using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace DSDecmp.Formats.Nitro
/// Compressor and decompressor for the Huffman format used in many of the games for the
/// newer Nintendo consoles and handhelds.
public abstract class Huffman : NitroCFormat
#region Enum: BlockSize
/// The possible data sizes used in Huffman compression formats on the GBA/NDS.
public enum BlockSize : byte
/// Each data block is four bits long.
FOURBIT = 0x24,
/// Each data block is eight bits long.
/// Sets the block size used when using the Huffman format to compress.
public BlockSize CompressBlockSize { get; set; }
/// Gets if this format supports compression. Always returns true.
public override bool SupportsCompression
get { return true; }
#region Internal Constructor(BlockSize)
/// Creates a new generic instance of the Huffman compression format.
/// The block size used.
internal Huffman(BlockSize blockSize)
: base((byte)blockSize)
this.CompressBlockSize = blockSize;
#region Decompression method
/// Decompresses the given stream, writing the decompressed data to the given output stream.
/// Assumes Supports(instream)
returns true
/// After this call, the input stream will be positioned at the end of the compressed stream,
/// or at the initial position + inLength
, whichever comes first.
/// The stream to decompress. At the end of this method, the position
/// of this stream is directly after the compressed data.
/// The length of the input data. Not necessarily all of the
/// input data may be read (if there is padding, for example), however never more than
/// this number of bytes is read from the input stream.
/// The stream to write the decompressed data to.
/// The length of the output data.
/// When the given length of the input data
/// is not enough to properly decompress the input.
public override long Decompress(Stream instream, long inLength, Stream outstream)
#region GBATEK format specification
Data Header (32bit)
Bit0-3 Data size in bit units (normally 4 or 8)
Bit4-7 Compressed type (must be 2 for Huffman)
Bit8-31 24bit size of decompressed data in bytes
Tree Size (8bit)
Bit0-7 Size of Tree Table/2-1 (ie. Offset to Compressed Bitstream)
Tree Table (list of 8bit nodes, starting with the root node)
Root Node and Non-Data-Child Nodes are:
Bit0-5 Offset to next child node,
Next child node0 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2
Next child node1 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2+1
Bit6 Node1 End Flag (1=Next child node is data)
Bit7 Node0 End Flag (1=Next child node is data)
Data nodes are (when End Flag was set in parent node):
Bit0-7 Data (upper bits should be zero if Data Size is less than 8)
Compressed Bitstream (stored in units of 32bits)
Bit0-31 Node Bits (Bit31=First Bit) (0=Node0, 1=Node1)
long readBytes = 0;
byte type = (byte)instream.ReadByte();
if (type != (byte)this.CompressBlockSize)
throw new InvalidDataException("The provided stream is not a valid Huffman "
+ "compressed stream (invalid type 0x" + type.ToString("X") + "); unknown block size.");
byte[] sizeBytes = new byte[3];
instream.Read(sizeBytes, 0, 3);
int decompressedSize = IOUtils.ToNDSu24(sizeBytes, 0);
readBytes += 4;
if (decompressedSize == 0)
sizeBytes = new byte[4];
instream.Read(sizeBytes, 0, 4);
decompressedSize = IOUtils.ToNDSs32(sizeBytes, 0);
readBytes += 4;
#region Read the Huff-tree
if (readBytes >= inLength)
throw new NotEnoughDataException(0, decompressedSize);
int treeSize = instream.ReadByte(); readBytes++;
if (treeSize < 0)
throw new InvalidDataException("The stream is too short to contain a Huffman tree.");
treeSize = (treeSize + 1) * 2;
if (readBytes + treeSize >= inLength)
throw new InvalidDataException("The Huffman tree is too large for the given input stream.");
long treeEnd = (instream.Position - 1) + treeSize;
// the relative offset may be 4 more (when the initial decompressed size is 0), but
// since it's relative that doesn't matter, especially when it only matters if
// the given value is odd or even.
