from __future__ import absolute_import from PIL import Image import threading, requests, re, time, datetime, StringIO, json, random, logging, traceback, io, collections, os, flask,base64,PIL, pkg_resources import octoprint.plugin, octoprint.util, octoprint.filemanager from flask.ext.babel import gettext from flask.ext.login import current_user from .telegramCommands import TCMD # telegramCommands. from .telegramNotifications import TMSG # telegramNotifications from .telegramNotifications import telegramMsgDict # dict of known notification messages from .emojiDict import telegramEmojiDict # dict of known emojis #################################################### # TelegramListener Thread Class # Connects to Telegram and will listen for messages. # On incomming message the listener will process it. #################################################### class TelegramListener(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, main): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.update_offset = 0 self.first_contact = True self.main = main self.do_stop = False self.username = "UNKNOWN" self._logger = main._logger.getChild("listener") self.gEmo = self.main.gEmo def run(self): self._logger.debug("Try first connect.") self.tryFirstContact() # repeat fetching and processing messages unitil thread stopped self._logger.debug("Listener is running.") try: while not self.do_stop: try: self.loop() except ExitThisLoopException: # do nothing, just go to the next loop pass except Exception as ex: self._logger.error("An Exception crashed the Listener: " + str(ex) + " Traceback: " + traceback.format_exc() ) self._logger.debug("Listener exits NOW.") # Try to get first contact. Repeat every 120sek if no success # or stop if task stopped def tryFirstContact(self): gotContact = False while not self.do_stop and not gotContact: try: self.username = self.main.test_token() gotContact = True self.set_status(gettext("Connected as %(username)s.", username=self.username), ok=True) except Exception as ex: self.set_status(gettext("Got an exception while initially trying to connect to telegram (Listener not running: %(ex)s. Waiting 2 minutes before trying again.)", ex=ex)) time.sleep(120) def loop(self): chat_id = "" json = self.getUpdates() try: # seems like we got a message, so lets process it. for message in json['result']: self.processMessage(message) except ExitThisLoopException as exit: raise exit #wooooops. can't handle the message except Exception as ex: self._logger.error("Exception caught! " + str(ex)) self.set_status(gettext("Connected as %(username)s.", username=self.username), ok=True) # we had first contact after octoprint startup # so lets send startup message if self.first_contact: self.first_contact = False self.main.on_event("PrinterStart",{}) def processMessage(self, message): self._logger.debug("MESSAGE: " + str(message)) # Get the update_id to only request newer Messages the next time if message['update_id'] >= self.update_offset: self.update_offset = message['update_id']+1 # no message no cookies if 'message' in message and message['message']['chat']: chat_id, from_id = self.parseUserData(message) # if we come here without a continue (discard message) # we have a message from a known and not new user # so let's check what he send us # if message is a text message, we probably got a command # when the command is not known, the following handler will discard it if "text" in message['message']: self.handleTextMessage(message, chat_id, from_id) # we got no message with text (command) so lets check if we got a file # the following handler will check file and saves it to disk elif "document" in message['message']: self.handleDocumentMessage(message, chat_id, from_id) # we got message with notification for a new chat title photo # so lets download it elif "new_chat_photo" in message['message']: self.handleNewChatPhotoMessage(message, chat_id, from_id) # we got message with notification for a deleted chat title photo # so we do the same elif "delete_chat_photo" in message['message']: self.handleDeleteChatPhotoMessage(message, chat_id, from_id) # a member was removed from a group, so lets check if it's our bot and # delete the group from our chats if it is our bot elif "left_chat_member" in message['message']: self.handleLeftChatMemberMessage(message, chat_id, from_id) # we are at the end. At this point we don't know what message type it is, so we do nothing else: self._logger.warn("Got an unknown message. Doing nothing. Data: " + str(message)) elif 'callback_query' in message: self.handleCallbackQuery(message) else: self._logger.warn("Response is missing .message or or callback_query. Skipping it.") raise ExitThisLoopException() def handleCallbackQuery(self, message): message['callback_query']['message']['text'] = message['callback_query']['data'] chat_id, from_id = self.parseUserData(message['callback_query']) self.handleTextMessage(message['callback_query'],chat_id, from_id) def handleLeftChatMemberMessage(self, message, chat_id, from_id): self._logger.debug("Message Del_Chat") if message['message']['left_chat_member']['username'] == self.username[1:] and str(message['message']['chat']['id']) in self.main.chats: del self.main.chats[str(message['message']['chat']['id'])] # do a ??? self._logger.debug("Chat deleted") def handleDeleteChatPhotoMessage(self, message, chat_id, from_id): self._logger.debug("Message Del_Chat_Photo") try: os.remove(self.main.get_plugin_data_folder()+"/img/user/pic" +str(message['message']['chat']['id'])+".jpg") self._logger.debug("File removed") except OSError: pass def handleNewChatPhotoMessage(self, message, chat_id, from_id): self._logger.debug("Message New_Chat_Photo") # only if we know the chat if str(message['message']['chat']['id']) in self.main.chats: self._logger.debug("New_Chat_Photo Found User") kwargs = {'chat_id':int(message['message']['chat']['id']), 'file_id': message['message']['new_chat_photo'][0]['file_id'] } t = threading.Thread(target=self.main.get_usrPic, kwargs=kwargs) t.daemon = True def handleDocumentMessage(self, message, chat_id, from_id): # first we have to check if chat or group is allowed to upload from_id = chat_id if not self.main.chats[chat_id]['private']: #is this needed? can one send files from groups to bots? from_id = str(message['message']['from']['id']) # is /upload allowed? if self.main.isCommandAllowed(chat_id,from_id,'/upload'): self.main.track_action("command/upload_exec") try: file_name = message['message']['document']['file_name'] #if not (file_name.lower().endswith('.gcode') or file_name.lower().endswith('.gco') or file_name.lower().endswith('.g')): self._logger.debug(str(file_name.lower().split('.')