function hook_print_details_net_amounts(banDoc, repDocObj, invoiceObj, texts, userParam, detailsTable, variables) { /* Print the invoice details using net Amounts (VAT excluded) */ removeDiscountColumn(invoiceObj, userParam); var columnsDimension = userParam.details_columns_widths.split(";"); var repTableObj = detailsTable; for (var i = 0; i < columnsDimension.length; i++) { repTableObj.addColumn().setStyleAttributes("width:"+columnsDimension[i]); } var header = repTableObj.getHeader().addRow(); // Creates the header with the parameter's values // If user insert other columns names we use them, // otherwise we use the XmlValue inserted when choosing the columns to display var columnsNames = userParam.details_columns.split(";"); var columnsHeaders = userParam[lang+'_text_details_columns'].split(";"); var titlesAlignment = userParam.details_columns_titles_alignment.split(";"); // remove all empty values ("", null, undefined): columnsNames = columnsNames.filter(function(e){return e}); columnsHeaders = columnsHeaders.filter(function(e){return e}); if (columnsNames.length == columnsHeaders.length) { for (var i = 0; i < columnsHeaders.length; i++) { var alignment = titlesAlignment[i]; if (alignment !== "left" && alignment !== "center" && alignment !== "right") { alignment = "center"; } columnsHeaders[i] = columnsHeaders[i].trim(); if (columnsHeaders[i] === "") { header.addCell("", "doc_table_header", 1); } else { header.addCell(columnsHeaders[i], "doc_table_header "+ alignment, 1); } columnsNumber ++; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < columnsNames.length; i++) { columnsNames[i] = columnsNames[i].trim().toLowerCase(); header.addCell(columnsNames[i], "doc_table_header center", 1); columnsNumber ++; } } var decimals = getQuantityDecimals(invoiceObj); var columnsAlignment = userParam.details_columns_alignment.split(";"); //ITEMS var customColumnMsg = ""; for (var i = 0; i < invoiceObj.items.length; i++) { var item = invoiceObj.items[i]; var className = "item_cell"; // row with amount if (item.item_type && item.item_type.indexOf("total") === 0) { className = "subtotal_cell"; // row with DocType 10:tot } if (item.item_type && item.item_type.indexOf("note") === 0) { className = "note_cell"; // row without amount } if (item.item_type && item.item_type.indexOf("header") === 0) { className = "header_cell"; // row with DocType 10:hdr } var classNameEvenRow = ""; if (i % 2 == 0) { classNameEvenRow = "even_rows_background_color"; } tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); for (var j = 0; j < columnsNames.length; j++) { var alignment = columnsAlignment[j]; if (alignment !== "left" && alignment !== "center" && alignment !== "right") { alignment = "left"; } if (columnsNames[j].trim().toLowerCase() === "description") { //When 10:hdr with empty description, let empty line if (item.item_type && item.item_type.indexOf("header") === 0 && !item.description) { tableRow.addCell(" ", classNameEvenRow, 1); } else { // Note: currently itemValue2 does not exist, this will add an empty line // We don't remove this code because it will change how the invoice is printed and what the customer expect var itemValue = formatItemsValue(item.description, variables, columnsNames[j], className, item); var itemValue2 = formatItemsValue(item.description2, variables, columnsNames[j], className, item); var descriptionCell = tableRow.addCell("", classNameEvenRow + " " + alignment + " padding-left padding-right " + itemValue.className, 1); addMdBoldText(descriptionCell, itemValue.value); descriptionCell.addParagraph(itemValue2.value, ""); addMultipleLinesDescriptions(banDoc, descriptionCell, item.origin_row, userParam); } } else if (columnsNames[j].trim().toLowerCase() === "quantity") { if (IS_INTEGRATED_INVOICE) { // If referenceUnit is empty we do not print the quantity. // With this we can avoid to print the quantity "1.00" for transactions that do not have quantity,unit,unitprice. if (item.mesure_unit) { if (variables.decimals_quantity !== "") { decimals = variables.decimals_quantity; } var itemValue = formatItemsValue(item.quantity, decimals, columnsNames[j], className, item); tableRow.addCell(itemValue.value, classNameEvenRow + " " + alignment + " padding-left padding-right " + itemValue.className, 1); } else { tableRow.addCell("", classNameEvenRow + " " + alignment + " padding-left padding-right " + className, 1); } } else { if (item.quantity) { decimals = variables.decimals_quantity var itemValue = formatItemsValue(item.quantity, decimals, columnsNames[j], className, item); tableRow.addCell(itemValue.value, classNameEvenRow + " " + alignment + " padding-left padding-right " + itemValue.className, 1); } else { tableRow.addCell("", classNameEvenRow + " " + alignment + " padding-left padding-right " + className, 1); } } } else if (columnsNames[j].trim().toLowerCase() === "referenceunit" || columnsNames[j] === "mesure_unit") { var itemValue = formatItemsValue(item.mesure_unit, variables, columnsNames[j], className, item); tableRow.addCell(itemValue.value, classNameEvenRow + " " + alignment + " padding-left padding-right " + itemValue.className, 1); } else if (columnsNames[j].trim().toLowerCase() === "unitprice" || columnsNames[j] === "unit_price") { var itemValue = formatItemsValue(item.unit_price.calculated_amount_vat_exclusive, variables, columnsNames[j], className, item); tableRow.addCell(itemValue.value, classNameEvenRow + " " + alignment + " padding-left padding-right " + itemValue.className, 1); } else if (columnsNames[j].trim().toLowerCase() === "amount" || columnsNames[j] === "total_amount_vat_exclusive") { var itemValue = formatItemsValue(item.total_amount_vat_exclusive, variables, columnsNames[j], className, item); tableRow.addCell(itemValue.value, classNameEvenRow + " " + alignment + " padding-left padding-right " + itemValue.className, 1); } else if (columnsNames[j].trim().toLowerCase() === "vatrate" || columnsNames[j] === "vat_rate") { var itemValue = formatItemsValue(item.unit_price.vat_rate, variables, columnsNames[j], className, item); tableRow.addCell(itemValue.value, classNameEvenRow + " " + alignment + " padding-left padding-right " + itemValue.className, 1); } else if (columnsNames[j].trim().toLowerCase() === "discount") { var