# N2.1.1: Rubbish containers This norm is a collection of different references sent to us. Feel free to expand it by either joining our discord or submitting reference pictures [here](https://forms.gle/VRu9awQBVcZ7RTT89). Optimally, the trash bin or container most closely representing its real-life variant is chosen. Variation of the listed examples is encouraged, especially when used in areas not listed; Feedback of that kind towards the team is highly appreciated. Feel free to use the form linked above as well. {{ site.examples_EN }} ## Plasticcontainer with two wheels (Germany) ### Small Standard-Container (Germany) A container without label, can be used as a neutral trash can, if nothing else applies. It consists of two gray concrete blocks on top of each other, with a gray carpet on top and an empty sign on the front (or at the opposite of the grabpole). ### Colorless Trash bins (Germany) Colorless Trash bins consist of two gray concrete blocks on top of each other, on the front a sign and an according carpet on top: * Black carpet and "Restmüll" (residual waste) * Blue carpet and "Papier" (paper) * Yellow carpet and "Gelbe Tonne" (recycling bin) * Brown or dark green carpet and "Bioabfall" (biowaste) The text is to be written on the second line. ### Standard-Containers (Germany) Standard-Containers have two according concrete blocks on top of each other, on the front a sign and an according carpet on top: * Black concrete, Black carpet and "Restmüll" (residual waste) * Blue concrete, Blue carpet and "Papier" (paper) * Yellow concrete, Yellow carpet and "Gelbe Tonne" (recycling bin) * Brown concrete, Brown carpet or light green terracotta, dark green carpet and "Bioabfall" (biowaste) The text is to be written on the second line. ### Standard-Containers with colorless lid (Germany) Standard-Containers with colorless lid have two according concrete blocks on top of each other, on the front a sign and a gray carpet on top: * Black concrete and "Restmüll" (residual waste) * Blue concrete and "Papier" (paper) * Yellow concrete and "Gelbe Tonne" (recycling bin) * Brown concrete or light green terracotta and "Bioabfall" (biowaste) The text is to be written on the second line. ## Container with four wheels (Germany, Spain) To modify a container to a four wheel container, two identical containers with two wheels (defined in [](#2111-container-with-two-wheels)) have to be put next to each other. Then the text, if existing, has to be split into two signs as following: * "Restmüll" -> "Rest" and "Müll" * "Papier" -> "Pap" and "ier" * "Gelbe Tonne" -> "Gelbe" and "Tonne" * "Bioabfall" -> "Bio" and "Abfall" The text is to be written on the second line. ## Yellow rubbish bag (Germany) To build a yellow rubbish bag, you can do the following: * Two yellow glass on top of each other * One yellow glass * One yellow glass with a black glass pane on one side ## Street trash bins (London, Gothenburg) ### City of London trash bin (London) To build a "City of London" trash bin, you can do the following: * Place a gray concrete block * Put a banner with the "City of London" logo on one side: ```/give @p minecraft:banner 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{Base:0,Patterns:[{Pattern:hhb,Color:8},{Pattern:mr,Color:15},{Pattern:mc,Color:1},{Pattern:ts,Color:0},{Pattern:bo,Color:8}]}}``` ### Trash bin with golden stripes (London) To build a trash bin with golden stripes, you can do the following: * Place a black concrete block (side opening)/ cauldron (top opening) * Put the following banner on all sides: ```/give @p minecraft:banner 1 11 {BlockEntityTag:{Base:11,Patterns:[{Pattern:ts,Color:0},{Pattern:ts,Color:0},{Pattern:bs,Color:0}]}}``` ### Orange-white trash bin (Gothenburg) To build an orange-white-striped trash bin as its found in gothenburg, do the following: * Place an iron block * Put an orange carpet on top * Put the following banner on all sides: ```/give @p minecraft:banner 1 15 {BlockEntityTag:{Base:15,Patterns:[{Pattern:ss,Color:14}]}}``` ## Underground