#!/usr/bin/env bash # Generates your own Certificate Authority for development. # This script should be executed just once. set -e if [ -f "ca.crt" ] || [ -f "ca.key" ]; then echo -e "\e[41mCertificate Authority files already exist!\e[49m" echo echo -e "You only need a single CA even if you need to create multiple certificates." echo -e "This way, you only ever have to import the certificate in your browser once." echo echo -e "If you want to restart from scratch, delete the \e[93mca.crt\e[39m and \e[93mca.key\e[39m files." exit fi # Generate private key openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048 # Generate root certificate openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -subj "/C=US/O=_Development CA/CN=Development certificates" -key ca.key -sha256 -days 3650 -out ca.crt echo -e "\e[42mSuccess!\e[49m" echo echo "The following files have been written:" echo -e " - \e[93mca.crt\e[39m is the public certificate that should be imported in your browser" echo -e " - \e[93mca.key\e[39m is the private key that will be used by \e[93mcreate-certificate.sh\e[39m" echo echo "Next steps:" echo -e " - Import \e[93mca.crt\e[39m in your browser" echo -e " - run \e[93mcreate-certificate.sh example.com\e[39m"