// // Spike Recorder Arduino code 30. Sep. 2015 // V1.1 // Backyard Brains // Stanislav Mircic // https://backyardbrains.com/ // This code is made for Muscle SpikerShield and similar products that need to communicate with // Spike Recorder desktop software via USB (virtual serial port). // Sample rate depends on number of channels that are enabled. It is 10kHz divided with number of channels // So, if only one channel is enabled sample rate is 10kHz. If two channels are enabled sample rate will be 5kHz etc. // #define EKG A0 //we are reading from AnalogIn 0 #define BUFFER_SIZE 100 //sampling buffer size #define SIZE_OF_COMMAND_BUFFER 30 //command buffer size #define LENGTH_OF_MESSAGE_IMPULS 100 // length of message impuls in ms // defines for setting and clearing register bits #ifndef cbi #define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit)) #endif #ifndef sbi #define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit)) #endif int buffersize = BUFFER_SIZE; int head = 0;//head index for sampling circular buffer int tail = 0;//tail index for sampling circular buffer byte writeByte; char commandBuffer[SIZE_OF_COMMAND_BUFFER];//receiving command buffer byte reading[BUFFER_SIZE]; //Sampling buffer int messageImpulsPin = 5; int messageImpulseTimer = 0; long debouncing_time = 15; //Debouncing Time in Milliseconds volatile unsigned long last_micros; int redButton = 4; int greenButton = 7; int redLED = 13; int redLEDCounter = 0; int greenLED = 8; int greenLEDCounter = 0; int redButtonReady = 1; int greenButtonReady = 1; ////This sets up serial communication values can 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 31250, 38400, 57600, and 115200, also 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, but that's too slow for us /// Interrupt number - very important in combination with bit rate to get accurate data int interrupt_Number=198;// Output Compare Registers value = (16*10^6) / (Fs*8) - 1 set to 1999 for 1000 Hz sampling, set to 3999 for 500 Hz sampling, set to 7999 for 250Hz sampling, 199 for 10000 Hz Sampling int numberOfChannels = 1;//current number of channels sampling int tempSample = 0; int commandMode = 0;//flag for command mode. Don't send data when in command mode void setup(){ Serial.begin(230400); //Serial communication baud rate (alt. 115200) delay(300); //whait for init of serial Serial.println("StartUp!"); Serial.setTimeout(2); pinMode(messageImpulsPin, OUTPUT); // TIMER SETUP- the timer interrupt allows preceise timed measurements of the reed switch //for mor info about configuration of arduino timers see http://arduino.cc/playground/Code/Timer1 cli();//stop interrupts //Make ADC sample faster. Change ADC clock //Change prescaler division factor to 16 sbi(ADCSRA,ADPS2);//1 cbi(ADCSRA,ADPS1);//0 cbi(ADCSRA,ADPS0);//0 //set timer1 interrupt at 10kHz TCCR1A = 0;// set entire TCCR1A register to 0 TCCR1B = 0;// same for TCCR1B TCNT1 = 0;//initialize counter value to 0; OCR1A = interrupt_Number;// Output Compare Registers // turn on CTC mode TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12); // Set CS11 bit for 8 prescaler TCCR1B |= (1 << CS11); // enable timer compare interrupt TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A); sei();//allow interrupts //END TIMER SETUP } ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) { //Interrupt at the timing frequency you set above to measure to measure AnalogIn, and filling the buffers if(messageImpulseTimer>0) { messageImpulseTimer--; if(messageImpulseTimer==0) { digitalWrite(messageImpulsPin, LOW); } } if(commandMode!=1) { //Put samples in sampling buffer "reading". Since Arduino Mega has 10bit ADC we will split every sample to 2 bytes //First byte will contain 3 most significant bits and second byte will contain 7 least significat bits. //First bit in all byte will not be used for data but for marking begining of the frame of data (array of samples from N channels) //Only first byte in frame will have most significant bit set to 1 //Sample first channel and put it into buffer tempSample = analogRead(A0); reading[head] = (tempSample>>7)|0x80;//Mark begining of the frame by setting MSB to 1 head = head+1; if(head==BUFFER_SIZE) { head = 0; } reading[head] = tempSample & 0x7F; head = head+1; if(head==BUFFER_SIZE) { head = 0; } if(numberOfChannels>1) { //Sample 2. channel and put it into buffer tempSample = analogRead(A1); reading[head] = (tempSample>>7) & 0x7F; head = head+1; if(head==BUFFER_SIZE) { head = 0; } reading[head] = tempSample & 0x7F; head = head+1; if(head==BUFFER_SIZE) { head = 0; } } if(numberOfChannels>2) { //Sample 3. channel and put it into buffer tempSample = analogRead(A2); reading[head] = (tempSample>>7) & 0x7F; head = head+1; if(head==BUFFER_SIZE) { head = 0; } reading[head] = tempSample & 0x7F; head = head+1; if(head==BUFFER_SIZE) { head = 0; } } if(numberOfChannels>3) { //Sample 4. channel and put it into buffer tempSample = analogRead(A3); reading[head] = (tempSample>>7) & 0x7F; head = head+1; if(head==BUFFER_SIZE) { head = 0; } reading[head] = tempSample & 0x7F; head = head+1; if(head==BUFFER_SIZE) { head = 0; } } if(numberOfChannels>4) { //Sample 5. channel and put it into buffer tempSample = analogRead(A4); reading[head] = (tempSample>>7) & 0x7F; head = head+1; if(head==BUFFER_SIZE) { head = 0; } reading[head] = tempSample & 0x7F; head = head+1; if(head==BUFFER_SIZE) { head = 0; } } if(numberOfChannels>5) { //Sample 6. channel and put it into buffer tempSample = analogRead(A5); reading[head] = (tempSample>>7) & 0x7F; head = head+1; if(head==BUFFER_SIZE) { head = 0; } reading[head] = tempSample & 0x7F; head = head+1; if(head==BUFFER_SIZE) { head = 0; } } } } void serialEvent() { commandMode = 1;//frag that we are receiving commands through serial TIMSK1 &= ~(1 << OCIE1A);//disable timer for sampling // read untill \n from the serial port: String inString = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); //convert string to null terminate array of chars inString.toCharArray(commandBuffer, SIZE_OF_COMMAND_BUFFER); commandBuffer[inString.length()] = 0; // breaks string str into a series of tokens using delimiter ";" // Namely split strings into commands char* command = strtok(commandBuffer, ";"); while (command != 0) { // Split the command in 2 parts: name and value char* separator = strchr(command, ':'); if (separator != 0) { // Actually split the string in 2: replace ':' with 0 *separator = 0; --separator; if(*separator == 'c')//if we received command for number of channels { separator = separator+2; numberOfChannels = atoi(separator);//read number of channels } if(*separator == 's')//if we received command for sampling rate { //do nothing. Do not change sampling rate at this time. //We calculate sampling rate further below as (max Fs)/(Number of channels) } if(*separator == 'p')//if we received command for impuls { //Set impuls separator = separator+2; digitalWrite(messageImpulsPin, HIGH); messageImpulseTimer = (LENGTH_OF_MESSAGE_IMPULS * 10)/numberOfChannels; } } // Find the next command in input string command = strtok(0, ";"); } //calculate sampling rate OCR1A = (interrupt_Number+1)*numberOfChannels - 1; TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);//enable timer for sampling commandMode = 0; } void loop(){ while(head!=tail && commandMode!=1)//While there are data in sampling buffer whaiting { Serial.write(reading[tail]); //Move thail for one byte tail = tail+1; if(tail==BUFFER_SIZE) { tail = 0; } } }