metal trash bins (Spain) To build an underground metal trash bin, you can do the following: * Place a light blue concrete / yellow concrete / green concrete / iron block * Put an iron pressure plate on top * Put the following banner on one side: Blue ```/give @p minecraft:banner 1 12 {BlockEntityTag:{Base:12,Patterns:[{Pattern:ts,Color:8},{Pattern:bo,Color:12}]}}``` Yellow ```/give @p minecraft:banner 1 11 {BlockEntityTag:{Base:11,Patterns:[{Pattern:ts,Color:8},{Pattern:bo,Color:11}]}}``` Green ```/give @p minecraft:banner 1 2 {BlockEntityTag:{Base:2,Patterns:[{Pattern:ts,Color:8},{Pattern:bo,Color:2}]}}``` White ```/give @p minecraft:banner 1 15 {BlockEntityTag:{Base:15,Patterns:[{Pattern:ts,Color:8},{Pattern:bo,Color:15}]}}``` ## Leaf trash bin (Turkey) To build a leaf trash bin, do the following: * Place four leaf blocks of your choice in a square * Raise two of these up by one on one side, forming an L from the side * Put green carpets on the lower ones ## Metal trash bins (Russia) To build a metal trash bin, do the following: * Place a 2 by 2 by 2 cube out of red concrete powder / brown concrete powder / yellow concrete powder / blue concrete powder * If needed: Place snow layers on top / around to symbolise trash # Examples {:.warning} The green Biowaste containers are not up to date anymore, please refer to the norms to ensure the right color choice. ## ![](https://bte-n.github.io/resources/N2/1/1/colorless_containers.png) Colorless Containers (Undefined, Residual waste, Paper, Recycling bin, Biowaste, Biowaste alternative) ## ![](https://bte-n.github.io/resources/N2/1/1/standard_containers.png) Standard-Containers (Residual waste, Paper, Recycling bin, Biowaste, Biowaste alternative) ## ![](https://bte-n.github.io/resources/N2/1/1/standard_containers_colorless_lid.png) Standard-Containers with colorless lid (Residual waste, Paper, Recycling bin, Biowaste, Biowaste alternative) ## ![](https://bte-n.github.io/resources/N2/1/1/big_containers.png) Big containers with the example residual waste (Colorless, Standard, Standard with colorless lid, Standard with trapdoor, standard with slab) ## ![](https://bte-n.github.io/resources/N2/1/1/rubbish_bags.png) Yellow rubbish bags (big, small, fallen over) ## - ![](https://bte-n.github.io/resources/N2/1/1/trash_bins.png) Several trash bins # Authors Submission: `tamerion#1140 (303990947648110608), our Discord Server Members` Implementation: `k44du2#8049 (105057582737002496)` `𝔇'𝔞𝔪𝔡𝔯𝔢 𝔗𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔱𝔬#0768 (572715030135439360)` # More Information This Norm is based on a German message by _tamerion_ as well as several submissions by members of our discord. > Fahrbare Abfall- und Wertstoffbehälter: BTEN 840-1 (Behählter mit 2 Rädern), BTEN 840-2 (Behälter mit 4 Rädern) und BTEN 840-3 (Gelbe Säcke) > > BTEN 840-1: Zwei Beton- oder Keramikblöcke übereinander, auf ihnen ein Teppich liegend. Am oberen Block ein Schild hängend, mit der Aufschrift Papier, Restmüll, Gelbe Tonne oder Bioabfall in der zweiten Zeile. Die Farbe der Blöcke richtet sich nach der örtlich typischen Farbe. Als Standard gilt: Beton: Blau für Papier, Schwarz für Restmüll, Gelb für Gelbe Tonne, Braun oder Grün (Keramik) für Bioabfall. Grauer Beton wird als „Farblose Tonne“ verwendet. Deckel: Blau für Papier, Schwarz für Restmüll, Gelb für Gelbe Tonne, Braun oder Grün für Bioabfall, Grau als „Farbloser Deckel“. Spezifische können mit farblosen Elementen kombiniert werden. Anmerkung: Der Farbzusatz „Hell-“ würde extra erwähnt werden. > > BTEN 840-2: Zwei in 840-1 genormte Tonnen direkt nebeneinander. Die Aufschrift der Schilder erstreckt sich über beide Hälften mit der Trennung Pap-ier, Rest-Müll, Gelbe-Tonne, Bio-Abfall. Wahlweise als Deckel Falltüren oder Halbstufen. > > BTEN 840-3: Als Ersatz der Gelben Tonne, sofern dort üblich. Ein bis zwei gelb gefärbte Glasblöcke aufeinander stehend. Hängender Sack mit schwarzer Glasscheibe und einzelnem Glasblock.