// Copyright [2018] [Banana.ch SA - Lugano Switzerland] // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // @id = ch.banana.uni.invoice.uni07 // @api = 1.0 // @pubdate = 2019-04-26 // @publisher = Banana.ch SA // @description = Style 7: Invoice with net amounts, quantity column, 2 colours // @description.it = Stile 7: Fattura con importi netti, colonna quantità, 2 colori // @description.de = Stil 7: Rechnung mit Nettobeträgen, Mengenspalte, 2 Farben // @description.fr = Style 7: Facture avec montants nets, colonne quantité, 2 couleurs // @description.nl = Stijl 7: Factuur met netto bedragen, hoeveelheid kolom, 2 kleuren // @description.en = Style 7: Invoice with net amounts, quantity column, 2 colours // @description.zh = 样式 7: 发票与净额, 数量列, 2 颜色 // @doctype = * // @task = report.customer.invoice var detailsTableStart = ""; var docTableStart = ""; /*Update script's parameters*/ function settingsDialog() { var param = initParam(); var savedParam = Banana.document.scriptReadSettings(); if (savedParam.length > 0) { param = JSON.parse(savedParam); } param = verifyParam(param); if (typeof (Banana.Ui.openPropertyEditor) !== 'undefined') { var dialogTitle = 'Settings'; var convertedParam = convertParam(param); var pageAnchor = 'dlgSettings'; if (!Banana.Ui.openPropertyEditor(dialogTitle, convertedParam, pageAnchor)) return; for (var i = 0; i < convertedParam.data.length; i++) { // Read values to param (through the readValue function) convertedParam.data[i].readValue(); } } else { var lang = Banana.document.locale; if (lang.length>2) lang = lang.substr(0,2); var texts = setInvoiceTexts(lang); param.print_header = Banana.Ui.getInt('Settings', texts.param_print_header, param.print_header); if (param.print_header === undefined) return; param.font_family = Banana.Ui.getText('Settings', texts.param_font_family, param.font_family); if (param.font_family === undefined) return; param.color_1 = Banana.Ui.getText('Settings', texts.param_color_1, param.color_1); if (param.color_1 === undefined) return; param.color_2 = Banana.Ui.getText('Settings', texts.param_color_2, param.color_2); if (param.color_2 === undefined) return; } var paramToString = JSON.stringify(param); var value = Banana.document.scriptSaveSettings(paramToString); } function convertParam(param) { var lang = 'en'; if (Banana.document.locale) lang = Banana.document.locale; if (lang.length > 2) lang = lang.substr(0, 2); var texts = setInvoiceTexts(lang); var convertedParam = {}; convertedParam.version = '1.0'; /*array dei parametri dello script*/ convertedParam.data = []; var currentParam = {}; currentParam.name = 'print_header'; currentParam.title = texts.param_print_header; currentParam.type = 'bool'; currentParam.value = param.print_header ? true : false; currentParam.readValue = function() { param.print_header = this.value; } convertedParam.data.push(currentParam); currentParam = {}; currentParam.name = 'font_family'; currentParam.title = texts.param_font_family; currentParam.type = 'string'; currentParam.value = param.font_family ? param.font_family : ''; currentParam.readValue = function() { param.font_family = this.value; } convertedParam.data.push(currentParam); currentParam = {}; currentParam.name = 'color_1'; currentParam.title = texts.param_color_1; currentParam.type = 'string'; currentParam.value = param.color_1 ? param.color_1 : '#666666'; currentParam.readValue = function() { param.color_1 = this.value; } convertedParam.data.push(currentParam); currentParam = {}; currentParam.name = 'color_2'; currentParam.title = texts.param_color_2; currentParam.type = 'string'; currentParam.value = param.color_2 ? param.color_2 : '#ffffff'; currentParam.readValue = function() { param.color_2 = this.value; } convertedParam.data.push(currentParam); return convertedParam; } function initParam() { var param = {}; param.print_header = true; param.font_family = ''; param.color_1 = '#666666'; param.color_2 = '#ffffff'; param.color_3 = ''; param.color_4 = ''; param.color_5 = ''; return param; } function verifyParam(param) { if (!param.print_header) param.print_header = false; if (!param.font_family) param.font_family = ''; if (!param.color_1) param.color_1 = '#666666'; if (!param.color_2) param.color_2 = '#ffffff'; if (!param.color_3) param.color_3 = ''; if (!param.color_4) param.color_4 = ''; if (!param.color_5) param.color_5 = ''; return param; } function printDocument(jsonInvoice, repDocObj, repStyleObj) { var param = initParam(); var savedParam = Banana.document.scriptReadSettings(); if (savedParam.length > 0) { param = JSON.parse(savedParam); param = verifyParam(param); } repDocObj = printInvoice(jsonInvoice, repDocObj, param); setInvoiceStyle(repDocObj, repStyleObj, param); } function printInvoice(jsonInvoice, repDocObj, param) { // jsonInvoice can be a json string or a js object var invoiceObj = null; if (typeof(jsonInvoice) === 'object') { invoiceObj = jsonInvoice; } else if (typeof(jsonInvoice) === 'string') { invoiceObj = JSON.parse(jsonInvoice) } // Invoice texts which need translation var langDoc = ''; if (invoiceObj.customer_info.lang ) langDoc = invoiceObj.customer_info.lang; if (langDoc.length <= 0) langDoc = invoiceObj.document_info.locale; var texts = setInvoiceTexts(langDoc); // Invoice document var reportObj = Banana.Report; if (!repDocObj) { repDocObj = reportObj.newReport(getTitle(invoiceObj, texts) + " " + invoiceObj.document_info.number); } else { var pageBreak = repDocObj.addPageBreak(); pageBreak.addClass("pageReset"); } /*********** 1. HEADER ***********/ if (param.print_header) { var tab = repDocObj.addTable("header_table"); var col1 = tab.addColumn("col1"); var col2 = tab.addColumn("col2"); tableRow = tab.addRow(); var business_name = ''; if (invoiceObj.supplier_info.business_name) { business_name = invoiceObj.supplier_info.business_name; } if (business_name.length<=0) { if (invoiceObj.supplier_info.first_name) { business_name = invoiceObj.supplier_info.first_name + " "; } if (invoiceObj.supplier_info.last_name) { business_name += invoiceObj.supplier_info.last_name; } } var cell = tableRow.addCell("", "border-bottom left bold", 1); cell.addParagraph(business_name.toUpperCase(), "logo"); var supplierLines = getInvoiceSupplier(invoiceObj.supplier_info).split('\n'); var supplierLinesContacts = getInvoiceSupplierContacts(invoiceObj.supplier_info).split('\n'); cell = tableRow.addCell("", "border-bottom", 1); for (var i=0; i < supplierLines.length; i++) { cell.addParagraph(supplierLines[i], "", 1); } for (var i=0; i < supplierLinesContacts.length; i++) { cell.addParagraph(supplierLinesContacts[i], "", 1); } } /********************** 2. TITLE **********************/ var titleTable = repDocObj.addTable("title_table"); tableRow = titleTable.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(getTitle(invoiceObj, texts), "bold title padding-left"); /********************** 3. ADDRESSES **********************/ var addressTable = repDocObj.addTable("address_table"); var addressCol1 = addressTable.addColumn("addressCol1"); var addressCol2 = addressTable.addColumn("addressCol2"); tableRow = addressTable.addRow(); var c1 = tableRow.addCell("", "bold padding-left", 1); var c2 = tableRow.addCell("", "bold padding-left", 1); c2.addParagraph("", ""); tableRow = addressTable.addRow(); c1 = tableRow.addCell("", "padding-left", 1); c2 = tableRow.addCell("","padding-left",1); var addressLines = getInvoiceAddress(invoiceObj.customer_info).split('\n'); for (var i=0; i < addressLines.length; i++) { c2.addParagraph(addressLines[i], ""); } //Text begin if (invoiceObj.document_info.text_begin) { detailsTableStart = "125mm"; docTableStart = "165mm"; repDocObj.addParagraph(invoiceObj.document_info.text_begin, "begin_text"); } else { detailsTableStart = "100mm"; docTableStart = "140mm"; } /********************* 4. INVOICE DETAILS ********************/ var invoiceDetails = repDocObj.addTable("invoice_details"); var invoiceDetCol1 = invoiceDetails.addColumn("invoiceDetCol1"); var invoiceDetCol2 = invoiceDetails.addColumn("invoiceDetCol2"); var invoiceDetCol3 = invoiceDetails.addColumn("invoiceDetCol3"); var invoiceDate = Banana.Converter.toLocaleDateFormat(invoiceObj.document_info.date); tableRow = invoiceDetails.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "details_header border-top border-left border-bottom", 1); tableRow.addCell("", "details_header border-top border-bottom", 1); tableRow.addCell("", "details_header border-right border-top border-bottom", 1); tableRow = invoiceDetails.