[-1])) if not octoprint.filemanager.valid_file_type(file_name,"machinecode"): self.main.send_msg(self.gEmo('warning') + " Sorry, I only accept files with .gcode, .gco or .g extension.", chatID=chat_id) raise ExitThisLoopException() # download the file if self.main.version >= 1.3: target_filename = "TelegramPlugin/"+file_name from octoprint.server.api.files import _verifyFolderExists if not _verifyFolderExists(octoprint.filemanager.FileDestinations.LOCAL, "TelegramPlugin"): self.main._file_manager.add_folder(octoprint.filemanager.FileDestinations.LOCAL,"TelegramPlugin") else: target_filename = "telegram_"+file_name # for parameter no_markup see _send_edit_msg() self.main.send_msg(self.gEmo('save') + gettext(" Saving file {}...".format(target_filename)), chatID=chat_id) requests.get(self.main.bot_url + "/sendChatAction", params = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'action': 'upload_document'}, proxies=self.getProxies()) data = self.main.get_file(message['message']['document']['file_id']) stream = octoprint.filemanager.util.StreamWrapper(file_name, io.BytesIO(data)) self.main._file_manager.add_file(octoprint.filemanager.FileDestinations.LOCAL, target_filename, stream, allow_overwrite=True) # for parameter msg_id see _send_edit_msg() self.main.send_msg(self.gEmo('upload') + " I've successfully saved the file you sent me as {}.".format(target_filename),msg_id=self.main.getUpdateMsgId(chat_id),chatID=chat_id) except ExitThisLoopException: pass except Exception as ex: self.main.send_msg(self.gEmo('warning') + " Something went wrong during processing of your file."+self.gEmo('mistake')+" Sorry. More details are in octoprint.log.",msg_id=self.main.getUpdateMsgId(chat_id),chatID=chat_id) self._logger.debug("Exception occured during processing of a file: "+ traceback.format_exc() ) else: self._logger.warn("Previous file was from an unauthorized user.") self.main.send_msg("Don't feed the octopuses! " + self.gEmo('octo'),chatID=chat_id) def handleTextMessage(self, message, chat_id, from_id): # We got a chat message. # handle special messages from groups (/commad@BotName) command = str(message['message']['text'].split('@')[0].encode('utf-8')) parameter = "" # TODO: Do we need this anymore? # reply_to_messages will be send on value inputs (eg notification height) # but also on android when pushing a button. Then we have to switch command and parameter. #if "reply_to_message" in message['message'] and "text" in message['message']['reply_to_message']: #command = message['message']['reply_to_message']['text'] #parameter = message['message']['text'] #if command.encode('utf-8') not in [str(k.encode('utf-8')) for k in self.main.tcmd.commandDict.keys()]: #command = message['message']['text'] #parameter = message['message']['reply_to_message']['text'] # if command is with parameter, get the parameter if any((k+"_") in command for k,v in self.main.tcmd.commandDict.iteritems() if 'param' in v): parameter = '_'.join(command.split('_')[1:]) command = command.split('_')[0]"Got a command: '" + str(command.encode('utf-8')) + "' with parameter: '" + str(parameter.encode('utf-8')) + "' in chat " + str(message['message']['chat']['id'])) # is command known? if command not in self.main.tcmd.commandDict: # we dont know the command so skip the message self._logger.warn("Previous command was an unknown command.") self.main.send_msg("I do not understand you! " + self.gEmo('mistake'),chatID=chat_id) raise ExitThisLoopException() # check if user is allowed to execute the command if self.main.isCommandAllowed(chat_id,from_id,command): # Track command if command.startswith("/"): self.main.track_action("command/" + command[1:]) # execute command self.main.tcmd.commandDict[command]['cmd'](chat_id,from_id,command,parameter) else: # user was not alloed to execute this command self._logger.warn("Previous command was from an unauthorized user.") self.main.send_msg("You are not allowed to do this! " + self.gEmo('notallowed'),chatID=chat_id) def parseUserData(self, message): self.main.chats = self.main._settings.get(["chats"]) chat = message['message']['chat'] chat_id = str(chat['id']) data = self.main.newChat # data for new user # if we know the user or chat, overwrite data with user data if chat_id in self.main.chats: data = self.main.chats[chat_id] # update data or get data for new user data['type'] = chat['type'].upper() if chat['type']=='group' or chat['type'] == 'supergroup': data['private'] = False data['title'] = chat['title'] elif chat['type']=='private': data['private'] = True data['title'] = "" if "first_name" in chat: data['title'] += chat['first_name'] + " - " if "last_name" in chat: data['title'] += chat['last_name'] + " - " if "username" in chat: data['title'] += "@" + chat['username'] from_id = chat_id # if message is from a group, chat_id will be left as id of group # and from_id is set to id of user who send the message if not data['private']: if 'from' in message: from_id = str(message['from']['id']) else: from_id = str(message['message']['from']['id']) # if group accepts only commands from known users (allow_users = true, accept_commands=false) # and user is not in known chats, then he is unknown and we dont wnat to listen to him. if chat_id in self.main.chats: if self.main.chats[chat_id]['allow_users'] and from_id not in self.main.chats and not self.main.chats[chat_id]['accept_commands']: self._logger.warn("Previous command was