HuffTreeNode rootNode = new HuffTreeNode(instream, false, 5, treeEnd);
readBytes += treeSize;
// re-position the stream after the tree (the stream is currently positioned after the root
// node, which is located at the start of the tree definition)
instream.Position = treeEnd;
// the current u32 we are reading bits from.
uint data = 0;
// the amount of bits left to read from
byte bitsLeft = 0;
// a cache used for writing when the block size is four bits
int cachedByte = -1;
// the current output size
int currentSize = 0;
HuffTreeNode currentNode = rootNode;
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
while (currentSize < decompressedSize)
#region find the next reference to a data node
while (!currentNode.IsData)
// if there are no bits left to read in the data, get a new byte from the input
if (bitsLeft == 0)
if (readBytes >= inLength)
throw new NotEnoughDataException(currentSize, decompressedSize);
int nRead = instream.Read(buffer, 0, 4);
if (nRead < 4)
throw new StreamTooShortException();
readBytes += nRead;
data = IOUtils.ToNDSu32(buffer, 0);
bitsLeft = 32;
// get the next bit
bool nextIsOne = (data & (1 << bitsLeft)) != 0;
// go to the next node, the direction of the child depending on the value of the current/next bit
currentNode = nextIsOne ? currentNode.Child1 : currentNode.Child0;
#region write the data in the current node (when possible)
switch (this.CompressBlockSize)
case BlockSize.EIGHTBIT:
// just copy the data if the block size is a full byte
case BlockSize.FOURBIT:
// cache the first half of the data if the block size is a half byte
if (cachedByte < 0)
cachedByte = currentNode.Data << 4;
// if we already cached a half-byte, combine the two halves and write the full byte.
cachedByte |= currentNode.Data;
// be sure to forget the two written half-bytes
cachedByte = -1;
throw new Exception("Unknown block size " + this.CompressBlockSize.ToString());
// make sure to start over next round
currentNode = rootNode;
// the data is 4-byte aligned. Although very unlikely in this case (compressed bit blocks
// are always 4 bytes long, and the tree size is generally 4-byte aligned as well),
// skip any padding due to alignment.
if (readBytes % 4 != 0)
readBytes += 4 - (readBytes % 4);
if (readBytes < inLength)
throw new TooMuchInputException(readBytes, inLength);
return decompressedSize;
#region Utility method: GetLowest(leafQueue, nodeQueue, out prio)
/// Gets the tree node with the lowest priority (frequency) from the leaf and node queues.
/// If the priority is the same for both head items in the queues, the node from the leaf queue is picked.
protected HuffTreeNode GetLowest(SimpleReversedPrioQueue leafQueue, SimpleReversedPrioQueue nodeQueue, out int prio)
if (leafQueue.Count == 0)
return nodeQueue.Dequeue(out prio);
else if (nodeQueue.Count == 0)
return leafQueue.Dequeue(out prio);
int leafPrio, nodePrio;
leafQueue.Peek(out leafPrio);
nodeQueue.Peek(out nodePrio);
// pick a node from the leaf queue when the priorities are equal.
if (leafPrio <= nodePrio)
return leafQueue.Dequeue(out prio);
return nodeQueue.Dequeue(out prio);
#region Utility class: HuffTreeNode
/// A single node in a Huffman tree.
public class HuffTreeNode
#region Fields & Properties: Data & IsData
/// The data contained in this node. May not mean anything when isData == false
private byte data;
/// A flag indicating if this node has been filled.
private bool isFilled;
/// The data contained in this node. May not mean anything when isData == false
/// Throws a NullReferenceException when this node has not been defined (ie: reference was outside the
/// bounds of the tree definition)
public byte Data
if (!this.isFilled) throw new NullReferenceException("Reference to an undefined node in the huffman tree.");
/// A flag indicating if this node contains data. If not, this is not a leaf node.
private bool isData;
/// Returns true if this node represents data.
public bool IsData { get { return this.isData; } }
#region Field & Properties: Children & Parent
/// The child of this node at side 0
private HuffTreeNode child0;
/// The child of this node at side 0
public HuffTreeNode Child0 { get { return this.child0; } }
/// The child of this node at side 1
private HuffTreeNode child1;
/// The child of this node at side 1
public HuffTreeNode Child1 { get { return this.child1; } }
/// The parent node of this node.
public HuffTreeNode Parent { get; private set; }
/// Determines if this is the Child0 of the parent node. Assumes there is a parent.
public bool IsChild0 { get { return this.Parent.child0 == this; } }
/// Determines if this is the Child1 of the parent node. Assumes there is a parent.
public bool IsChild1 { get { return this.Parent.child1 == this; } }
#region Field & Property: Depth
private int depth;
/// Get or set the depth of this node. Will not be set automatically, but
/// will be set recursively (the depth of all child nodes will be updated when this is set).
public int Depth
get { return this.depth; }
this.depth = value;
// recursively set the depth of the child nodes.
if (!this.isData)
this.child0.Depth = this.depth + 1;
this.child1.Depth = this.depth + 1;
#region Property: Size
/// Calculates the size of the sub-tree with this node as root.
public int Size
if (this.IsData)
return 1;
return 1 + this.child0.Size + this.child1.Size;
/// The index of this node in the array for building the proper ordering.
/// If -1, this node has not yet been placed in the array.
internal int index = -1;
#region Constructor(data, isData, child0, child1)
/// Manually creates a new node for a huffman tree.
/// The data for this node.
/// If this node represents data.
/// The child of this node on the 0 side.
/// The child of this node on the 1 side.
public HuffTreeNode(byte data, bool isData, HuffTreeNode child0, HuffTreeNode child1)
{ = data;
this.isData = isData;
this.child0 = child0;
this.child1 = child1;
this.isFilled = true;
if (!isData)
this.child0.Parent = this;
this.child1.Parent = this;
#region Constructor(Stream, isData, relOffset, maxStreamPos)
/// Creates a new node in the Huffman tree.
/// The stream to read from. It is assumed that there is (at least)
/// one more byte available to read.
/// If this node is a data-node.
/// The offset of this node in the source data, relative to the start
/// of the compressed file.
/// The indicated end of the huffman tree. If the stream is past
/// this position, the tree is invalid.
public HuffTreeNode(Stream stream, bool isData, long relOffset, long maxStreamPos)
Tree Table (list of 8bit nodes, starting with the root node)
Root Node and Non-Data-Child Nodes are:
Bit0-5 Offset to next child node,
Next child node0 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2
Next child node1 is at (CurrentAddr AND NOT 1)+Offset*2+2+1
Bit6 Node1 End Flag (1=Next child node is data)
Bit7 Node0 End Flag (1=Next child node is data)
Data nodes are (when End Flag was set in parent node):
Bit0-7 Data (upper bits should be zero if Data Size is less than 8)
if (stream.Position >= maxStreamPos)
// this happens when part of the tree is unused.
this.isFilled = false;
this.isFilled = true;
int readData = stream.ReadByte();
if (readData < 0)
throw new StreamTooShortException(); = (byte)readData;
this.isData = isData;
if (!this.isData)
int offset = & 0x3F;
bool zeroIsData = ( & 0x80) > 0;
bool oneIsData = ( & 0x40) > 0;
// off AND NOT 1 == off XOR (off AND 1)
long zeroRelOffset = (relOffset ^ (relOffset & 1)) + offset * 2 + 2;
long currStreamPos = stream.Position;
// position the stream right before the 0-node
stream.Position += (zeroRelOffset - relOffset) - 1;
// read the 0-node
this.child0 = new HuffTreeNode(stream, zeroIsData, zeroRelOffset, maxStreamPos);
this.child0.Parent = this;
// the 1-node is directly behind the 0-node
this.child1 = new HuffTreeNode(stream, oneIsData, zeroRelOffset + 1, maxStreamPos);
this.child1.Parent = this;
// reset the stream position to right behind this node's data
stream.Position = currStreamPos;
/// Generates and returns a string-representation of the huffman tree starting at this node.
public override string ToString()
if (this.isData)
return "<" +"X2") + ">";
return "[" + this.child0.ToString() + "," + this.child1.ToString() + "]";
/// The Huffman compression scheme using 4-bit data blocks.
public sealed class Huffman4 : Huffman
/// Gets a short string identifying this compression format.
public override string ShortFormatString
get { return "Huffman-4"; }
/// Gets a short description of this compression format.
public override string Description
get { return "Huffman compression scheme using 4-bit datablocks."; }
/// Gets the value that must be given on the command line in order to compress using this format.
public override string CompressionFlag
get { return "huff4"; }
/// Creates a new instance of the 4-bit Huffman compression format.
public Huffman4()
: base(BlockSize.FOURBIT) { }
#region 4-bit block size Compression method
/// Applies Huffman compression with a datablock size of 4 bits.
/// The stream to compress.
/// The length of the input stream.
/// The stream to write the decompressed data to.
/// The size of the decompressed data.
public override int Compress(Stream instream, long inLength, Stream outstream)
if (inLength > 0xFFFFFF)
throw new InputTooLargeException();
// cache the input, as we need to build a frequency table
byte[] inputData = new byte[inLength];
instream.Read(inputData, 0, (int)inLength);
// build that frequency table.
int[] frequencies = new int[0x10];
for (int i = 0; i < inLength; i++)
frequencies[inputData[i] & 0xF]++;
frequencies[(inputData[i] >> 4) & 0xF]++;
#region Build the Huffman tree
SimpleReversedPrioQueue leafQueue = new SimpleReversedPrioQueue();
SimpleReversedPrioQueue nodeQueue = new SimpleReversedPrioQueue();
int nodeCount = 0;
// make all leaf nodes, and put them in the leaf queue. Also save them for later use.
