/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 The Noah * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ import jspack from "./jspack.ts"; const PROTOCOL = "0221"; // bzfs protocol version export type GameStyle = "FFA" | "CTF" | "OFFA" | "Rabbit"; export type TeamName = "Rogue" | "Red" | "Green" | "Blue" | "Purple" | "Observer" | "Rabbit" | "Hunter"; /** Server query data */ export interface IBZFQuery{ /** Server game style */ style: GameStyle; /** Configuration options */ options: IGameOptions; /** Team info */ teams: ITeam[]; /** All players */ players: IPlayer[]; /** Maximum allowed player score */ maxPlayerScore: number; /** Maximum allowed team score */ maxTeamScore: number; /** Maximum number of players */ maxPlayers: number; /** Number of shots */ maxShots: number; /** Game time limit in deciseconds */ timeLimit: number; /** Game time passed in deciseconds */ elapsedTime: number; /** Automatically drop bad flags */ shake: false | { /** Number of wins (points) required */ wins: number; /** Time required to pass in deciseconds */ timeout: number; }; } /** Game configuration options */ export interface IGameOptions{ [key: string]: boolean; /** Flags enabled */ flags: boolean; /** Jumping enabled */ jumping: boolean; /** Inertia enabled */ inertia: boolean; /** Ricochet enabled (shots bounce off walls) */ ricochet: boolean; /** Shaking bad flags enabled */ shaking: boolean; /** Antidote flags enabled */ antidote: boolean; /** Handicap enabled */ handicap: boolean; /** Inability to shoot teammates */ noTeamKills: boolean; } /** Team information */ export interface ITeam{ /** Which team (color/name) */ name: TeamName; /** Number of players */ players: number; /** Maximum number of players */ maxPlayers: number; /** Number of wins (points) */ wins?: number; /** Number of losses (-points) */ losses?: number; } /** Player information */ export interface IPlayer{ /** Team the player is currently on */ team: TeamName; /** Number of wins (points/kills) */ wins: number; /** Number of losses (-points/deaths) */ losses: number; /** @property Number of team kills */ tks: number; /** Callsign (in-game name) */ callsign: string; /** Motto (in-game text) */ motto: string; } // must match GameType order at https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag/blob/2.4/include/global.h#L89-L95 const gameStyles = ["FFA", "CTF", "OFFA", "Rabbit"]; // must match TeamColor order at https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag/blob/2.4/include/global.h#L54-66 const teamNames = ["Rogue", "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Purple", "Observer", "Rabbit", "Hunter"]; // must match GameOptions at https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag/blob/2.4/include/global.h#L97-L108 const gameOptions: {[key: string]: number} = { flags: 0x0002, jumping: 0x0008, inertia: 0x0010, ricochet: 0x0020, shaking: 0x0040, antidote: 0x0080, handicap: 0x0100, noTeamKills: 0x0400 }; // must match https://github.com/BZFlag-Dev/bzflag/blob/2.4/include/Protocol.h const messages = { queryGame: 0x7167, queryPlayers: 0x7170, teamUpdate: 0x7475, addPlayer: 0x6170 }; /** * Decodes options from network * @param options Options from network */ function decodeOptions(options: number): IGameOptions{ const _gameOptions = {} as IGameOptions; for(const option in gameOptions) { if(!gameOptions.hasOwnProperty(option)){ console.error("game options decoding failed! this should not happen"); return {} as IGameOptions; } _gameOptions[option] = (options & gameOptions[option]) > 0; } return _gameOptions; } /** * Query the given game server * * @param host Server hostname/ip * @param port Server port * @returns Data from server, or `undefined` if not found * * import bzfquery from "https://deno.land/x/bzfquery/bzfquery.ts"; * const query = await bzfquery("bzflag.ns01.biz", 5154); * console.log(JSON.stringify(query)); */ export async function bzfquery(host: string = "", port: number = 5154): Promise{ let conn: Deno.Conn; try{ conn = await Deno.connect({ hostname: host, port }); }catch(err){ console.error(`unable to connect to ${host}:${port}:`, err); return; } let buffer = new Uint8Array(1024); // send header await conn.write(new TextEncoder().encode("BZFLAG\r\n\r\n")); await conn.read(buffer); const magic = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(buffer); if(magic.substr(0, 4) !