#<Removes Muffle From vaccum>


        Heyo Jim Raven Here with a simple mod.
        when you enter Vacuum The guns no longer change sounds to sound muffled. Thats it. Small simple.
        Nothing special to installing it. just Exec it in no specific order.


    #<Black Magic>

        set globals PlayerVacuumAudioState_InVacuum_NoOzKit AkEvent'Ake_Cork_UI.UI_InVacuum.Ak_Play_Cork_UI_InVacuum_InAtmos_Failsafe' 

        set globals PlayerVacuumAudioState_InVacuum_WithOzKit AkEvent'Ake_Cork_UI.UI_InVacuum.Ak_Play_Cork_UI_InVacuum_InAtmos_Failsafe' 

    #</Black Magic>

#</Removes Muffle From vaccum>