from an unknown user.") self.main.send_msg("I don't know you! Certainly you are a nice Person " + self.gEmo('heart'),chatID=chat_id) raise ExitThisLoopException() # if we dont know the user or group, create new user # send welcome message and skip message if chat_id not in self.main.chats: self.main.chats[chat_id] = data self.main.send_msg(self.gEmo('info') + "Now I know you. Before you can do anything, go to OctoPrint Settings and edit some rights.",chatID=chat_id) kwargs = {'chat_id':int(chat_id)} t = threading.Thread(target=self.main.get_usrPic, kwargs=kwargs) t.daemon = True self._logger.debug("Got new User") raise ExitThisLoopException() return (chat_id, from_id) def getUpdates(self): self._logger.debug("listener: sending request with offset " + str(self.update_offset) + "...") req = None # try to check for incoming messages. wait 120sek and repeat on failure try: if self.update_offset == 0 and self.first_contact: res = ["0","0"] while len(res) > 0: req = requests.get(self.main.bot_url + "/getUpdates", params={'offset':self.update_offset, 'timeout':0}, allow_redirects=False, timeout=10, proxies=self.getProxies()) json = req.json() if not json['ok']: self.set_status(gettext("Response didn't include 'ok:true'. Waiting 2 minutes before trying again. Response was: %(response)s", json)) time.sleep(120) raise ExitThisLoopException() if len(json['result']) > 0 and 'update_id' in json['result'][0]: if json['result'][0]['update_id'] >= self.update_offset: self.update_offset = json['result'][0]['update_id']+1 res = json['result'] if len(res) < 1: self._logger.debug("Ignoring message because first_contact is True.") if self.update_offset == 0: self.update_offset = 1 else: req = requests.get(self.main.bot_url + "/getUpdates", params={'offset':self.update_offset, 'timeout':30}, allow_redirects=False, timeout=40, proxies=self.getProxies()) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: # Just start the next loop. raise ExitThisLoopException() except Exception as ex: self.set_status(gettext("Got an exception while trying to connect to telegram API: %(exception)s. Waiting 2 minutes before trying again.", exception=ex)) time.sleep(120) raise ExitThisLoopException() if req.status_code != 200: self.set_status(gettext("Telegram API responded with code %(status_code)s. Waiting 2 minutes before trying again.", status_code=req.status_code)) time.sleep(120) raise ExitThisLoopException() if req.headers['content-type'] != 'application/json': self.set_status(gettext("Unexpected Content-Type. Expected: application/json. Was: %(type)s. Waiting 2 minutes before trying again.", type=req.headers['content-type'])) time.sleep(120) raise ExitThisLoopException() json = req.json() if not json['ok']: self.set_status(gettext("Response didn't include 'ok:true'. Waiting 2 minutes before trying again. Response was: %(response)s", json)) time.sleep(120) raise ExitThisLoopException() return json # stop the listener def stop(self): self.do_stop = True def set_status(self, status, ok=False): if status != self.main.connection_state_str: if self.do_stop: self._logger.debug("Would set status but do_stop is True: %s", status) return if ok: self._logger.debug("Setting status: %s", status) else: self._logger.error("Setting status: %s", status) self.connection_ok = ok self.main.connection_state_str = status def getProxies(self): http_proxy = self.main._settings.get(["http_proxy"]) https_proxy = self.main._settings.get(["https_proxy"]) return { 'http': http_proxy, 'https': https_proxy } class TelegramPluginLoggingFilter(logging.Filter): def filter(self, record): for match in re.findall("[0-9]+:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+", record.msg): new = re.sub("[0-9]", "1", re.sub("[a-z]", "a", re.sub("[A-Z]", "A", match))) record.msg = record.msg.replace(match, new) return True class ExitThisLoopException(Exception): pass ######################################## ######################################## ############## THE PLUGIN ############## ######################################## ######################################## class TelegramPlugin(octoprint.plugin.EventHandlerPlugin, octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin, octoprint.plugin.StartupPlugin, octoprint.plugin.ShutdownPlugin, octoprint.plugin.TemplatePlugin, octoprint.plugin.SimpleApiPlugin, octoprint.plugin.AssetPlugin ): def __init__(self,version): self.version = float(version) # for more init stuff see on_after_startup() self.thread = None self.bot_url = None self.chats = {} self.connection_state_str = gettext("Disconnected.") self.connection_ok = False requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() self.updateMessageID = {} self.shut_up = {} self.tcmd = None self.tmsg = None # initial settings for new chat. See on_after_startup() # !!! sync with newUsrDict in on_settings_migrate() !!! self.newChat = {} # use of emojis see below at method gEmo() self.emojis = { 'octo': u'\U0001F419', #octopus 'mistake': u'\U0001F616', 'notify': u'\U0001F514', 'shutdown' : u'\U0001F4A4', 'shutup': u'\U0001F64A', 'noNotify': u'\U0001F515', 'notallowed': u'\U0001F62C', 'rocket': u'\U0001F680', 'save': u'\U0001F4BE', 'heart': u'\U00002764', 'info': u'\U00002139', 'settings': u'\U0001F4DD', 'clock': u'\U000023F0', 'height': u'\U00002B06', 'question': u'\U00002753', 'warning': u'\U000026A0', 'enter': u'\U0000270F', 'upload': u'\U0001F4E5', 'check': u'\U00002705', 'lamp': u'\U0001F4A1', 'movie': u'\U0001F3AC', 'finish': u'\U0001F3C1', 'cam': u'\U0001F3A6', 'hooray': u'\U0001F389', 'error': u'\U000026D4', 'play': u'\U000025B6', 'stop': u'\U000025FC' } self.emojis.update(telegramEmojiDict) # all emojis will be get via this method to disable them globaly by the corrosponding setting # so if you want to use emojis anywhere use gEmo("...") istead of emojis["..."] def gEmo(self,key): if self._settings.get(["send_icon"]) and key in self.emojis: return self.emojis[key] return "" # starts the telegram listener thread def start_listening(self): if self._settings.get(['token']) != "" and self.thread is