bl_info = { 'name': 'Babylon.js', 'author': 'David Catuhe, Jeff Palmer', 'version': (4, 1, 0), 'blender': (2, 75, 0), 'location': 'File > Export > Babylon.js (.babylon)', 'description': 'Export Babylon.js scenes (.babylon)', 'wiki_url': '', 'tracker_url': '', 'category': 'Import-Export'} import base64 import bpy import bpy_extras.io_utils import time import io import math import mathutils import os import shutil import sys, traceback # for writing errors to log file #=============================================================================== # Registration the calling of the INFO_MT_file_export file selector def menu_func(self, context): self.layout.operator(Main.bl_idname, text = 'Babylon.js [.babylon]') def register(): bpy.utils.register_module(__name__) bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.append(menu_func) def unregister(): bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__) bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_export.remove(menu_func) if __name__ == '__main__': register() #=============================================================================== # output related constants MAX_VERTEX_ELEMENTS = 65535 MAX_VERTEX_ELEMENTS_32Bit = 16777216 VERTEX_OUTPUT_PER_LINE = 100 MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION_INT = 4 MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION = '%.' + str(MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION_INT) + 'f' COMPRESS_MATRIX_INDICES = True # this is True for .babylon exporter & False for TOB # used in World constructor, defined in BABYLON.Scene #FOGMODE_NONE = 0 #FOGMODE_EXP = 1 #FOGMODE_EXP2 = 2 FOGMODE_LINEAR = 3 # used in Mesh & Node constructors, defined in BABYLON.AbstractMesh BILLBOARDMODE_NONE = 0 #BILLBOARDMODE_X = 1 #BILLBOARDMODE_Y = 2 #BILLBOARDMODE_Z = 4 BILLBOARDMODE_ALL = 7 # used in Mesh constructor, defined in BABYLON.PhysicsEngine SPHERE_IMPOSTER = 1 BOX_IMPOSTER = 2 #PLANE_IMPOSTER = 3 MESH_IMPOSTER = 4 CAPSULE_IMPOSTER = 5 CONE_IMPOSTER = 6 CYLINDER_IMPOSTER = 7 CONVEX_HULL_IMPOSTER = 8 # camera class names, never formally defined in Babylon, but used in babylonFileLoader ARC_ROTATE_CAM = 'ArcRotateCamera' DEV_ORIENT_CAM = 'DeviceOrientationCamera' FOLLOW_CAM = 'FollowCamera' FREE_CAM = 'FreeCamera' GAMEPAD_CAM = 'GamepadCamera' TOUCH_CAM = 'TouchCamera' V_JOYSTICKS_CAM = 'VirtualJoysticksCamera' VR_DEV_ORIENT_FREE_CAM ='VRDeviceOrientationFreeCamera' WEB_VR_FREE_CAM = 'WebVRFreeCamera' # 3D camera rigs, defined in BABYLON.Camera, must be strings to be in 'dropdown' RIG_MODE_NONE = '0' RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_ANAGLYPH = '10' RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_PARALLEL = '11' RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_CROSSEYED = '12' RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_OVERUNDER = '13' RIG_MODE_VR = '20' # used in Light constructor, never formally defined in Babylon, but used in babylonFileLoader POINT_LIGHT = 0 DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT = 1 SPOT_LIGHT = 2 HEMI_LIGHT = 3 #used in ShadowGenerators NO_SHADOWS = 'NONE' STD_SHADOWS = 'STD' POISSON_SHADOWS = 'POISSON' VARIANCE_SHADOWS = 'VARIANCE' BLUR_VARIANCE_SHADOWS = 'BLUR_VARIANCE' # used in Texture constructor, defined in BABYLON.Texture CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE = 0 WRAP_ADDRESSMODE = 1 MIRROR_ADDRESSMODE = 2 # used in Texture constructor, defined in BABYLON.Texture EXPLICIT_MODE = 0 SPHERICAL_MODE = 1 #PLANAR_MODE = 2 CUBIC_MODE = 3 #PROJECTION_MODE = 4 #SKYBOX_MODE = 5 DEFAULT_MATERIAL_NAMESPACE = 'Same as Filename' # passed to Animation constructor from animatable objects, defined in BABYLON.Animation #ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT = 0 ANIMATIONTYPE_VECTOR3 = 1 ANIMATIONTYPE_QUATERNION = 2 ANIMATIONTYPE_MATRIX = 3 #ANIMATIONTYPE_COLOR3 = 4 # passed to Animation constructor from animatable objects, defined in BABYLON.Animation #ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_RELATIVE = 0 ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CYCLE = 1 #ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT = 2 #=============================================================================== # Panel displayed in Scene Tab of properties, so settings can be saved in a .blend file class ExporterSettingsPanel(bpy.types.Panel): bl_label = 'Exporter Settings' bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = 'scene' bpy.types.Scene.export_onlySelectedLayer = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Export only selected layers", description="Export only selected layers", default = False, ) bpy.types.Scene.export_flatshadeScene = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="Flat shade entire scene", description="Use face normals on all meshes. Increases vertices.", default = False, ) bpy.types.Scene.attachedSound = bpy.props.StringProperty( name='Sound', description='', default = '' ) bpy.types.Scene.loopSound = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Loop sound', description='', default = True ) bpy.types.Scene.autoPlaySound = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Auto play sound', description='', default = True ) bpy.types.Scene.inlineTextures = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name="inline textures", description="turn textures into encoded strings, for direct inclusion into source code", default = False, ) def draw(self, context): layout = self.layout scene = context.scene layout.prop(scene, "export_onlySelectedLayer") layout.prop(scene, "export_flatshadeScene") layout.prop(scene, "inlineTextures") box = box.prop(scene, 'attachedSound') box.prop(scene, 'autoPlaySound') box.prop(scene, 'loopSound') #=============================================================================== class Main(bpy.types.Operator, bpy_extras.io_utils.ExportHelper): bl_idname = 'scene.babylon' # module will not load with out it, also must have a dot bl_label = 'Export Babylon.js scene' # used on the label of the actual 'save' button filename_ext = '.babylon' # required to have one, although not really used filepath = bpy.props.StringProperty(subtype = 'FILE_PATH') # assigned once the file selector returns log_handler = None # assigned in execute nameSpace = None # assigned in execute # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nWarnings = 0 @staticmethod def warn(msg, numTabIndent = 1, noNewLine = False): Main.log('WARNING: ' + msg, numTabIndent, noNewLine) Main.nWarnings += 1 @staticmethod def log(msg, numTabIndent = 1, noNewLine = False): for i in range(numTabIndent): Main.log_handler.write('\t') Main.log_handler.write(msg) if not noNewLine: Main.log_handler.write('\n') # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def getMaterial(self, baseMaterialId): fullName = Main.nameSpace + '.' + baseMaterialId for material in self.materials: if == fullName: return material return None # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def getSourceMeshInstance(self, dataName): for mesh in self.meshesAndNodes: # nodes have no 'dataName', cannot be instanced in any case if hasattr(mesh, 'dataName') and mesh.dataName == dataName: return mesh return None # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def execute(self, context): scene = context.scene self.scene = scene # reference for passing try: start_time = time.time() filepathDotExtension = self.filepath.rpartition('.') self.filepathMinusExtension = filepathDotExtension[0] # assign nameSpace, based on OS if self.filepathMinusExtension.find('\\') != -1: Main.nameSpace = legal_js_identifier(self.filepathMinusExtension.rpartition('\\')[2]) else: Main.nameSpace = legal_js_identifier(self.filepathMinusExtension.rpartition('/')[2]) # explicitly reset globals, in case there was an earlier export this session Main.nWarnings = 0 Main.log_handler = + '.log', 'w', encoding='utf8') version = bl_info['version'] Main.log('Exporter version: ' + str(version[0]) + '.' + str(version[1]) + '.' + str(version[2]) + ', Blender version: ' + if bpy.ops.object.mode_set.poll(): bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode = 'OBJECT') Main.log('========= Conversion from Blender to Babylon.js =========', 0) Main.log('Scene settings used:', 1) Main.log('selected layers only: ' + format_bool(scene.export_onlySelectedLayer), 2) Main.log('flat shading entire scene: ' + format_bool(scene.export_flatshadeScene), 2) Main.log('inline textures: ' + format_bool(scene.inlineTextures), 2) = World(scene) bpy.ops.screen.animation_cancel() currentFrame = bpy.context.scene.frame_current bpy.context.scene.frame_set(0) # Active camera if != None: self.activeCamera = else: Main.warn('No active camera has been assigned, or is not in a currently selected Blender layer') self.cameras = [] self.lights = [] self.shadowGenerators = [] self.skeletons = [] skeletonId = 0 self.meshesAndNodes = [] self.materials = [] self.multiMaterials = [] self.sounds = [] # Scene level sound if scene.attachedSound != '': self.sounds.append(Sound(scene.attachedSound, scene.autoPlaySound, scene.loopSound)) # exclude lamps in this pass, so ShadowGenerator constructor can be passed meshesAnNodes for object in [object for object in scene.objects]: if object.type == 'CAMERA': if object.is_visible(scene): # no isInSelectedLayer() required, is_visible() handles this for them self.cameras.append(Camera(object)) else: Main.warn('The following camera not visible in scene thus ignored: ' + elif object.type == 'ARMATURE': #skeleton.pose.bones if object.is_visible(scene): self.skeletons.append(Skeleton(object, scene, skeletonId)) skeletonId += 1 else: Main.warn('The following armature not visible in scene thus ignored: ' + elif object.type == 'MESH': forcedParent = None nameID = '' nextStartFace = 0 while True and self.isInSelectedLayer(object, scene): mesh = Mesh(object, scene, nextStartFace, forcedParent, nameID, self) if hasattr(mesh, 'instances'): self.meshesAndNodes.append(mesh) else: break if != '': self.sounds.append(Sound(,,, object)) nextStartFace = mesh.offsetFace if nextStartFace == 0: break if forcedParent is None: nameID = 0 forcedParent = object Main.warn('The following mesh has exceeded the maximum # of vertex elements & will be broken into multiple Babylon meshes: ' + nameID = nameID + 1 elif object.type == 'EMPTY': self.meshesAndNodes.append(Node(object)) elif object.type != 'LAMP': Main.warn('The following object (type - ' + object.type + ') is not currently exportable thus ignored: ' + # Lamp / shadow Generator pass; meshesAnNodes complete & forceParents included for object in [object for object in scene.objects]: if object.type == 'LAMP': if object.is_visible(scene): # no isInSelectedLayer() required, is_visible() handles this for them bulb = Light(object) self.lights.append(bulb) if != 'NONE': if bulb.light_type == DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT or bulb.light_type == SPOT_LIGHT: self.shadowGenerators.append(ShadowGenerator(object, self.meshesAndNodes, scene)) else: Main.warn('Only directional (sun) and spot types of lamp are valid for shadows thus ignored: ' + else: Main.warn('The following lamp not visible in scene thus ignored: ' + bpy.context.scene.frame_set(currentFrame) # output file self.to_scene_file () except:# catch *all* exceptions ex = sys.exc_info() Main.log('========= An error was encountered =========', 0) stack = traceback.format_tb(ex[2]) for line in stack: Main.log_handler.write(line) # avoid tabs & extra newlines by not calling log() inside catch Main.log_handler.write('ERROR: ' + str(ex[1]) + '\n') raise finally: Main.log('========= end of processing =========', 0) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time minutes = math.floor(elapsed_time / 60) seconds = elapsed_time - (minutes * 60) Main.log('elapsed time: ' + str(minutes) + ' min, ' + format_f(seconds) + ' secs', 0) Main.log_handler.close() if (Main.nWarnings > 0):{'WARNING'}, 'Processing completed, but ' + str(Main.nWarnings) + ' WARNINGS were raised, see log file.') return {'FINISHED'} # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self): Main.log('========= Writing of scene file started =========', 0) # Open file file_handler = + '.babylon', 'w', encoding='utf8') file_handler.write('{') # Materials file_handler.write(',\n"materials":[') first = True for material in self.materials: if first != True: file_handler.write(',\n') first = False material.to_scene_file(file_handler) file_handler.write(']') # Multi-materials file_handler.write(',\n"multiMaterials":[') first = True for multimaterial in self.multiMaterials: if first != True: file_handler.write(',') first = False multimaterial.to_scene_file(file_handler) file_handler.write(']') # Armatures/Bones file_handler.write(',\n"skeletons":[') first = True for skeleton in self.skeletons: if first != True: file_handler.write(',') first = False skeleton.to_scene_file(file_handler) file_handler.write(']') # Meshes file_handler.write(',\n"meshes":[') first = True for m in range(0, len(self.meshesAndNodes)): mesh = self.meshesAndNodes[m] if first != True: file_handler.write(',') first = False mesh.to_scene_file(file_handler) file_handler.write(']') # Cameras file_handler.write(',\n"cameras":[') first = True for camera in self.cameras: if hasattr(camera, 'fatalProblem'): continue if first != True: file_handler.write(',') first = False camera.update_for_target_attributes(self.meshesAndNodes) camera.to_scene_file(file_handler) file_handler.write(']') # Active camera if hasattr(self, 'activeCamera'): write_string(file_handler, 'activeCamera', self.activeCamera) # Lights file_handler.write(',\n"lights":[') first = True for light in self.lights: if first != True: file_handler.write(',') first = False light.to_scene_file(file_handler) file_handler.write(']') # Shadow generators file_handler.write(',\n"shadowGenerators":[') first = True for shadowGen in self.shadowGenerators: if first != True: file_handler.write(',') first = False shadowGen.to_scene_file(file_handler) file_handler.write(']') # Sounds if len(self.sounds) > 0: file_handler.write('\n,"sounds":[') first = True for sound in self.sounds: if first != True: file_handler.write(',') first = False sound.to_scene_file(file_handler) file_handler.write(']') # Closing file_handler.write('\n}') file_handler.close() Main.log('========= Writing of scene file completed =========', 0) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def isInSelectedLayer(self, obj, scene): if not scene.export_onlySelectedLayer: return True for l in range(0, len(scene.layers)): if obj.layers[l] and scene.layers[l]: return True return False #=============================================================================== class World: def __init__(self, scene): self.autoClear = True world = if world: self.ambient_color = world.ambient_color self.clear_color = world.horizon_color else: self.ambient_color = mathutils.Color((0.2, 0.2, 0.3)) self.clear_color = mathutils.Color((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) self.gravity = scene.gravity if world and world.mist_settings.use_mist: self.fogMode = FOGMODE_LINEAR self.fogColor = world.horizon_color self.fogStart = world.mist_settings.start self.fogEnd = world.mist_settings.depth self.fogDensity = 0.1 Main.log('Python World class constructor completed') # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): write_bool(file_handler, 'autoClear', self.autoClear, True) write_color(file_handler, 'clearColor', self.clear_color) write_color(file_handler, 'ambientColor', self.ambient_color) write_vector(file_handler, 'gravity', self.gravity) if hasattr(self, 'fogMode'): write_int(file_handler, 'fogMode', self.fogMode) write_color(file_handler, 'fogColor', self.fogColor) write_float(file_handler, 'fogStart', self.fogStart) write_float(file_handler, 'fogEnd', self.fogEnd) write_float(file_handler, 'fogDensity', self.fogDensity) #=============================================================================== class Sound: def __init__(self, name, autoplay, loop, connectedMesh = None): = name; self.autoplay = autoplay self.loop = loop if connectedMesh != None: self.connectedMeshId = self.maxDistance = # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write('{') write_string(file_handler, 'name',, True) write_bool(file_handler, 'autoplay', self.autoplay) write_bool(file_handler, 'loop', self.loop) if hasattr(self, 'connectedMeshId'): write_string(file_handler, 'connectedMeshId', self.connectedMeshId) write_float(file_handler, 'maxDistance', self.maxDistance) file_handler.write('}') #=============================================================================== class FCurveAnimatable: def __init__(self, object, supportsRotation, supportsPosition, supportsScaling, xOffsetForRotation = 0): # just because a sub-class can be animatable does not mean it is self.animationsPresent = object.animation_data and object.animation_data.action rotAnim = False locAnim = False scaAnim = False useQuat = object.rotation_mode=='QUATERNION' if (self.animationsPresent): Main.log('FCurve animation processing begun for: ' +, 1) self.animations = [] for fcurve in object.animation_data.action.fcurves: if supportsRotation and fcurve.data_path == 'rotation_euler' and rotAnim == False and useQuat == False: self.animations.append(VectorAnimation(object, 'rotation_euler', 'rotation', -1, xOffsetForRotation)) rotAnim = True elif supportsRotation and fcurve.data_path == 'rotation_quaternion' and rotAnim == False and useQuat == True: self.animations.append(QuaternionAnimation(object, 'rotation_quaternion', 'rotationQuaternion', 1, xOffsetForRotation)) rotAnim = True elif supportsPosition and fcurve.data_path == 'location' and locAnim == False: self.animations.append(VectorAnimation(object, 'location', 'position', 1)) locAnim = True elif supportsScaling and fcurve.data_path == 'scale' and scaAnim == False: self.animations.append(VectorAnimation(object, 'scale', 'scaling', 1)) scaAnim = True #Set Animations if (hasattr(, "autoAnimate") and self.autoAnimate = True self.autoAnimateFrom = bpy.context.scene.frame_end self.autoAnimateTo = 0 for animation in self.animations: if self.autoAnimateFrom > animation.get_first_frame(): self.autoAnimateFrom = animation.get_first_frame() if self.autoAnimateTo < animation.get_last_frame(): self.autoAnimateTo = animation.get_last_frame() self.autoAnimateLoop = True # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): if (self.animationsPresent): file_handler.write('\n,"animations":[') first = True for animation in self.animations: if first == False: file_handler.write(',') animation.to_scene_file(file_handler) first = False file_handler.write(']') if (hasattr(self, "autoAnimate") and self.autoAnimate): write_bool(file_handler, 'autoAnimate', self.autoAnimate) write_int(file_handler, 'autoAnimateFrom', self.autoAnimateFrom) write_int(file_handler, 'autoAnimateTo', self.autoAnimateTo) write_bool(file_handler, 'autoAnimateLoop', self.autoAnimateLoop) #=============================================================================== class Mesh(FCurveAnimatable): def __init__(self, object, scene, startFace, forcedParent, nameID, exporter): super().__init__(object, True, True, True) #Should animations be done when forcedParent = + str(nameID) Main.log('processing begun of mesh: ' + self.isVisible = not object.hide_render self.isEnabled = not useFlatShading = scene.export_flatshadeScene or self.checkCollisions = self.receiveShadows = self.castShadows = self.freezeWorldMatrix = # hasSkeleton detection & skeletonID determination hasSkeleton = False objArmature = None # if there's an armature, this will be the one! if len(object.vertex_groups) > 0: objArmature = object.find_armature() if objArmature != None: hasSkeleton = True i = 0 for obj in scene.objects: if obj.type == "ARMATURE": if obj == objArmature: self.skeletonId = i break else: i += 1 # determine Position, rotation, & scaling if forcedParent is None: # Use local matrix locMatrix = object.matrix_local if objArmature != None: # unless the armature is the parent if object.parent and object.parent == objArmature: locMatrix = object.matrix_world * object.parent.matrix_world.inverted() loc, rot, scale = locMatrix.decompose() self.position = loc if object.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION': self.rotationQuaternion = rot else: self.rotation = scale_vector(rot.to_euler('XYZ'), -1) self.scaling = scale else: # use defaults when not None self.position = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0)) self.rotation = scale_vector(mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0)), 1) # isn't scaling 0's by 1 same as 0? self.scaling = mathutils.Vector((1, 1, 1)) # determine parent & dataName if forcedParent is None: self.dataName = # used to support shared vertex instances in later passed if object.parent and object.parent.type != 'ARMATURE': self.parentId = else: self.dataName = self.parentId = # Get if this will be an instance of another, before processing materials, to avoid multi-bakes sourceMesh = exporter.getSourceMeshInstance(self.dataName) if sourceMesh is not None: #need to make sure rotation mode matches, since value initially copied in InstancedMesh constructor if hasattr(sourceMesh, 'rotationQuaternion'): instRot = None instRotq = rot else: instRot = scale_vector(rot.to_euler('XYZ'), -1) instRotq = None instance = MeshInstance(, self.position, instRot, instRotq, self.scaling, self.freezeWorldMatrix) sourceMesh.instances.append(instance) Main.log('mesh is an instance of : ' + + '. Processing halted.', 2) return else: self.instances = [] # Physics if object.rigid_body != None: shape_items = {'SPHERE' : SPHERE_IMPOSTER, 'BOX' : BOX_IMPOSTER, 'MESH' : MESH_IMPOSTER, 'CAPSULE' : CAPSULE_IMPOSTER, 'CONE' : CONE_IMPOSTER, 'CYLINDER' : CYLINDER_IMPOSTER, 'CONVEX_HULL': CONVEX_HULL_IMPOSTER} shape_type = shape_items[object.rigid_body.collision_shape] self.physicsImpostor = shape_type mass = object.rigid_body.mass if mass < 0.005: mass = 0 self.physicsMass = mass self.physicsFriction = object.rigid_body.friction self.physicsRestitution = object.rigid_body.restitution # process all of the materials required maxVerts = MAX_VERTEX_ELEMENTS # change for multi-materials recipe = BakingRecipe(object) self.billboardMode = recipe.billboardMode if recipe.needsBaking: if recipe.multipleRenders: Main.warn('Mixing of Cycles & Blender Render in same mesh not supported. No materials exported.', 2) else: bakedMat = BakedMaterial(exporter, object, recipe) exporter.materials.append(bakedMat) self.materialId = else: bjs_material_slots = [] for slot in object.material_slots: # None will be returned when either the first encounter or must be unique due to baked textures material = exporter.getMaterial( if (material != None): Main.log('registered as also a user of material: ' +, 2) else: material = StdMaterial(slot, exporter, object) exporter.materials.append(material) bjs_material_slots.append(material) if len(bjs_material_slots) == 1: self.materialId = bjs_material_slots[0].name elif len(bjs_material_slots) > 1: multimat = MultiMaterial(bjs_material_slots, len(exporter.multiMaterials)) self.materialId = exporter.multiMaterials.append(multimat) maxVerts = MAX_VERTEX_ELEMENTS_32Bit else: Main.warn('No materials have been assigned: ', 2) # Get mesh mesh = object.to_mesh(scene, True, 'PREVIEW') # Triangulate mesh if required Mesh.mesh_triangulate(mesh) # Getting vertices and indices self.positions = [] self.normals = [] self.uvs = [] # not always used self.uvs2 = [] # not always used self.colors = [] # not always used self.indices = [] self.subMeshes = [] hasUV = len(mesh.tessface_uv_textures) > 0 if hasUV: which = len(mesh.tessface_uv_textures) - 1 if recipe.needsBaking else 0 UVmap = mesh.tessface_uv_textures[which].data hasUV2 = len(mesh.tessface_uv_textures) > 1 and not recipe.needsBaking if hasUV2: UV2map = mesh.tessface_uv_textures[1].data hasVertexColor = len(mesh.vertex_colors) > 0 if hasVertexColor: Colormap = if hasSkeleton: weightsPerVertex = [] indicesPerVertex = [] influenceCounts = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] # 9, so accessed orign 1; 0 used for all those greater than 8 totalInfluencers = 0 highestInfluenceObserved = 0 # used tracking of vertices as they are received alreadySavedVertices = [] vertices_Normals = [] vertices_UVs = [] vertices_UV2s = [] vertices_Colors = [] vertices_indices = [] vertices_sk_weights = [] vertices_sk_indices = [] self.offsetFace = 0 for v in range(0, len(mesh.vertices)): alreadySavedVertices.append(False) vertices_Normals.append([]) vertices_UVs.append([]) vertices_UV2s.append([]) vertices_Colors.append([]) vertices_indices.append([]) vertices_sk_weights.append([]) vertices_sk_indices.append([]) materialsCount = 1 if recipe.needsBaking else max(1, len(object.material_slots)) verticesCount = 0 indicesCount = 0 for materialIndex in range(materialsCount): if self.offsetFace != 0: break subMeshVerticesStart = verticesCount subMeshIndexStart = indicesCount for faceIndex in range(startFace, len(mesh.tessfaces)): # For each face face = mesh.tessfaces[faceIndex] if face.material_index != materialIndex and not recipe.needsBaking: continue if verticesCount + 3 > maxVerts: self.offsetFace = faceIndex break for v in range(3): # For each vertex in face vertex_index = face.vertices[v] vertex = mesh.vertices[vertex_index] position = normal = face.normal if useFlatShading else vertex.normal #skeletons if hasSkeleton: matricesWeights = [] matricesIndices = [] # Getting influences for group in vertex.groups: index = weight = group.weight for boneIndex, bone in enumerate(objArmature.pose.bones): if object.vertex_groups[index].name == matricesWeights.append(weight) matricesIndices.append(boneIndex) # Texture coordinates if hasUV: vertex_UV = UVmap[face.index].uv[v] if hasUV2: vertex_UV2 = UV2map[face.index].uv[v] # Vertex color if hasVertexColor: if v == 0: vertex_Color = Colormap[face.index].color1 if v == 1: vertex_Color = Colormap[face.index].color2 if v == 2: vertex_Color = Colormap[face.index].color3 # Check if the current vertex is already saved alreadySaved = alreadySavedVertices[vertex_index] and not useFlatShading if alreadySaved: alreadySaved = False # UV index_UV = 0 for savedIndex in vertices_indices[vertex_index]: vNormal = vertices_Normals[vertex_index][index_UV] if (normal.x != vNormal.x or normal.y != vNormal.y or normal.z != vNormal.z): continue; if hasUV: vUV = vertices_UVs[vertex_index][index_UV] if (vUV[0] != vertex_UV[0] or vUV[1] != vertex_UV[1]): continue if hasUV2: vUV2 = vertices_UV2s[vertex_index][index_UV] if (vUV2[0] != vertex_UV2[0] or vUV2[1] != vertex_UV2[1]): continue if hasVertexColor: vColor = vertices_Colors[vertex_index][index_UV] if (vColor.r != vertex_Color.r or vColor.g != vertex_Color.g or vColor.b != vertex_Color.b): continue if hasSkeleton: vSkWeight = vertices_sk_weights[vertex_index] vSkIndices = vertices_sk_indices[vertex_index] if not same_array(vSkWeight[index_UV], matricesWeights) or not same_array(vSkIndices[index_UV], matricesIndices): continue if vertices_indices[vertex_index][index_UV] >= subMeshVerticesStart: alreadySaved = True break index_UV += 1 if (alreadySaved): # Reuse vertex index = vertices_indices[vertex_index][index_UV] else: # Export new one index = verticesCount alreadySavedVertices[vertex_index] = True vertices_Normals[vertex_index].append(normal) self.normals.append(normal) if hasUV: vertices_UVs[vertex_index].append(vertex_UV) self.uvs.append(vertex_UV[0]) self.uvs.append(vertex_UV[1]) if hasUV2: vertices_UV2s[vertex_index].append(vertex_UV2) self.uvs2.append(vertex_UV2[0]) self.uvs2.append(vertex_UV2[1]) if hasVertexColor: vertices_Colors[vertex_index].append(vertex_Color) self.colors.append(vertex_Color.r) self.colors.append(vertex_Color.g) self.colors.append(vertex_Color.b) self.colors.append(1.0) if hasSkeleton: vertices_sk_weights[vertex_index].append(matricesWeights) vertices_sk_indices[vertex_index].append(matricesIndices) nInfluencers = len(matricesWeights) totalInfluencers += nInfluencers if nInfluencers <= 8: influenceCounts[nInfluencers] += 1 else: influenceCounts[0] += 1 highestInfluenceObserved = nInfluencers if nInfluencers > highestInfluenceObserved else highestInfluenceObserved weightsPerVertex.append(matricesWeights) indicesPerVertex.append(matricesIndices) vertices_indices[vertex_index].append(index) self.positions.append(position) verticesCount += 1 self.indices.append(index) indicesCount += 1 self.subMeshes.append(SubMesh(materialIndex, subMeshVerticesStart, subMeshIndexStart, verticesCount - subMeshVerticesStart, indicesCount - subMeshIndexStart)) if verticesCount > MAX_VERTEX_ELEMENTS: Main.warn('Due to multi-materials / Shapekeys & this meshes size, 32bit indices must be used. This may not run on all hardware.', 2) BakedMaterial.meshBakingClean(object) Main.log('num positions : ' + str(len(self.positions)), 2) Main.log('num normals : ' + str(len(self.normals )), 2) Main.log('num uvs : ' + str(len(self.uvs )), 2) Main.log('num uvs2 : ' + str(len(self.uvs2 )), 2) Main.log('num colors : ' + str(len(self.colors )), 2) Main.log('num indices : ' + str(len(self.indices )), 2) if hasSkeleton: Main.log('Skeleton stats: ', 2) self.toFixedInfluencers(weightsPerVertex, indicesPerVertex,, highestInfluenceObserved) if (COMPRESS_MATRIX_INDICES): self.skeletonIndices = Mesh.packSkeletonIndices(self.skeletonIndices) if (self.numBoneInfluencers > 4): self.skeletonIndicesExtra = Mesh.packSkeletonIndices(self.skeletonIndicesExtra) Main.log('Total Influencers: ' + format_f(totalInfluencers), 3) Main.log('Avg # of influencers per vertex: ' + format_f(totalInfluencers / len(self.positions)), 3) Main.log('Highest # of influencers observed: ' + str(highestInfluenceObserved) + ', num vertices with this: ' + format_int(influenceCounts[highestInfluenceObserved if highestInfluenceObserved < 9 else 0]), 3) Main.log('exported as ' + str(self.numBoneInfluencers) + ' influencers', 3) nWeights = len(self.skeletonWeights) + len(self.skeletonWeightsExtra) if hasattr(self, 'skeletonWeightsExtra') else 0 Main.log('num skeletonWeights and skeletonIndices: ' + str(nWeights), 3) numZeroAreaFaces = self.find_zero_area_faces() if numZeroAreaFaces > 0: Main.warn('# of 0 area faces found: ' + str(numZeroAreaFaces), 2) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def find_zero_area_faces(self): nFaces = int(len(self.indices) / 3) nZeroAreaFaces = 0 for f in range(0, nFaces): faceOffset = f * 3 p1 = self.positions[self.indices[faceOffset ]] p2 = self.positions[self.indices[faceOffset + 1]] p3 = self.positions[self.indices[faceOffset + 2]] if same_vertex(p1, p2) or same_vertex(p1, p3) or same_vertex(p2, p3): nZeroAreaFaces += 1 return nZeroAreaFaces # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @staticmethod def mesh_triangulate(mesh): try: import bmesh bm = bm.from_mesh(mesh) bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces = bm.faces) bm.to_mesh(mesh) mesh.calc_tessface() except: pass # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def toFixedInfluencers(self, weightsPerVertex, indicesPerVertex, maxInfluencers, highestObserved): if (maxInfluencers > 8 or maxInfluencers < 1): maxInfluencers = 8 Main.warn('Maximum # of influencers invalid, set to 8', 3) self.numBoneInfluencers = maxInfluencers if maxInfluencers < highestObserved else highestObserved needExtras = self.numBoneInfluencers > 4 maxInfluencersExceeded = 0 fixedWeights = [] fixedIndices = [] fixedWeightsExtra = [] fixedIndicesExtra = [] for i in range(len(weightsPerVertex)): weights = weightsPerVertex[i] indices = indicesPerVertex[i] nInfluencers = len(weights) if (nInfluencers > self.numBoneInfluencers): maxInfluencersExceeded += 1 Mesh.sortByDescendingInfluence(weights, indices) for j in range(4): fixedWeights.append(weights[j] if nInfluencers > j else 0.0) fixedIndices.append(indices[j] if nInfluencers > j else 0 ) if needExtras: for j in range(4, 8): fixedWeightsExtra.append(weights[j] if nInfluencers > j else 0.0) fixedIndicesExtra.append(indices[j] if nInfluencers > j else 0 ) self.skeletonWeights = fixedWeights self.skeletonIndices = fixedIndices if needExtras: self.skeletonWeightsExtra = fixedWeightsExtra self.skeletonIndicesExtra = fixedIndicesExtra if maxInfluencersExceeded > 0: Main.warn('Maximum # of influencers exceeded for ' + format_int(maxInfluencersExceeded) + ' vertices, extras ignored', 3) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # sorts one set of weights & indices by descending weight, by reference # not shown to help with MakeHuman, but did not hurt. In just so it is not lost for future. @staticmethod def sortByDescendingInfluence(weights, indices): notSorted = True while(notSorted): notSorted = False for idx in range(1, len(weights)): if weights[idx - 1] < weights[idx]: tmp = weights[idx] weights[idx ] = weights[idx - 1] weights[idx - 1] = tmp tmp = indices[idx] indices[idx ] = indices[idx - 1] indices[idx - 1] = tmp notSorted = True # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # assume that toFixedInfluencers has already run, which ensures indices length is a multiple of 4 @staticmethod def packSkeletonIndices(indices): compressedIndices = [] for i in range(math.floor(len(indices) / 4)): idx = i * 4 matricesIndicesCompressed = indices[idx ] matricesIndicesCompressed += indices[idx + 1] << 8 matricesIndicesCompressed += indices[idx + 2] << 16 matricesIndicesCompressed += indices[idx + 3] << 24 compressedIndices.append(matricesIndicesCompressed) return compressedIndices # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write('{') write_string(file_handler, 'name',, True) write_string(file_handler, 'id', if hasattr(self, 'parentId'): write_string(file_handler, 'parentId', self.parentId) if hasattr(self, 'materialId'): write_string(file_handler, 'materialId', self.materialId) write_int(file_handler, 'billboardMode', self.billboardMode) write_vector(file_handler, 'position', self.position) if hasattr(self, "rotationQuaternion"): write_quaternion(file_handler, 'rotationQuaternion', self.rotationQuaternion) else: write_vector(file_handler, 'rotation', self.rotation) write_vector(file_handler, 'scaling', self.scaling) write_bool(file_handler, 'isVisible', self.isVisible) write_bool(file_handler, 'freezeWorldMatrix', self.freezeWorldMatrix) write_bool(file_handler, 'isEnabled', self.isEnabled) write_bool(file_handler, 'checkCollisions', self.checkCollisions) write_bool(file_handler, 'receiveShadows', self.receiveShadows) if hasattr(self, 'physicsImpostor'): write_int(file_handler, 'physicsImpostor', self.physicsImpostor) write_float(file_handler, 'physicsMass', self.physicsMass) write_float(file_handler, 'physicsFriction', self.physicsFriction) write_float(file_handler, 'physicsRestitution', self.physicsRestitution) # Geometry if hasattr(self, 'skeletonId'): write_int(file_handler, 'skeletonId', self.skeletonId) write_int(file_handler, 'numBoneInfluencers', self.numBoneInfluencers) write_vector_array(file_handler, 'positions', self.positions) write_vector_array(file_handler, 'normals' , self.normals ) if len(self.uvs) > 0: write_array(file_handler, 'uvs', self.uvs) if len(self.uvs2) > 0: write_array(file_handler, 'uvs2', self.uvs2) if len(self.colors) > 0: write_array(file_handler, 'colors', self.colors) if hasattr(self, 'skeletonWeights'): write_array(file_handler, 'matricesWeights', self.skeletonWeights) write_array(file_handler, 'matricesIndices', self.skeletonIndices) if hasattr(self, 'skeletonWeightsExtra'): write_array(file_handler, 'matricesWeightsExtra', self.skeletonWeightsExtra) write_array(file_handler, 'matricesIndicesExtra', self.skeletonIndicesExtra) write_array(file_handler, 'indices', self.indices) # Sub meshes file_handler.write('\n,"subMeshes":[') first = True for subMesh in self.subMeshes: if first == False: file_handler.write(',') subMesh.to_scene_file(file_handler) first = False file_handler.write(']') super().to_scene_file(file_handler) # Animations # Instances first = True file_handler.write('\n,"instances":[') for instance in self.instances: if first == False: file_handler.write(',') instance.to_scene_file(file_handler) first = False file_handler.write(']') # Close mesh file_handler.write('}\n') self.alreadyExported = True #=============================================================================== class MeshInstance: def __init__(self, name, position, rotation, rotationQuaternion, scaling, freezeWorldMatrix): = name self.position = position if rotation is not None: self.rotation = rotation if rotationQuaternion is not None: self.rotationQuaternion = rotationQuaternion self.scaling = scaling self.freezeWorldMatrix = freezeWorldMatrix # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write('{') write_string(file_handler, 'name',, True) write_vector(file_handler, 'position', self.position) if hasattr(self, 'rotation'): write_vector(file_handler, 'rotation', self.rotation) else: write_quaternion(file_handler, 'rotationQuaternion', self.rotationQuaternion) write_vector(file_handler, 'scaling', self.scaling) # freeze World Matrix currently ignored for instances write_bool(file_handler, 'freezeWorldMatrix', self.freezeWorldMatrix) file_handler.write('}') #=============================================================================== class Node(FCurveAnimatable): def __init__(self, node): super().__init__(node, True, True, True) #Should animations be done when forcedParent Main.log('processing begun of node: ' + = if node.parent and node.parent.type != 'ARMATURE': self.parentId = loc, rot, scale = node.matrix_local.decompose() self.position = loc if node.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION': self.rotationQuaternion = rot else: self.rotation = scale_vector(rot.to_euler('XYZ'), -1) self.scaling = scale self.isVisible = False self.isEnabled = True self.checkCollisions = False self.billboardMode = BILLBOARDMODE_NONE self.castShadows = False self.receiveShadows = False # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write('{') write_string(file_handler, 'name',, True) write_string(file_handler, 'id', if hasattr(self, 'parentId'): write_string(file_handler, 'parentId', self.parentId) write_vector(file_handler, 'position', self.position) if hasattr(self, "rotationQuaternion"): write_quaternion(file_handler, "rotationQuaternion", self.rotationQuaternion) else: write_vector(file_handler, 'rotation', self.rotation) write_vector(file_handler, 'scaling', self.scaling) write_bool(file_handler, 'isVisible', self.isVisible) write_bool(file_handler, 'isEnabled', self.isEnabled) write_bool(file_handler, 'checkCollisions', self.checkCollisions) write_int(file_handler, 'billboardMode', self.billboardMode) write_bool(file_handler, 'receiveShadows', self.receiveShadows) super().to_scene_file(file_handler) # Animations file_handler.write('}') #=============================================================================== class SubMesh: def __init__(self, materialIndex, verticesStart, indexStart, verticesCount, indexCount): self.materialIndex = materialIndex self.verticesStart = verticesStart self.indexStart = indexStart self.verticesCount = verticesCount self.indexCount = indexCount # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write('{') write_int(file_handler, 'materialIndex', self.materialIndex, True) write_int(file_handler, 'verticesStart', self.verticesStart) write_int(file_handler, 'verticesCount', self.verticesCount) write_int(file_handler, 'indexStart' , self.indexStart) write_int(file_handler, 'indexCount' , self.indexCount) file_handler.write('}') #=============================================================================== class Bone: def __init__(self, bone, skeleton, scene, index): Main.log('processing begun of bone: ' + + ', index: '+ str(index), 2) = self.length = bone.length self.index = index matrix_world = skeleton.matrix_world self.matrix = Bone.get_matrix(bone, matrix_world) parentId = -1 if (bone.parent): for parent in skeleton.pose.bones: parentId += 1 if parent == bone.parent: break; self.parentBoneIndex = parentId #animation if (skeleton.animation_data): Main.log('animation begun of bone: ' +, 3) self.animation = Animation(ANIMATIONTYPE_MATRIX, scene.render.fps, ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CYCLE, 'anim', '_matrix') start_frame = scene.frame_start end_frame = scene.frame_end previousBoneMatrix = None for frame in range(start_frame, end_frame + 1): bpy.context.scene.frame_set(frame) currentBoneMatrix = Bone.get_matrix(bone, matrix_world) if (frame != end_frame and same_matrix4(currentBoneMatrix, previousBoneMatrix)): continue self.animation.frames.append(frame) self.animation.values.append(Bone.get_matrix(bone, matrix_world)) previousBoneMatrix = currentBoneMatrix bpy.context.scene.frame_set(start_frame) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @staticmethod def get_matrix(bone, matrix_world): SystemMatrix = mathutils.Matrix.Scale(-1, 4, mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 1))) * mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(math.radians(-90), 4, 'X') if (bone.parent): return (SystemMatrix * matrix_world * bone.parent.matrix).inverted() * (SystemMatrix * matrix_world * bone.matrix) else: return SystemMatrix * matrix_world * bone.matrix # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write('\n{') write_string(file_handler, 'name',, True) write_int(file_handler, 'index', self.index) write_matrix4(file_handler, 'matrix', self.matrix) write_int(file_handler, 'parentBoneIndex', self.parentBoneIndex) write_float(file_handler, 'length', self.length) #animation if hasattr(self, 'animation'): file_handler.write(',"animation":') self.animation.to_scene_file(file_handler) file_handler.write('}') #=============================================================================== class Skeleton: def __init__(self, skeleton, scene, id): Main.log('processing begun of skeleton: ' + + ', id: '+ str(id)) = = id self.bones = [] bones = skeleton.pose.bones j = 0 for bone in bones: self.bones.append(Bone(bone, skeleton, scene, j)) j = j + 1 Main.log('processing complete of skeleton: ' + # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write('{') write_string(file_handler, 'name',, True) write_int(file_handler, 'id', # keep int for legacy of original exporter file_handler.write(',"bones":[') first = True for bone in self.bones: if first != True: file_handler.write(',') first = False bone.to_scene_file(file_handler) file_handler.write(']') file_handler.write('}') #=============================================================================== class Camera(FCurveAnimatable): def __init__(self, camera): super().