// Copyright [2015] [Banana.ch SA - Lugano Switzerland] // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // @id = it.banana.app.report_economico_veneto_modello2 // @api = 1.0 // @pubdate = 2018-12-17 // @publisher = Banana.ch SA // @description = Associazioni - Bilancio economico (modello 2) // @task = app.command // @doctype = 100.100;110.100 // @docproperties = associazioni // @outputformat = none // @inputdatasource = none // @timeout = -1 //Global variables var param = {}; var form = []; //Create the param object with some parameters function loadParam(banDoc) { param = {}; var openingDate = Banana.Converter.toDate(banDoc.info("AccountingDataBase","OpeningDate")) var year = ""; if (openingDate) { openingDate.getFullYear(); } param = { "reportName":"Report economico - Veneto", // Save the report's name "headerLeft" : banDoc.info("Base","HeaderLeft"), // Get the info from File->File properties->Header left "headerRight" : banDoc.info("Base","HeaderRight"), // Get the info from File->File properties->Header right "startDate" : banDoc.info("AccountingDataBase","OpeningDate"), // Get the start date of the accounting period "endDate" : banDoc.info("AccountingDataBase","ClosureDate"), // Get the end date of the accounting period "year" : year, // Get the year from the accounting period "basicCurrency" : banDoc.info("AccountingDataBase","BasicCurrency"), // Get the basic currency of the accounting "grColumn" : "Gr1", // Specify the column ("Gr1" or "Gr2") "formatNumber" : true, // Specify if convert all the values into the local format "rounding" : 2 // Specify the rounding of the sums }; } //The purpose of this function is to create and load the structure that will contains all the data used to create the report function loadForm(banDoc) { form = []; var tipoAssociazione = ""; try { tipoAssociazione = banDoc.table("TestiReport").findRowByValue("RowId", "RVENETO").value("Testo"); } catch(e) { banDoc.addMessage('Tabella TestiReport "Tipo associazione" (Id "RVENETO") inesistente oppure nome non corretto.'); } /** CONTO ECONOMICO **/ //INCOME form.push({"id":"Rt", "description":"RICAVI"}); form.push({"id":"R1", "gr":"R1", "bClass":"4", "description":"QUOTE ASSOCIATIVE"}); form.push({"id":"R2", "description":"CONTRIBUTI PER PROGETTI E/O ATTIVITÀ (art. 5 L. 266/91)", "sum":"R2.1;R2.2;R2.3;R2.4;R2.5;R2.6;R2.7;R2.8"}); form.push({"id":"R2.1", "gr":"R2.1", "bClass":"4", "description":"da soci (specificare a quale titolo)"}); form.push({"id":"R2.2", "gr":"R2.2", "bClass":"4", "description":"da non soci (specificare a quale titolo)"}); form.push({"id":"R2.3", "gr":"R2.3", "bClass":"4", "description":"da CSV e Comitato di Gestione"}); form.push({"id":"R2.4", "gr":"R2.4", "bClass":"4", "description":"da enti pubblici (comune, provincia, regione, stato)"}); form.push({"id":"R2.5", "gr":"R2.5", "bClass":"4", "description":"da Comunità europea e da altri organismi internazionali"}); form.push({"id":"R2.6", "gr":"R2.6", "bClass":"4", "description":"da altre Odv (specificare a quale titolo)"}); form.push({"id":"R2.7", "gr":"R2.7", "bClass":"4", "description":"dal cinque per mille"}); form.push({"id":"R2.8", "gr":"R2.8", "bClass":"4", "description":"altro (specificare)"}); form.push({"id":"R3", "description":"DONAZIONI DEDUCIBILI E LASCITI TESTAMENTARI - art. 5 L.266/91", "sum":"R3.1;R3.2"}); form.push({"id":"R3.1", "gr":"R3.1", "bClass":"4", "description":"da soci"}); form.push({"id":"R3.2", "gr":"R3.2", "bClass":"4", "description":"da non soci"}); form.push({"id":"R4", "gr":"R4", "bClass":"4", "description":"RIMBORSI DERIVANTI DA CONVENZIONI CON ENTI PUBBLICI - art. 5 L.266/91"}); //We don't include "R5a" group if we are on the APS file if (tipoAssociazione !== "APS" && tipoAssociazione === "ODV") { form.push({"id":"R5a", "description":"ENTRATE DA ATTIVITÀ COMMERCIALI PRODUTTIVE MARGINALI (Raccolta fondi)", "sum":"R5.1;R5.2;R5.3"}); form.push({"id":"R5.1", "gr":"R5.1", "bClass":"4", "description":"da attività di vendite occasionali o iniziative occasionali di solidarietà (D.M. 1995 lett.a) es.eventi, cassettina offerte, tombole, spettacoli"}); form.push({"id":"R5.2", "gr":"R5.2", "bClass":"4", "description":"da attività di vendita di beni acquisiti da terzi a titolo gratuito a fini di sovvenzione (D.M. 1995 lett.b)"}); form.push({"id":"R5.3", "gr":"R5.3", "bClass":"4", "description":"da attività di somministrazione di alimenti e bevande in occasione di