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getTitle(invoiceObj, texts) + " ", "padding-left border-left border-right", 1); tableRow.addCell(invoiceObj.document_info.number, "padding-left border-right", 1); tableRow = invoiceDetails.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "", 1); tableRow.addCell(texts.date, "padding-left border-right", 1); tableRow.addCell(invoiceDate, "padding-left border-right", 1); tableRow = invoiceDetails.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "", 1); tableRow.addCell(texts.customer, "padding-left border-right", 1); tableRow.addCell(invoiceObj.customer_info.number, "padding-left border-right", 1); var payment_terms_label = texts.payment_terms_label; var payment_terms = ''; if (invoiceObj.billing_info.payment_term) { payment_terms = invoiceObj.billing_info.payment_term; } else if (invoiceObj.payment_info.due_date) { payment_terms_label = texts.payment_due_date_label payment_terms = Banana.Converter.toLocaleDateFormat(invoiceObj.payment_info.due_date); } tableRow = invoiceDetails.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "", 1); tableRow.addCell(payment_terms_label, "padding-left border-right", 1); tableRow.addCell(payment_terms, "padding-left border-right", 1); tableRow = invoiceDetails.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "", 1); tableRow.addCell(texts.page, "padding-left border-right border-bottom", 1); tableRow.addCell("", "padding-left border-right border-bottom", 1).addFieldPageNr(); printInvoiceDetails(invoiceObj, repDocObj.getHeader(), param, texts); /*************** 5. TABLE ITEMS ***************/ var repTableObj = repDocObj.addTable("doc_table"); var repTableCol1 = repTableObj.addColumn("repTableCol1"); var repTableCol2 = repTableObj.addColumn("repTableCol2"); var repTableCol3 = repTableObj.addColumn("repTableCol3"); var repTableCol4 = repTableObj.addColumn("repTableCol4"); var dd = repTableObj.getHeader().addRow(); dd.addCell(texts.description, "padding-left items_table_header border-left border-top", 1); dd.addCell(texts.qty, "padding-right items_table_header amount border-top", 1); dd.addCell(texts.unit_price, "padding-right items_table_header amount border-top", 1); dd.addCell(texts.total + " " + invoiceObj.document_info.currency, "padding-right items_table_header amount border-top border-right", 1); //ITEMS for (var i = 0; i < invoiceObj.items.length; i++) { var item = invoiceObj.items[i]; var className = "item_cell"; if (item.item_type && item.item_type.indexOf("total") === 0) { className = "subtotal_cell"; } if (item.item_type && item.item_type.indexOf("note") === 0) { className = "note_cell"; } tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); var descriptionCell = tableRow.addCell("", "padding-left border-left " + className, 1); descriptionCell.addParagraph(item.description); descriptionCell.addParagraph(item.description2); if (className == "note_cell") { tableRow.addCell("", "padding-right border-left amount " + className, 1); tableRow.addCell("", "padding-right border-left amount " + className, 1); tableRow.addCell("", "padding-right amount border-left border-right " + className, 1); } else if (className == "subtotal_cell") { tableRow.addCell("", "padding-right border-left amount " + className, 1); tableRow.addCell("", "padding-right border-left amount " + className, 1); tableRow.addCell(toInvoiceAmountFormat(invoiceObj, item.total_amount_vat_exclusive), "padding-right amount border-left border-right " + className, 1); } else { tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(item.quantity), "padding-right border-left amount " + className, 1); tableRow.addCell(Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(item.unit_price.calculated_amount_vat_exclusive), "padding-right border-left amount " + className, 1); tableRow.addCell(toInvoiceAmountFormat(invoiceObj, item.total_amount_vat_exclusive), "padding-right amount border-left border-right " + className, 1); } } tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "border-top", 4); //TOTAL NET if (invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rates.length > 0) { tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(texts.totalnet, "padding-left", 1); tableRow.addCell("", "", 2); tableRow.addCell(toInvoiceAmountFormat(invoiceObj, invoiceObj.billing_info.total_amount_vat_exclusive), "padding-right amount", 1); //VAT for (var i = 0; i < invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rates.length; i++) { tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(texts.vat + " " + invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rates[i].vat_rate + "%", "padding-left", 1); tableRow.addCell("", "", 1); tableRow.addCell(toInvoiceAmountFormat(invoiceObj, invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rates[i].total_amount_vat_exclusive), "amount", 1); tableRow.addCell(toInvoiceAmountFormat(invoiceObj, invoiceObj.billing_info.total_vat_rates[i].total_vat_amount), "padding-right amount", 1); } } //TOTAL ROUNDING DIFFERENCE if (invoiceObj.billing_info.total_rounding_difference) { tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(texts.rounding, "padding-left ", 1); tableRow.addCell("", "", 2); tableRow.addCell(toInvoiceAmountFormat(invoiceObj, invoiceObj.billing_info.total_rounding_difference), "padding-right amount", 1); } tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "", 4); //FINAL TOTAL tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(texts.total.toUpperCase() + " " + invoiceObj.document_info.currency, "padding-left bold border-bottom border-top total", 1); tableRow.addCell("", "border-bottom border-top", 2); tableRow.addCell(toInvoiceAmountFormat(invoiceObj, invoiceObj.billing_info.total_to_pay), "padding-right bold amount border-bottom border-top total", 1); //Notes for (var i = 0; i < invoiceObj.note.length; i++) { if (invoiceObj.note[i].description) { tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(invoiceObj.note[i].description,"",4); } } //Greetings if (invoiceObj.document_info.greetings) { tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(invoiceObj.document_info.greetings, "", 4); } //Template params //Default text starts with "(" and ends with ")" (default), (Vorderfiniert) if (invoiceObj.template_parameters && invoiceObj.template_parameters.footer_texts) { var lang = ''; if (invoiceObj.customer_info.lang ) lang = invoiceObj.customer_info.lang; if (lang.length <= 0 && invoiceObj.document_info.locale) lang = invoiceObj.document_info.locale; var textDefault = []; var text = []; for (var i = 0; i < invoiceObj.template_parameters.footer_texts.length; i++) { var textLang = invoiceObj.template_parameters.footer_texts[i].lang; if (textLang.indexOf('(') === 0 && textLang.indexOf(')') === textLang.length-1) { textDefault = invoiceObj.template_parameters.footer_texts[i].text; } else if (textLang == lang) { text = invoiceObj.template_parameters.footer_texts[i].text; } } if (text.join().length <= 0) text = textDefault; for (var i=0; i < text.length; i++) { tableRow = repTableObj.addRow(); tableRow.addCell(text[i], "", 4); } } return repDocObj; } function toInvoiceAmountFormat(invoice, value) { return Banana.Converter.toLocaleNumberFormat(value, invoice.document_info.decimals_amounts, true); } function getInvoiceAddress(invoiceAddress) { var address = ""; if (invoiceAddress.courtesy) { address = invoiceAddress.courtesy + "\n"; } if (invoiceAddress.first_name || invoiceAddress.last_name) { if (invoiceAddress.first_name) { address = address + invoiceAddress.first_name + " "; } if (invoiceAddress.last_name) { address = address + invoiceAddress.last_name; } address = address + "\n"; } if (invoiceAddress.business_name) { address = address + invoiceAddress.business_name + "\n"; } if (invoiceAddress.address1) { address = address + invoiceAddress.address1 + "\n"; } if (invoiceAddress.address2) { address = address + invoiceAddress.address2 + "\n"; } if (invoiceAddress.address3) { address = address + invoiceAddress.address3 + "\n"; } if (invoiceAddress.postal_code) { address = address + invoiceAddress.postal_code + " "; } if (invoiceAddress.city) { address = address + invoiceAddress.city + "\n"; } if (invoiceAddress.country) { address = address + invoiceAddress.country; } return address; } function getInvoiceSupplier(invoiceSupplier) { var supplierAddress = ""; // if (invoiceSupplier.business_name) { // supplierAddress = invoiceSupplier.business_name + " - "; // } if (invoiceSupplier.first_name) { supplierAddress = invoiceSupplier.first_name + " "; } if (invoiceSupplier.last_name) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + invoiceSupplier.last_name; } if (supplierAddress.length > 0) { supplierAddress += "\n"; } if (invoiceSupplier.address1) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + invoiceSupplier.address1; } supplierAddress += "\n"; if (invoiceSupplier.address2) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + invoiceSupplier.address2; } supplierAddress += "\n"; if (invoiceSupplier.postal_code) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + invoiceSupplier.postal_code + " "; } if (invoiceSupplier.city) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + invoiceSupplier.city + "\n"; } return supplierAddress; } function getInvoiceSupplierContacts(invoiceSupplier) { var supplierAddress = ""; if (invoiceSupplier.phone) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + "Tel: "+ invoiceSupplier.phone + " "; } if (invoiceSupplier.fax) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + "Fax: "+ invoiceSupplier.fax + " "; } if (supplierAddress.length > 0) { supplierAddress += "\n"; } if (invoiceSupplier.email) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + invoiceSupplier.email + " "; } if (invoiceSupplier.web) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + invoiceSupplier.web; } // if (invoiceSupplier.vat_number) { // supplierAddress = supplierAddress + "\n"; // supplierAddress = supplierAddress + invoiceSupplier.vat_number; // } return supplierAddress; } function getInvoiceSupplierFooter(invoiceSupplier) { var supplierAddress = ""; if (invoiceSupplier.business_name) { supplierAddress = invoiceSupplier.business_name + ", "; } if (invoiceSupplier.address1 || invoiceSupplier.address2) { //supplierAddress = supplierAddress + ", "; if (invoiceSupplier.address1) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + invoiceSupplier.address1 + ", "; } if (invoiceSupplier.address2) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + invoiceSupplier.address2 + ", "; } } if (invoiceSupplier.postal_code) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + invoiceSupplier.postal_code + " "; } if (invoiceSupplier.city) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + invoiceSupplier.city + ", "; } if (invoiceSupplier.phone) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + "Tel: " + invoiceSupplier.phone + ", "; } if (invoiceSupplier.fax) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + "Fax: " + invoiceSupplier.fax + ", "; } if (invoiceSupplier.email) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + "email: " + invoiceSupplier.email + ", "; } if (invoiceSupplier.web) { supplierAddress = supplierAddress + invoiceSupplier.web; } return supplierAddress; } //The purpose of this function is return a complete address function getAddressLines(jsonAddress, fullAddress) { var address = []; address.push(jsonAddress["business_name"]); var addressName = [jsonAddress["first_name"], jsonAddress["last_name"]]; addressName = addressName.filter(function(n){return n}); // remove empty items address.push(addressName.join(" ")); address.push(jsonAddress["address1"]); if (fullAddress) { address.push(jsonAddress["address2"]); address.push(jsonAddress["address3"]); } var addressCity = [jsonAddress["postal_code"], jsonAddress["city"]].join(" "); if (jsonAddress["country_code"] && jsonAddress["country_code"] !== "CH") addressCity = [jsonAddress["country_code"], addressCity].join(" - "); address.push(addressCity); address = address.filter(function(n){return n}); // remove empty items return address; } function getTitle(invoiceObj, texts) { var documentTitle = texts.invoice; if (invoiceObj.document_info.title) { documentTitle = invoiceObj.document_info.title; } return documentTitle; } function printInvoiceDetails(invoiceObj, repDocObj, param, texts, rowNumber) { // // INVOICE DETAILS // var invoiceDetails = repDocObj.addTable("invoice_details_row0"); var invoiceDetCol1 = invoiceDetails.addColumn("invoiceDetCol1"); var invoiceDetCol2 = invoiceDetails.addColumn("invoiceDetCol2"); var invoiceDetCol3 = invoiceDetails.addColumn("invoiceDetCol3"); var invoiceDate = Banana.Converter.toLocaleDateFormat(invoiceObj.document_info.date); tableRow = invoiceDetails.