<BLCMM v="1"> #<!!!You opened a file saved with BLCMM in FilterTool. Please update to BLCMM to properly open this file!!!> <head> <type name="BL2" offline="false"/> <profiles> <profile name="default" current="true"/> </profiles> </head> <body> <category name="Border Disputes"> <comment>Mod written by GitHub: Our Lord And Savior Gabe Newell / Nexus Mods: OB4MA</comment> <comment></comment> <comment>This mod allows you to change the allegiances of everything upon mod execution.</comment> <comment>This also affects other players so be aware that you can suddenly be murdered by, or kill a player ally.</comment> <category name="Options"> <category name="Enemies Are Neutral To You Until Attacked"> <code profiles="">set Engine.PawnAllegiance DefaultOpinion OPINION_Neutral</code> </category> <category name="Enemies Are Neutral To You Until Attacked - Enemies Attack Enemies Right Away (NPC Battles)"> <code profiles="">set Engine.PawnAllegiance DefaultOpinion OPINION_Neutral</code> <code profiles="">set Engine.PawnAllegiance SelfOpinion OPINION_Enemy</code> </category> <category name="Peace Among Our Time"> <code profiles="">set Engine.PawnAllegiance DefaultOpinion OPINION_Friendly</code> <code profiles="">set Engine.PawnAllegiance SelfOpinion OPINION_Friendly</code> </category> <category name="Everyone Hates You - Including Players"> <code profiles="">set Engine.PawnAllegiance DefaultOpinion OPINION_Enemy</code> <code profiles="">set Engine.PawnAllegiance SelfOpinion OPINION_Enemy</code> </category> <category name="GOD-Liath Simulator - Everyone Is Neutral To Each Other Until One Of Them Attacks Another Which Causes A One vs One"> <code profiles="">set Engine.PawnAllegiance DefaultOpinion OPINION_Neutral</code> <code profiles="">set Engine.PawnAllegiance SelfOpinion OPINION_Neutral</code> </category> </category> </category> </body> </BLCMM> #Commands: