## MORE WORLD GEN MOD ## A world generator mod for minecraft made by ted80. forum thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1070207-162-forge-better-world-generation-4-v117/ ## Installation ## Client: 1. Backup your worlds! 2. Install the recommended version of Minecraft Forge. 3. Place the jar file into your .minecraft/mod folder. 4. Start Minecraft and create a new world. 5. Select the bwg4 worldtype. 6. Click on the customize button. 7. Select a generatortype you like. 8. Click on done. 9. Click on create new world. Server: 1. Install the client version. (see above) 2. Install the recommended version of Minecraft Forge on your server. 3. Place the jar file into your YourServerFolder/mod folder. 4. Start Minecraft(client) and create a new world. 5. Select the bwg4 worldtype. 6. Click on the customize button. 7. Select a generatortype you like. 8. Click on "Copy generator-settings to Clipboard". 9. Open the server.properties file. 10. Set level-type to "BWG4". 11. Paste the generator settings at "generator-settings=". 12. Start your server. ## CHANGELOG ## Version 1.2.1 '11-5-2014' - Updated to minecraft 1.7.10 Version 1.2.0g '11-5-2014' - Added French and Russian translation - Temporarily multiplayer fix - Fixed sky world generator crash Version 1.2.0f '05-5-2014' - Re-added biomes 'o plenty support - Added planetoids hell dimension Version 1.2.0e '04-5-2014' - Added Planetoids generator - Fixed diamonds not generating on skylands - Added new translations (Germany, hungary) Version 1.2.0d '04-5-2014' - Added localization (https://github.com/BetterWorldGeneration/BetterWorldGeneration4/tree/master/assets/BWG4/lang) Version 1.2.0c '03-5-2014' - Fixed sky world generator crash - Fixed end portal not generating on survival skyland Version 1.2.0b '03-5-2014' - Re-added config file - Fixed gold ore not generating in beta - Fixed a biome id bug - Fixed snow generating on water - Fixed pine trees and snow on survival skyland - Added credits text when selecting skyblock generator Version 1.2.0a '03-5-2014' - Updated to minecraft 1.7 - Added Survival Cave generator - Added alpha 1.1.0 generator - Added Cave World generator - Added Size option to Survival island and skyblock - Added new generator menu - Added size and layer option to indev - Changed Survival Island paradise theme - Changed dungeon loot - Less biome ids :) - Temporarily disabled better default generator Version 1.1.9 '21-9-2013' - Updated to minecraft 1.6.4 - Fixed BigTrees compatibility Version 1.1.8 '12-8-2013' - Added highlands support - Fixed Sky dimension crash - Fixed ocelot spawning Version 1.1.7 '5-8-2013' - Fixed beta generator error - Fixed exploding beds Version 1.1.6 '3-8-2013' - Added new Survival island theme - Tweaked indev generator - Fixed survival island sandstone bug - Fixed BigTrees compatibility Version 1.1.5 '31-7-2013' - Added new indev type - Changed survival island generator - Fixed beta and alpha spawn points - Disabled river option again - Added biome borders to Biome o' plenty and extrabiomexl biomes Version 1.1.4 '30-7-2013' - Added new trees to rainforest biome - Added trees to grassland biome - Fixed slime spawning - Tweaked shrubland biome - Tweaked swamp trees - Tweaked pines biome - Tweaked taiga biome - Tweaked plains biome - Disabled river option - Removed shrublandhill biome - Removed skyblock extended type Version 1.1.3 '20-7-2013' - Fixed server join error - Rivers can now be turned off Version 1.1.2 '18-7-2013' - Fixed packet error Version 1.1.1 '9-7-2013' - Updated to minecraft 1.6.2 Version 1.1.0 '3-7-2013' - Added ExtraBiomesXL support - Added Biomes O' Plenty support Version 1.0.9 '3-7-2013' - Added horse spawning in all worldtypes - Fixed biomes not working after changing biome ids - More clay in better default worlds - Added underground clay spawning to sky dimension Version 1.0.8 '3-7-2013' - Updated to minecraft 1.6.1 - Fixed exploding beds in Survival Island and Skyland worlds - Fixed wierd biome colors in Infdev and indev worlds - Fixed clay not generating in beta worlds - Fixed