itemValue = ""; if ( && { itemValue = formatItemsValue(, variables, columnsNames[j], className, item); itemValue.value += "%"; } else if ( && { itemValue = formatItemsValue(, variables, columnsNames[j], className, item); } else { itemValue = formatItemsValue("", variables, columnsNames[j], className, item); } tableRow.addCell(itemValue.value, classNameEvenRow + " " + alignment + " padding-left padding-right " + itemValue.className, 1); } else if (columnsNames[j].trim().toLowerCase() === "number") { var itemValue = formatItemsValue(item.number, variables, columnsNames[j], className, item); tableRow.addCell(itemValue.value, classNameEvenRow + " " + alignment + " padding-left padding-right " + itemValue.className, 1); } // // Add images from the column Links of the table Items // We set the height of the images to 1cm // else if (columnsNames[j].trim().toLowerCase() === "i.links") { var cell = tableRow.addCell(); var userColumnValue = getUserColumnValue(banDoc, item.origin_row, item.number, columnsNames[j]); if (userColumnValue) { cell.addImage("file:document/"+userColumnValue, "", "1cm"); } } else { var userColumnValue = ""; var columnsName = columnsNames[j]; var itemValue = ""; //User defined columns only available with advanced version //In settings dialog, must start with "T." for integrated ivoices or "I." for estimates invoices //This prevent conflicts with JSON fields. if (BAN_ADVANCED) { //JSON contains a property with the name of the column (Item, Date) //In JSON all names are lower case if (objectHasProperty(item, columnsName)) { itemValue = formatItemsValue(objectGetProperty(item, columnsName), variables, columnsName, className, item); } else { userColumnValue = getUserColumnValue(banDoc, item.origin_row, item.number, columnsName); columnsName = columnsName.substring(2); itemValue = formatItemsValue(userColumnValue, variables, columnsName, className, item); } } else { customColumnMsg = "The customization with custom columns requires Banana Accounting+ Advanced"; } tableRow.addCell(itemValue.value, classNameEvenRow + " " + alignment + " padding-left padding-right " + itemValue.className, 1); } } } // Show message when using "T.Column" with a non advanced version of Banana+ if (customColumnMsg.length > 0) { banDoc.addMessage(customColumnMsg); } tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "border-top", columnsNumber); //DISCOUNT //used only for the "Application Invoice" //on normal invoices discounts are entered as items in transactions if (!IS_INTEGRATED_INVOICE && invoiceObj.billing_info.total_discount_vat_exclusive) { tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); let discountText = ? :; if ( discountText += " " + + "%"; tableRow.addCell(discountText, "padding-left padding-right", columnsNumber-1); tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(invoiceObj.billing_info.total_discount_vat_exclusive, variables.decimals_amounts, true), "right padding-left padding-right", 1); } //PRINT 0% VAT RATE //only when a VatCode with 0% VAT is used (i.e. V0) //when VAT is 0 but no VatCode is used (without VAT), the VAT rate is not printed if (invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rate_zero) { invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rate_zero.vat_rate = Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rate_zero.total_vat_amount,variables.decimals_amounts,true); //"0.00"; invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rates.unshift(invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rate_zero); } //TOTAL NET if (invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rates.length > 0) { tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(texts.totalnet, "padding-left padding-right", columnsNumber-1); tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(invoiceObj.billing_info.total_amount_vat_exclusive, variables.decimals_amounts, true), "right padding-left padding-right", 1); for (var i = 0; i < invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rates.length; i++) { tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(texts.vat + " " + invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rates[i].vat_rate + "% (" + Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rates[i].total_amount_vat_exclusive, variables.decimals_amounts, true) + ")", "padding-left padding-right", columnsNumber-1); tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rates[i].total_vat_amount, variables.decimals_amounts, true), "right padding-left padding-right", 1); } } //TOTAL ROUNDING DIFFERENCE if (invoiceObj.billing_info.total_rounding_difference.length) { tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(texts.rounding, "padding-left padding-right", columnsNumber-1); tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(invoiceObj.billing_info.total_rounding_difference, variables.decimals_amounts, true), "right padding-left padding-right", 1); } //DEPOSIT //Only used for the Application Invoice if (!IS_INTEGRATED_INVOICE && invoiceObj.billing_info.total_advance_payment) { tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); if (invoiceObj.billing_info.total_advance_payment_description) { tableRow.addCell(invoiceObj.billing_info.total_advance_payment_description, "padding-left padding-right", columnsNumber-1); } else { tableRow.addCell(texts.deposit, "padding-left padding-right", columnsNumber-1); } tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(Banana.SDecimal.abs(invoiceObj.billing_info.total_advance_payment), variables.decimals_amounts, true), "right padding-left padding-right", 1); } tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); if (invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rates.length > 0 || invoiceObj.billing_info.total_rounding_difference.length) { tableRow.addCell("", "border-top", columnsNumber); } else { tableRow.addCell("", "", columnsNumber); } //FINAL TOTAL tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(userParam[lang+'_text_total'] + " " + invoiceObj.document_info.currency, "total_cell", columnsNumber-1); tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(invoiceObj.billing_info.total_to_pay, variables.decimals_amounts, true), "total_cell right", 1); }