None: self._logger.debug("Starting listener.") self.bot_url = "" + self._settings.get(['token']) self.bot_file_url = "" + self._settings.get(['token']) self.thread = TelegramListener(self) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() # stops the telegram listener thread def stop_listening(self): if self.thread is not None: self._logger.debug("Stopping listener.") self.thread.stop() self.thread = None ########## ### Asset API ########## def get_assets(self): return dict(js=["js/telegram.js"]) ########## ### Template API ########## def get_template_configs(self): return [ dict(type="settings", name="Telegram", custom_bindings=True) ] ########## ### Wizard API ########## def is_wizard_required(self): return self._settings.get(["token"]) is "" def get_wizard_version(self): return 1 # Wizard version numbers used in releases # < 1.4.2 : no wizard # 1.4.2 : 1 # 1.4.3 : 1 ########## ### Startup/Shutdown API ########## def on_after_startup(self): self.set_log_level() self._logger.addFilter(TelegramPluginLoggingFilter()) self.tcmd = TCMD(self) self.tmsg = TMSG(self) # Notification Message Handler class. called only by on_event() # initial settings for new chat. # !!! sync this dict with newUsrDict in on_settings_migrate() !!! self.newChat = { 'private': True, 'title': "[UNKNOWN]", 'accept_commands' : False, 'send_notifications' : False, 'new': True, 'type': '', 'allow_users': False, 'commands': {k: False for k,v in self.tcmd.commandDict.iteritems()}, 'notifications': {k: False for k,v in telegramMsgDict.iteritems()} } self.chats = self._settings.get(["chats"]) self.start_listening() self.track_action("started") # Delete user profile photos if user doesn't exist anymore for f in os.listdir(self.get_plugin_data_folder()+"/img/user"): fcut = f.split('.')[0][3:] self._logger.debug("Testing Pic ID " + str(fcut)) if fcut not in self.chats: self._logger.debug("Removing pic" +fcut+".jpg") try: os.remove(self.get_plugin_data_folder()+"/img/user/"+f) except OSError: pass #Update user profile photos for key in self.chats: try: if key is not 'zBOTTOMOFCHATS': kwargs = {} kwargs['chat_id'] = int(key) t = threading.Thread(target=self.get_usrPic, kwargs=kwargs) t.daemon = True except Exception: pass def on_shutdown(self): self.on_event("PrinterShutdown",{}) self.stop_listening() ########## ### Settings API ########## def get_settings_version(self): return 4 # Settings version numbers used in releases # < 1.3.0: no settings versioning # 1.3.0 : 1 # 1.3.1 : 2 # 1.3.2 : 2 # 1.3.3 : 2 # 1.4.0 : 3 # 1.4.1 : 3 # 1.4.2 : 3 # 1.4.3 : 4 def get_settings_defaults(self): return dict( token = "", notification_height = 5.0, notification_time = 15, message_at_print_done_delay = 0, messages = telegramMsgDict, tracking_activated = False, tracking_token = None, chats = {'zBOTTOMOFCHATS':{'send_notifications': False,'accept_commands':False,'private':False}}, debug = False, send_icon = True, image_not_connected = True, fileOrder = False ) def get_settings_preprocessors(self): return dict(), dict( notification_height=lambda x: float(x), notification_time=lambda x: int(x) ) def on_settings_migrate(self, target, current=None): self._logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self._logger.debug("MIGRATE DO") tcmd = TCMD(self) # initial settings for new chat. # !!! sync this dict with newChat in on_after_startup() !!! newUsrDict = { 'private': True, 'title': "[UNKNOWN]", 'accept_commands' : False, 'send_notifications' : False, 'new': False, 'type': '', 'allow_users': False, 'commands': {k: False for k,v in tcmd.commandDict.iteritems()}, 'notifications': {k: False for k,v in telegramMsgDict.iteritems()} } ########## ### migrate from old plugin Versions < 1.3 (old versions had no settings version check) ########## chats = {k: v for k, v in self._settings.get(['chats']).iteritems() if k != 'zBOTTOMOFCHATS'} self._logger.debug("LOADED CHATS: " + str(chats)) self._settings.set(['chats'], {}) if current is None or current < 1: ########## Update Chats # there shouldn't be any chats, but maybe somone had installed any test branch. # Then we have to check if all needed settings are populated for chat in chats: for setting in newUsrDict: if setting not in chats[chat]: if setting == "commands": chats[chat]['commands'] = {k: False for k,v in tcmd.commandDict.iteritems() if 'bind_none' not in v} elif setting == "notifications": chats[chat]['notifications'] = {k: False for k,v in telegramMsgDict.iteritems()} else: chats[chat][setting] = False ########## Is there a chat from old single user plugin version? # then migrate it into chats chat = self._settings.get(["chat"]) if chat is not None: self._settings.set(["chat"], None) data = {} data.update(newUsrDict) data['private'] = True data['title'] = "[UNKNOWN]" #try to get infos from telegram by sending a "you are migrated" message try: message = {} message['text'] = "The OctoPrint Plugin " + self._plugin_name + " has been updated to new Version "+self._plugin_version+ ".\n\nPlease open your " + self._plugin_name + " settings in OctoPrint and set configurations for this chat. Until then you are not able to send or receive anything useful with this Bot.