mineshafts not generating in beta, alpha and infde Version 1.0.7 '25-5-2013' - Modloader/Vanilla is not supported anymore - Changed worldtype names - Changed dungeon loot - Added config file - Added new generator menu - Fixed bug in beta and alpha generator - Fixed ore spawning in sky dimension Version 1.0.6b '08-5-2013' - (forge)Fixed white fog in nether Version 1.0.6 '03-5-2013' - Updated to minecraft 1.5.2 - (forge)Update to forge - Added new skyblock theme - Disabled cave dimension because of lighting crashes Version 1.0.5 '30-4-2013' - (forge)More compatibilityness - Added vines and glowstone to cave dimension version 1.0.4 '20-4-2013' - (forge)Update to forge - (forge)Added api - Removed gold gen - Started working on re-adding cave dimension - (forge)Fixed themes not working version 1.0.3 '07-4-2013' - (forge)More compatibilityness Version 1.0.2 '04-4-2013' - Fixed BoP crash - Added better default biomes to spawn biomes list Version 1.0.1B '23-3-2013' - (forge)Fixed themes not working Version 1.0.1 '23-3-2013' - Updated to minecraft 1.5.1 - Changed dungeons loot - Added forge version ( Version 1.0.0 '17-3-2013' - Fixed betterdefault loading bug - Removed lilypads from jungle islands - Added new skyblock option - Changed regionpack system - Updated SMP version - Added FORGE version Version 0.9.9 '16-3-2013' - Fixed betterdefault generator bug - Fixed empty generator string error - Fixed weird rectangular tunnels caused by dungeons - Added biome borders to betterdefault - Added villages to gold and betterdefault - Added witch huts, desert pyramids and jungle temples to betterdefault - Fixed sand rivers on betterdefault - Added slimes to the swampland biome on betterdefault - Changed biome heights on betterdefault - Now compatible with the Biosphere mod - Fixed ugly beaches on betterdefault - Beaches and dunes cannot spawn next to cold biomes anymore - Changed biome colors on betterdefault - Increased amount of islands on betterdefault Version 0.9.8 '13-3-2013' - Updated to minecraft 1.5 - Some small changes to the create world gui - Fixed treelayers - Added nether Quartz to all hell world generators Version 0.9.7 '10-3-2013' - Increased Regionpack size - Changed cloud height in gold - Changed Biomepack size - Fixed desert oasis - Changed water and sky colors in gold Version 0.9.6 '03-3-2013' - Added IceOcean, IcePlains and IceForest biome to gold - Renamed coldhills to snowpines - Changed Snowpine biomes Version 0.9.5 '03-3-2013' - Fixed grass in beachdunes biome Version 0.9.4 '03-3-2013' - Added beach and dunes biome to better default - Fixed tropicalsea and extremejungle borders - Fixed rivers in rainforest biomes - Fixed better default ocean bug Version 0.9.3 '03-3-2013' - Added ocean biomes to better default - Fixed missing deco on survival skyland - Changed survival skyland dungeon loot - Fixed survival island strongholds Version 0.9.2 '02-3-2013' - Added clay generation to better default and gold - Added dungeons to survival island Version 0.9.1 '02-3-2013' - Added snow biomes to better default - Changed default, gold and sky dimension dungeon loot - Default biomes option in beta and sky dimension is working again - Fixed indev skylight color bug - Disabled unused buttons in generator menu Version 0.9.0 '02-3-2013' - Added rivers to better default - Added Plains, forest(hills and lakes), pines, taiga and grassland to better default - Changed beta, alpha, indev and infdev dungeon loot Version 0.8.9 '20-2-2013' - Added swampland, jungle and rainforest to better default Version 0.8.8 '20-2-2013' - Added ice sea biome to gold - Added desert, savanna and shrubland to better default Version 0.8.7 '19-2-2013' - Added indev snow theme Version 0.8.6 '19-2-2013' - Added new better default biomes list Version 0.8.5 '18-2-2013' - Fixed trees on survival skyland snow theme - Added Forest biomes to gold - Fixed beach gen Version 0.8.4 '08-2-2013' - added pineforest valleys Version 0.8.4 '08-2-2013' - Re-added pineforests to gold Version 0.8.3 '07-2-2013' - Added Bedrock to survival island Version 