manifestazioni e simili a carattere occasionale (D.M. 1995 lett.d)"}); } form.push({"id":"R5b", "description":" ALTRE ENTRATE DA ATTIVITÀ COMMERCIALI MARGINALI", "sum":"R5.4;R5.5"}); form.push({"id":"R5.4", "gr":"R5.4", "bClass":"4", "description":"cessione di beni prodotti dagli assistiti e dai volontari sempreché la vendita dei prodotti sia curata direttamente dall'organizzazione senza alcun intermediario (D.M. 1995 lett.c)"}); form.push({"id":"R5.5", "gr":"R5.5", "bClass":"4", "description":"attività di prestazione di servizi rese in conformità alle finalità istituzionali, non riconducibili nell'ambito applicativo dell'art. 111, comma 3, del TUIR verso pagamento di corrispettivi specifici che non eccedano del 50% i costi di diretta imputazione (D.M. 1995 lett. e)"}); form.push({"id":"R6", "description":"ALTRE ENTRATE (comunque ammesse dalla L.266/91)", "sum":"R6.1;R6.2;R6.3"}); form.push({"id":"R6.1", "gr":"R6.1", "bClass":"4", "description":"rendite patrimoniali (fitti,….)"}); form.push({"id":"R6.2", "gr":"R6.2", "bClass":"4", "description":"rendite finanziarie (interessi, dividendi)"}); form.push({"id":"R6.3", "gr":"R6.3", "bClass":"4", "description":"altro: specificare "}); form.push({"id":"R7", "gr":"R7", "bClass":"4", "description":"ANTICIPAZIONI DI CASSA"}); form.push({"id":"R8", "gr":"R8", "bClass":"4", "description":"PARTITE DI GIRO"}); //We don't include "R5a" in the total group if we are on the APS file if (tipoAssociazione !== "APS" && tipoAssociazione === "ODV") { form.push({"id":"R", "description":"TOTALE RICAVI", "sum":"R1;R2;R3;R4;R5a;R5b;R6;R7;R8"}); } else { form.push({"id":"R", "description":"TOTALE RICAVI", "sum":"R1;R2;R3;R4;R5b;R6;R7;R8"}); } //EXPENSES form.push({"id":"Ct", "description":"COSTI"}); form.push({"id":"C1", "gr":"C1", "bClass":"3", "description":"RIMBORSI SPESE AI VOLONTARI (documentate ed effettivamente sostenute)"}); form.push({"id":"C2", "description":"ASSICURAZIONI", "sum":"C2.1;C2.2"}); form.push({"id":"C2.1", "gr":"C2.1", "bClass":"3", "description":"volontari (malattie, infortuni e resp. civile terzi) - art. 4 L.266/91"}); form.push({"id":"C2.2", "gr":"C2.2", "bClass":"3", "description":"altre: es. veicoli, immobili,…."}); form.push({"id":"C3", "description":"PERSONALE OCCORRENTE A QUALIFICARE E SPECIALIZZARE L’ATTIVITÀ (art. 3 L. 266/91 e art. 3 L.R. 40/1993)", "sum":"C3.1;C3.2;C3.3"}); form.push({"id":"C3.1", "gr":"C3.1", "bClass":"3", "description":"dipendenti "}); form.push({"id":"C3.2", "gr":"C3.2", "bClass":"3", "description":"atipici e occasionali"}); form.push({"id":"C3.3", "gr":"C3.3", "bClass":"3", "description":"consulenti (es. fisioterapista)"}); form.push({"id":"C4", "gr":"C4", "bClass":"3", "description":"ACQUISTI DI SERVIZI (es. manutenzione, trasporti, service, consulenza fiscale e del lavoro)"}); form.push({"id":"C5", "gr":"C5", "bClass":"3", "description":"UTENZE (telefono, luce, riscaldamento,…)"}); form.push({"id":"C6", "description":"MATERIALI DI CONSUMO (cancelleria, postali, materie prime, generi alimentari)", "sum":"C6.1;C6.2;C6.3"}); form.push({"id":"C6.1", "gr":"C6.1", "bClass":"3", "description":"per struttura odv"}); form.push({"id":"C6.2", "gr":"C6.2", "bClass":"3", "description":"per attività"}); form.push({"id":"C6.3", "gr":"C6.3", "bClass":"3", "description":"per soggetti svantaggiati"}); form.push({"id":"C7", "gr":"C7", "bClass":"3", "description":"GODIMENTO BENI DI TERZI (affitti, noleggio attrezzature, diritti Siae,....)"}); form.push({"id":"C8", "gr":"C8", "bClass":"3", "description":"ONERI FINANZIARI E PATRIMONIALI (es. interessi passivi su mutui, prestiti, c/c bancario ..)"}); form.push({"id":"C9", "gr":"C9", "bClass":"3", "description":"AMMORTAMENTI"}); form.push({"id":"C10", "gr":"C10", "bClass":"3", "description":"IMPOSTE E TASSE"}); form.push({"id":"C11", "gr":"C11", "bClass":"3", "description":"RACCOLTE FONDI (vedi allegati Nr. delle singole raccolte fondi di cui ai punti 5.1, 5.2 e 5.3 delle entrate)"}); form.push({"id":"C12", "description":"ALTRE USCITE/COSTI", "sum":"C12.1;C12.2;C12.3;C12.4"}); form.push({"id":"C12.1", "gr":"C12.1", "bClass":"3", "description":"Contributi a soggetti svantaggiati"}); form.push({"id":"C12.2", "gr":"C12.2", "bClass":"3", "description":"Quote associative a odv collegate (specificare)"}); form.push({"id":"C12.3", "gr":"C12.3", "bClass":"3", "description":"versate ad altre odv (specificare)"}); form.push({"id":"C12.4", "gr":"C12.4", "bClass":"3", "description":"Altro (specificare)"}); form.push({"id":"C13", "gr":"C13", "bClass":"3", "description":"PARTITE DI GIRO"}); form.push({"id":"C", "description":"TOTALE COSTI", "sum":"C1;C2;C3;C4;C5;C6;C7;C8;C9;C10;C11;C12;C13"}); //RISULTATO D'ESERCIZIO form.push({"id":"UP", "description":"UTILE/PERDITA D'ESERCIZIO", "sum":"R;-C"}); /** STATO PATRIMONIALE **/ //ATTIVI form.push({"id":"A1", "gr":"A1", "bClass":"1", "description":"BENI DUREVOLI"}); form.push({"id":"A2.1", "gr":"A2.1", "bClass":"1", "description":"CASSA"}); form.push({"id":"A2.2", "gr":"A2.2", "bClass":"1", "description":"BANCA"}); form.push({"id":"A2.3", "gr":"A2.3", "bClass":"1", "description":"TITOLI"}); form.push({"id":"A3", "gr":"A3", "bClass":"1", "description":"CREDITI"}); form.push({"id":"APG", "description":"PERDITA DI GESTIONE"}); form.push({"id":"ATP", "description":"TOTALE A PAREGGIO", "sum":"A1;A2.1;A2.2;A3;APG"}); //PASSIVI form.push({"id":"P1", "gr":"P1", "bClass":"2", "description":"DEBITI"}); form.push({"id":"P2.1", "gr":"P2.1", "bClass":"2", "description":"FONDI DI AMMORTAMENTO BENI E ATTREZZATURE"}); form.push({"id":"P2.2", "gr":"P2.2", "bClass":"2", "description":"FONDI DI ACCANTONAMENTO"}); form.push({"id":"P3", "gr":"P3", "bClass":"2", "description":"NETTO"}); form.push({"id":"PAG", "description":"AVANZO DI GESTIONE"}); form.push({"id":"PTP", "description":"TOTALE A PAREGGIO", "sum":"P1;P2.1;P2.2;P3;PAG"}); } //Main function function exec(string) { //Check if we are on an opened document if (!Banana.document) { return; } //Check if the table "TestiReport" exists var tableNames = Banana.document.tableNames; if (tableNames.indexOf("TestiReport") < 0) { Banana.document.addMessage('Tabella "TestiReport" inesistente oppure nome maiuscolo/minuscolo non esatto.'); return; } // 1. Create and load the parameters and the form loadParam(Banana.document); loadForm(Banana.document); // 2. Extract the data, calculate and load the balances loadBalances(Banana.document); preProcess(Banana.document); // 3. Calculate the totals calcTotals(["amount"]); // 4. Do some operations before the format //postProcess(); // 5. Format all the values formatValues(["amount"]); // 6. Create and print the report var report = printReport(Banana.document); var stylesheet = createStyleSheet(); Banana.Report.preview(report, stylesheet); } //The purpose of this function is to do some operations before the calculation of the totals function preProcess(banDoc) { //var balanceUP = banDoc.currentBalance("Gr=UP-BIL", param.startDate, param.endDate).balance; var balanceUP = ""; //Table Categories if (banDoc.table('Categories')) { var table = banDoc.table("Categories"); for (var i = 0; i < table.rowCount; i++) { var tRow = table.row(i); if (tRow.value("Group") === "RIS") { balanceUP = tRow.value("Balance"); } } for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { //Attivo - Perdita di gestione (+) if (Banana.SDecimal.sign(balanceUP) > 0) { if (form[i]["id"] === "PAG") { form[i]["amount"] = balanceUP; getObject(form,"APG").amount = ""; } } //Passivo - Avanzo di gestione (-) else if (Banana.SDecimal.sign(balanceUP) < 0) { if (form[i]["id"] === "APG") { form[i]["amount"] = Banana.SDecimal.invert(balanceUP); getObject(form,"PAG").amount = ""; } } } getObject(form,"P3").amount = banDoc.table('Accounts').findRowByValue('Group','PN').value('Opening'); } //Table Accounts else { var table = banDoc.table("Totals"); for (var i = 0; i < table.rowCount; i++) { var tRow = table.row(i); if (tRow.value("Group") === "02") { balanceUP = tRow.value("Balance"); } } for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { //Attivo - Perdita di gestione (+) if (Banana.SDecimal.sign(balanceUP) > 0) { if (form[i]["id"] === "APG") { form[i]["amount"] = balanceUP; getObject(form,"PAG").amount = ""; } } //Passivo - Avanzo di gestione (-) else if (Banana.SDecimal.sign(balanceUP) < 0) { if (form[i]["id"] === "PAG") { form[i]["amount"] = Banana.SDecimal.invert(balanceUP); getObject(form,"APG").amount = ""; } } } } } //The purpose of this function is to do some operations before the values are converted function postProcess() { } //The purpose of this function is to create and print the report function printReport(banDoc) { var report = Banana.Report.newReport(param.reportName); var thisYear = Banana.Converter.toDate(banDoc.info("AccountingDataBase","OpeningDate")).getFullYear(); /** TABLE CONTO ECONOMICO **/ report.addParagraph(param.headerLeft + " - " + "BILANCIO ECONOMICO (Modello 2) ANNO " + thisYear, "heading2"); var table = report.addTable("table"); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("Id/Gr1", "styleTableHeader", 1); tableRow.addCell("Id/Gr1", "styleTableHeader", 1); tableRow.addCell("Descrizione gruppo/conto", "styleTableHeader", 1); tableRow.addCell(" ", "styleTableHeader", 1); tableRow.addCell(" ", "styleTableHeader", 1); tableRow.addCell("Importi parziali", "styleTableHeader", 1); tableRow.addCell("Importi totali", "styleTableHeader", 1); for (var k = 0; k < form.length; k++) { if (form[k]["id"].substring(0,1) === "R" || form[k]["id"].substring(0,1) === "C" || form[k]["id"].substring(0,2) === "UP") { //Titles if (form[k]["id"] === "Rt" || form[k]["id"] === "Ct") { tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(form[k]["description"], "styleTitleCell", 7); } //Totals else if (form[k]["id"] === "R" || form[k]["id"] === "C" || form[k]["id"] === "UP") { tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(form[k]["id"], "valueTotal", 1); tableRow.addCell(form[k]["description"], "valueTotal", 4); tableRow.addCell(" ", "valueTotal", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance(form[k].id), "alignRight bold valueTotal", 1); } //Details else { if (form[k].id.indexOf(".") > 0) { tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(" ", "", 1); tableRow.addCell(form[k]["id"], "", 1); tableRow.addCell(form[k]["description"], "", 3); tableRow.addCell(getBalance(form[k].id), "alignRight", 1); tableRow.addCell(" ", "", 1); } else { tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(form[k]["id"], "bold italic", 1); //tableRow.addCell(form[k]["description"], "bold italic", 1); //tableRow.addCell(" ", "", 2); tableRow.addCell(form[k]["description"], "bold italic", 4); tableRow.addCell(" ", "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance(form[k].id), "alignRight bold italic", 1); } } } } report.addPageBreak(); /** TABLE STATO PATRIMONIALE **/ report.addParagraph(param.headerLeft + " - STATO PATRIMONIALE", "heading2"); var table = report.addTable("table"); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("Id/Gr1", "styleTableHeader", 1); //tableRow.addCell("Gr1", "styleTableHeader", 1) tableRow.addCell("Descrizione", "styleTableHeader", 1); tableRow.addCell("Importi totali", "styleTableHeader", 1); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("ATTIVO", "bold styleTitleCell", 3); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A1", "id"), "", 1); //tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A1", "gr"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A1", "description"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance("A1"), "alignRight", 1); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A2.1", "id"), "", 1); //tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A2.1", "gr"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A2.1", "description"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance("A2.1"), "alignRight", 1); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A2.2", "id"), "", 1); //tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A2.2", "gr"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A2.2", "description"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance("A2.2"), "alignRight", 1); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A2.3", "id"), "", 1); //tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A2.3", "gr"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A2.3", "description"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance("A2.3"), "alignRight", 1); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A3", "id"), "", 1); //tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A3", "gr"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "A3", "description"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance("A3"), "alignRight", 1); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "APG", "id"), "", 1); //tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "APG", "gr"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "APG", "description"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance("APG"), "alignRight", 1); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "ATP", "id"), "bold valueTotal", 1); //tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "ATP", "gr"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "ATP", "description"), "bold