HuffTreeNode[] leaves = new HuffTreeNode[0x10];
for (int i = 0; i < 0x10; i++)
// there is no need to store leaves that are not used
if (frequencies[i] == 0)
HuffTreeNode node = new HuffTreeNode((byte)i, true, null, null);
leaves[i] = node;
leafQueue.Enqueue(frequencies[i], node);
while (leafQueue.Count + nodeQueue.Count > 1)
// get the two nodes with the lowest priority.
HuffTreeNode one = null, two = null;
int onePrio, twoPrio;
one = GetLowest(leafQueue, nodeQueue, out onePrio);
two = GetLowest(leafQueue, nodeQueue, out twoPrio);
// give those two a common parent, and put that node in the node queue
HuffTreeNode newNode = new HuffTreeNode(0, false, one, two);
nodeQueue.Enqueue(onePrio + twoPrio, newNode);
int rootPrio;
HuffTreeNode root = nodeQueue.Dequeue(out rootPrio);
// set the depth of all nodes in the tree, such that we know for each leaf how long
// its codeword is.
root.Depth = 0;
// now that we have a tree, we can write that tree and follow with the data.
// write the compression header first
outstream.WriteByte((byte)BlockSize.FOURBIT); // this is block size 4 only
outstream.WriteByte((byte)(inLength & 0xFF));
outstream.WriteByte((byte)((inLength >> 8) & 0xFF));
outstream.WriteByte((byte)((inLength >> 16) & 0xFF));
int compressedLength = 4;
#region write the tree
outstream.WriteByte((byte)((nodeCount - 1) / 2));
// use a breadth-first traversal to store the tree, such that we do not need to store/calculate the side of each sub-tree.
// because the data is only 4 bits long, no tree will ever let the offset field overflow.
LinkedList printQueue = new LinkedList();
while (printQueue.Count > 0)
HuffTreeNode node = printQueue.First.Value;
if (node.IsData)
// bits 0-5: 'offset' = # nodes in queue left
// bit 6: node1 end flag
// bit 7: node0 end flag
byte data = (byte)(printQueue.Count / 2);
if (data > 0x3F)
throw new InvalidDataException("BUG: offset overflow in 4-bit huffman.");
data = (byte)(data & 0x3F);
if (node.Child0.IsData)
data |= 0x80;
if (node.Child1.IsData)
data |= 0x40;
#region write the data
// the codewords are stored in blocks of 32 bits
uint datablock = 0;
byte bitsLeftToWrite = 32;
for (int i = 0; i < inLength; i++)
byte data = inputData[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
HuffTreeNode node = leaves[(data >> (4 - j * 4)) & 0xF];
// the depth of the node is the length of the codeword required to encode the byte
int depth = node.Depth;
bool[] path = new bool[depth];
for (int d = 0; d < depth; d++)
path[depth - d - 1] = node.IsChild1;
node = node.Parent;
for (int d = 0; d < depth; d++)
if (bitsLeftToWrite == 0)
outstream.Write(IOUtils.FromNDSu32(datablock), 0, 4);
compressedLength += 4;
datablock = 0;
bitsLeftToWrite = 32;
if (path[d])
datablock |= (uint)(1 << bitsLeftToWrite);
// no need to OR the buffer with 0 if it is child0
// write the partly filled data block as well
if (bitsLeftToWrite != 32)
outstream.Write(IOUtils.FromNDSu32(datablock), 0, 4);
compressedLength += 4;
return compressedLength;
/// The Huffman compression scheme using 8-bit data blocks.
public sealed class Huffman8 : Huffman
/// Gets a short string identifying this compression format.
public override string ShortFormatString
get { return "Huffman-8"; }
/// Gets a short description of this compression format.
public override string Description
get { return "Huffman compression scheme using 8-bit datablocks."; }
/// Gets the value that must be given on the command line in order to compress using this format.
public override string CompressionFlag
get { return "huff8"; }
/// Creates a new instance of the 4-bit Huffman compression format.
public Huffman8()
: base(BlockSize.EIGHTBIT) { }
#region 8-bit block size Compression method
/// Applies Huffman compression with a datablock size of 8 bits.
/// The stream to compress.
/// The length of the input stream.