== "BZFS"){ console.error("not a bzflag server"); return; }else if(magic.substr(4, 4) !== PROTOCOL){ console.error("incompatible version"); return; } /** * Get packet from network and perform basic decoding * @returns Packet code and data */ async function getPacket(): Promise<{code: string, buffer: Uint8Array}>{ let buffer = new Uint8Array(4); await conn.read(buffer); const [size, code] = jspack.Unpack(">H2s", buffer); buffer = new Uint8Array(size); await conn.read(buffer); return {code, buffer}; } /** * Get response from the server * @param expectedCode The code which is expected to be received */ async function getResponse(expectedCode: number): Promise{ const timeLimit = new Date().getTime() + 5000; const codeStr = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(new Uint8Array([expectedCode >> 8, expectedCode & 0XFF])); while(new Date().getTime() < timeLimit){ const {code, buffer} = await getPacket(); if(code === codeStr){ return buffer; } } return new Uint8Array([]); } /** * Send command packet to the server * @param command Command to execute */ async function cmd(command: number): Promise{ const data = jspack.Pack(">2H", [0, command]); if(!data){ return new Uint8Array(); } await conn.write(new Uint8Array(data)); const buffer = await getResponse(command); return buffer; } buffer = await cmd(messages.queryGame); const [ style, options, maxPlayers, maxShots, ,,,,, // unused team sizes observerSize, rogueMax, redMax, greenMax, blueMax, purpleMax, observerMax, shakeWins, shakeTimeout, maxPlayerScore, maxTeamScore, maxTime, elapsedTime ] = jspack.Unpack(">22H", buffer); buffer = await cmd(messages.queryPlayers); const [, numPlayers] = jspack.Unpack(">2H", buffer); buffer = await getResponse(messages.teamUpdate); const numTeams = buffer[0]; buffer = buffer.slice(1); const teamMaxSizes = [rogueMax, redMax, greenMax, blueMax, purpleMax]; const teams: ITeam[] = []; for(let i = 0; i < numTeams; i++){ const teamInfo = buffer.slice(0, 8); buffer = buffer.slice(8); const [team, size, wins, losses] = jspack.Unpack(">4H", teamInfo); if(teamMaxSizes[team] < 1){ continue; } teams.push({name: teamNames[team] as TeamName, players: size, maxPlayers: teamMaxSizes[team], wins, losses}); } teams.push({name: "Observer", players: observerSize, maxPlayers: observerMax}); const players: IPlayer[] = []; for(let i = 0; i < numPlayers; i++){ buffer = await getResponse(messages.addPlayer); const [id, type, team, wins, losses, tks, callsign, motto] = jspack.Unpack(">b5H32s128s", buffer); players.push({team: teamNames[team] as TeamName, wins, losses, tks, callsign: callsign.replace(/\x00/g, ""), motto: motto.replace(/\x00/g, "")}); } conn.close(); const gameStyle = gameStyles[style] as GameStyle; const gameOptions = decodeOptions(options); const info: IBZFQuery = { style: gameStyle, options: gameOptions, teams, players, maxPlayerScore: maxPlayerScore, maxTeamScore: maxTeamScore, maxPlayers: maxPlayers, maxShots: maxShots, timeLimit: maxTime, elapsedTime: elapsedTime, shake: false }; if(gameOptions.shaking){ info.shake = { wins: shakeWins, timeout: shakeTimeout }; } return info; } if(import.meta.main){ const colors: { [index: string]: string; } = { reset: "\x1b[0m", bright: "\x1b[1m", dim: "\x1b[2m", underline: "\x1b[4m", blink: "\x1b[5m", reverse: "\x1b[7m", hidden: "\x1b[8m", fgBlack: "\x1b[30m", fgRed: "\x1b[31m", fgGreen: "\x1b[32m", fgYellow: "\x1b[33m", fgBlue: "\x1b[34m", fgMagenta: "\x1b[35m", fgCyan: "\x1b[36m", fgWhite: "\x1b[37m", BgBlack: "\x1b[40m", bgRed: "\x1b[41m", bgGreen: "\x1b[42m", bgYellow: "\x1b[43m", bgBlue: "\x1b[44m", bgMagenta: "\x1b[45m", bgCyan: "\x1b[46m", bgWhite: "\x1b[47m" }; // clear color highlighting when `NO_COLOR` is set if(Deno.noColor){ for(const key in colors){ colors[key] = ""; } } function printUsage(){ console.log("Usage: bzfquery host[:port]"); } /** * Generate a string consisting of `count` spaces * @param count Number of spaces */ function createSpaces(count: number): string{ let spaces = ""; for(let i = 0; i < count; i++){ spaces += " "; } return spaces; } /** * Return a string containing the bool in a printable format * @param value Boolean value */ function boolToString(value: boolean): string{ return `${colors.bright}${value ? `${colors.fgGreen}yes` : `${colors.fgRed}no`}${colors.reset}`; } function scoreColorText(object: ITeam | IPlayer): string{ return `${colors.bright}${colors.fgWhite}${(object.wins ?? 0) - (object.losses ?? 0)}${colors.reset}`; } function teamColorText(team: TeamName): string{ let color = ""; switch(team){ case "Rogue": color = colors.fgYellow; break; case "Red": color = colors.fgRed; break; case "Green": color = colors.fgGreen; break; case "Blue": color = colors.fgBlue; break; case "Purple": color = colors.fgMagenta; break; case "Rabbit": case "Observer": color = colors.fgWhite; break; default: return team; } return `${colors.bright}${color}${team}${colors.reset}`; } if(Deno.args.length === 1){ switch(Deno.args[0]){ case "help": case "-h": case "--help": printUsage(); break; default: { const host = Deno.args[0].split(":")[0]; const port = parseInt(Deno.args[0].split(":")[1]) || undefined; const query = await bzfquery(host, port); if(!query){ console.log("Server did not respond"); Deno.exit(); } console.log(`${colors.bright}${colors.underline}${colors.fgWhite}Configuration${colors.reset}:`); console.log(`Game style: ${colors.bright}${colors.fgWhite}${query.style}${colors.reset}`); console.log(`Flags: ${boolToString(query.options.flags)}`); console.log(`Jumping: ${boolToString(query.options.jumping)}`); console.log(`Ricochet: ${boolToString(query.options.ricochet)}`); console.log(`Team kills: ${boolToString(!query.options.noTeamKills)}`); console.log(`\n${colors.bright}${colors.underline}${colors.fgWhite}Teams${colors.reset}:`); for(const team of query.teams.sort((a, b) => !a.wins || !a.losses || a.players === 0 ? 1 : !b.wins || !b.losses || b.players === 0 ? -1 : (b.wins - b.losses) - (a.wins - a.losses))){ // set team score to 0 if there no players if(team.players === 0){ team.wins = team.losses = 0; } console.log(` • ${teamColorText(team.name)}${createSpaces(10 - team.name.length)}[${colors.bright}${scoreColorText(team)}${colors.reset}]`) } // count spaces required for printing players let maxPlayerCallsignLength = 0; let maxPlayerScoreLength = 0; for(const player of query.players){ if(player.callsign.length > maxPlayerCallsignLength){ maxPlayerCallsignLength = player.callsign.length; } const playerScoreLength = `${player.wins - player.losses}`.length; if(playerScoreLength > maxPlayerScoreLength){ maxPlayerScoreLength = playerScoreLength; } } console.log(`\n${colors.bright}${colors.underline}${colors.fgWhite}Players${colors.reset}:`); if(query.players.length > 0){ for(const player of query.players.sort((a, b) => a.team === "Observer" ? 1 : b.team === "Observer" ? -1 : (b.wins - b.losses) - (a.wins - a.losses))){ console.log(` • ${player.callsign}${createSpaces(maxPlayerCallsignLength + 2 - player.callsign.length)}[${colors.bright}${scoreColorText(player)}${colors.reset}]${createSpaces(maxPlayerScoreLength + 2 - `${player.wins - player.losses}`.length)}(${teamColorText(player.team)})`) } }else{ console.log(" No players online"); } } break; } }else{ printUsage(); } } export default bzfquery;