valueTotal", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance("ATP"), "alignRight bold valueTotal", 1); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("PASSIVO", "bold styleTitleCell", 3); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "P1", "id"), "", 1); //tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "P1", "gr"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "P1", "description"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance("P1"), "alignRight", 1); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "P2.1", "id"), "", 1); //tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "P2.1", "gr"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "P2.1", "description"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance("P2.1"), "alignRight", 1); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "P2.2", "id"), "", 1); //tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "P2.2", "gr"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "P2.2", "description"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance("P2.2"), "alignRight", 1); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "P3", "id"), "", 1); //tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "P3", "gr"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "P3", "description"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance("P3"), "alignRight", 1); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "PAG", "id"), "", 1); //tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "PAG", "gr"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "PAG", "description"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance("PAG"), "alignRight", 1); tableRow = table.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "PTP", "id"), "bold valueTotal", 1); //tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "PTP", "gr"), "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getValue(form, "PTP", "description"), "bold valueTotal", 1); tableRow.addCell(getBalance("PTP"), "alignRight bold valueTotal", 1); //Add a footer to the report addHeader(report); addFooter(report); return report; } //The purpose of this function is to load all the balances and save the values into the form function loadBalances(banDoc) { for (var i in form) { //Check if there are "vatClass" properties, then load VAT balances if (form[i]["vatClass"]) { if (form[i]["gr"]) { form[i]["amount"] = calculateVatGr1Balance(banDoc, form[i]["gr"], form[i]["vatClass"], param["grColumn"], param["startDate"], param["endDate"]); } } //Check if there are "bClass" properties, then load balances if (form[i]["bClass"]) { if (form[i]["gr"]) { form[i]["amount"] = calculateAccountGr1Balance(banDoc, form[i]["gr"], form[i]["bClass"], param["grColumn"], param["startDate"], param["endDate"]); } } } } //The purpose of this function is to calculate all the balances of the accounts belonging to the same group (grText) function calculateAccountGr1Balance(banDoc, grText, bClass, grColumn, startDate, endDate) { var accounts = []; if (banDoc.table("Categories") && (bClass === "3" || bClass === "4")) { var categoryNumbers = getColumnListForGr(banDoc.table("Categories"), grText, "Category", grColumn); categoryNumbers = categoryNumbers.join("|"); accounts.push(categoryNumbers); } else { var accountNumbers = getColumnListForGr(banDoc.table("Accounts"), grText, "Account", grColumn); accountNumbers = accountNumbers.join("|"); accounts.push(accountNumbers); } //Banana.console.debug(accounts); //Sum the amounts of opening, debit, credit, total and balance for all transactions for this accounts var currentBal = banDoc.currentBalance(accounts, startDate, endDate); //The "bClass" decides which value to use if (bClass === "0") { return currentBal.amount; } else if (bClass === "1") { return currentBal.balance; } else if (bClass === "2") { return Banana.SDecimal.invert(currentBal.balance); } else if (bClass === "3") { if (!banDoc.table("Categories")) { return currentBal.total; } else { return Banana.SDecimal.invert(currentBal.total); } } else if (bClass === "4") { if (!banDoc.table("Categories")) { return Banana.SDecimal.invert(currentBal.total); } else { return currentBal.total; } } } //The main purpose of this function is to create an array with all the values of a given column of the table (codeColumn) belonging to the same group (grText) function