\n\nMore informations on:" message['chat_id'] = chat message['disable_web_page_preview'] = True r ="" + self._settings.get(['token']) + "/sendMessage", data = message, proxies=self.getProxies()) r.raise_for_status() if r.headers['content-type'] != 'application/json': raise Exception("invalid content-type") json = r.json() if not json['ok']: raise Exception("invalid request") chat = json['result']['chat'] if chat['type']=='group': data['private'] = False data['title'] = chat['title'] elif chat['type']=='private': data['private'] = True data['title'] = "" if "first_name" in chat: data['title'] += chat['first_name'] + " - " if "last_name" in chat: data['title'] += chat['last_name'] + " - " if "username" in chat: data['title'] += "@" + chat['username'] except Exception as ex: self._logger.debug("ERROR migrating chat. Done with defaults private=true,title=[UNKNOWN] : " + str(ex)) # place the migrated chat in chats chats.update({str(chat['id']): data}) self._logger.debug("MIGRATED Chats: " + str(chats)) ########## Update messages. Old text will be taken to new structure messages = self._settings.get(['messages']) msgOut = {} for msg in messages: if msg == 'TelegramSendNotPrintingStatus': msg2 = 'StatusNotPrinting' elif msg == 'TelegramSendPrintingStatus': msg2 = 'StatusPrinting' else: msg2 = msg if type(messages[msg]) is not type({}): newMsg = telegramMsgDict[msg2].copy() newMsg['text'] = str(messages[msg]) msgOut.update({msg2: newMsg}) else: msgOut.update({msg2: messages[msg]}) self._settings.set(['messages'], msgOut) ########## Delete old settings self._settings.set(["message_at_startup"], None) self._settings.set(["message_at_shutdown"], None) self._settings.set(["message_at_print_started"], None) self._settings.set(["message_at_print_done"], None) self._settings.set(["message_at_print_failed"], None) ########## ### Migrate to new command/notification settings version. ### This should work on all future versions. So if you add/del ### some commands/notifications, then increment settings version counter ### in get_settings_version(). This will trigger octoprint to update settings ########## if current is None or current < target: # first we have to check if anything has changed in commandDict or telegramMsgDict # then we have to update user comamnd or notification settings if chats is not None and chats is not {}: # this for loop updates commands and notifications settings items of chats # if there are changes in commandDict or telegramMsgDict for chat in chats: # handle renamed commands if '/list' in chats[chat]['commands']: chats[chat]['commands'].update({'/files':chats[chat]['commands']['/list']}) if '/imsorrydontshutup' in chats[chat]['commands']: chats[chat]['commands'].update({'/dontshutup':chats[chat]['commands']['/imsorrydontshutup']}) if 'type' not in chats[chat]: chats[chat].update({'type': 'PRIVATE' if chats[chat]['private'] else 'GROUP'}) delCmd = [] # collect remove 'bind_none' commands for cmd in tcmd.commandDict: if cmd in chats[chat]['commands'] and 'bind_none' in tcmd.commandDict[cmd]: delCmd.append(cmd) # collect Delete commands from settings if they don't belong to commandDict anymore for cmd in chats[chat]['commands']: if cmd not in tcmd.commandDict: delCmd.append(cmd) # finally delete commands for cmd in delCmd: del chats[chat]['commands'][cmd] # If there are new commands in comamndDict, add them to settings for cmd in tcmd.commandDict: if cmd not in chats[chat]['commands']: if 'bind_none' not in tcmd.commandDict[cmd]: chats[chat]['commands'].update({cmd: False}) # Delete notifications from settings if they don't belong to msgDict anymore delMsg = [] for msg in chats[chat]['notifications']: if msg not in telegramMsgDict: delMsg.append(msg) for msg in delMsg: del chats[chat]['notifications'][msg] # If there are new notifications in msgDict, add them to settings for msg in telegramMsgDict: if msg not in chats[chat]['notifications']: chats[chat]['notifications'].update({msg: False}) self._settings.set(['chats'],chats) ########## if anything changed in telegramMsgDict, we also have to update settings for messages messages = self._settings.get(['messages']) if messages is not None and messages is not {}: # this for loop deletes items from messages settings # if they dont't belong to telegramMsgDict anymore delMsg = [] for msg in messages: if msg not in telegramMsgDict: delMsg.append(msg) for msg in delMsg: del messages[msg] # this for loop adds new message settings from telegramMsgDict to settings for msg in telegramMsgDict: if msg not in messages: messages.update({msg: telegramMsgDict[msg]}) elif 'combined' not in messages[msg]: messages[msg].update({'combined' : True}) self._settings.set(['messages'],messages) self._logger.debug("MESSAGES: " + str(self._settings.get(['messages']))) if current is not None: if current < 2: if chats is not None and chats is not {}: for chat in chats: if os.path.isfile(self.get_plugin_data_folder()+"/pic"+chat+".jpg"): os.remove(self.get_plugin_data_folder()+"/pic"+chat+".jpg") ########## ### save the settings after Migration is done ########## self._logger.debug("SAVED Chats: " + str(self._settings.get(['chats']))) try: except Exception as ex: self._logger.error("MIGRATED Save failed - " + str(ex)) self._logger.debug("MIGRATED Saved") def on_settings_save(self, data): # Remove 'new'-flag and apply bindings for all chats if 'chats' in data and data['chats']: delList = [] for key in data['chats']: if 'new' in data['chats'][key] or 'new' in data['chats'][key]: data['chats'][key]['new'] = False # Look for deleted chats if not key in self.chats and not key == "zBOTTOMOFCHATS": delList.append(key) # Delete chats finally for key in delList: del data['chats'][key] # Also remove 'new'-flag from self.chats so settingsUI is consistent # self.chats will only update to settings data on first received message after saving done for key in self.chats: if 'new' in self.chats[key]: self.chats[key]['new'] = False self._logger.debug("Saving data: " + str(data)) # Check token for right format if 'token' in data: data['token'] = data['token'].strip() if not re.match("^[0-9]+:[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$", data['token']): self._logger.error("Not saving token because it doesn't seem to have the right format.") self.connection_state_str = gettext("The previously entered token doesn't seem to have the correct format. It should look like this: 12345678:AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpZhGtDsrgkjkZTCHJKkzvjhb") data['token'] = "" old_token = self._settings.get(["token"]) # Update Tracking if 'tracking_activated' in data and not data['tracking_activated']: data['tracking_token'] = None # Now save settings octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin.on_settings_save(self, data) self.set_log_level() # Reconnect on new token # Will stop listener on invalid token if 'token' in data: if data['token']!=old_token: self.stop_listening() if data['token']!