__init__(camera, True, True, False, math.pi / 2) if camera.parent and camera.parent.type != 'ARMATURE': self.parentId = self.CameraType = = Main.log('processing begun of camera (' + self.CameraType + '): ' + self.position = camera.location # for quaternions, convert to euler XYZ, otherwise, use the default rotation_euler eul = camera.rotation_quaternion.to_euler("XYZ") if camera.rotation_mode == 'QUATERNION' else camera.rotation_euler self.rotation = mathutils.Vector((-eul[0] + math.pi / 2, eul[1], -eul[2])) self.fov = self.minZ = self.maxZ = self.speed = 1.0 self.inertia = 0.9 self.checkCollisions = self.applyGravity = self.ellipsoid = self.Camera3DRig = self.interaxialDistance = for constraint in camera.constraints: if constraint.type == 'TRACK_TO': self.lockedTargetId = break if self.CameraType == ARC_ROTATE_CAM or self.CameraType == FOLLOW_CAM: if not hasattr(self, 'lockedTargetId'): Main.warn('Camera type with manditory target specified, but no target to track set. Ignored', 2) self.fatalProblem = True # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def update_for_target_attributes(self, meshesAndNodes): if not hasattr(self, 'lockedTargetId'): return # find the actual mesh tracking, so properties can be derrived targetFound = False for mesh in meshesAndNodes: if == self.lockedTargetId: targetMesh = mesh targetFound = True break; xApart = 3 if not targetFound else self.position.x - targetMesh.position.x yApart = 3 if not targetFound else self.position.y - targetMesh.position.y zApart = 3 if not targetFound else self.position.z - targetMesh.position.z distance3D = math.sqrt(xApart * xApart + yApart * yApart + zApart * zApart) alpha = math.atan2(yApart, xApart); beta = math.atan2(yApart, zApart); if self.CameraType == FOLLOW_CAM: self.followHeight = zApart self.followDistance = distance3D self.followRotation = 90 + (alpha * 180 / math.pi) elif self.CameraType == self.CameraType == ARC_ROTATE_CAM: self.arcRotAlpha = alpha self.arcRotBeta = beta self.arcRotRadius = distance3D # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write('{') write_string(file_handler, 'name',, True) write_string(file_handler, 'id', write_vector(file_handler, 'position', self.position) write_vector(file_handler, 'rotation', self.rotation) write_float(file_handler, 'fov', self.fov) write_float(file_handler, 'minZ', self.minZ) write_float(file_handler, 'maxZ', self.maxZ) write_float(file_handler, 'speed', self.speed) write_float(file_handler, 'inertia', self.inertia) write_bool(file_handler, 'checkCollisions', self.checkCollisions) write_bool(file_handler, 'applyGravity', self.applyGravity) write_array3(file_handler, 'ellipsoid', self.ellipsoid) # always assign rig, even when none, Reason: Could have VR camera with different Rig than default write_int(file_handler, 'cameraRigMode', self.Camera3DRig) write_float(file_handler, 'interaxial_distance', self.interaxialDistance) write_string(file_handler, 'type', self.CameraType) if hasattr(self, 'parentId'): write_string(file_handler, 'parentId', self.parentId) if self.CameraType == FOLLOW_CAM: write_float(file_handler, 'heightOffset', self.followHeight) write_float(file_handler, 'radius', self.followDistance) write_float(file_handler, 'rotationOffset', self.followRotation) elif self.CameraType == ARC_ROTATE_CAM: write_float(file_handler, 'alpha', self.arcRotAlpha) write_float(file_handler, 'beta', self.arcRotBeta) write_float(file_handler, 'radius', self.arcRotRadius) if hasattr(self, 'lockedTargetId'): write_string(file_handler, 'lockedTargetId', self.lockedTargetId) super().to_scene_file(file_handler) # Animations file_handler.write('}') #=============================================================================== class Light(FCurveAnimatable): def __init__(self, light): super().__init__(light, False, True, False) if light.parent and light.parent.type != 'ARMATURE': self.parentId = = Main.log('processing begun of light (' + + '): ' + light_type_items = {'POINT': POINT_LIGHT, 'SUN': DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT, 'SPOT': SPOT_LIGHT, 'HEMI': HEMI_LIGHT, 'AREA': POINT_LIGHT} self.light_type = light_type_items[] if self.light_type == POINT_LIGHT: self.position = light.location if hasattr(, 'use_sphere'): if self.range = elif self.light_type == DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT: self.position = light.location self.direction = Light.get_direction(light.matrix_local) elif self.light_type == SPOT_LIGHT: self.position = light.location self.direction = Light.get_direction(light.matrix_local) self.angle = self.exponent = * 2 if self.range = else: # Hemi matrix_local = light.matrix_local.copy() matrix_local.translation = mathutils.Vector((0, 0, 0)) self.direction = (mathutils.Vector((0, 0, -1)) * matrix_local) self.direction = scale_vector(self.direction, -1) self.groundColor = mathutils.Color((0, 0, 0)) self.intensity = self.diffuse = if else mathutils.Color((0, 0, 0)) self.specular = if else mathutils.Color((0, 0, 0)) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write('{') write_string(file_handler, 'name',, True) write_string(file_handler, 'id', write_float(file_handler, 'type', self.light_type) if hasattr(self, 'parentId' ): write_string(file_handler, 'parentId' , self.parentId ) if hasattr(self, 'position' ): write_vector(file_handler, 'position' , self.position ) if hasattr(self, 'direction' ): write_vector(file_handler, 'direction' , self.direction ) if hasattr(self, 'angle' ): write_float (file_handler, 'angle' , self.angle ) if hasattr(self, 'exponent' ): write_float (file_handler, 'exponent' , self.exponent ) if hasattr(self, 'groundColor'): write_color (file_handler, 'groundColor', self.groundColor) if hasattr(self, 'range' ): write_float (file_handler, 'range' , self.range ) write_float(file_handler, 'intensity', self.intensity) write_color(file_handler, 'diffuse', self.diffuse) write_color(file_handler, 'specular', self.specular) super().to_scene_file(file_handler) # Animations file_handler.write('}') @staticmethod def get_direction(matrix): return (matrix.to_3x3() * mathutils.Vector((0.0, 0.0, -1.0))).normalized() #=============================================================================== class ShadowGenerator: def __init__(self, lamp, meshesAndNodes, scene): Main.log('processing begun of shadows for light: ' + self.lightId = self.mapSize = self.shadowBias = if == VARIANCE_SHADOWS: self.useVarianceShadowMap = True elif == POISSON_SHADOWS: self.usePoissonSampling = True elif == BLUR_VARIANCE_SHADOWS: self.useBlurVarianceShadowMap = True self.shadowBlurScale = self.shadowBlurBoxOffset = # .babylon specific section self.shadowCasters = [] for mesh in meshesAndNodes: if (mesh.castShadows): self.shadowCasters.append( # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write('{') write_int(file_handler, 'mapSize', self.mapSize, True) write_string(file_handler, 'lightId', self.lightId) write_float(file_handler, 'bias', self.shadowBias) if hasattr(self, 'useVarianceShadowMap') : write_bool(file_handler, 'useVarianceShadowMap', self.useVarianceShadowMap) elif hasattr(self, 'usePoissonSampling'): write_bool(file_handler, 'usePoissonSampling', self.usePoissonSampling) elif hasattr(self, 'useBlurVarianceShadowMap'): write_bool(file_handler, 'useBlurVarianceShadowMap', self.useBlurVarianceShadowMap) write_int(file_handler, 'blurScale', self.shadowBlurScale) write_int(file_handler, 'blurBoxOffset', self.shadowBlurBoxOffset) file_handler.write(',"renderList":[') first = True for caster in self.shadowCasters: if first != True: file_handler.write(',') first = False file_handler.write('"' + caster + '"') file_handler.write(']') file_handler.write('}') #=============================================================================== class MultiMaterial: def __init__(self, material_slots, idx): = Main.nameSpace + '.' + 'Multimaterial#' + str(idx) Main.log('processing begun of multimaterial: ' +, 2) self.material_slots = material_slots # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write('{') write_string(file_handler, 'name',, True) write_string(file_handler, 'id', file_handler.write(',"materials":[') first = True for material in self.material_slots: if first != True: file_handler.write(',') file_handler.write('"' + +'"') first = False file_handler.write(']') file_handler.write('}') #=============================================================================== class Texture: def __init__(self, slot, level, textureOrImage, mesh, exporter): wasBaked = not hasattr(textureOrImage, 'uv_layer') if wasBaked: image = textureOrImage texture = None repeat = False self.hasAlpha = False self.coordinatesIndex = 0 else: texture = textureOrImage image = texture.texture.image repeat = texture.texture.extension == 'REPEAT' self.hasAlpha = texture.texture.use_alpha usingMap = texture.uv_layer if len(usingMap) == 0: usingMap =[0].name Main.log('Image texture found, type: ' + slot + ', mapped using: "' + usingMap + '"', 3) if[0].name == usingMap: self.coordinatesIndex = 0 elif[1].name == usingMap: self.coordinatesIndex = 1 else: Main.warn('Texture is not mapped as UV or UV2, assigned 1', 4) self.coordinatesIndex = 0 # always write the file out, since base64 encoding is easiest from a file try: imageFilepath = os.path.normpath(bpy.path.abspath(image.filepath)) basename = os.path.basename(imageFilepath) targetdir = os.path.dirname(exporter.filepath) internalImage = image.packed_file or wasBaked # when coming from either a packed image or a baked image, then save_render if internalImage: if exporter.scene.inlineTextures: textureFile = os.path.join(targetdir, basename + "temp") else: textureFile = os.path.join(targetdir, basename) image.save_render(textureFile) # when backed by an actual file, copy to target dir, unless inlining else: textureFile = bpy.path.abspath(image.filepath) if not exporter.scene.inlineTextures: shutil.copy(textureFile, targetdir) except: ex = sys.exc_info() Main.log('Error encountered processing image file: ' + ', Error: '+ str(ex[1])) if exporter.scene.inlineTextures: # base64 is easiest from a file, so sometimes a temp file was made above; need to delete those with open(textureFile, "rb") as image_file: asString = base64.b64encode( self.encoded_URI = 'data:image/' + image.file_format + ';base64,' + asString if internalImage: os.remove(textureFile) # capture texture attributes self.slot = slot = basename self.level = level if (texture and texture.mapping == 'CUBE'): self.coordinatesMode = CUBIC_MODE if (texture and texture.mapping == 'SPHERE'): self.coordinatesMode = SPHERICAL_MODE else: self.coordinatesMode = EXPLICIT_MODE self.uOffset = texture.offset.x if texture else 0.0 self.vOffset = texture.offset.y if texture else 0.0 self.uScale = texture.scale.x if texture else 1.0 self.vScale = texture.scale.y if texture else 1.0 self.uAng = 0 self.vAng = 0 self.wAng = 0 if (repeat): if (texture.texture.use_mirror_x): self.wrapU = MIRROR_ADDRESSMODE else: self.wrapU = WRAP_ADDRESSMODE if (texture.texture.use_mirror_y): self.wrapV = MIRROR_ADDRESSMODE else: self.wrapV = WRAP_ADDRESSMODE else: self.wrapU = CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE self.wrapV = CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write(', \n"' + self.slot + '":{') write_string(file_handler, 'name',, True) write_float(file_handler, 'level', self.level) write_float(file_handler, 'hasAlpha', self.hasAlpha) write_int(file_handler, 'coordinatesMode', self.coordinatesMode) write_float(file_handler, 'uOffset', self.uOffset) write_float(file_handler, 'vOffset', self.vOffset) write_float(file_handler, 'uScale', self.uScale) write_float(file_handler, 'vScale', self.vScale) write_float(file_handler, 'uAng', self.uAng) write_float(file_handler, 'vAng', self.vAng) write_float(file_handler, 'wAng', self.wAng) write_int(file_handler, 'wrapU', self.wrapU) write_int(file_handler, 'wrapV', self.wrapV) write_int(file_handler, 'coordinatesIndex', self.coordinatesIndex) if hasattr(self,'encoded_URI'): write_string(file_handler, 'base64String', self.encoded_URI) file_handler.write('}') #=============================================================================== # need to evaluate the need to bake a mesh before even starting; class also stores specific types of bakes class BakingRecipe: def __init__(self, mesh, forceBaking = False): # initialize all members self.needsBaking = forceBaking self.diffuseBaking = forceBaking self.ambientBaking = False self.opacityBaking = False self.reflectionBaking = False self.emissiveBaking = False self.bumpBaking = False self.specularBaking = False # need to make sure a single render self.cyclesRender = False blenderRender = False # transfer from Mesh custom properties self.bakeSize = self.bakeQuality = # for lossy compression formats # accumulators set by Blender Game self.backFaceCulling = True # used only when baking self.billboardMode = BILLBOARDMODE_ALL if len(mesh.material_slots) == 1 and mesh.material_slots[0].material.game_settings.face_orientation == 'BILLBOARD' else BILLBOARDMODE_NONE # Cycles specific, need to get the node trees of each material self.nodeTrees = [] for material_slot in mesh.material_slots: # a material slot is not a reference to an actual material; need to look up material = material_slot.material self.backFaceCulling &= material.game_settings.use_backface_culling # testing for Cycles renderer has to be different if material.use_nodes == True: self.needsBaking = True self.cyclesRender = True self.nodeTrees.append(material.node_tree) for node in material.node_tree.nodes: id = node.bl_idname if id == 'ShaderNodeBsdfDiffuse': self.diffuseBaking = True if id == 'ShaderNodeAmbientOcclusion': self.ambientBaking = True # there is no opacity baking for Cycles AFAIK if id == '': self.opacityBaking = True if id == 'ShaderNodeEmission': self.emissiveBaking = True if id == 'ShaderNodeNormal' or id == 'ShaderNodeNormalMap': self.bumpBaking = True if id == '': self.specularBaking = True else: blenderRender = True nDiffuseImages = 0 nReflectionImages = 0 nAmbientImages = 0 nOpacityImages = 0 nEmissiveImages = 0 nBumpImages = 0 nSpecularImages = 0 textures = [mtex for mtex in material.texture_slots if mtex and mtex.texture] for mtex in textures: # ignore empty slots if mtex.texture.type == 'NONE': continue # for images, just need to make sure there is only 1 per type if mtex.texture.type == 'IMAGE' and not forceBaking: if mtex.use_map_diffuse or mtex.use_map_color_diffuse: if mtex.texture_coords == 'REFLECTION': nReflectionImages += 1 else: nDiffuseImages += 1 if mtex.use_map_ambient: nAmbientImages += 1 if mtex.use_map_alpha: nOpacityImages += 1 if mtex.use_map_emit: nEmissiveImages += 1 if mtex.use_map_normal: nBumpImages += 1 if mtex.use_map_color_spec: nSpecularImages += 1 else: self.needsBaking = True if mtex.use_map_diffuse or mtex.use_map_color_diffuse: if mtex.texture_coords == 'REFLECTION': self.reflectionBaking = True else: self.diffuseBaking = True if mtex.use_map_ambient: self.ambientBaking = True if mtex.use_map_alpha: self.opacityBaking = True if mtex.use_map_emit: self.emissiveBaking = True if mtex.use_map_normal: self.bumpBaking = True if mtex.use_map_color_spec: self.specularBaking = True # 2nd pass 2 check for multiples of a given image type if nDiffuseImages > 1: self.needsBaking = self.diffuseBaking = True if nReflectionImages > 1: self.needsBaking = self.nReflectionImages = True if nAmbientImages > 1: self.needsBaking = self.ambientBaking = True if nOpacityImages > 1: self.needsBaking = self.opacityBaking = True if nEmissiveImages > 1: self.needsBaking = self.emissiveBaking = True if nBumpImages > 1: self.needsBaking = self.bumpBaking = True if nSpecularImages > 1: self.needsBaking = self.specularBaking = True self.multipleRenders = blenderRender and self.cyclesRender # check for really old .blend file, eg. 2.49, to ensure that everything requires exists if self.needsBaking and'UV Editing') == -1: Main.warn('Contains material requiring baking, but resources not available. Probably .blend very old', 2) self.needsBaking = False #=============================================================================== # Not intended to be instanced directly class Material: def __init__(self, checkReadyOnlyOnce): self.checkReadyOnlyOnce = checkReadyOnlyOnce # first pass of textures, either appending image type or recording types of bakes to do self.textures = [] # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write('{') write_string(file_handler, 'name',, True) write_string(file_handler, 'id', write_color(file_handler, 'ambient', self.ambient) write_color(file_handler, 'diffuse', self.diffuse) write_color(file_handler, 'specular', self.specular) write_color(file_handler, 'emissive', self.emissive) write_float(file_handler, 'specularPower', self.specularPower) write_float(file_handler, 'alpha', self.alpha) write_bool(file_handler, 'backFaceCulling', self.backFaceCulling) write_bool(file_handler, 'checkReadyOnlyOnce', self.checkReadyOnlyOnce) for texSlot in self.textures: texSlot.to_scene_file(file_handler) file_handler.write('}') #=============================================================================== class StdMaterial(Material): def __init__(self, material_slot, exporter, mesh): super().__init__( nameSpace = Main.nameSpace if == DEFAULT_MATERIAL_NAMESPACE else = nameSpace + '.' + Main.log('processing begun of Standard material: ' +, 2) # a material slot is not a reference to an actual material; need to look up material = material_slot.material self.ambient = material.ambient * material.diffuse_color self.diffuse = material.diffuse_intensity * material.diffuse_color self.specular = material.specular_intensity * material.specular_color self.emissive = material.emit * material.diffuse_color self.specularPower = material.specular_hardness self.alpha = material.alpha self.backFaceCulling = material.game_settings.use_backface_culling textures = [mtex for mtex in material.texture_slots if mtex and mtex.texture] for mtex in textures: # test should be un-neccessary, since should be a BakedMaterial; just for completeness if (mtex.texture.type != 'IMAGE'): continue elif not mtex.texture.image: Main.warn('Material has un-assigned image texture: "' + + '" ignored', 3) continue elif len( == 0: Main.warn('Mesh has no UV maps, material: "' + + '" ignored', 3) continue if mtex.use_map_diffuse or mtex.use_map_color_diffuse: if mtex.texture_coords == 'REFLECTION': Main.log('Reflection texture found"' + + '"', 2) self.textures.append(Texture('reflectionTexture', mtex.diffuse_color_factor, mtex, mesh, exporter)) else: Main.log('Diffuse texture found"' + + '"', 2) self.textures.append(Texture('diffuseTexture', mtex.diffuse_color_factor, mtex, mesh, exporter)) if mtex.use_map_ambient: Main.log('Ambient texture found"' + + '"', 2) self.textures.append(Texture('ambientTexture', mtex.ambient_factor, mtex, mesh, exporter)) if mtex.use_map_alpha: if self.alpha > 0: Main.log('Opacity texture found"' + + '"', 2) self.textures.append(Texture('opacityTexture', mtex.alpha_factor, mtex, mesh, exporter)) else: Main.warn('Opacity non-std way to indicate opacity, use material alpha to also use Opacity texture', 2) self.alpha = 1 if mtex.use_map_emit: Main.log('Emissive texture found"' + + '"', 2) self.textures.append(Texture('emissiveTexture', mtex.emit_factor, mtex, mesh, exporter)) if mtex.use_map_normal: Main.log('Bump texture found"' + + '"', 2) self.textures.append(Texture('bumpTexture', 1.0 / mtex.normal_factor, mtex, mesh, exporter)) if mtex.use_map_color_spec: Main.log('Specular texture found"' + + '"', 2) self.textures.append(Texture('specularTexture', mtex.specular_color_factor, mtex, mesh, exporter)) #=============================================================================== class BakedMaterial(Material): def __init__(self, exporter, mesh, recipe): super().__init__( nameSpace = Main.nameSpace if == DEFAULT_MATERIAL_NAMESPACE else = nameSpace + '.' + Main.log('processing begun of baked material: ' +, 2) # any baking already took in the values. Do not want to apply them again, but want shadows to show. # These are the default values from StandardMaterials self.ambient = mathutils.Color((0, 0, 0)) self.diffuse = mathutils.Color((0.8, 0.8, 0.8)) # needed for shadows, but not change anything else self.specular = mathutils.Color((1, 1, 1)) self.emissive = mathutils.Color((0, 0, 0)) self.specularPower = 64 self.alpha = 1.0 self.backFaceCulling = recipe.backFaceCulling # texture is baked from selected mesh(es), need to insure this mesh is only one selected bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') = True # store setting to restore engine = exporter.scene.render.engine # mode_set's only work when there is an active object = mesh # UV unwrap operates on mesh in only edit mode, procedurals can also give error of 'no images to be found' when not done # select all verticies of mesh, since smart_project works only with selected verticies bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT') bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='SELECT') # you need UV on a mesh in order to bake image. This is not reqd for procedural textures, so may not exist # need to look if it might already be created, if so use the first one uv =[0] if len( > 0 else None if uv == None:'BakingUV') uv =['BakingUV'] = True uv.active_render = True bpy.ops.uv.smart_project(angle_limit = 66.0, island_margin = 0.0, user_area_weight = 1.0, use_aspect = True) uvName = 'BakingUV' # issues with cycles when not done this way else: uvName = # create a temporary image & link it to the UV/Image Editor so bake_image works = + '_BJS_BAKE', width = recipe.bakeSize, height = recipe.bakeSize, alpha = False, float_buffer = False) image =[ + '_BJS_BAKE'] image.file_format = 'JPEG' image.mapping = 'UV' # default value image_settings = exporter.scene.render.image_settings image_settings.file_format = 'JPEG' image_settings.quality = recipe.bakeQuality # for lossy compression formats # image_settings.compression = 100 # Amount of time to determine best compression: 0 = no compression with fast file output, 100 = maximum lossless compression with slow file output # now go thru all the textures that need to be baked if recipe.diffuseBaking: self.bake('diffuseTexture', 'DIFFUSE_COLOR', 'TEXTURE', image, mesh, uvName, exporter, recipe) if recipe.ambientBaking: self.bake('ambientTexture', 'AO', 'AO', image, mesh, uvName, exporter, recipe) if recipe.opacityBaking: # no eqivalent found for cycles self.bake('opacityTexture', None, 'ALPHA', image, mesh, uvName, exporter, recipe) if recipe.reflectionBaking: self.bake('reflectionTexture', 'REFLECTION', 'MIRROR_COLOR', image, mesh, uvName, exporter, recipe) if recipe.emissiveBaking: self.bake('emissiveTexture', 'EMIT', 'EMIT', image, mesh, uvName, exporter, recipe) if recipe.bumpBaking: self.bake('bumpTexture', 'NORMAL', 'NORMALS', image, mesh, uvName, exporter, recipe) if recipe.specularBaking: self.bake('specularTexture', 'SPECULAR', 'SPEC_COLOR', image, mesh, uvName, exporter, recipe) # Toggle vertex selection & mode, if setting changed their value bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='TOGGLE') # still in edit mode toggle select back to previous bpy.ops.object.mode_set(toggle=True) # change back to Object bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='TOGGLE') # change scene selection back, not seeming to work exporter.scene.render.engine = engine # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def bake(self, bjs_type, cycles_type, internal_type, image, mesh, uvName, exporter, recipe): if recipe.cyclesRender: if cycles_type is None: return self.bakeCycles(cycles_type, image, uvName, recipe.nodeTrees) else: self.bakeInternal(internal_type, image, uvName) self.textures.append(Texture(bjs_type, 1.0, image, mesh, exporter)) # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def bakeInternal(self, bake_type, image, uvName): Main.log('Internal baking texture, type: ' + bake_type + ', mapped using: ' + uvName, 3) # need to use the legal name, since this will become the file name, chars like ':' not legal legalName = legal_js_identifier( image.filepath = legalName + '_' + bake_type + '.jpg' scene = bpy.context.scene scene.render.engine = 'BLENDER_RENDER' scene.render.bake_type = bake_type # assign the image to the UV Editor, which does not have to shown['UV Editing'].areas[1].spaces[0].image = image renderer = scene.render renderer.use_bake_selected_to_active = False renderer.use_bake_to_vertex_color = False renderer.use_bake_clear = True renderer.bake_quad_split = 'AUTO' renderer.bake_margin = 5 renderer.use_file_extension = True renderer.use_bake_normalize = True renderer.use_bake_antialiasing = True bpy.ops.object.bake_image() # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def bakeCycles(self, bake_type, image, uvName, nodeTrees): Main.log('Cycles baking texture, type: ' + bake_type + ', mapped using: ' + uvName, 3) legalName = legal_js_identifier( image.filepath = legalName + '_' + bake_type + '.jpg' scene = bpy.context.scene scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES' # create an unlinked temporary node to bake to for each material for tree in nodeTrees: bakeNode ='ShaderNodeTexImage') bakeNode.image = image = True = bakeNode bpy.ops.object.bake(type = bake_type, use_clear = True, margin = 5, use_selected_to_active = False) for tree in nodeTrees: tree.nodes.remove( # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @staticmethod def meshBakingClean(mesh): for uvMap in if == 'BakingUV': break # remove an image if it was baked for image in if == + '_BJS_BAKE': image.user_clear() # cannot remove image unless 0 references break #=============================================================================== class Animation: def __init__(self, dataType, framePerSecond, loopBehavior, name, propertyInBabylon): self.dataType = dataType self.framePerSecond = framePerSecond self.loopBehavior = loopBehavior = name self.propertyInBabylon = propertyInBabylon #keys self.frames = [] self.values = [] # vector3 for ANIMATIONTYPE_VECTOR3 & matrices for ANIMATIONTYPE_MATRIX # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # for auto animate def get_first_frame(self): return self.frames[0] if len(self.frames) > 0 else -1 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # for auto animate def get_last_frame(self): return self.frames[len(self.frames) - 1] if len(self.frames) > 0 else -1 # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - def to_scene_file(self, file_handler): file_handler.write('{') write_int(file_handler, 'dataType', self.dataType, True) write_int(file_handler, 'framePerSecond', self.framePerSecond) file_handler.write(',"keys":[') first = True for frame_idx in range(len(self.frames)): if first != True: file_handler.write(',') first = False file_handler.write('{') write_int(file_handler, 'frame', self.frames[frame_idx], True) value_idx = self.values[frame_idx] if self.dataType == ANIMATIONTYPE_MATRIX: write_matrix4(file_handler, 'values', value_idx) elif self.dataType == ANIMATIONTYPE_QUATERNION: write_quaternion(file_handler, 'values', value_idx) else: write_vector(file_handler, 'values', value_idx) file_handler.write('}') file_handler.write(']') # close keys # put this at the end to make less crazy looking ]}]]]}}}}}}}]]]], # since animation is also at the end of the bone, mesh, camera, or light write_int(file_handler, 'loopBehavior', self.loopBehavior) write_string(file_handler, 'name', write_string(file_handler, 'property', self.propertyInBabylon) file_handler.write('}') #=============================================================================== class VectorAnimation(Animation): def __init__(self, object, attrInBlender, propertyInBabylon, mult, xOffset = 0): super().__init__(ANIMATIONTYPE_VECTOR3, 30, ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CYCLE, propertyInBabylon + ' animation', propertyInBabylon) # capture built up from fcurves frames = dict() for fcurve in object.animation_data.action.fcurves: if fcurve.data_path == attrInBlender: for key in fcurve.keyframe_points: frame = frames[frame] = 1 #for each frame (next step ==> set for key frames) for Frame in sorted(frames): self.frames.append(Frame) bpy.context.scene.frame_set(int(Frame + bpy.context.scene.frame_start)) self.values.append(scale_vector(getattr(object, attrInBlender), mult, xOffset)) #=============================================================================== class QuaternionAnimation(Animation): def __init__(self, object, attrInBlender, propertyInBabylon, mult, xOffset = 0): super().__init__(ANIMATIONTYPE_QUATERNION, 30, ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CYCLE, propertyInBabylon + ' animation', propertyInBabylon) # capture built up from fcurves frames = dict() for fcurve in object.animation_data.action.fcurves: if fcurve.data_path == attrInBlender: for key in fcurve.keyframe_points: frame = frames[frame] = 1 #for each frame (next step ==> set for key frames) for Frame in sorted(frames): self.frames.append(Frame) bpy.context.scene.frame_set(int(Frame + bpy.context.scene.frame_start)) self.values.append(post_rotate_quaternion(getattr(object, attrInBlender), xOffset)) #=============================================================================== class QuaternionToEulerAnimation(Animation): def __init__(self, object, attrInBlender, propertyInBabylon, mult, xOffset = 0): super().__init__(ANIMATIONTYPE_VECTOR3, 30, ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CYCLE, propertyInBabylon + ' animation', propertyInBabylon) # capture built up from fcurves frames = dict() for fcurve in object.animation_data.action.fcurves: if fcurve.data_path == attrInBlender: for key in fcurve.keyframe_points: frame = frames[frame] = 1 #for each frame (next step ==> set for key frames) for Frame in sorted(frames): self.frames.append(Frame) bpy.context.scene.frame_set(int(Frame + bpy.context.scene.frame_start)) quat = getattr(object, attrInBlender) eul = quat.to_euler("XYZ") self.values.append(scale_vector(eul, mult, xOffset)) #=============================================================================== # module level formatting methods, called from multiple classes #=============================================================================== def legal_js_identifier(input): out = '' prefix = '' for char in input: if len(out) == 0: if char in '0123456789': # cannot take the chance that leading numbers being chopped of cause name conflicts, e.g (01.R & 02.R) prefix += char continue elif char.upper() not in 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ': continue legal = char if char.upper() in 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_' else '_' out += legal if len(prefix) > 0: out += '_' + prefix return out def format_f(num): s = MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION % num # rounds to N decimal places while changing to string s = s.rstrip('0') # ignore trailing zeroes s = s.rstrip('.') # ignore trailing . return '0' if s == '-0' else s def format_matrix4(matrix): tempMatrix = matrix.copy() tempMatrix.transpose() ret = '' first = True for vect in tempMatrix: if (first != True): ret +=',' first = False; ret += format_f(vect[0]) + ',' + format_f(vect[1]) + ',' + format_f(vect[2]) + ',' + format_f(vect[3]) return ret def format_array3(array): return format_f(array[0]) + ',' + format_f(array[1]) + ',' + format_f(array[2]) def format_array(array, max_per_line = MAX_VERTEX_ELEMENTS, indent = ''): ret = '' first = True nOnLine = 0 for element in array: if (first != True): ret +=',' first = False; ret += format_f(element) nOnLine += 1 if nOnLine >= max_per_line: ret += '\n' + indent nOnLine = 0 return ret def format_color(color): return format_f(color.r) + ',' + format_f(color.g) + ',' + format_f(color.b) def format_vector(vector): return format_f(vector.x) + ',' + format_f(vector.z) + ',' + format_f(vector.y) def format_vector_array(vectorArray, max_per_line = MAX_VERTEX_ELEMENTS, indent = ''): ret = '' first = True nOnLine = 0 for vector in vectorArray: if (first != True): ret +=',' first = False; ret += format_vector(vector) nOnLine += 3 if nOnLine >= max_per_line: ret += '\n' + indent nOnLine = 0 return ret def format_quaternion(quaternion): return format_f(quaternion.x) + ',' + format_f(quaternion.z) + ',' + format_f(quaternion.y) + ',' + format_f(-quaternion.w) def format_int(int): candidate = str(int) # when int string of an int if '.' in candidate: return format_f(math.floor(int)) # format_f removes un-neccessary precision else: return candidate def format_bool(bool): if bool: return 'true' else: return 'false' def scale_vector(vector, mult, xOffset = 0): ret = vector.copy() ret.x *= mult ret.x += xOffset ret.z *= mult ret.y *= mult return ret def same_matrix4(matA, matB): if(matA is None or matB is None): return False if (len(matA) != len(matB)): return False for i in range(len(matA)): if (round(matA[i][0], MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION_INT) != round(matB[i][0], MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION_INT) or round(matA[i][1], MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION_INT) != round(matB[i][1], MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION_INT) or round(matA[i][2], MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION_INT) != round(matB[i][2], MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION_INT) or round(matA[i][3], MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION_INT) != round(matB[i][3], MAX_FLOAT_PRECISION_INT)): return False return True def same_vertex(vertA, vertB): if(vertA is None or vertB is None): return False return vertA.x == vertB.x and vertA.y == vertB.y and vertA.z == vertB.z def same_array(arrayA, arrayB): if(arrayA is None or arrayB is None): return False if len(arrayA) != len(arrayB): return False for i in range(len(arrayA)): if arrayA[i] != arrayB[i] : return False return True #=============================================================================== # module level methods for writing JSON (.babylon) files #=============================================================================== def write_matrix4(file_handler, name, matrix): file_handler.write(',"' + name + '":[' + format_matrix4(matrix) + ']') def write_array(file_handler, name, array): file_handler.write('\n,"' + name + '":[' + format_array(array) + ']') def write_array3(file_handler, name, array): file_handler.write(',"' + name + '":[' + format_array3(array) + ']') def write_color(file_handler, name, color): file_handler.write(',"' + name + '":[' + format_color(color) + ']') def write_vector(file_handler, name, vector): file_handler.write(',"' + name + '":[' + format_vector(vector) + ']') def write_vector_array(file_handler, name, vectorArray): file_handler.write('\n,"' + name + '":[' + format_vector_array(vectorArray) + ']') def write_quaternion(file_handler, name, quaternion): file_handler.write(',"' + name +'":[' + format_quaternion(quaternion) + ']') def write_string(file_handler, name, string, noComma = False): if noComma == False: file_handler.write(',') file_handler.write('"' + name + '":"' + string + '"') def write_float(file_handler, name, float): file_handler.write(',"' + name + '":' + format_f(float)) def write_int(file_handler, name, int, noComma = False): if noComma == False: file_handler.write(',') file_handler.write('"' + name + '":' + format_int(int)) def write_bool(file_handler, name, bool, noComma = False): if noComma == False: file_handler.write(',') file_handler.write('"' + name + '":' + format_bool(bool)) #=============================================================================== # custom properties definition and display #=============================================================================== bpy.types.Mesh.autoAnimate = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Auto launch animations', description='', default = False ) bpy.types.Mesh.useFlatShading = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Use Flat Shading', description='Use face normals. Increases vertices.', default = False ) bpy.types.Mesh.checkCollisions = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Check Collisions', description='Indicates mesh should be checked that it does not run into anything.', default = False ) bpy.types.Mesh.castShadows = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Cast Shadows', description='', default = False ) bpy.types.Mesh.receiveShadows = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Receive Shadows', description='', default = False ) bpy.types.Mesh.bakeSize = bpy.props.IntProperty( name='Texture Size', description='', default = 1024 ) bpy.types.Mesh.bakeQuality = bpy.props.IntProperty( name='Quality 1-100', description='The trade-off between Quality - File size(100 highest quality)', default = 50, min = 1, max = 100 ) bpy.types.Mesh.materialNameSpace = bpy.props.StringProperty( name='Name Space', description='Prefix to use for materials for sharing across .blends.', default = DEFAULT_MATERIAL_NAMESPACE ) bpy.types.Mesh.checkReadyOnlyOnce = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Check Ready Only Once', description='When checked better CPU utilization. Advanced user option.', default = False ) bpy.types.Mesh.freezeWorldMatrix = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Freeze World Matrix', description='Indicate the position, rotation, & scale do not change for performance reasons', default = False ) bpy.types.Mesh.loadDisabled = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Load Disabled', description='Indicate this mesh & children should not be active until enabled by code.', default = False ) bpy.types.Mesh.attachedSound = bpy.props.StringProperty( name='Sound', description='', default = '' ) bpy.types.Mesh.loopSound = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Loop sound', description='', default = True ) bpy.types.Mesh.autoPlaySound = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Auto play sound', description='', default = True ) bpy.types.Mesh.maxSoundDistance = bpy.props.FloatProperty( name='Max sound distance', description='', default = 100 ) bpy.types.Mesh.maxInfluencers = bpy.props.IntProperty( name='Max bone Influencers / Vertex', description='When fewer than this are observed, the lower value is used.', default = 8, min = 1, max = 8 ) #=============================================================================== bpy.types.Camera.autoAnimate = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Auto launch animations', description='', default = False ) bpy.types.Camera.CameraType = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Camera Type', description='', # ONLY Append, or existing .blends will have their camera changed items = ( (V_JOYSTICKS_CAM , 'Virtual Joysticks' , 'Use Virtual Joysticks Camera'), (TOUCH_CAM , 'Touch' , 'Use Touch Camera'), (GAMEPAD_CAM , 'Gamepad' , 'Use Gamepad Camera'), (FREE_CAM , 'Free' , 'Use Free Camera'), (FOLLOW_CAM , 'Follow' , 'Use Follow Camera'), (DEV_ORIENT_CAM , 'Device Orientation' , 'Use Device Orientation Camera'), (ARC_ROTATE_CAM , 'Arc Rotate' , 'Use Arc Rotate Camera'), (VR_DEV_ORIENT_FREE_CAM , 'VR Dev Orientation Free' , 'Use VR Dev Orientation Free Camera'), (WEB_VR_FREE_CAM , 'Web VR Free' , 'Use Web VR Free Camera') ), default = FREE_CAM ) bpy.types.Camera.checkCollisions = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Check Collisions', description='', default = False ) bpy.types.Camera.applyGravity = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Apply Gravity', description='', default = False ) bpy.types.Camera.ellipsoid = bpy.props.FloatVectorProperty( name='Ellipsoid', description='', default = mathutils.Vector((0.2, 0.9, 0.2)) ) bpy.types.Camera.Camera3DRig = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Rig', description='', items = ( (RIG_MODE_NONE , 'None' , 'No 3D effects'), (RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_ANAGLYPH , 'Anaaglph' , 'Stereoscopic Anagylph'), (RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_PARALLEL , 'side-by-side Parallel' , 'Stereoscopic side-by-side parallel'), (RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_CROSSEYED, 'side-by-side crosseyed', 'Stereoscopic side-by-side crosseyed'), (RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_OVERUNDER , 'over-under' , 'Stereoscopic over-under'), (RIG_MODE_VR , 'VR distortion' , 'Use Web VR Free Camera') ), default = RIG_MODE_NONE ) bpy.types.Camera.interaxialDistance = bpy.props.FloatProperty( name='Interaxial Distance', description='Distance between cameras. Used by all but VR 3D rigs.', default = 0.0637 ) #=============================================================================== bpy.types.Lamp.autoAnimate = bpy.props.BoolProperty( name='Auto launch animations', description='', default = False ) bpy.types.Lamp.shadowMap = bpy.props.EnumProperty( name='Shadow Map', description='', items = ((NO_SHADOWS , 'None' , 'No Shadow Maps'), (STD_SHADOWS , 'Standard' , 'Use Standard Shadow Maps'), (POISSON_SHADOWS , 'Poisson' , 'Use Poisson Sampling'), (VARIANCE_SHADOWS , 'Variance' , 'Use Variance Shadow Maps'), (BLUR_VARIANCE_SHADOWS, 'Blur Variance', 'Use Blur Variance Shadow Maps') ), default = NO_SHADOWS ) bpy.types.Lamp.shadowMapSize = bpy.props.IntProperty( name='Shadow Map Size', description='', default = 512 ) bpy.types.Lamp.shadowBias = bpy.props.FloatProperty( name='Shadow Bias', description='', default = 0.00005 ) bpy.types.Lamp.shadowBlurScale = bpy.props.IntProperty( name='Blur Scale', description='', default = 2 ) bpy.types.Lamp.shadowBlurBoxOffset = bpy.props.IntProperty( name='Blur Box Offset', description='', default = 0 ) class ObjectPanel(bpy.types.Panel): bl_label = 'Babylon.js' bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES' bl_region_type = 'WINDOW' bl_context = 'data' def draw(self, context): ob = context.object if not ob or not return layout = self.layout isMesh = isinstance(, bpy.types.Mesh) isCamera = isinstance(, bpy.types.Camera) isLight = isinstance(, bpy.types.Lamp) if isMesh: row = layout.row() row.prop(, 'useFlatShading') row.prop(, 'checkCollisions') row = layout.row() row.prop(, 'castShadows') row.prop(, 'receiveShadows') row = layout.row() row.prop(, 'freezeWorldMatrix') row.prop(, 'loadDisabled') layout.prop(, 'autoAnimate') layout.prop(, 'maxInfluencers') box = box.label('Materials') box.prop(, 'materialNameSpace') box.prop(, 'checkReadyOnlyOnce') box = box.label(text='Procedural Texture / Cycles Baking') box.prop(, 'bakeSize') box.prop(, 'bakeQuality') box = box.prop(, 'attachedSound') box.prop(, 'autoPlaySound') box.prop(, 'loopSound') box.prop(, 'maxSoundDistance') elif isCamera: layout.prop(, 'CameraType') layout.prop(, 'checkCollisions') layout.prop(, 'applyGravity') layout.prop(, 'ellipsoid') box = box.label(text="3D Camera Rigs") box.prop(, 'Camera3DRig') box.prop(, 'interaxialDistance') layout.prop(, 'autoAnimate') elif isLight: layout.prop(, 'shadowMap') layout.prop(, 'shadowMapSize') layout.prop(, 'shadowBias') box = box.label(text="Blur Variance Shadows") box.prop(, 'shadowBlurScale') box.prop(, 'shadowBlurBoxOffset') layout.prop(, 'autoAnimate')