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "details_header border-top border-left border-bottom", 1); tableRow.addCell("", "details_header border-top border-bottom", 1); tableRow.addCell("", "details_header border-right border-top border-bottom", 1); tableRow = invoiceDetails.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "", 1); tableRow.addCell(getTitle(invoiceObj, texts) + " ", "padding-left border-left border-right", 1); tableRow.addCell(invoiceObj.document_info.number, "padding-left border-right", 1); tableRow = invoiceDetails.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "", 1); tableRow.addCell(texts.date, "padding-left border-right", 1); tableRow.addCell(invoiceDate, "padding-left border-right", 1); tableRow = invoiceDetails.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "", 1); tableRow.addCell(texts.customer, "padding-left border-right", 1); tableRow.addCell(invoiceObj.customer_info.number, "padding-left border-right", 1); var payment_terms_label = texts.payment_terms_label; var payment_terms = ''; if (invoiceObj.billing_info.payment_term) { payment_terms = invoiceObj.billing_info.payment_term; } else if (invoiceObj.payment_info.due_date) { payment_terms_label = texts.payment_due_date_label payment_terms = Banana.Converter.toLocaleDateFormat(invoiceObj.payment_info.due_date); } tableRow = invoiceDetails.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "", 1); tableRow.addCell(payment_terms_label, "padding-left border-right", 1); tableRow.addCell(payment_terms, "padding-left border-right", 1); tableRow = invoiceDetails.addRow(); tableRow.addCell("", "", 1); tableRow.addCell(texts.page, "padding-left border-right border-bottom", 1); tableRow.addCell("", "padding-left border-right border-bottom", 1).addFieldPageNr(); } //====================================================================// // STYLES //====================================================================// function setInvoiceStyle(reportObj, repStyleObj, param) { if (!repStyleObj) { repStyleObj = reportObj.newStyleSheet(); } //Set default values if (!param.font_family) { param.font_family = "Calibri"; } if (!param.color_1) { param.color_1 = "#666666"; } if (!param.color_2) { param.color_2 = "#ffffff"; } if (!param.color_3) { param.color_3 = ""; } if (!param.color_4) { param.color_4 = ""; } if (!param.color_5) { param.color_5 = ""; } // repStyleObj.addStyle("@page", "margin: 0mm 0mm 0mm 0mm"); // repStyleObj.addStyle("@page", "size: landscape"); //====================================================================// // GENERAL //====================================================================// repStyleObj.addStyle(".pageReset", "counter-reset: page"); repStyleObj.addStyle("body", "font-size: 12pt; font-family:" + param.font_family); repStyleObj.addStyle(".logo", "padding-top:-1px; font-size: 24pt; color:" + param.color_1); repStyleObj.addStyle(".headerAddress", "font-size:9pt"); repStyleObj.addStyle(".amount", "text-align:right"); repStyleObj.addStyle(".subtotal_cell", "font-weight:bold;"); repStyleObj.addStyle(".center", "text-align:center"); repStyleObj.addStyle(".left", "text-align:left"); repStyleObj.addStyle(".bold", "font-weight: bold"); repStyleObj.addStyle(".title", "font-size:24pt;"); repStyleObj.addStyle(".details_header", "font-weight:bold; font-size:14pt; background-color:" + param.color_1 +"; color:" + param.color_2); repStyleObj.addStyle(".details_header td", "padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:4px; padding-left:5px"); repStyleObj.addStyle(".border-left", "border-left:1px solid " + param.color_1); repStyleObj.addStyle(".border-right", "border-right:1px solid " + param.color_1); repStyleObj.addStyle(".border-bottom", "border-bottom:1px solid " + param.color_1); repStyleObj.addStyle(".border-top", "border-top:1px solid " + param.color_1); repStyleObj.addStyle(".items_table_header", "font-weight:bold; font-size:14pt; background-color:" + param.color_1 +"; color:" + param.color_2); repStyleObj.addStyle(".items_table_header td", "padding-top:5px; padding-bottom:5px;"); repStyleObj.addStyle(".total", "font-size:16pt; color: " + param.color_1); 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texts.payment_due_date_label = 'Fälligkeitsdatum'; texts.payment_terms_label = 'Zahlungsfrist'; //texts.param_max_items_per_page = 'Anzahl der Zeilen auf jeder Rechnung'; } else if (language == 'fr') { texts.customer = 'No Client'; texts.date = 'Date'; texts.description = 'Description'; texts.invoice = 'Facture'; texts.page = 'Page'; texts.rounding = 'Arrondi'; texts.total = 'Total'; texts.totalnet = 'Total net'; texts.vat = 'TVA'; texts.qty = 'Quantité'; texts.unit_ref = 'Unité'; texts.unit_price = 'Prix unité'; texts.vat_number = 'Numéro de TVA: '; texts.bill_to = 'Adresse de facturation'; texts.shipping_to = 'Adresse de livraison'; texts.from = 'DE'; texts.to = 'À'; texts.param_color_1 = 'Couleur de fond'; texts.param_color_2 = 'Couleur du texte'; texts.param_font_family = 'Police de caractère'; texts.param_print_header = 'Inclure en-tête de page (1=oui, 0=non)'; texts.param_personal_text_1 = 'Texte libre (ligne 1)'; texts.param_personal_text_2 = 'Texte libre (ligne 2)'; texts.payment_due_date_label = 'Echéance'; texts.payment_terms_label = 'Paiement'; //texts.param_max_items_per_page = 'Nombre d’éléments sur chaque facture'; } else if (language == 'zh') { texts.customer = '客户编号'; texts.date = '日期'; texts.description = '摘要'; texts.invoice = '发票'; texts.page = '页数'; texts.rounding = '四舍五入'; texts.total = '总计'; texts.totalnet = '总净值'; texts.vat = '增值税'; texts.qty = '数量'; texts.unit_ref = '单位'; texts.unit_price = '单价'; texts.vat_number = '增值税号: '; texts.bill_to = '账单地址'; texts.shipping_to = '邮寄地址'; texts.from = '来自'; texts.to = '至'; texts.param_color_1 = '背景色'; texts.param_color_2 = '文本颜色'; texts.param_font_family = '字体类型'; texts.param_print_header = '包括页眉 (1=是, 0=否)'; texts.param_personal_text_1 = '个人文本 (行 1)'; texts.param_personal_text_2 = '个人文本 (行 2)'; texts.payment_due_date_label = '截止日期'; texts.payment_terms_label = '付款'; //texts.param_max_items_per_page = '每页上的项目数'; } else if (language == 'nl') { texts.customer = 'Klantennummer'; texts.date = 'Datum'; texts.description = 'Beschrijving'; texts.invoice = 'Factuur'; texts.page = 'Pagina'; texts.rounding = 'Afronding'; texts.total = 'Totaal'; texts.totalnet = 'Totaal netto'; texts.vat = 'BTW'; texts.qty = 'Hoeveelheid'; texts.unit_ref = 'Eenheid'; texts.unit_price = 'Eenheidsprijs'; texts.vat_number = 'BTW-nummer: '; texts.bill_to = 'Factuuradres'; texts.shipping_to = 'Leveringsadres'; texts.from = 'VAN'; texts.to = 'TOT'; texts.param_color_1 = 'Achtergrond kleur'; texts.param_color_2 = 'Tekstkleur'; texts.param_font_family = 'Lettertype'; texts.param_print_header = 'Pagina-koptekst opnemen (1=ja, 0=nee)'; texts.param_personal_text_1 = 'Persoonlijke tekst (rij 1)'; texts.param_personal_text_2 = 'Persoonlijke tekst (rij 2)'; texts.payment_due_date_label = 'Vervaldatum'; texts.payment_terms_label = 'Betaling'; //texts.param_max_items_per_page = 'Aantal artikelen op iedere pagina'; } else { texts.customer = 'Customer No'; texts.date = 'Date'; texts.description = 'Description'; texts.invoice = 'Invoice'; texts.page = 'Page'; texts.rounding = 'Rounding'; texts.total = 'Total'; texts.totalnet = 'Total net'; texts.vat = 'VAT'; texts.qty = 'Quantity'; texts.unit_ref = 'Unit'; texts.unit_price = 'Unit price'; texts.vat_number = 'VAT Number: '; texts.bill_to = 'Billing address'; texts.shipping_to = 'Shipping address'; texts.from = 'FROM'; texts.to = 'TO'; texts.param_color_1 = 'Background Color'; texts.param_color_2 = 'Text Color'; texts.param_font_family = 'Font type'; texts.param_print_header = 'Include page header (1=yes, 0=no)'; texts.param_personal_text_1 = 'Personal text (row 1)'; texts.param_personal_text_2 = 'Personal text (row 2)'; texts.payment_due_date_label = 'Due date'; texts.payment_terms_label = 'Payment'; //texts.param_max_items_per_page = 'Number of items on each page'; } return texts; }