{ "examples": [ { "title": "Animations", "samples": [ { "title": "Bones 101", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/How_To/How_to_use_Bones_and_Skeletons", "icon": "icons/bones.jpg", "description": "Create complex animations by using skeletons and bones", "PGID": "#QY1WYT#0" }, { "title": "Animation blending", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/Animations#animation-blending", "icon": "icons/animation_blending.jpg", "description": "Blend multiple animations together to move from on animation clip to another", "PGID": "#BCU1XR#0" }, { "title": "Animation weights", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/animations#animation-weights", "icon": "icons/animation_weight.jpg", "description": "Use weights to blend multiple animations together", "PGID": "#LL5BIQ#0" }, { "title": "Animation 101", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/animations", "icon": "icons/animations.png", "description": "How to add animations", "PGID": "#QYFDDP#1" }, { "title": "Easing functions", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/animations#easing-functions", "icon": "icons/easing_functions.png", "description": "Create animations with different easing functions", "PGID": "#8ZNVGR#0" }, { "title": "Instanced bones", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_bones_and_skeletons", "icon": "icons/instanced_bones.png", "description": "Animated skeletons of people walking", "PGID": "#0K8EYN#0" }, { "title": "Morph targets", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_morphtargets", "icon": "icons/morph_targets.jpg", "description": "Morph a mesh between multiple targets", "PGID": "#2JDN66#7" } ] }, { "title": "Cameras", "samples": [ { "title": "Cameras 101", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/cameras", "icon": "icons/cameras.png", "description": "Types of cameras in babylonjs", "PGID": "#1A3M5C#0" }, { "title": "Device orientation camera", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/cameras#device-orientation-camera", "icon": "icons/deviceOrientationCamera.jpg", "description": "Camera that reacts to events such as a mobile device being tilted forward or back", "PGID": "#SRZRWV#5" }, { "title": "Picture in Picture Visual Camera", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/divingDeeper/cameras/layerMasksAndMultiCam", "icon": "icons/pipcamera.png", "description": "Using layer masks and viewports, show a visual representation of camera movement", "PGID": "#L92PHY#36" } ] }, { "title": "GUI", "samples": [ { "title": "GUI", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/gui", "icon": "icons/gui.png", "description": "Babylon.js graphical user interface provides sliders, buttons, etc.", "PGID": "#3VMTI9#0" }, { "title": "3D GUI", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/gui3d", "icon": "icons/gui3d.jpg", "description": "Babylon.js 3D graphical user interface provides 3D buttons, 3D containers etc.", "PGID": "#HB4C01#9" }, { "title": "3D GUI - MeshButton3D", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/gui3d#meshbutton3d", "icon": "icons/meshbutton3d.jpg", "description": "Uses MeshButton3D to create custom 3D buttons", "PGID": "#8Y780Y#52" }, { "title": "App Bar (AttachToBoxBehavior)", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/meshbehavior", "icon": "icons/appBar.jpg", "description": "Attach a menu to a bounding box such that it always faces the user", "PGID": "#8GY6J8#180" } ] }, { "title": "Interactions & events", "samples": [ { "title": "Picking", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/picking_collisions", "icon": "icons/picking.png", "description": "Use mouse or touch to pick meshes on the screen", "PGID": "#NU4F6Y#0" }, { "title": "Actions", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_actions", "icon": "icons/actions.png", "description": "Actions are a simple way to add interactions in your scenes", "PGID": "#J19GYK#0" }, { "title": "Drag and drop", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_actions", "icon": "icons/drag_and_drop.png", "description": "Move meshes around a scene with a mouse", "PGID": "#UZ23UH#0" }, { "title": "Pointer events handling", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_actions", "icon": "icons/pointer_events_handling.png", "description": "Handle pointer input", "PGID": "#C245A1#0" }, { "title": "Keyboard + game loop", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_actions", "icon": "icons/keyboard.png", "description": "Move a sphere around with the keyboard", "PGID": "#15EY4F#0" }, { "title": "Gizmo/Manipulator", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/gizmo", "icon": "icons/gizmo.jpg", "description": "Position, Rotate and Scale meshes with a pointer", "PGID": "#8MGKWK#25" }, { "title": "Using DeviceSourceManager", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_devicesourcemanager", "icon": "icons/dsm_input.png", "description": "Control ship with keyboard or gamepad.", "PGID": "#C7PM2B" } ] }, { "title": "Lights", "samples": [ { "title": "Light projected texture", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/lights#projection-texture", "icon": "icons/projected_texture.jpg", "description": "Project a texture from a spot light", "PGID": "#CQNGRK#0" }, { "title": "Lights 101", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/lights", "icon": "icons/lights.png", "description": "Add lights to a scene", "PGID": "#AQRDKW#0" }, { "title": "Simultaneous lights", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/lights", "icon": "icons/sim_lights.jpg", "description": "Use multiple lights on a single mesh", "PGID": "#ZU5TKG#0" }, { "title": "Point light", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/lights#the-point-light", "icon": "icons/pointLight.jpg", "description": "Light emitting from a single point", "PGID": "#20OAV9#0" }, { "title": "Directional light", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/lights#the-directional-light", "icon": "icons/directionalLight.jpg", "description": "The light is emitted from everywhere in the specified direction, and has an infinite range", "PGID": "#20OAV9#1" }, { "title": "Spot light", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/lights#the-spot-light", "icon": "icons/spotLight.jpg", "description": "Defines a cone of light pointing in a direction", "PGID": "#20OAV9#3" }, { "title": "Hemispheric light", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/lights#the-hemispheric-light", "icon": "icons/hemLight.jpg", "description": "Simulate an ambient environment light", "PGID": "#20OAV9#5" } ] }, { "title": "Loaders", "samples": [ { "title": "Cornell box", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/load_from_any_file_type", "icon": "icons/cornell.jpg", "description": "Load a glTF file and setup the environment", "PGID": "#G3GZA1#49" }, { "title": "Import meshes", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/load_from_any_file_type", "icon": "icons/import_meshes.png", "description": "Load a mesh from a file and add it to the scene", "PGID": "#UKNERM#0" }, { "title": "Load glTF model", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/load_from_any_file_type", "icon": "icons/load_gltf.jpg", "description": "Show how to easily load a glTF model", "PGID": "#SYQW69" }, { "title": "Assets manager", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/How_To/How_to_use_AssetsManager", "icon": "icons/assets_manager.jpg", "description": "Use AssetsManager to load multiple assets in a centralized way", "PGID": "#Y7XMAR#0" }, { "title": "Asset container", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_assetcontainer", "icon": "icons/assetContainer.jpg", "description": "To add and remove assets from a scene an AssetContainer can be used.", "PGID": "#17MXFZ#34" } ] }, { "title": "Materials", "samples": [ { "title": "MultiMaterial", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/multi_materials", "icon": "icons/multi_material.jpg", "description": "Apply multiple materials to a single mesh using MultiMaterial class", "PGID": "#2Q4S2S#0" }, { "title": "ShaderMaterial", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/shader_material", "icon": "icons/custom_shader.jpg", "description": "Use ShaderMaterial to create advanced effects", "PGID": "#ATDL99#0" }, { "title": "X-ray material with Fresnel", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_fresnelparameters", "icon": "icons/xRayFresnel.jpg", "description": "Use fresnel parameters to simulate an x-ray effect", "PGID": "#GK7FK#0" }, { "title": "Materials", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/materials", "icon": "icons/materials.png", "description": "Create and add materials to a mesh", "PGID": "#DXARSP#0" }, { "title": "PBR", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/physically_based_rendering", "icon": "icons/pbr.png", "description": "Physically