="": self.start_listening() else: self.connection_state_str = gettext("No token given.") def on_settings_load(self): data = octoprint.plugin.SettingsPlugin.on_settings_load(self) # only return our restricted settings to admin users - this is only needed for OctoPrint <= 1.2.16 restricted = (("token", None), ("tracking_token", None), ("chats", dict())) for r, v in restricted: if r in data and (current_user is None or current_user.is_anonymous() or not current_user.is_admin()): data[r] = v return data def get_settings_restricted_paths(self): # only used in OctoPrint versions > 1.2.16 return dict(admin=[["token"], ["tracking_token"], ["chats"]]) ########## ### Softwareupdate API ########## def get_update_information(self, *args, **kwargs): return dict( telegram=dict( displayName=self._plugin_name, displayVersion=self._plugin_version, type="github_release", current=self._plugin_version, user="fabianonline", repo="OctoPrint-Telegram", pip="{target_version}.zip" ) ) ########## ### EventHandler API ########## def on_event(self, event, payload, **kwargs): try: # if we know the event, start handler if event in self.tmsg.msgCmdDict: self._logger.debug("Got an event: " + event + " Payload: " + str(payload)) # Start event handler self.tmsg.startEvent(event, payload, **kwargs) else: # return as fast as possible return except Exception as e: self._logger.debug("Exception: " + str(e)) ########## ### SimpleApi API ########## def get_api_commands(self): return dict( testToken=["token"], delChat=["ID"] ) def on_api_get(self, request): # got an user-update with this command. so lets do that if 'id' in request.args and 'cmd' in request.args and 'note' in request.args and 'allow' in request.args: self.chats[request.args['id']]['accept_commands'] = self.str2bool(str(request.args['cmd'])) self.chats[request.args['id']]['send_notifications'] = self.str2bool(str(request.args['note'])) self.chats[request.args['id']]['allow_users'] = self.str2bool(str(request.args['allow'])) self._logger.debug("Updated chat - " + str(request.args['id'])) elif 'bindings' in request.args: bind_text = {} for key in {k: v for k, v in telegramMsgDict.iteritems() if 'bind_msg' in v }: if telegramMsgDict[key]['bind_msg'] in bind_text: bind_text[telegramMsgDict[key]['bind_msg']].append(key) else: bind_text[telegramMsgDict[key]['bind_msg']] = [key] return json.dumps({ 'bind_cmd':[k for k, v in self.tcmd.commandDict.iteritems() if 'bind_none' not in v ], 'bind_msg':[k for k, v in telegramMsgDict.iteritems() if 'bind_msg' not in v ], 'bind_text':bind_text, 'no_setting':[k for k, v in telegramMsgDict.iteritems() if 'no_setting' in v ]}) retChats = {k: v for k, v in self.chats.iteritems() if 'delMe' not in v and k != 'zBOTTOMOFCHATS'} for chat in retChats: if os.path.isfile(self.get_plugin_data_folder()+"/img/user/pic" +chat+".jpg"): retChats[chat]['image'] = "/plugin/telegram/img/user/pic" +chat+".jpg" elif int(chat) < 0: retChats[chat]['image'] = "/plugin/telegram/img/static/group.jpg" else: retChats[chat]['image'] = "/plugin/telegram/img/static/default.jpg" return json.dumps({'chats':retChats, 'connection_state_str':self.connection_state_str, 'connection_ok':self.connection_ok}) def on_api_command(self, command, data): if command=="testToken": self._logger.debug("Testing token {}".format(data['token'])) try: if self._settings.get(["token"]) != data["token"]: username = self.test_token(data['token']) self._settings.set(['token'], data['token']) self.stop_listening() #to start with new token if already running self.start_listening() return json.dumps({'ok': True, 'connection_state_str': gettext("Token valid for %(username)s.", username=username), 'error_msg': None, 'username': username}) return json.dumps({'ok': True, 'connection_state_str': gettext("Token valid for %(username)s.", username=self.thread.username), 'error_msg': None, 'username': self.thread.username}) except Exception as ex: return json.dumps({'ok': False, 'connection_state_str': gettext("Error: %(error)s", error=ex), 'username': None, 'error_msg': str(ex)}) # delete a chat (will not be removed and show up again on octorint restart # if save button is not pressed on settings dialog) elif command=="delChat": strId = str(data['ID']) if strId in self.chats: del self.chats[strId] # do here??????? return json.dumps({'chats':{k: v for k, v in self.chats.iteritems() if 'delMe' not in v and k != 'zBOTTOMOFCHATS'}, 'connection_state_str':self.connection_state_str, 'connection_ok':self.connection_ok}) ########## ### Telegram API-Functions ########## def send_msg(self, message, **kwargs): kwargs['message'] = message try: # If it's a regular event notification if 'chatID' not in kwargs and 'event' in kwargs: self._logger.debug("Send_msg() found event: " + str(kwargs['event'])) for key in self.chats: if key != 'zBOTTOMOFCHATS': if self.chats[key]['notifications'][kwargs['event']] and key not in self.shut_up and self.chats[key]['send_notifications']: kwargs['chatID'] = key t = threading.Thread(target=self._send_msg, kwargs = kwargs).run() # Seems to be a broadcast elif 'chatID' not in kwargs: for key in self.chats: kwargs['chatID'] = key t = threading.Thread(target=self._send_msg, kwargs = kwargs).run() # This is a 'editMessageText' message elif 'msg_id' in kwargs and kwargs['msg_id'] is not "" and kwargs['msg_id'] is not None: t = threading.Thread(target=self._send_edit_msg, kwargs = kwargs).run() # direct message or event notification to a chat_id else: t = threading.Thread(target=self._send_msg, kwargs = kwargs).run() except Exception as ex: self._logger.debug("Caught an exception in send_msg(): " + str(ex)) # this method is used to update a message text of a sent message # the sent message had to have no_markup = true when calling send_msg() (otherwise it would not work) # by setting no_markup = true we got a messageg_id on sending the message which is saved in selfupdateMessageID # if this message_id is passed in msg_id to send_msg() then this method will be called def _send_edit_msg(self,message="",msg_id="",chatID="", responses= None, inline=True, markup=None,delay=0, **kwargs): if