getColumnListForGr(table, grText, codeColumn, grColumn) { debugger; if (table === undefined || !table) { return str; } if (!grColumn) { grColumn = "Gr1"; } var str = []; //Loop to take the values of each rows of the table for (var i = 0; i < table.rowCount; i++) { var tRow = table.row(i); var grRow = tRow.value(grColumn); //If Gr1 column contains other characters (in this case ";") we know there are more values //We have to split them and take all values separately //If there are only alphanumeric characters in Gr1 column we know there is only one value var codeString = grRow; var arrCodeString = codeString.split(";"); for (var j = 0; j < arrCodeString.length; j++) { var codeString1 = arrCodeString[j]; if (codeString1 === grText) { str.push(tRow.value(codeColumn)); } } } //Removing duplicates for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { for (var x = i+1; x < str.length; x++) { if (str[x] === str[i]) { str.splice(x,1); --x; } } } //Return the array return str; } //The purpose of this function is to return a specific whole object function getObject(form, id) { for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { if (form[i]["id"] === id) { return form[i]; } } Banana.document.addMessage("Couldn't find object with id: " + id); } //The purpose of this function is to get a specific value from the object function getValue(source, id, field) { var searchId = id.trim(); for (var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { if (source[i].id === searchId) { return source[i][field]; } } Banana.document.addMessage("Couldn't find object with id: " + id); } //The purpose of this function is to get the Description from an object function getDescription(id) { var searchId = id.trim(); for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { if (form[i]["id"] === searchId) { return form[i]["description"]; } } Banana.document.addMessage("Couldn't find object with id: " + id); } //The purpose of this function is to get the Balance from an object function getBalance(id) { var searchId = id.trim(); for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { if (form[i]["id"] === searchId) { return form[i]["amount"]; } } Banana.document.addMessage("Couldn't find object with id: " + id); } //The purpose of this function is to convert all the values from the given list to local format function formatValues(fields) { if (param["formatNumber"] === true) { for (i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { var valueObj = getObject(form, form[i].id); for (var j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { valueObj[fields[j]] = Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(valueObj[fields[j]]); } } } } //The purpose of this function is to calculate all totals of the form with one call of the function only function calcTotals(fields) { for (var i = 0; i < form.length; i++) { calcTotal(form[i].id, fields); } } //Calculate a single total of the form function calcTotal(id, fields) { var valueObj = getObject(form, id); if (valueObj[fields[0]]) { //first field is present return; //calc already done, return } if (valueObj.sum) { var sumElements = valueObj.sum.split(";"); for (var k = 0; k < sumElements.length; k++) { var entry = sumElements[k].trim(); if (entry.length <= 0) { return true; } var isNegative = false; if (entry.indexOf("-") >= 0) { isNegative = true; entry = entry.substring(1); } //Calulate recursively calcTotal(entry, fields); for (var j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) { var fieldName = fields[j]; var fieldValue = getValue(form, entry, fieldName); if (fieldValue) { if (isNegative) { //Invert sign fieldValue = Banana.SDecimal.invert(fieldValue); } valueObj[fieldName] = Banana.SDecimal.add(valueObj[fieldName], fieldValue, {'decimals' : param.rounding}); } } } } else if (valueObj.gr) { //Already calculated in loadBalances() } } //This function adds a Footer to the report function addFooter(report) { report.getFooter().addClass("footer"); var versionLine = report.getFooter().addText("Banana Accounting - ", "description"); report.getFooter().addText("Pagina ", "description"); report.getFooter().addFieldPageNr(); } function addHeader(report) { var pageHeader = report.getHeader(); pageHeader.addClass("header"); pageHeader.addImage("Immagini/logo_regione_vento.png", "100%", "15%"); pageHeader.addParagraph(" giunta regionale – 8^ legislatura", "header2"); 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