based rendering materials", "PGID": "#8MGKWK#0" }, { "title": "Glossiness and roughness", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/api/classes/babylon.standardmaterial", "icon": "icons/glossinessAndRoughness.jpg", "description": "Demonstration of glossiness and rouphness features of standard material", "PGID": "#RNBKQ#8" }, { "title": "Cell Shading", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/extensions/cell", "icon": "icons/cell_shading.jpg", "description": "Cell shading material", "PGID": "#0ZB1A3#1" }, { "title": "Fur", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/extensions/fur", "icon": "icons/fur.jpg", "description": "Fur material", "PGID": "#VABI8A#0" }, { "title": "Fire", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/extensions/Fire", "icon": "icons/fire.jpg", "description": "Fire material", "PGID": "#LR4YHT#0" }, { "title": "Water", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/extensions/water", "icon": "icons/water.jpg", "description": "Water material", "PGID": "#L76FB1#0" }, { "title": "Float on Water", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/extensions/water", "icon": "icons/FloatWater.jpg", "description": "Float on Water material", "PGID": "#L76FB1#49" } ] }, { "title": "Meshes", "samples": [ { "title": "Render lines", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/Parametric_Shapes#lines", "icon": "icons/lines.jpg", "description": "Use LinesMesh to render lines in 3D", "PGID": "#SVZL1I#0" }, { "title": "Displacement map (CPU)", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/api/classes/babylon.mesh.html#applydisplacementmap", "icon": "icons/displacement.jpg", "description": "Update mesh geometry using a displacement map (CPU)", "PGID": "#04JDPF#0" }, { "title": "Constructive solid geometries", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/api/classes/babylon.csg.html", "icon": "icons/csg.jpg", "description": "Use boolean operations on meshes using CSG", "PGID": "#T6NP3F#0" }, { "title": "Raycast on height map", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/raycasts", "icon": "icons/heightMapRaycast.jpg", "description": "Raycast to find positions on a heightmap", "PGID": "#QM57B#0" }, { "title": "Basic scene", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/features/scene", "icon": "icons/basic_scene.png", "description": "Ball and plane", "PGID": "#TAZ2CB#0" }, { "title": "Basic elements", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/set_shapes", "icon": "icons/basic_elements.png", "description": "Ball, box, plane, line, etc", "PGID": "#A1210C#0" }, { "title": "Rotation and scaling", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/rotate", "icon": "icons/rotation_and_scaling.png", "description": "Position mesh layout in space", "PGID": "#CURCZC#0" }, { "title": "Curved lines", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_path3d", "icon": "icons/path3D.jpg", "description": "Use Path3D to create a curved line", "PGID": "#7SQDY#1" }, { "title": "Rotating mesh to look at a target", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/position", "icon": "icons/meshLook.jpg", "description": "Make a mesh face towards where the pointer hit a plane", "PGID": "#23M0G6#1" }, { "title": "Height map", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/height_map", "icon": "icons/height_map.png", "description": "Use a height map to extrude a plane to create mountains", "PGID": "#95PXRY#0" }, { "title": "Extrude polygon", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/api/classes/babylon.meshbuilder#extrudepolygon", "icon": "icons/extrude_polygon.jpg", "description": "Use MeshBuilder to generate geometry from extruded data", "PGID": "#TFLTJJ#184" }, { "title": "Polygon mesh", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/polygonmeshbuilder", "icon": "icons/polygon_mesh.jpg", "description": "Use PolygonMeshBuilder to create meshes from polygon data", "PGID": "#0TQAQU#0" }, { "title": "Look at", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/api/classes/babylon.abstractmesh#lookat", "icon": "icons/look_at.jpg", "description": "Use lookAt() function to align meshes on a specific target", "PGID": "#N2K3ZN#0" }, { "title": "Ribbons", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/ribbon_tutorial", "icon": "icons/ribbons.jpg", "description": "Use ribbons to create complex meshes", "PGID": "#29BR2V#1" }, { "title": "Decals", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/decals", "icon": "icons/decals.jpg", "description": "Create decals to apply additional textures to a portion of a mesh", "PGID": "#EEUVTY#0" } ] }, { "title": "Optimizations", "samples": [ { "title": "Level of detail", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_lod", "icon": "icons/lod.jpg", "description": "Use various meshes based on distance to optimize rendering speed", "PGID": "#7HMHAU#1" }, { "title": "Hardware instancing", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_instances", "icon": "icons/instances.jpg", "description": "Use hardware instancing to duplicate meshes at no cost", "PGID": "#YB006J#75" }, { "title": "Octrees", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/optimizing_your_scene_with_octrees", "icon": "icons/octree.jpg", "description": "Use octrees to boost mesh selections when dealing with thousands of objects", "PGID": "#3YFJ5R#0" }, { "title": "Clip planes", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/clip_planes", "icon": "icons/clipplanes.jpg", "description": "You can clip the rendering of a scene by using clip planes", "PGID": "#Y6W087#0" } ] }, { "title": "Particles", "samples": [ { "title": "Particle helper", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/particlehelper", "icon": "icons/particle_helper.jpg", "description": "Easily create complex particle systems", "PGID": "#1VGT5D#2" }, { "title": "Particles and mirrors", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/particles", "icon": "icons/particle_mirror.jpg", "description": "Use particles with a mirror", "PGID": "#65MUMZ#1" }, { "title": "Particles with custom shader", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/customise#custom-effects", "icon": "icons/custom_particles.jpg", "description": "Use custom shader to display CPU particles", "PGID": "#807QEP#0" }, { "title": "GPU particles", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/particles#gpu-particles", "icon": "icons/gpu_particles.jpg", "description": "Use GPU only to create a massive number of particles", "PGID": "#PU4WYI#14" }, { "title": "Particles 101", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/particles", "icon": "icons/particles.png", "description": "Create a particle system and attach it to a moving object", "PGID": "#EF9X5R#0" }, { "title": "Low lying fog", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/particles", "icon": "icons/lying_fog.jpg", "description": "Use particle to simulate volumetric fog", "PGID": "#BHNVUE#2" }, { "title": "Particle editor", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/particles", "icon": "icons/particle_editor.jpg", "description": "Online editor to play with particle parameters", "PGID": "#NNL67B#1" }, { "title": "Particles and node material", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/How_To/Particles_and_nme", "icon": "icons/particle_nme.jpg", "description": "Updating default particle shader with NME", "PGID": "#RA18GJ#0" }, { "title": "A lot of triangles with SPS", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/solid_particles", "icon": "icons/solidParticleSystem.jpg", "description": "Use solid particle system to create a colorful cube", "PGID": "#2FPT1A#5" }, { "title": "Solid Particle System facet collision", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/solid_particles", "icon": "icons/facets.jpg", "description": "Use SPS facets to simulate complex mesh collisions", "PGID": "#6UZDJ9#0" }, { "title": "Solid Particle System collisions", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/solid_particles", "icon": "icons/sps_collisions.jpg", "description": "Use basic geometry to simulate SPS collisions", "PGID": "#2V1C4Z#0" }, { "title": "Solid Particle System and shadows", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/solid_particles", "icon": "icons/sps_shadows.jpg", "description": "Animate SPS with realtime shadows", "PGID": "#ML2LR9#0" }, { "title": "Particle sub emitters", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/sub_emitters", "icon": "icons/subemitter.jpg", "description": "Spawn particles from another particle as it moves or when it dies", "PGID": "#T0L01N#50" } ] }, { "title": "Collisions & intersections", "samples": [ { "title": "Collisions", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/cameras,_mesh_collisions_and_gravity", "icon": "icons/collisions.png", "description": "Handle basic collisions to avoid a camera going through a box", "PGID": "#U8MEB0#0" }, { "title": "Intersections", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/intersect_collisions_-_mesh", "icon": "icons/intersections.png", "description": "Detect when meshes intersect each other", "PGID": "#KQV9SA#0" } ] }, { "title": "Physics", "samples": [ { "title": "Physics", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/using_the_physics_engine", "icon": "icons/physics.png", "description": "How to use physic engines within Babylon", "PGID": "#7149G4#0" }, { "title": "Cloth", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/using_the_physics_engine", "icon": "icons/cloth.jpg", "description": "Use physic engine to simulate cloth", "PGID": "#7N1BRU#0" } ] }, { "title": "Shadows", "samples": [ { "title": "Contact hardening", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/shadows#contact-hardening-shadow-webgl2-only", "icon": "icons/pcss.jpg", "description": "Shadows will get softer when they are further away from the object casting them", "PGID": "#EYEPRI#3" }, { "title": "Self shadowing #1", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/shadows#exponential-shadow-map", "icon": "icons/self_shadows1.jpg", "description": "Use shadow exponential mode to enable self shadowing on a rotating object", "PGID": "#F4XWU2#0" }, { "title": "Self shadowing #2", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/shadows#close-exponential-shadow-map", "icon": "icons/self_shadows2.jpg", "description": "Use shadow close exponential mode to enable self shadowing on animated object", "PGID": "#4GAHX6#14" }, { "title": "Shadows 101", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/shadows", "icon": "icons/shadows.png", "description": "Setup a scene with lights and meshes to cast different types of shadows", "PGID": "#IFYDRS#0" }, { "title": "Shadow on transparent textures", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/shadows", "icon": "icons/trasnparent_shadow.jpg", "description": "Create realistic shadows from a transparent texture", "PGID": "#1Z89KY#28" }, { "title": "Point light shadows", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/shadows", "icon": "icons/point_shadows.jpg", "description": "Use point light to cast shadows", "PGID": "#4MC650#0" }, { "title": "Multi directional lights with soft shadows", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/shadows", "icon": "icons/multi_shadows.jpg", "description": "Use multiple directional lights to cast soft shadows", "PGID": "#KWS7KD#0" }, { "title": "Different shadow filters", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/shadows", "icon": "icons/shadow_filters.jpg", "description": "Demonstrate different kind of shadows", "PGID": "#43T193#0" } ] }, { "title": "Audio", "samples": [ { "title": "Basic sounds", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/playing_sounds_and_music", "icon": "icons/basic_sounds.png", "description": "Playing sounds with babylon", "PGID": "#DXAEUY#0" }, { "title": "Sound on mesh", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/playing_sounds_and_music", "icon": "icons/sound_on_mesh.png", "description": "Attach a sound to a mesh which will be modified by the objects position", "PGID": "#EDVU95#0" }, { "title": "Audio analyzer #1", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/playing_sounds_and_music#using-the-analyser", "icon": "icons/analyzer.jpg", "description": "Analyze audio frequencies in realtime", "PGID": "#TUR5GH#0" } ] }, { "title": "Special FX", "samples": [ { "title": "Fog", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/Environment#fog", "icon": "icons/fog.jpg", "description": "Simulate fog in your scene", "PGID": "#LR6389#0" }, { "title": "Convolution post-process", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/api/classes/babylon.convolutionpostprocess", "icon": "icons/convolution.jpg", "description": "Apply emboss filter to the scene using the ConvolutionPostProcess", "PGID": "#B0RH9H#1" }, { "title": "Lens flares", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_lens_flares", "icon": "icons/lens_flares.jpg", "description": "Simulate lens flares on the camera", "PGID": "#ZEB7H6#6" }, { "title": "Glass wubble ball", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/api/classes/babylon.abstractmesh#getverticesdata", "icon": "icons/glassWubbleBall.jpg", "description": "Warped ball effect", "PGID": "#CXOLW#3" }, { "title": "Color curves", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_postprocesses#imageprocessing", "icon": "icons/color_curves.jpg", "description": "Apply color curves to your rendering", "PGID": "#HI65FJ#0" }, { "title": "Default rendering pipeline", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/using_default_rendering_pipeline", "icon": "icons/default_pipeline.jpg", "description": "Bloom, FXAA, sharpen, grain, vignette, chromatic aberration and DoF with one single object", "PGID": "#Y3C0HQ#146" }, { "title": "Depth of field", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/using_default_rendering_pipeline#depth-of-field", "icon": "icons/dof.jpg", "description": "Apply depth of field effect", "PGID": "#8F5HYV#9" }, { "title": "Glow layer", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/glow_layer", "icon": "icons/glow.jpg", "description": "Generates glow around emissive objects", "PGID": "#6ZVKE3#0" }, { "title": "Sprites", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/sprites", "icon": "icons/sprites.png", "description": "Load and display sprites", "PGID": "#9RI8CG#0" }, { "title": "Environment", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/environment", "icon": "icons/environment.png", "description": "Adding a skybox and fog", "PGID": "#7G0IQW#0" }, { "title": "Fresnel", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_fresnelparameters", "icon": "icons/fresnel.png", "description": "Renders spheres to simulate a fresnel lens", "PGID": "#AQZJ4C#0" }, { "title": "SSAO rendering pipeline", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/using_the_ssao_rendering_pipeline", "icon": "icons/ssao_1.png", "description": "Screen space ambient occlusion", "PGID": "#N96NXC#106" }, { "title": "SSAO rendering pipeline (WebGL2)", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/api/classes/babylon.ssao2renderingpipeline", "icon": "icons/ssao_2.png", "description": "Screen space ambient occlusion with WebGL2", "PGID": "#7D2QDD#0" }, { "title": "Volumetric Light Scattering", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/using_the_volumetric_lightscattering_post-process", "icon": "icons/volumetric_light_scattering.png", "description": "Simulates light scattering due to light hitting the atmosphere", "PGID": "#V2DAKC#0" }, { "title": "Refraction and Reflection", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_fresnelparameters", "icon": "icons/refraction_and_reflection.png", "description": "Simulate how light would reflect and refract with a sphere", "PGID": "#XH85A9#0" }, { "title": "Portals", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/resources/shaderintro", "icon": "icons/portals.jpg", "description": "Portal effect created using custom shaders", "PGID": "#EEOWP#7" }, { "title": "Warp speed !", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/shader_material", "icon": "icons/warpSpeed.jpg", "description": "Fly through stars using a custom shader texture", "PGID": "#1WBBW0#1" }, { "title": "Hypnotizing infinite loader", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/position", "icon": "icons/infiniteLoader.jpg", "description": "Visually apealing loading animation", "PGID": "#VUJG1#1" }, { "title": "Realtime refraction", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_reflection_probes", "icon": "icons/refraction.jpg", "description": "use reflection probes to simulate realtime refraction", "PGID": "#RRYXWN#1" }, { "title": "Realtime reflection", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_reflection_probes", "icon": "icons/reflection.jpg", "description": "use reflection probes to simulate realtime reflection", "PGID": "#J0D279#0" }, { "title": "Motion blur", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/using_standard_rendering_pipeline#setting-up-the-motion-blur", "icon": "icons/motion_blur.jpg", "description": "Use the standard rendering pipeline to simulate motion blur", "PGID": "#ZMAJZB#7" }, { "title": "Highlight layer", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/highlight_layer", "icon": "icons/highlights.jpg", "description": "Highlight a mesh", "PGID": "#7EESGZ#8" }, { "title": "Lens