0.8.2 '30-1-2013' - Added beaches and dunes to better default Version 0.8.1 '27-1-2013' - Changed biome settings gui - Added swampland trees Version 0.8.0 '26-1-2013' - Changed desertborders - Removed small desertlakes - Added swamplands to gold Version 0.7.9 '20-1-2013' - Changed biome settings gui Version 0.7.8 '19-1-2013' - Added rainforest trees Version 0.7.7 '18-1-2013' - Added rainforest to gold Version 0.7.6 '13-1-2013' - Added savanna trees - Added caves to survival island and survival skyland - Added savannas to gold - Re-Added desert to gold Version 0.7.5 '12-1-2013' - Added Sky Nether to Sky Dimension worldtype - Added NetherBrick sky dungeons Version 0.7.4 '5-1-2013' - Added desert canyons to gold Version 0.7.3 '4-1-2013' - Changed all biome ids! (this will break every world!) - Added Y-Axis Coldness Version 0.7.2 '3-1-2013' - Fixed sky dungeons - Fixed a bug when trying to join a server with a better default worldtype Version 0.7.1 '3-1-2013' - Updated to Minecraft 1.4.7 - Updated server Version 0.7.0 '2-1-2013' - Changed survival skyland default theme - Added survival skyland jungle theme - Added survival skyland ice theme Version 0.6.9 '2-1-2013' - Re-Added Tropical Ocean to gold - Fixed small bug in Alpha generator Version 0.6.8 '1-1-2013' - Re-Added Extreme Jungle to gold - Added Vulcano's Version 0.6.7 '31-12-2012' - Added Skydimension dungeons with end portals Version 0.6.6 '30-12-2012' - Fixed recreate world bug - Fixed bug when recreating a default world - Fixed bug when creating a better default world without using the customize menu Version 0.6.5 '30-12-2012' - Added Customizable Default generator Version 0.6.4 '29-12-2012' - Added Biome Settings gui Version 0.6.3 '28-12-2012' - Fixed survival island and survival skyland spawn points - Added survival island hell theme - Added survival skyblock generator - Updated server Version 0.6.2 '27-12-2012' - Added survival island paradise theme - Fixed treelayer system - Added Palm trees Version 0.6.1 '26-12-2012' - Fixed indev spawn bug - Fixed Survival Island and Survival Skyland generator - Added Survival Skyblock difficulty settings Version 0.6.0 '20-12-2012' - Added Skydimension dungeons Version 0.5.9 '17-12-2012' - Added CaveDimension generator Version 0.5.8 '16-12-2012' - Added Lava and Waterfalls to indev - Added indev spawn house - Fixed indev dirt beaches Version 0.5.7 '16-12-2012' - Added new dungeons to all worldtypes Version 0.5.6 '15-12-2012' - Added indev floating generator - Added indev generator type option - Added new theme system (makes it easier for server owners) - Added bedrock to indev - Fixed generate structures button - Fixed generator menu bug Version 0.5.5 '14-12-2012' - Added indev hell settings - Added indev paradise settings - Added indev woods settings - Added beaches to indev Version 0.5.4 '14-12-2012' - Added indev theme option - Added indev floating option - Added mushrooms to indev Version 0.5.3 '14-12-2012' - Added ores to indev - Fixed yellowflowers Version 0.5.2 '14-12-2012' - Added redflowers and trees to indev Version 0.5.1 '14-12-2012' - Fixed and Added Indev generator Version 0.5.0 '2-12-2012' - Fixed Better LargeBiomes worldtype Version 0.4.9 '1-12-2012' - Fixed taiga hills - Changed jungle and swamp colors - Fixed missing dead bush Version 0.4.8 '1-12-2012' - Added snow borders to better default Version 0.4.7 '1-12-2012' - Added decoration to all Better Default biomes - Added Swamp river, Desert river and frozen river biomes - Added taiga biome without snow to better default - Added better large biomes worldtype Version 0.4.6 '1-12-2012' - Added emeralds to the decorator - Added rare silverfish to the decorator - Added bigmushrooms to the decorator Version 0.4.5 '1-12-2012' - Added more worldgen options - Fixed waterfalls in alpha and infdev Version 0.4.4 '30-11-2012' - Added survival island and survival skyland generator themes - Fixed Infdev snow bug Version 0.4.3 '29-11-2012' - Added Infdev snow generator - Added Bigtrees to infdev Version 0.4.2 '26-11-2012' - SMP is too far behind and will