--- title: "Correlation Plots" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: toc: true description: Visualize correlations between data prior to clustering. vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Correlation Plots} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` Download a copy of the vignette to follow along here: [correlation_plots.Rmd](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BRANCHlab/metasnf/main/vignettes/correlation_plots.Rmd) In this vignette, we go through how you can visualize associations between the variables included in your analyses. ## Data set-up ```{r} library(metasnf) # We'll just use the first few columns for this demo abcd_cort_sa_minimal <- abcd_cort_sa[, 1:5] # And one more mock categorical variable for demonstration purposes abcd_city <- abcd_colour abcd_city$"city" <- sample( c("toronto", "montreal", "vancouver"), size = nrow(abcd_city), replace = TRUE ) abcd_city <- abcd_city |> dplyr::select(-"colour") # Make sure to throw in all the data you're interested in visualizing for this # data_list, including out-of-model measures and confounding variables. data_list <- generate_data_list( list(abcd_cort_sa_minimal, "cortical_sa", "neuroimaging", "continuous"), list(abcd_h_income, "household_income", "demographics", "ordinal"), list(abcd_pubertal, "pubertal_status", "demographics", "continuous"), list(abcd_colour, "favourite_colour", "demographics", "categorical"), list(abcd_city, "city", "demographics", "categorical"), list(abcd_anxiety, "anxiety", "behaviour", "ordinal"), list(abcd_depress, "depressed", "behaviour", "ordinal"), uid = "patient" ) summarize_dl(data_list) # This matrix contains all the pairwise association p-values assoc_pval_matrix <- calc_assoc_pval_matrix(data_list) assoc_pval_matrix[1:3, 1:3] ``` ## Heatmaps Here's what a basic heatmap looks like: ```{r eval = FALSE} ap_heatmap <- assoc_pval_heatmap( assoc_pval_matrix ) save_heatmap( ap_heatmap, "assoc_pval_heatmap.png", width = 650, height = 500, res = 100 ) ```
Most of this data was generated randomly, but the "colour" variable is really just a categorical mapping of "cbcl_depress_r". You can draw attention to confounding variables and/or any out of model measures by specifying their names as shown below. ```{r eval = FALSE} ap_heatmap2 <- assoc_pval_heatmap( assoc_pval_matrix, confounders = list( "Colour" = "colour", "Pubertal Status" = "pubertal_status" ), out_of_models = list( "City" = "city" ) ) save_heatmap( ap_heatmap2, "assoc_pval_heatmap2.png", width = 680, height = 500, res = 100 ) ```
The ComplexHeatmap package offers functionality for splitting heatmaps into slices. One way to do the slices is by clustering the heatmap with k-means: ```{r eval = FALSE} ap_heatmap3 <- assoc_pval_heatmap( assoc_pval_matrix, confounders = list( "Colour" = "colour", "Pubertal Status" = "pubertal_status" ), out_of_models = list( "City" = "city" ), row_km = 3, column_km = 3 ) save_heatmap( ap_heatmap3, "assoc_pval_heatmap3.png", width = 680, height = 500, res = 100 ) ```
Another way to divide the heatmap is by variable domain. This can be done by providing a data_list with all the variables in the `assoc_pval_matrix` and setting `split_by_domain` to `TRUE`. ```{r eval = FALSE} ap_heatmap4 <- assoc_pval_heatmap( assoc_pval_matrix, confounders = list( "Colour" = "colour", "Pubertal Status" = "pubertal_status" ), out_of_models = list( "City" = "city" ), data_list = data_list, split_by_domain = TRUE ) save_heatmap( ap_heatmap4, "assoc_pval_heatmap4.png", width = 700, height = 500, res = 100 ) ```