delay > 0: time.sleep(delay) try: self._logger.debug("Sending a message UPDATE: " + message.replace("\n", "\\n") + " chatID= " + str(chatID)) data = {} data['text'] = message data['message_id'] = msg_id data['chat_id'] = int(chatID) if markup is not None: if "HTML" in markup or "Markdown" in markup: data["parse_mode"] = markup if responses and inline: myArr = [] for k in responses: myArr.append(map(lambda x: {"text":x[0],"callback_data":x[1]}, k)) keyboard = {'inline_keyboard':myArr} data['reply_markup'] = json.dumps(keyboard) self._logger.debug("SENDING UPDATE: " + str(data)) req = + "/editMessageText", data=data, proxies=self.getProxies()) if req.headers['content-type'] != 'application/json': self._logger.debug(gettext("Unexpected Content-Type. Expected: application/json. Was: %(type)s. Waiting 2 minutes before trying again.", type=req.headers['content-type'])) return myJson = req.json() self._logger.debug("REQUEST RES: "+str(myJson)) if inline: self.updateMessageID[chatID] = msg_id except Exception as ex: self._logger.debug("Caught an exception in _send_edit_msg(): " + str(ex)) def _send_msg(self, message="", with_image=False, responses=None, delay=0, inline = True, chatID = "", markup=None, showWeb=False, **kwargs): if delay > 0: time.sleep(delay) try: if with_image: if 'event' in kwargs and not self._settings.get(["messages",kwargs['event'],"combined"]): args = locals() del args['kwargs']['event'] del args['self'] args['message'] = "" self._logger.debug("Sending image...") t = threading.Thread(target=self._send_msg, kwargs = args).run() args['message'] = message args['with_image'] = False self._logger.debug("Sending text...") t = threading.Thread(target=self._send_msg, kwargs = args).run() return self._logger.debug("Sending a message: " + message.replace("\n", "\\n") + " with_image=" + str(with_image) + " chatID= " + str(chatID)) data = {} # Do we want to show web link previews? data['disable_web_page_preview'] = not showWeb # Do we want the message to be parsed in any markup? if markup is not None: if "HTML" in markup or "Markdown" in markup: data["parse_mode"] = markup if responses: myArr = [] for k in responses: myArr.append(map(lambda x: {"text":x[0],"callback_data":x[1]}, k)) keyboard = {'inline_keyboard':myArr} data['reply_markup'] = json.dumps(keyboard) image_data = None if with_image: image_data = self.take_image() self._logger.debug("data so far: " + str(data)) if not image_data and with_image: message = "[ERR GET IMAGE]\n\n" + message r = None data['chat_id'] = chatID if image_data: self._logger.debug("Sending with image.. " + str(chatID)) files = {'photo':("image.jpg", image_data)} if message is not "": data['caption'] = message r = + "/sendPhoto", files=files, data=data, proxies=self.getProxies()) self._logger.debug("Sending finished. " + str(r)) else: self._logger.debug("Sending without image.. " + str(chatID)) data['text'] = message r + "/sendMessage", data=data, proxies=self.getProxies()) self._logger.debug("Sending finished. " + str(r.status_code)) if r is not None and inline: r.raise_for_status() myJson = r.json() if not myJson['ok']: raise NameError("ReqErr") if 'message_id' in myJson['result']: self.updateMessageID[chatID] = myJson['result']['message_id'] except Exception as ex:"Caught an exception in _send_msg(): " + str(ex)) def send_file(self,chat_id,path): try: requests.get(self.bot_url + "/sendChatAction", params = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'action': 'upload_document'}, proxies=self.getProxies()) files = {'document': open(path, 'rb')} r = + "/sendDocument", files=files, data={'chat_id':chat_id}, proxies=self.getProxies()) except Exception as ex: pass def send_video(self, message, video_file): files = {'video': open(video_file, 'rb')} #r = + "/sendVideo", files=files, data={'chat_id':self._settings.get(["chat"]), 'caption':message}) self._logger.debug("Sending finished. " + str(r.status_code) + " " + str(r.content)) def get_file(self, file_id): self._logger.debug("Requesting file with id %s.", file_id) r = requests.get(self.bot_url + "/getFile", data={'file_id': file_id}, proxies=self.getProxies()) # {"ok":true,"result":{"file_id":"BQADAgADCgADrWJxCW_eFdzxDPpQAg","file_size":26,"file_path":"document\/file_3.gcode"}} r.raise_for_status() data = r.json() if not "ok" in data: raise Exception(_("Telegram didn't respond well to getFile. The response was: %(response)s", response=r.text)) url = self.bot_file_url + "/" + data['result']['file_path'] self._logger.debug("Downloading file: %s", url) r = requests.get(url, proxies=self.getProxies()) r.raise_for_status() return r.content def get_usrPic(self,chat_id, file_id=""): self._logger.debug("Requesting Profile Photo for chat_id: " + str(chat_id)) try: if file_id == "": if int(chat_id) < 0: self._logger.debug("Not able to load group photos. "+ str(chat_id)+" EXIT") return r = requests.get(self.bot_url + "/getUserProfilePhotos", params = {'limit': 1, "user_id": chat_id}, proxies=self.getProxies()) r.raise_for_status() data = r.json() if not "ok" in data: raise Exception(_("Telegram didn't respond well to getUserProfilePhoto "+ str(chat_id)+". The response was: %(response)s", response=r.text)) if data['result']['total_count'] < 1: self._logger.debug("NO PHOTOS "+ str(chat_id)+". EXIT") return r = self.get_file(data['result']['photos'][0][0]['file_id']) else: r = self.get_file(file_id) file_name = self.get_plugin_data_folder() + "/img/user/pic" + str(chat_id) + ".jpg" img = img = img.resize((40, 40), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS), format="JPEG") self._logger.debug("Saved Photo "+ str(chat_id)) except Exception as ex: self._logger.error("Can't load UserImage: " + str(ex)) def test_token(self, token=None): if token is None: token = self._settings.get(["token"]) response = requests.get("" + token + "/getMe", proxies=self.getProxies()) self._logger.debug("getMe returned: " + str(response.json())) self._logger.debug("getMe status code: " + str(response.status_code)) json = response.json() if not 'ok' in json or not json['ok']: if json['description']: raise(Exception(gettext("Telegram returned error code %(error)s: %(message)s", error=json['error_code'], message=json['description']))) else: raise(Exception(gettext("Telegram returned an unspecified error."))) else: return "@" + json['result']['username'] ########## ### Helper methods ########## def str2bool(self,v): return v.