpack Space" option does not alter your Backpack capacity number, but you can pick up items from the ground as much as you would like.</comment>
			<comment>However, due to an issue that I've tried and failed to fix, you cannot buy items from a Vendor with this method when it is past your normal or modified capacity.</comment>
			<comment>IMPORTANT: make sure to NOT add this mod to any modpack that you use, add PART 1 instead!  DO NOT ADD THIS to a modpack, add PART 1 instead!  Although, make sure to put THIS MOD in your Binaries folder!</comment>
			<category name="Backpack Space (Capacity)" MUT="true">
				<category name="40">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryManager InventorySlotMax_Misc 40</code>
				<category name="60">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryManager InventorySlotMax_Misc 60</code>
				<category name="80">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryManager InventorySlotMax_Misc 80</code>
				<category name="100">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryManager InventorySlotMax_Misc 100</code>
				<category name="120">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryManager InventorySlotMax_Misc 120</code>
				<category name="140">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryManager InventorySlotMax_Misc 140</code>
				<category name="160">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryManager InventorySlotMax_Misc 160</code>
				<category name="180">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryManager InventorySlotMax_Misc 180</code>
				<category name="200">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="default">set WillowInventoryManager InventorySlotMax_Misc 200</code>
			<category name="Unlimited Backpack Space (Pair With Capacity For Buying Vendor Items)">
				<category name="\"Unlimited\"">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="default">set WillowInventoryManager bLimitedInventory False</code>
			<category name="Bank Space (Capacity)" MUT="true">
				<category name="40">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryStorage ChestSlots 40</code>
				<category name="60">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryStorage ChestSlots 60</code>
				<category name="80">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryStorage ChestSlots 80</code>
				<category name="100">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryStorage ChestSlots 100</code>
				<category name="120">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryStorage ChestSlots 120</code>
				<category name="140">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryStorage ChestSlots 140</code>
				<category name="160">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryStorage ChestSlots 160</code>
				<category name="180">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="">set WillowInventoryStorage ChestSlots 180</code>
				<category name="200">
					<category name="Code">
						<code profiles="default">set WillowInventoryStorage ChestSlots 200</code>

set WillowInventoryManager InventorySlotMax_Misc 200
set WillowInventoryManager bLimitedInventory False
set WillowInventoryStorage ChestSlots 200