effects", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/using_depth-of-field_and_other_lens_effects", "icon": "icons/lens_effect.jpg", "description": "Create photographic effect with the LensRenderingPipeline", "PGID": "#B7JHWD#0" }, { "title": "Heatwave", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_postprocesses#custom-postprocesses", "icon": "icons/heatwave.jpg", "description": "Use custom post process effect to simulate heat wave effect", "PGID": "#TZJ0HQ#18" }, { "title": "RGB Shift Glitch", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_postprocesses#custom-postprocesses", "icon": "icons/rgbglitch.jpg", "description": "Use custom post process effect to simulate RGB Shift glitch", "PGID": "#TZJ0HQ#19" }, { "title": "Dawn Bringer", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_postprocesses#custom-postprocesses", "icon": "icons/dawn.jpg", "description": "Use custom post process effect to simulate DawnBringer effect", "PGID": "#TZJ0HQ#17" } ] }, { "title": "Textures", "samples": [ { "title": "Saving dynamic texture on disk", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/dynamictexture", "icon": "icons/savingDynamicTexture.jpg", "description": "Save a texture generated at runtime using DynamicTexture", "PGID": "#CA4SM#1" }, { "title": "360 videos", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/360videodome", "icon": "icons/360.jpg", "description": "Easily display and control 360 videos", "PGID": "#SQ5UC1#1" }, { "title": "360 photos", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/360photodome", "icon": "icons/360photo.jpg", "description": "Easily display and control 360 photos", "PGID": "#14KRGG#3" }, { "title": "ProceduralTexture", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_procedural_textures", "icon": "icons/procedural_texture.png", "description": "Use procedual textures for wood, grass, marble, fire, etc.", "PGID": "#B2ZXG6#0" }, { "title": "Local cubemaps", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/reflect#cubetexture", "icon": "icons/local_cubemap.jpg", "description": "Improve cubemaps with local mode", "PGID": "#RNASML#37" }, { "title": "Starfield procedural texture", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/how_to_use_procedural_textures", "icon": "icons/starfield.jpg", "description": "Use the starfield procedual texture to simulate space", "PGID": "#ZQWE4G#0" }, { "title": "Equirectangular map as reflection texture", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/reflect", "icon": "icons/equMapOnReflectionTexture.jpg", "description": "Using Equirectangular maps as a reflection texture", "PGID": "#23IQHK#2" }, { "title": "Mirrors", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/reflect", "icon": "icons/mirrors.jpg", "description": "Shows how to use mirrors in babylon", "PGID": "#2EP7UB#0" }, { "title": "Custom render targets", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/api/classes/babylon.rendertargettexture", "icon": "icons/custom_rendertarget.jpg", "description": "Use render target textures to generate procedural data", "PGID": "#CJWDJR#1" }, { "title": "Bump texture", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/more_materials#bump-map", "icon": "icons/bump.jpg", "description": "Use normal map to simulate bump", "PGID": "#RK0W5S#30" }, { "title": "Image texture", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/materials#transparent-texture-examples", "icon": "icons/image_texture.jpg", "description": "Apply an image with transparency to a mesh", "PGID": "#YDO1F#75" }, { "title": "Video texture", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/video_texture", "icon": "icons/video_texture.jpg", "description": "Apply a video as a texture to a mesh", "PGID": "#CHQ4T#120" }, { "title": "Basis texture loading", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/resources/Multi-Platform_Compressed_Textures", "icon": "icons/basis.jpg", "description": "Load a basis texture", "PGID": "#4RN0VF#0" } ] }, { "title": "VR", "samples": [ { "title": "WebVR", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/how_to/webvr_helper", "icon": "icons/webvr.png", "description": "View a basic mesh and interact with a gui in WebVR", "PGID": "#TAFSN0#260" } ] }, { "title": "Misc.", "samples": [ { "title": "Charting", "doc": "https://doc.babylonjs.com/babylon101/", "icon": "icons/charting.jpg", "description": "Creates a 3D charting presentation", "PGID": "#8PY6X5#1" } ] } ] }