/// The stream to write the decompressed data to.
/// The size of the decompressed data.
public override int Compress(Stream instream, long inLength, Stream outstream)
if (inLength > 0xFFFFFF)
throw new InputTooLargeException();
// cache the input, as we need to build a frequency table
byte[] inputData = new byte[inLength];
instream.Read(inputData, 0, (int)inLength);
// build that frequency table.
int[] frequencies = new int[0x100];
for (int i = 0; i < inLength; i++)
#region Build the Huffman tree
SimpleReversedPrioQueue leafQueue = new SimpleReversedPrioQueue();
SimpleReversedPrioQueue nodeQueue = new SimpleReversedPrioQueue();
int nodeCount = 0;
// make all leaf nodes, and put them in the leaf queue. Also save them for later use.
HuffTreeNode[] leaves = new HuffTreeNode[0x100];
for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++)
// there is no need to store leaves that are not used
if (frequencies[i] == 0)
HuffTreeNode node = new HuffTreeNode((byte)i, true, null, null);
leaves[i] = node;
leafQueue.Enqueue(frequencies[i], node);
while (leafQueue.Count + nodeQueue.Count > 1)
// get the two nodes with the lowest priority.
HuffTreeNode one = null, two = null;
int onePrio, twoPrio;
one = GetLowest(leafQueue, nodeQueue, out onePrio);
two = GetLowest(leafQueue, nodeQueue, out twoPrio);
// give those two a common parent, and put that node in the node queue
HuffTreeNode newNode = new HuffTreeNode(0, false, one, two);
nodeQueue.Enqueue(onePrio + twoPrio, newNode);
int rootPrio;
HuffTreeNode root = nodeQueue.Dequeue(out rootPrio);
// set the depth of all nodes in the tree, such that we know for each leaf how long
// its codeword is.
root.Depth = 0;
// now that we have a tree, we can write that tree and follow with the data.
// write the compression header first
outstream.WriteByte((byte)BlockSize.EIGHTBIT); // this is block size 8 only
outstream.WriteByte((byte)(inLength & 0xFF));
outstream.WriteByte((byte)((inLength >> 8) & 0xFF));
outstream.WriteByte((byte)((inLength >> 16) & 0xFF));
int compressedLength = 4;
#region write the tree
outstream.WriteByte((byte)((nodeCount - 1) / 2));
// use a breadth-first traversal to store the tree, such that we do not need to store/calculate the size of each sub-tree.
// NO! BF results in an ordering that may overflow the offset field.
// find the BF order of all nodes that have two leaves as children. We're going to insert them in an array in reverse BF order,
// inserting the parent whenever both children have been inserted.
LinkedList leafStemQueue = new LinkedList();
#region fill the leaf queue; first->last will be reverse BF
LinkedList nodeCodeStack = new LinkedList();
while (nodeCodeStack.Count > 0)
HuffTreeNode node = nodeCodeStack.First.Value;
if (node.IsData)
if (node.Child0.IsData && node.Child1.IsData)
HuffTreeNode[] nodeArray = new HuffTreeNode[0x1FF]; // this array does not contain the leaves themselves!
while (leafStemQueue.Count > 0)
Insert(leafStemQueue.First.Value, nodeArray, 0x3F + 1);
// update the indices to ignore all gaps
int nodeIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeArray.Length; i++)
if (nodeArray[i] != null)
nodeArray[i].index = nodeIndex++;
// write the nodes in their given order. However when 'writing' a node, write the data of its children instead.
// the root node is always the first node.
byte rootData = 0;
if (root.Child0.IsData)
rootData |= 0x80;
if (root.Child1.IsData)
rootData |= 0x40;
outstream.WriteByte(rootData); compressedLength++;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeArray.Length; i++)
if (nodeArray[i] != null)
// nodes in this array are never data!
