<BLCMM v="1"> #<!!!You opened a file saved with BLCMM in FilterTool. Please update to BLCMM to properly open this file!!!> <head> <type name="TPS" offline="false"/> <profiles> <profile name="default" current="true"/> </profiles> </head> <body> <category name="Respawning Enemies And Allies"> <comment>Mod written by GitHub: (Our Lord And Savior Gabe Newell) / Nexus Mods: (OB4MA)</comment> <comment></comment> <comment>This mod makes all enemy and ally spawns refresh upon map exit and re-entering.</comment> <comment>This allows you to keep getting stuff without save and quitting.</comment> <comment>For example, you can farm the Bunker, Doc Mercy, Boll and whoever else who doesn't normally respawn without save and quitting.</comment> <comment>This can be useful for things like Anarchy stacks.</comment> <comment></comment> <category name="Super Complicated Stuff - Leave Enabled" locked="true"> <category name="Code"> <code profiles="default">set WillowGame.Default__WillowPopulationDefinition bTotalResetOnLevelLoad True</code> </category> </category> <comment></comment> <comment>OPTIONAL: Customize this part to your liking, the default value here is the normal respawn delay.</comment> <comment></comment> <category name="OPTIONAL: Change Respawn Delay For AI."> <code profiles="">set GD_Globals.General.Globals RespawnDelayInSeconds 1500.000000</code> </category> </category> </body> </BLCMM> #Commands: set WillowGame.Default__WillowPopulationDefinition bTotalResetOnLevelLoad True