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1") def set_log_level(self): self._logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if self._settings.get_boolean(["debug"]) else logging.NOTSET) def getProxies(self): http_proxy = self._settings.get(["http_proxy"]) https_proxy = self._settings.get(["https_proxy"]) return { 'http': http_proxy, 'https': https_proxy } # checks if the received command is allowed to execute by the user def isCommandAllowed(self, chat_id, from_id, command): if 'bind_none' in self.tcmd.commandDict[command]: return True if command is not None or command is not "": if self.chats[chat_id]['accept_commands']: if self.chats[chat_id]['commands'][command]: return True elif int(chat_id) < 0 and self.chats[chat_id]['allow_users']: if self.chats[from_id]['commands'][command] and self.chats[from_id]['accept_commands']: return True elif int(chat_id) < 0 and self.chats[chat_id]['allow_users']: if self.chats[from_id]['commands'][command] and self.chats[from_id]['accept_commands']: return True return False # Helper function to handle /editMessageText Telegram API commands # see main._send_edit_msg() def getUpdateMsgId(self,id): uMsgID = "" if id in self.updateMessageID: uMsgID = self.updateMessageID[id] del self.updateMessageID[id] return uMsgID def take_image(self): snapshot_url = self._settings.global_get(["webcam", "snapshot"]) self._logger.debug("Snapshot URL: " + str(snapshot_url)) data = None if snapshot_url: try: r = requests.get(snapshot_url) data = r.content except Exception as e: return None flipH = self._settings.global_get(["webcam", "flipH"]) flipV = self._settings.global_get(["webcam", "flipV"]) rotate= self._settings.global_get(["webcam", "rotate90"]) if flipH or flipV or rotate: image = if flipH: image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) if flipV: image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) if rotate: image = image.transpose(Image.ROTATE_90) output = StringIO.StringIO(), format="JPEG") data = output.getvalue() output.close() return data def track_action(self, action): if not self._settings.get_boolean(["tracking_activated"]): return if self._settings.get(["tracking_token"]) is None: token = "".join(random.choice("abcdef0123456789") for i in xrange(16)) self._settings.set(["tracking_token"], token) params = { 'idsite': '3', 'rec': '1', 'url': 'http://octoprint-telegram/'+action, 'action_name': ("%20/%20".join(action.split("/"))), '_id': self._settings.get(["tracking_token"]), 'uid': self._settings.get(["tracking_token"]), 'cid': self._settings.get(["tracking_token"]), 'send_image': '0', '_idvc': '1', 'dimension1': str(self._plugin_version) } t = threading.Thread(target=requests.get, args=("",), kwargs={'params': params}) t.daemon = True def route_hook(self, server_routes, *args, **kwargs): from octoprint.server.util.tornado import LargeResponseHandler, UrlProxyHandler, path_validation_factory from octoprint.util import is_hidden_path if not os.path.exists(self.get_plugin_data_folder()+"/img"): os.mkdir(self.get_plugin_data_folder()+"/img") if not os.path.exists(self.get_plugin_data_folder()+"/img/user"): os.mkdir(self.get_plugin_data_folder()+"/img/user") return [ (r"/img/user/(.*)", LargeResponseHandler, dict(path=self.get_plugin_data_folder() + r"/img/user/", as_attachment=True,allow_client_caching =False)), (r"/img/static/(.*)", LargeResponseHandler, dict(path=self._basefolder + "/static/img/", as_attachment=True,allow_client_caching =True)) ] ######################################## ######################################## ### Some methods to check version and ### get the right implementation ######################################## ######################################## # copied from pluginmanager plugin def _is_octoprint_compatible(compatibility_entries): """ Tests if the current octoprint_version is compatible to any of the provided ``compatibility_entries``. """ octoprint_version = _get_octoprint_version() for octo_compat in compatibility_entries: if not any(octo_compat.startswith(c) for c in ("<", "<=", "!=", "==", ">=", ">", "~=", "===")): octo_compat = ">={}".format(octo_compat) s = next(pkg_resources.parse_requirements("OctoPrint" + octo_compat)) if octoprint_version in s: break else: return False return True # copied from pluginmanager plugin def _get_octoprint_version(): from octoprint.server import VERSION octoprint_version_string = VERSION if "-" in octoprint_version_string: octoprint_version_string = octoprint_version_string[:octoprint_version_string.find("-")] octoprint_version = pkg_resources.parse_version(octoprint_version_string) if isinstance(octoprint_version, tuple): # old setuptools base_version = [] for part in octoprint_version: if part.startswith("*"): break base_version.append(part) octoprint_version = ".".join(base_version) else: # new setuptools octoprint_version = pkg_resources.parse_version(octoprint_version.base_version) return octoprint_version # check if we have min version 1.3.0 # this is important because of WizardPlugin mixin and folders in filebrowser def get_implementation_class(): if not _is_octoprint_compatible(["1.3.0"]): return TelegramPlugin(1.2) else: class NewTelegramPlugin(TelegramPlugin,octoprint.plugin.WizardPlugin): def __init__(self,version): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(version) return NewTelegramPlugin(1.3) __plugin_name__ = "Telegram Notifications" __plugin_implementation__ = get_implementation_class() __plugin_hooks__ = { "octoprint.plugin.softwareupdate.check_config": __plugin_implementation__.get_update_information, "octoprint.server.http.routes": __plugin_implementation__.route_hook }