HuffTreeNode node0 = nodeArray[i].Child0;
if (node0.IsData)
int offset = node0.index - nodeArray[i].index - 1;
if (offset > 0x3F)
throw new Exception("Offset overflow!");
byte data = (byte)offset;
if (node0.Child0.IsData)
data |= 0x80;
if (node0.Child1.IsData)
data |= 0x40;
HuffTreeNode node1 = nodeArray[i].Child1;
if (node1.IsData)
int offset = node1.index - nodeArray[i].index - 1;
if (offset > 0x3F)
throw new Exception("Offset overflow!");
byte data = (byte)offset;
if (node0.Child0.IsData)
data |= 0x80;
if (node0.Child1.IsData)
data |= 0x40;
compressedLength += 2;
#region write the data
// the codewords are stored in blocks of 32 bits
uint datablock = 0;
byte bitsLeftToWrite = 32;
for (int i = 0; i < inLength; i++)
byte data = inputData[i];
HuffTreeNode node = leaves[data];
// the depth of the node is the length of the codeword required to encode the byte
int depth = node.Depth;
bool[] path = new bool[depth];
for (int d = 0; d < depth; d++)
path[depth - d - 1] = node.IsChild1;
node = node.Parent;
for (int d = 0; d < depth; d++)
if (bitsLeftToWrite == 0)
outstream.Write(IOUtils.FromNDSu32(datablock), 0, 4);
compressedLength += 4;
datablock = 0;
bitsLeftToWrite = 32;
if (path[d])
datablock |= (uint)(1 << bitsLeftToWrite);
// no need to OR the buffer with 0 if it is child0
// write the partly filled data block as well
if (bitsLeftToWrite != 32)
outstream.Write(IOUtils.FromNDSu32(datablock), 0, 4);
compressedLength += 4;
return compressedLength;
#region Utility Method: Insert(node, HuffTreeNode[], maxOffset)
/// Inserts the given node into the given array, in such a location that
/// the offset to both of its children is at most the given maximum, and as large as possible.
/// In order to do this, the contents of the array may be shifted to the right.
/// The node to insert.
/// The array to insert the node in.
/// The maximum offset between parent and children.
private void Insert(HuffTreeNode node, HuffTreeNode[] array, int maxOffset)
// if the node has two data-children, insert it as far to the end as possible.
if (node.Child0.IsData && node.Child1.IsData)
for (int i = array.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (array[i] == null)
array[i] = node;
node.index = i;
// if the node is not data, insert it as far left as possible.
// we know that both children are already present.
int offset = Math.Max(node.Child0.index - maxOffset, node.Child1.index - maxOffset);
offset = Math.Max(0, offset);
if (offset >= node.Child0.index || offset >= node.Child1.index)
// it may be that the childen are too far apart, with lots of empty entries in-between.
// shift the bottom child right until the node fits in its left-most place for the top child.
// (there should be more than enough room in the array)
while (offset >= Math.Min(node.Child0.index, node.Child1.index))
ShiftRight(array, Math.Min(node.Child0.index, node.Child1.index), maxOffset);
while (array[offset] != null)
ShiftRight(array, offset, maxOffset);
array[offset] = node;
node.index = offset;
for (int i = offset; i < node.Child0.index && i < node.Child1.index; i++)
if (array[i] == null)
array[i] = node;
node.index = i;
if (node.index < 0)
throw new Exception("Node could not be inserted!");
// if the insertion of this node means that the parent has both children inserted, insert the parent.
if (node.Parent != null)
if ((node.Parent.Child0.index >= 0 || node.Parent.Child0.IsData)
&& (node.Parent.Child1.index >= 0 || node.Parent.Child1.IsData))
Insert(node.Parent, array, maxOffset);
#region Utility Method: ShiftRight(HuffTreeNode[], index, maxOffset)
/// Shifts the node at the given index one to the right.
/// If the distance between parent and child becomes too large due to this shift, the parent is shifted as well.
/// The array to shift the node in.
/// The index of the node to shift.
/// The maximum distance between parent and children.
private void ShiftRight(HuffTreeNode[] array, int idx, int maxOffset)
HuffTreeNode node = array[idx];
if (array[idx + 1] != null)
ShiftRight(array, idx + 1, maxOffset);
if (node.Parent.index > 0 && node.index - maxOffset + 1 > node.Parent.index)
ShiftRight(array, node.Parent.index, maxOffset);
if (node != array[idx])
return; // already done indirectly.
array[idx + 1] = array[idx];
array[idx] = null;
/// Composite compression format representing both Huffman compression schemes.
public class HuffmanAny : CompositeFormat
/// Creates a new instance of the general Huffman compression format.
public HuffmanAny()
: base(new Huffman4(), new Huffman8()) { }
/// Gets a short string identifying this compression format.
public override string ShortFormatString
get { return "Huffman"; }
/// Gets a short description of this compression format.
public override string Description
get { return "Either the Huffman-4 or Huffman-8 format."; }
/// Gets if this format supports compression. Always returns true.
public override bool SupportsCompression
get { return true; }
/// Gets the value that must be given on the command line in order to compress using this format.
public override string CompressionFlag
get { return "huff"; }