be re-build later - Added new worldgen options - Updated to Minecraft 1.4.5 Version 0.4.1 '17-11-2012' - Added Strongholds to beta, alpha and infdev - Removed Survival Skyblock :( Version 0.4.0 '13-11-2012' - Fixed major bug in BetterDefault Version 0.3.9 '10-11-2012' - Added Main and desert part to survival skyblock Version 0.3.8 '10-11-2012' - Added Glowstone trees - Added Blaze to the Survival nether - Added wild nether ward Version 0.3.7 '10-11-2012' - Added a Survival nether to all survival worldtypes Version 0.3.6 '9-11-2012' - Added X-mas worldtype Version 0.3.5 '8-11-2012' - Added survival Skyblock spawn code Version 0.3.4 '25-10-2012' - Changed cloud height back - Added flatland presets - Updated to minecraft 1.4.2 Version 0.3.3 '24-10-2012' - Added a beta to bwg4 beta converter - Added IceOcean biomes to Gold worldtype - Added SnowyForest biomes to Gold worldtype Version 0.3.2 '24-10-2012' - Fixed snow Version 0.3.2 '23-10-2012' - Added Coldhills biomes to Gold worldtype Version 0.3.1 '23-10-2012' - Added Biome packs and regions system - Added Taiga biomes to Gold worldtype Version 0.3.0 '22-10-2012' - Added Survival chest to survival island - Added Clay to survival island - Changed cloudheight Version 0.2.9 '22-10-2012' - Added Caves to survival island - Added Strongholds to survival island - Fixed survival island spawn point Version 0.2.8 '22-10-2012' - Added water lakes to survival skyland - Added lava lakes to survival skyland - Added dungeons to survival skyland Version 0.2.7 '22-10-2012' - Added mushrooms to the decorator - Added sugarcane to the decorator - Added cactus to the decorator - Added pumpkins to the decorator - Added melons to the decorator - Changed biome color in Survival Skyland - Added more Lava and Water to survival Skyland Version 0.2.6 '21-10-2012' - Fixed ores in sky worlds Version 0.2.5 '21-10-2012' - Added grass to the decorator - Added flowers to the decorator - Added ores to the decorator - Added waterlilys to the decorator - Added deadbush to the decorator - Added caves to the Survival Skyland worldtype Version 0.2.4 '21-10-2012' - Added Survival Cave worldtype - Added Survival Iceland worldtype - Added Survival Desert worldtype - Added Cave Dimension worldtype Version 0.2.3 '21-10-2012' - Added Survival biomes - Added Survival Island worldtype - Added Survival Skyland worldtype Version 0.2.2 '21-10-2012' - Added beaches to better default Version 0.2.1 '21-10-2012' - Added 25 biomes to better default - Added treelayers to the decorator Version 0.2.0 '21-10-2012' - Added a new biome decorator Version 0.1.9 '20-10-2012' - Added biome colors to beta and alpha - Fixed Alpha deserts Version 0.1.8 '9-10-2012' - Fixed layer system Version 0.1.7 '7-10-2012' - Fixed ores in Sky Dimension Version 0.1.6 '7-10-2012' - Added Sky Dimension Version 0.1.5 '6-10-2012' - Removed a part of the layer system due to errors Version 0.1.4 '6-10-2012' - Created a new layer system Version 0.1.3 '3-10-2012' - Added some Gold gen code Version 0.1.2 '30-9-2012' - Added SMP support Version 0.1.1 '30-9-2012' - Added Sugarcane to beta and alpha - Added Pumpkins to beta and alpha - Added cactus to beta and alpha Version 0.1.0 '30-9-2012' - Added Flowers to beta and alpha - Added Grass to beta and alpha - Added DeadBush to beta - Added Mushrooms to beta and alpha Version 0.0.9 '30-9-2012' - Fixed Beta Trees Version 0.0.8 '29-9-2012' - Added ores to alpha and beta - Added Dungeons to alpha and beta - Added clay to alpha and beta Version 0.0.7 '29-9-2012' - Added Beta worldtype - Added Snow to alpha Version 0.0.6 '29-9-2012' - Added Alpha worldtype Version 0.0.5 '29-9-2012' - Added clay, reeds and cacti to infdev - Added infdev biome - Added infdev colors - Fixed infdev water bug Version 0.0.4 '29-9-2012' - Added Decoration to infdev Version 0.0.3 '29-9-2012' - Added Noise generators - Added infdev worldtype - Added Worldprovider files Version 0.0.2 '28-9-2012' - Added Infdev to the worldtypes list Version 0.0.1 '25-9-2012' - Added modloader fix - Added worldtypes list - Added translator fix